14:58:38 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 14:58:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-wpwg-irc 14:58:43 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group 14:58:59 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20240201 14:59:17 present+ 14:59:23 present+ Haribalu 15:00:16 present+ Fahad 15:00:20 present+ Sameer 15:00:31 JeanLuc has joined #WPWG 15:00:46 present+ Anthony_Lopreiato 15:00:59 Chair: Nick_Telford-Reed 15:01:04 present+ Stephen 15:01:09 present+ Jean-Luc 15:01:15 present+ Steve_Cole 15:01:22 present+ Tony_England 15:01:27 present+ Anne_Pouillard 15:01:45 present+ Ravi_Shekhar 15:01:49 Anne has joined #wpwg 15:01:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 15:02:04 fahad has joined #wpwg 15:02:05 present+ Tomasz_Blachowicz 15:02:37 present+ Doug_Fisher 15:03:39 present+ David_Benoit 15:03:45 Tony_ has joined #wpwg 15:03:49 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 15:04:20 present+ Bastien_Latge 15:04:32 present+ Praveena 15:04:52 present+ 15:05:21 Topic: Welcome 15:05:55 [Hari, Ravi from PayPal say hi] 15:06:55 [Tony Lopreiato says hi] 15:07:44 NickTR: If you are new to the group, some ways we work (e.g., IRC) are a bit unique 15:08:01 Gerhard has joined #wpwg 15:08:09 praveenas has joined #wpwg 15:08:27 benoit has joined #wpwg 15:08:32 present+ Leo 15:08:42 dougf has joined #wpwg 15:09:05 Nick: No dumb questions. We push for consensus; genuine collaboration effort. 15:09:45 Topic: Chrome response to SPC feedback and prioritization 15:10:47 Stephen: I had hoped today to present some early findings from UX work; that will have to wait for a couple of weeks. But we do have a dedicated UX'er on our team 15:10:56 ...looking at the feedback from Q4 2023 15:11:18 ...at the moment we are focused on some high-level areas: 15:11:19 * UX 15:11:23 * Device binding 15:12:03 ...within UX we heard two large buckets - feedback on UX today and feedback on other use cases 15:12:19 ...for the moment we are starting with the current UX (e.g,. size of card art, issuer icons, fallback flow) 15:12:23 q+ 15:12:32 Bastien has joined #WPWG 15:12:36 SameerT has joined #wpwg 15:12:36 present+ 15:12:38 Steve_C has joined #wpwg 15:12:41 present+ 15:12:58 Leonard__Mastercard_ has joined #wpwg 15:13:28 Ian: In 2 weeks some interesting ideas from Gerhard. 15:13:38 ravi_shekhar has joined #wpwg 15:13:45 Stephen: Some things that we don't expect to happen in the short term -- Native SPC in Android. 15:14:07 quick question: is the "UX person" part of the FIDO alliance UX Working Group? 15:14:08 ...our stance is the same for recurring payments and non-payments use cases. We have not yet seen enough investment in SPC to go there yet. 15:14:22 q? 15:14:24 ack ian 15:14:25 q- 15:14:36 Tony_Lopreiato has joined #wpwg 15:14:45 Stephen: We are still pushing for more native authenticator support (e.g., 3p bit support on Windows) 15:15:12 Stephen: Regarding remote authenticators and hybrid, it's an area of interest but not yet strongly working on it...but we do want to continue working on it 15:15:18 q+ 15:15:30 NickTR: Very exciting to have a dedicated UX person 15:17:10 fahad has joined #wpwg 15:17:59 q+ 15:18:08 Ian: If Chromium appears on iOS might SPC be available? 15:18:11 ack ian 15:18:30 q- 15:18:30 q+ 15:18:37 Stephen: No reason not to. I'd be interested hear from people on that. 15:18:59 present+ Kenneth_Diaz 15:20:01 NickTR: I saw a post from Eiji posting about an android functionality to turn passwords into passkeys. could that be used to magically upscale credentials for SPC? 15:20:14 Stephen: I don't think it supports 3p payment but we should look into that. 15:20:48 ack nicktr 15:21:36 q+ 15:21:40 IJ: Is there any news on ACS deployments of SPC 15:21:44 ack Jean 15:22:05 JeanLuc: As far as I know, 3.2.1 certification has started. We might see some activation later in 2024. 15:22:18 Tony_ has joined #wpwg 15:22:18 q+ 15:22:21 ack Sameer 15:22:42 SameerT: +1 to JeanLuc; although that may not mean everyone is offering it yet. 15:23:20 ... is the latest version 15:23:31 q? 15:24:22 Ian: Stephen, what's the latest with 3p create() with WebAuthn? 15:24:57 Stephen: Yes, we've landed it in Canary. Will be in Chrome 123 stable around March. This was possible in SPC and now extends to any WebAuthn creation even without 3p payment bit. 15:25:08 ...there's a new permission policy that mirrors the existing one. 15:25:09 q+ 15:25:45 Stephen: One thing that will affect this group is that at some point we'll migrate the permission policy from SPC spec to the WebAuthn spec; we'll want to deprecate the SPC one in the future. 15:26:01 ...we also throw the wrong type of error in SPC (if you don't have user activation) 15:26:05 issue is here -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/267 15:26:08 ack Ger 15:26:39 Gerhard: In the past we've had challenges with using FIDO in iframe (from EMVCo's perspective). 