RQTF meeting

07 February 2024


DavidSwallow, janina, jasonjgw
janina, jasonjgw

Meeting minutes

<jasonjgw> chiar: jasonjgw

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.

janina: Conveyed sense of leadership, including COGA, APA, and AG, that our process is actually working.

. Further, COGA will be invited to participate on a forthcoming RQTF call to review our scope creep issue decisions.

Janina notes the invitation for COGA participants to join an RQTF meeting.

Issue 24

Janina: isn't sure about changing the title to "collaboration functionality", but better definitions make sense.

Janina: agrees it is valuable to emphasize the positive potential to enable people with various accessibility requirements to contribute collaboratively. Janina will take this on advisement.

jasonjgw: Notes RTC already addressed in it's on APA Note

Janina will re-read the document to ensure asynchronous content collaboration is properly addressed.

Janina will propose revisions, as needed.

Janina notes there's an inherent lag-time - latency in communication, even though we would still regard it as real-time. We should acknowledge the need to support inherent latency.

Janina: managing rapidly changing content raises issues (e.g., having different collaborators changing discrete parts of a document/content).

raja: ASL could be considered a collaboration support technology

janina: Yes, and it comes with inherent latency which is important to acknowledge

jasonjgw: Notes we've discussed the importance of social aspects, giving enough time for people to comprehend and implement

jasonjgw: We do want to elevate how we can talk positvely about collaborative success

jasonjgw: So, we're essentially accepting this comment even if we don't rename to CFAUR

Janina suggests we characterize it in terms of tools primarily, rather than functionality, as we're trying to influence the software development of environments. We have requirements for this, and we enable the developer community to implement them.

Janina: we acknowledge functionality, especially in referring to the social aspect as not being subsumed by tooling.

Issue 25

janina: It's in there

jasonjgw: Should probably move from Intro to a numbered item, can do

raja: Sometimes captions can look differently in different apps; would be good if we could standardize that some

raja: Spotlighting an individual contributor via standard approaches might be important

jasonjgw: Think I could propose something like this

jasonjgw: Summarizes that we believe we've dealt with this issue, but we will review and see whether we can further elaborate this important point

Issue 26

janina: Believe we've addressed, but phps could say more

Janina: acknowledges the need to make clear where a comment ends (in the user interface). Example: HTML <aside> element.

Janina: notes work of the ADAPT Task Force to define types of content that should be specifically identified but which are not sufficiently so - e.g., the different nomenclature associated with authentication UIs.

Janina: this would support accessibility functionality such as temporarily hiding everything in the UI except the identified item.

Miscellaneous updates and topics.

Captions in Immersive Environs

janina: APA has been forwarded a report from a CG investigating how to do captions in immersive environments


RTC Updates?

Janina: notes an issue of managing real-time text updates in which text is transmitted on a character-by-character basis.

Jason cites RTC Accessibility User Requirements.


<gb> Issue 2931 Update the accessibility section 14 to include RFC 8865 for real-time text in WebRTC data channel (by gunnarhm) [a11y-tracker] [Discuss at next meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: janina

Maybe present: raja

All speakers: janina, jasonjgw, raja

Active on IRC: DavidSwallow, janina, jasonjgw