13:02:09 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:02:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-irc 13:02:14 meeting: WoT-WG/IG 13:02:23 luca_barbato has joined #wot 13:02:29 Mizushima has joined #wot 13:03:46 ktoumura_ has joined #wot 13:03:57 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizshima, Michael_McCool 13:04:09 chair: Sebastian, Koster, McCool 13:04:18 present+ Ege_Korkan 13:04:32 sebastian has joined #wot 13:04:35 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#7_February_2024 13:04:59 McCool_ has joined #wot 13:05:45 mjk has joined #wot 13:07:28 present+ David_Ezell 13:08:00 dezell has joined #wot 13:08:09 q+ 13:08:23 topic: Agenda 13:08:26 ack k 13:08:32 sk: (shows the agenda) 13:08:36 topic: Minutes Review 13:08:43 present+ David_Ezell 13:08:45 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html Jan-31 13:08:45 sk: We reviewed in chairs call, there were no issues 13:09:22 sk: approved 13:10:18 topic: Quick Updates 13:10:26 mm: I have archived the main page wiki 13:11:00 sk: I was invited to W3C in Europe 13:11:02 i/I have/subtopic: Wiki updates/ 13:11:12 i/invited/subtopic: W3C in Europe/ 13:11:22 ... there is the agenda available. It was yesterday 13:11:27 ... I had a presentation about WoT 13:12:13 i|I was|-> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6e0d77c5-06a4-47c5-a282-b44bdf1d7849/ Agenda| 13:12:19 rrsagent, make log public 13:12:21 ... it was high level 13:12:24 rrsagent, draft miutes 13:12:24 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft miutes', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:12:27 s/rrsagent, draft miutes// 13:12:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:12:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:12:40 q+ 13:13:04 subtopic: Breakout Sessions 13:13:10 sk: Kaz can you give an update 13:13:48 kaz: as you know, W3C organizes in TPAC. We identified that breakouts are very popular. It would be useful to have them during or before the upcoming AC review 13:14:32 ... they will be online only 13:14:45 sk: should we organize, as WoT WG, a breakout sessions 13:14:52 q+ 13:15:02 s/sessions/session?/ 13:15:04 q? 13:15:06 q+ 13:15:09 ack k 13:15:11 q+ 13:15:32 ack m 13:16:41 ek: they are open to all right? 13:16:42 kaz: yes 13:16:50 dape has joined #wot 13:17:06 s/all/all the Members/ 13:17:18 ek: in that case, it would be good to host big topics, like digital twins and get input from others outside of w3c. Or find synergies with other groups, e.g. solid 13:17:24 sk: how should we organize? 13:17:36 ... we can submit until end of february 13:17:49 ... we can get inputs from the wg for another week and then organize 13:18:03 i/how/kaz: yeah, please think about any topics including WoT use cases, possible applications, group collaborations, etc./ 13:18:08 q+ 13:19:34 mm: we can collect them in an issue 13:19:35 ack e 13:19:54 present+ Michael_Lagally 13:19:57 q? 13:20:01 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2024JanMar/0023.html announcement on the Chairs list 13:20:05 mlagally has joined #wot 13:20:55 s/Chairs list/Chairs list (Member-only)/ 13:22:24 sk: (adds a link to the issue) 13:23:17 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/1178 Issue 1178 - Collecting ideas for the W3C Breakout Day 2024 13:23:39 topic: Meetups 13:23:42 subtopic: WoT CG 13:24:04 ek: Feb 25 on Microsopes 13:24:16 ... three more planned 13:24:18 s/25/15/ 13:24:25 subtopic: WoT JP CG 13:24:33 tm: we held a smart city event 13:24:35 i/Feb/scribenick: kaz/ 13:24:45 i/we held/scribenick: Ege/ 13:24:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:24:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:25:22 q+ 13:25:45 ack k 13:26:00 q+ 13:26:51 ack k 13:26:58 kaz: I gave a presentation, similar content to the Nordic CG meeting 13:27:03 q? 13:27:05 q+ 13:27:08 ack k 13:27:53 present+ Daniel_Peintner 13:28:25 mjk_ has joined #wot 13:28:27 present+ Mahda_Noura 13:28:50 subtopic: Other Events 13:29:04 sk: Ege and Cristiano will talk about node-wot in a developer conference 13:29:13 ... Ege will talk in an HiveMQ event 13:29:20 ml: is it online or physical? 