12:31:44 RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing 12:31:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/06-wot-marketing-irc 12:31:56 meeting: WoT Marketing 12:33:20 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Daniel_Peintner, Luca_Barbato 12:33:28 dape has joined #wot-marketing 12:33:42 Ege has joined #wot-marketing 12:34:35 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Feb_6%2C_2024 12:34:47 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 12:35:05 luca_barbato has joined #wot-marketing 12:35:12 cris_ has joined #wot-marketing 12:35:45 topic: previous minutes 12:35:55 ege: we discussed about mastodon 12:36:09 ege: minutes look good to me 12:36:39 i|we dis|-> https://www.w3.org/2024/01/09-wot-marketing-minutes.html Jan-9| 12:36:44 rrsagent, make log public 12:36:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:36:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/06-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 12:36:56 topic: updates 12:37:12 ege: basically at the end of the call if don't have any topic to add we write a small mastodon post 12:37:20 ... we copy it over to twitter too 12:37:32 topic: PRs 12:37:36 subtopic: 476 12:37:50 https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/326 12:38:02 ege: this is basically what I've seen across readmes 12:38:10 q+ 12:38:34 ... there are some differences 12:39:06 i|326|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/476 PR 476 - Repository readme template| 12:39:10 ... linked and described in issue 476 12:39:17 ack k 12:39:32 ... there is also some instructions from w3c 12:39:36 ... but very generic 12:39:49 ... last week we discussed about how it will look like 12:39:53 ... I worked on this 12:40:02 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/326|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/326 related Issue 326 - Unified Readme across WoT repositories| 12:40:04 12:41:06 ... any comment? 12:41:07 q+ 12:42:33 q+ 12:42:34 ack 12:42:37 ack c 12:42:40 q+ 12:43:00 cris: good looking, but we should explain to the rest of the group why this is important 12:43:21 ege: we can do a PR if they are not doing it 12:43:28 ... we will discuss in the main call 12:43:35 ... and ask for group resolution 12:43:55 dape: own section at the end make sense but I'd like to add section first 12:44:26 ... the ability to move section is important 12:45:19 ... what about instructions about labels? 12:45:32 ... the template should be more flexible 12:45:42 ege: I agree 12:45:45 cris: +1 12:46:06 q? 12:46:09 ack d 12:46:53 kaz: documenting this information is good, but I'm sure if it is good to put that information in the marketing page 12:47:12 ... they might be useful but let's discuss it in the main call 12:47:23 ege: should it be in the wot repository 12:47:41 kaz: currently we are placing it in the wot repo 12:47:57 ege: there is not problem to move this template to wot repository 12:48:18 kaz: great to have the dscription but we have to discuss where to put it 12:48:25 q? 12:48:28 ack k 12:49:01 s/put it/put it with the whole group/ 12:52:54 ege: done for the agenda 12:53:01 ... any other topics? 12:53:26 topic: Mastodon content 12:53:36 s/content/post/ 12:53:47 ege: do you have any idea? 12:54:09 ... any important thing that happened last week? 12:55:01 q+ 12:55:05 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6e0d77c5-06a4-47c5-a282-b44bdf1d7849/ 12:55:08 luca: we can link to Sebastian's presentation during the W3C European event 12:55:52 kaz: was the meeting member only? 12:55:58 ... we need to check 12:56:05 ege: the presentation should be public 12:56:20 ... yes it is 12:56:32 luca: probably was member only 12:56:43 kaz: yes but the information is public 12:57:01 ... I suggest to talk with Coralie before posting 12:57:09 ege: the webpage is public 12:57:12 s/is public/seems to be public/ 12:57:28 q+ 12:57:38 ack k 12:58:38 ege: would encorauge people to became members 12:58:55 kaz: sometimes member meetings are open to outsiders 12:59:57 s/sometimes member meetings are open to outsider/basically member meetings are Member-only like the AC Meeting and TPAC, but sometimes can accept guests as well. so anyway let's check with Coralie./ 13:00:09 cris: can we post about the fact that the event happened without sharing actual content? 13:00:18 luca: maybe it is better to change the subject 13:00:23 ege: correct 13:02:30 kaz: please let me know about the tweet 13:03:08 luca: we can tweet about discovery 13:03:46 ... how can we find out which device are available in our local network? 13:04:41 ... or maybe how many street lamps are reachable in this city? 13:06:32 13:06:38 ege: look to go? 13:06:49 dape: remember twitter 13:07:53 ege: synced with twitter 13:07:58 [adjourned] 15:03:22 Zakim has left #wot-marketing