12:02:17 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 12:02:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-wot-script-irc 12:02:24 meeting: WoT Scripting API 12:02:59 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Jan_Romann 12:03:11 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:05:12 JKRhb has joined #wot-script 12:10:30 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:11:40 scribenick: kaz 12:12:03 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#February_5%2C_2024 12:12:18 topic: Minutes 12:12:25 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/01/29-wot-script-minutes.html Jan-29 12:12:56 ca: have reviewed them 12:13:28 ... any objections? 12:16:07 (some minor problem with the CSS style, etc.) 12:16:17 regrets+ Zoltan 12:16:38 approved 12:16:52 topic: Cancellations 12:17:10 ca: next week, the Scripting API call will be cancelled 12:17:38 topic: Feedback from TD TF 12:17:41 dape has joined #wot-script 12:19:17 ca: joint discussion with the TD TF 12:19:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Await-for-td Issues with wait-for-td label 12:20:23 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:20:36 ... about meta operation work item, etc. 12:21:29 q+ 12:22:02 kaz: think we should clarify the procedure for the joint discussion as well 12:22:19 ... how to continue the collaborative discussion, etc. 12:22:20 ack k 12:22:24 ca: yeah 12:22:33 ... should clarify our goals, etc. 12:22:39 q? 12:22:47 rrsagent, make log public 12:22:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:22:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:23:03 topic: PRs 12:23:20 subtopic: PR 534 12:23:32 https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/534 12:23:50 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/534|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/534 PR 534 - fix(InteractionOutput): don't require schema.type in value function| 12:24:09 jr: discussion over node-wot as well 12:24:30 ... schemas can be more complex 12:24:44 ... multiple different schemas are possible 12:25:15 ... this PR moves one proposal to summarize the discussion so far 12:25:32 ... we need to remove (some of) the type requirements 12:25:41 ... proposing to add constraints 12:26:21 ... adding this suggestion might not make sense for some cases 12:26:26 q+ 12:26:37 ... not sure if we can merge PR now 12:26:38 q+ 12:26:43 ... maybe need some more discussion 12:28:24 q+ 12:28:51 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/JKRhb/wot-scripting-api/pull/534.html#the-check-data-schema-algorithm rendered HTML - 7.2.3 The check data schema algorithm 12:28:59 dp: maybe we can shift the validator 12:29:18 ... the possible downside is valiadation without any library 12:29:36 ... not sure if we want to put any additional requirement 12:29:39 ack dape 12:29:40 ca: good pint 12:29:44 s/ping/point 12:29:55 s/pint/point 12:29:57 ... we're using JSON Schema for two purposes 12:30:18 ... for scripting itself and protocol binding applications 12:30:31 ... put requirements for our logic which is not existing yet 12:31:02 ... what to be done for random bytes? 12:31:17 ... would it be a real requirement? 12:32:20 ... not sure if everything is allowed by TD 12:32:40 q+ 12:32:41 ack c 12:32:41 ... anyway JSONSchema is not a standard 12:34:00 ack k 12:34:04 kaz: agree 12:34:19 ... JSONSchema is only one possible mechanism for validation 12:34:45 ... we should start with our own spec text for Scripting API 12:35:02 ... if we can apply JSONSchema for that purpose luckily, that's fine 12:35:05 ca: agree 12:35:18 ack k 12:35:24 jr: maybe we can't cite JSONSchema 12:35:41 ... but need to define necessary algorithm ourselves 12:36:01 ca: not sure about the expected data mapping here completely 12:36:17 ... e.g., around the second channel data 12:36:26 ... it's not trivial about the mapping 12:36:32 q+ 12:36:37 ... have to look into the detailed use cases 12:36:43 ... tx for your input, Jan 12:36:46 ack jk 12:37:07 dp: we've been already defining some simple form of JSONSchema here 12:37:17 ... we could continue to work on that direction 12:37:25 ... or can also work on one-off definition 12:37:42 ... but for simplicity, reducing the complexity would be better 12:37:58 ... e.g., no need for validation on our own 12:38:25 ... would try to cover them with too strict restriction with JSONSchema 12:38:49 ca: would be kind of compromise for us until we clarify the detail on the mapping payload 12:39:09 ... we should not work on the detail now 12:41:19 ... btw, everything in the table 4 at InteractonAffordance from WoT Thing Description is optional 12:41:38 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#interactionaffordance TD spec ED - InteractionAffordance 12:42:20 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#dataschema TD spec ED - DataSchema 12:42:29 s|-> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#interactionaffordance TD spec ED - InteractionAffordance|| 12:42:35 q? 12:42:38 ack dape 12:43:09 s/at InteractonAffordance/at " DataSchema"/ 12:43:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:43:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:43:50 ca: (adds comments to PR 534) 12:44:24 q| 12:44:27 s/q|// 12:44:28 q+ 12:45:29 ack k 12:45:43 kaz: which vocabulary terms to be handled here? 12:46:49 ca: think we need four of them: @@@ 12:47:20 s/@@@/oneOf, const, enum, @@1/ 12:47:26 q+ 12:47:39 s/@@1/default/ 12:47:55 dp: can put "?" for "default" here? 12:48:05 ca: (put "?" to "default") 12:48:25 ... related to Issue 537 12:48:49 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/537 Issue 537 - Proposal: use TD default values 12:49:26 ca: Jan, can you work on "default" 12:49:33 s/t"/t"?/ 12:49:37 jr: ok 12:49:47 q? 12:50:15 ack k 12:50:33 kaz: it would be nicer to have some brief description for each parameter 12:50:51 ... e.g., in which case for what, we need "enum" 12:50:55 ca: yeah 12:51:09 +1 12:51:17 ... important to describe the use cases 12:51:49 ... maybe need some additional description for that 12:52:52 subtopic: PR 538 12:53:10 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/538 PR 538 - Type definition generator information to readme 12:53:15 dp: typo? 12:53:46 s/typo?/typo causing a merge conflict?/ 12:53:48 ca: ah 12:54:11 dp: can copy the first line 12:54:31 q? 12:54:37 merged 12:54:54 subtopic: PR 543 12:55:10 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/543 PR 543 - fix: respec warnings about anchor/link 12:55:19 dp: simply fixes 12:55:30 s/fixes/fixes about ReSpec issues/ 12:55:58 merged 12:56:16 subtopic: PR 544 12:56:28 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/544 PR 544 - fix: minor capitalization typo 12:56:32 ca: another typo fix 12:58:24 q+ 12:58:47 ack k 12:59:22 kaz: do we want to use "DoS" acronym for the title as well? 12:59:44 ... "DoS" is more popular as a possible risk than "Denial of Service" 12:59:47 ca: ok 12:59:58 ... (adds "(DoS)" to the title too) 13:00:00 merged 13:00:38 [adjourned] 13:00:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:00:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 13:01:15 s/[adjourned]// 13:01:18 topic: Next call 13:01:29 ca: let's continue the discussion next time 13:01:39 ... remember we won't have the call next week on Feb 12 13:01:43 [adjourned] 13:01:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:01:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-wot-script-minutes.html kaz