13:29:24 ek: online 13:29:34 topic: Cancellations 13:29:53 sk: Chinese new year and holidays in germany. I am not available. Some calls are cancelled 13:30:08 i|Chinese|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Cancellations_and_Schedule_Updates Cancellations| 13:30:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:30:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:30:24 sk: anything but td and marketing are cancelled 13:32:03 q+ 13:32:33 topic: Schedule 13:32:41 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/planning/schedule.md schedule.md 13:32:52 ml: is this for all deliverables? Profile has different dates afaik 13:33:01 sk: we should discuss profile separately 13:33:54 q+ 13:33:58 ack ml 13:35:07 ack k 13:35:23 dezell has joined #wot 13:35:25 q+ 13:35:48 kaz: @@@ 13:36:13 q+ 13:36:28 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1965 13:36:48 s/@@@/We need to ask all the TF leads to think about the updated schedule. Regarding the Profile and Architecture, McCool has sent out a call-for-resolution for TF leads message, and we should wrap up that discussion first./ 13:36:57 q+ 13:38:47 ack e 13:38:48 ack m 13:39:01 topic: Versioning 13:39:20 ek: I have prepared a PR and we will discuss this in the tomorrow's td call 13:39:48 kaz: @@@ 13:40:02 s/kaz: @@@// 13:40:19 mm: discovery will follow TD but we had similar issues as TM Ontology 13:40:20 kaz: @@@ 13:41:00 s/@@@/we need to have some more discussion tomorrow, and then will bring the status back to the main call in two weeks./ 13:41:44 topic: Actionable Roadmap for TD 13:41:57 q+ 13:42:02 ack k 13:42:28 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1176 PR 1176 - First actionable roadmap 13:42:30 q+ 13:42:40 topic: First actionable roadmap for TD 13:43:22 ek: it is a PR that puts the non UC items into an order 13:43:23 q+ 13:43:35 s/topic: First actionable roadmap for TD// 13:43:50 ml: we have requirements about geolocation. When can we incorporate them into the TD spec? 13:43:59 s/topic: Actionable Roadmap for TD/topic: First actionable roadmap for TD/ 13:44:26 mm: we also have a use case about dynamic TDs or not 13:44:33 ml: But where is it in the roadmap 13:44:56 qß 13:44:58 q? 13:45:27 s/qß// 13:45:39 ack ml 13:45:41 ack e 13:45:57 q+ 13:47:25 ack k 13:47:45 kaz: this is a task force report, we should discuss this later 13:48:08 mm: this affects discovery as well, it can be used as a test for the use case process 13:48:23 +1 on mm 13:49:12 ack m 13:49:16 s/we should discuss this later/We should have discussed this as part of the TD TF report. For today, it's just that we can discuss proposals on use case handling, etc., when we get input from TD TF based on this work./ 13:50:00 q+ to talk about marketing 13:50:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:50:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:50:10 topic: TF Reports 13:50:17 subtopic: Scripting API 13:50:53 dp: we will not have a scripting call next week. One topic was relationship to TD TF. 13:51:32 ... other was about data schema. JR found that some affordances do not have the type term so it breaks the algorithm 13:52:43 q? 13:52:55 sk: there is also a semantic api discussion but I will provide a use case 13:53:11 subtopic: Security/Discovery 13:53:28 (suspended) 13:53:34 subtopic: Marketing 13:54:08 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/476 13:55:17 ek: mastodon is working very well 13:55:25 ... also we have a repository template proposal 13:55:33 subtopic: Use Cases 13:55:40 tm: we talked about the template but there are issues 13:55:46 ... we need to discuss those issues 13:56:03 q+ 13:56:17 ack e 13:56:18 Ege, you wanted to talk about marketing 13:56:25 ack m 13:56:28 tm: we will talk about them in two weeks 13:57:13 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/registry-analysis/Readme.md 13:58:15 dezell2 has joined #wot 13:59:12 q+ 13:59:32 ek: in td, we discussed the overall process of use cases etc. 13:59:43 ... also finished the registry analysis, learned a lot as TF 13:59:47 q+ 14:00:00 ... and labeled 200 out of 250 issues whether there is a use case potential 14:00:07 ack dape 14:00:24 mm: bf has expressed but cannot dedicate enough time 14:01:02 i/bf has/subtopic: Profile/ 14:01:17 proposal: Restart the Profiles TF with Luca Barbato as TF Lead. 14:01:23 i|bf has|-> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2024Jan/0002.html Call for Task Leads| 14:01:32 proposal: Restart the Profiles TF immediately with Luca Barbato as TF Lead. 14:01:42 +1 14:02:01 s/enough time/enough time while we have another volunteer, Luca./ 14:02:14 +1 14:03:09 proposal: Restart the Profiles TF immediately with Luca Barbato as TF Lead. 14:03:30 resolution: Restart the Profiles TF immediately with Luca Barbato as TF Lead. 14:04:05 q+ 14:04:13 ack mc 14:04:14 q+ 14:05:09 q- 14:05:09 action: kaz to work with Luca to create a doodle poll 14:05:17 ack k 14:11:16 topic: IG Charter Discussion 14:11:44 mk: small number of things to clean up 14:12:15 ... Ege is not here, may want to discuss relationships.md and how it relates 14:12:24 subtopic: PR #145 14:13:01 https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/145 14:13:22 q? 14:13:39 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/145|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/145 wot-charter-drafts PR 145 - Fixes to charter draft| 14:14:07 mm: is the Marketing TF part of the IG or the WG? 14:15:40 ... wording change makes it a little unclear 14:15:49 mk: similar issue for Use Case TF 14:16:58 q+ 14:17:15 q? 14:17:23 mm: suggest we define this somewhere, maybe at the start of the scope section? 14:18:05 kaz: suggest "through the Marketing Task Force" is too much detail for the summary box anyway 14:18:16 mm: agree, that is simpler 14:18:25 mk: ok, will implement that change 14:18:54 ... (updates PR as suggested) 14:20:22 -> https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/8fad403a9c9be00668d6abaaae1c6b2cfdb25b0d/wot-ig-2023-draft.html HTML Preview 14:20:31 q+ 14:23:12 ack k 14:23:47 mk: looks like "Marketing Task Force" is mentioned later, "as mentioned in scope" 14:24:00 mk: so we do need a sentence to define them 14:24:07 mk: (merges PR) 14:24:21 mk: let's add that sentence now... 14:25:40 mm: I propose the sentence "The work on the use cases and marketing is done in the Use Cases Task Force and Marketing Task Force, respectively." 14:26:22 mm: I propose the sentence "The work on the use cases and management of public appearance will be performed in the Use Cases Task Force and Marketing Task Force, respectively." 14:31:10 mk: make PR - will merge immediately, highlight for discussion 14:31:34 ... https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/146 14:32:20 subtopic: PR #144 14:32:23 s|... https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/146|-> ... https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/146 wot-charter-drafts PR 146 - Define task forces| 14:32:26 mk: this PR just fixes typos 14:32:33 s/#144/(merged)/ 14:32:42 https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/144 14:32:51 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/144|| 14:33:15 i|this PR|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/144 wot-charter-drafts PR 144 - fix: minor typos| 14:33:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:33:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:34:19 mk: seems to be a conflict - older version is the correct one (lower case in middle of sentence) 14:34:23 mk: resolved 14:35:09 mk: other change is obvious typo, suggest merging 14:35:13 ... (merged) 14:35:18 https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/144/ 14:36:16 q+ 14:36:29 ack k 14:36:30 subtopic: Other PRs 14:36:46 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/144/|| 14:36:51 mk: agenda had PRs 91 and 92 but they don't seem to be related to the IG charter 14:37:02 q? 14:37:12 subtopic: Other IG Charter Issue 14:37:32 mk: three issues left labeled with "IG 2023 Charter" 14:37:43 i|three|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22IG+2023+Charter%22 Charter Issues| 14:38:04 mk: Issue #128, update charter history, still needs to be done 14:38:29 ... but #122 and #121 relate to scope and background; these are now complete 14:38:35 i|Issue #128|subtopic: Issue 128| 14:38:56 i|Issue #128|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/issues/128 wot-charter-drafts Issue 128 - IG Charter 2023: Update Charter History| 14:39:03 ... will close, if someone wants further changes they can reopen the issue 14:39:19 i|but|subtopic: Issue 122 and 121| 14:39:19 ... (closes issues #121 and #122) 14:39:25 q+ 14:39:31 mk: kaz, were you going to update the charter history? 14:39:46 kaz: yes, once the draft is ready I can update that section 14:39:50 ack k 14:40:08 s/122 and 121/121 and 122/ 14:40:23 subtopic: Other Issues 14:40:30 mk: figure still needs to be updated 14:40:39 i|but #122 and #121|on the other hand, #121 and #122| 14:41:10 i|relate to|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/issues/121 wot-charter-drafts 121 - IG Charter 2023: Update background| 14:41:18 ... and not just a broken link, the figures needs to be updated 14:41:48 i|relate to|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/issues/122 wot-charter-drafts Issue 122 - IG Charter 2023: Update scope| 14:41:57 rrsagent, draft miutes 14:41:57 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft miutes', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:42:01 s/rrsagent, draft miutes// 14:42:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:42:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:43:23 mm: I think we agreed to make the bottom box say "Other W3C Groups and WoT CGs" 14:43:33 ... the plural in CGs is important 14:45:01 mm: suggest we create an issue for this and agree to execute that change for the draft 14:45:25 ... also suggest we distribute an email calling for a resolution to submit to AC in two weeks. 14:45:39 ... since we have no main call next week 14:45:58 mk: ok, I will do an email, work on that issue 14:46:08 mm: and I assume kaz will do the charter history 14:46:13 q+ 14:46:26 ack k 14:46:45 kaz: we *could* do a resolution by email... 14:47:19 mm: to be fair, do need a final draft and need to give people at least a week to look at it 14:47:35 mk: ok, if we can finish the draft today, that will be Feb 14. 14:48:39 topic: Policy Discussion 14:48:57 mk: let's look at issues and policy 14:52:02 mm: regarding the change to Pr #1128, think we should ask via email if there are any objections to merging, give people a week to comment, same as the IG charter 14:53:15 i|regarding|subtopic: PR 1128| 14:53:30 i|regarding|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1128 PR 1128 - [Policy] Move chair-decision-process.md from "proposals" to "policies"| 14:54:04 mk: let's look at some of the other issues - #1171 14:54:25 i|let's|subtopic: Issue 1171| 14:54:40 i|let's|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/1171 Issue 1171 - [Policy Proposal] Invite Expert Selection Procedure| 14:54:45 q+ 14:55:30 mm: so a few issues here; need to actually be an expert, but also needs to be clear what they are contributing 14:55:42 -> https://www.w3.org/invited-experts/ W3C Invited Expert Policy 14:56:15 mm: start with the W3C basic policy, refine 14:56:33 dlehn has joined #wot 14:56:43 ... need to also consider we get unsolicited (self-)nominations 14:57:50 kaz: personally think the W3C policy itself is clear enough 14:58:53 mahda-noura has joined #wot 14:59:43 mm: I think the "invitation" policy is clear, but we probably need a "nomination" policy 15:00:03 s/enough/enough, but some people misunderstand it and send an application from their side without invitation. So we can think about additional procedure about the review for the IE applications./ 15:00:04 mk: also many public entry points that they can contribute, e.g. in the CG 15:00:14 ... use cases, tutorials, etc. 15:00:41 ... in other cases, maybe they are already contributing e.g. by building implementations 15:01:18 mm: unfortunately building an implementation is not enough to motivate contribution to the specs 15:01:40 mk: need in-kind evidence of contribution 15:02:05 TallTed has joined #wot 15:02:48 dape has joined #wot 15:02:54 [adjourned] 15:03:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:03:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 15:08:49 mjk has left #wot 15:18:30 Mizushima has left #wot 15:25:54 q+ 15:41:24 bkardell_ has joined #wot 15:56:00 ack k 15:56:01 ack d 16:59:16 gkellogg has joined #wot 17:02:10 bigbluehat has joined #wot 18:18:25 Zakim has left #wot 18:33:00 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:18:49 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:42:04 gkellogg has joined #wot 19:58:14 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:23:06 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:33:55 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:06:30 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:29:11 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:54:16 gkellogg has joined #wot 22:57:07 gkellogg has joined #wot