15:27:00 ...given what Stephen has said, what is the state of EMVCo's recommendation around iframe initiation and permissions? 15:27:06 https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-permissions-policy 15:27:08 q+ 15:27:11 ack SameerT 15:27:16 "This specification defines two policy-controlled features identified by the feature-identifier tokens "publickey-credentials-create" and "publickey-credentials-get". Their default allowlists are both 'self'. [Permissions-Policy]" 15:27:20 SameerT: A query is always welcome. 15:27:32 ...I'll take this back to the WG 15:27:48 ...we'll have to evaluate any spec changes 15:28:02 ...we could already start communicating changes in FAQs and good practices guides. 15:28:02 q? 15:28:03 q? 15:28:31 SameerT: Stephen, how does 3p create() interact with passkey providers where the credential might be a passkey? 15:29:28 Stephen: Regarding syncing of passkeys, there is a new device-binding proposal under discussion. 15:29:48 ...it's clear to the Chrome team that device-binding is an important element for financial services use casejsj. 15:29:54 s/casejsj/cases 15:30:14 q+ 15:31:15 ack me 15:32:33 Ian: Maybe you get device public key through SPC, both to demonstrate value and also to add value other SPC. 15:32:47 Stephen: Probably won't need to do that since we want this more generally. 15:33:09 q+ 15:33:45 ack Gerhard 15:34:20 Gerhard: Let's unpack this. Device-binding can be good for some purposes but also raises privacy issues. 15:34:49 q+ 15:34:55 ...an idea would be to find the right way to create siloed device-bindings (merchant origin/bank pair) 15:35:30 ack smcgruer_[EST] 15:35:37 smcgruer_[EST]: That's an interesting take 15:36:33 ..for a given pair (or chain more broadly) you can do whatever you want. This is the CHIPS proposal; most of our privacy work seems headed in this direction. 15:36:53 ...if you wanted to bind merchant A and bank B you can do that without any UI (with CHIPS) 15:37:26 ...the place where SPC/FIDO/Request Storage access enter is when you want cross-domain state 15:38:10 ...do others agree that pairwise bindings suffice? 15:38:33 Gerhard: We'll take what we can get. The hierarchy will help returning users on the same merchant. 15:38:52 ...but one of my biggest concerns is the question "are there FIDO credentials on this device?" 15:39:08 q+ 15:39:26 Gerhard: the risk signal would definitely help us 15:39:46 ...I'd like to increase the predictability of SPC's availability (and UX) 15:39:48 q? 15:39:49 q? 15:39:50 q+ 15:40:14 ack JeanLuc 15:41:10 Jean-Luc: There are 2 other important aspects. It's important to be able to tie a private key to a device for risk management. 15:41:18 ...and to increase the chances of low friction authentication. 15:41:39 ...DBSC is interesting here as well; with that we can rely on the private key remaining in the OS TPM 15:42:01 ack smcgruer_[EST] 15:42:46 smcgruer_[EST]: TPM is a great improvement. 15:43:16 ...it came as a secure measure for avoiding cookie theft but also provides a great possession factor. 15:44:10 smcgruer_[EST]: We may want to go back to WebAuthn regarding information available silently. 15:44:18 q+ 15:44:18 q+ 15:44:58 ack ian 15:45:55 +1 to RP (in 3p context) checking for it's own or associated credential being available on a device 15:46:16 q+ to ask about feature detection 15:46:25 Ian: I think it would make sense to answer question "Is there a credential associated with my origin on this device?" 15:46:43 smcgruer_[EST]; Maybe. in some cases it may not be obvious to know the answer (due to synching) 15:46:44 q? 15:46:47 ack Gerhard 15:47:29 Gerhard: the fact that WebAuthn came up with discoverable credentials indicates that they consider this important. It might be useful to go to PING to see what they think about this idea. 15:48:01 ...another option is to ask whether SPC could be conditional UI -available 15:48:45 q? 15:48:49 ack nic 15:48:49 nicktr, you wanted to ask about feature detection 15:49:34 nicktr: Given that SPC is currently an extension of PR API and PR API has a feature detection mechanism with canMakePayment(), is there a mechanism therein to allow an appropriately provisioned provider to ask if there's a credential? 15:50:22 smcgruer_[EST]: What does "appropriately provisioned" mean? We have multiple issues filed against canMakePayment() wrt privacy sandbox. 15:51:28 q? 15:52:28 https://www.w3.org/events/happenings/2024/w3c-in-europe-member-meeting/ 15:52:45 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6e0d77c5-06a4-47c5-a282-b44bdf1d7849/ 15:52:45 All issues concerning SPC can be tracked here -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues 15:56:53 Topic: Upcoming W3C European Member Meeting 15:57:11 Ian: Jean-Luc will present on 6 February. Quick question: your sides show fraud going up in Europe (even with SCA) 15:57:21 Jean-Luc: Due to friendly fraud (e.g., due to phishing) 15:57:59 s/friendly fraud/authorised push payment fraud/ 15:58:27 q+ 15:58:57 ack JeanLuc 15:58:58 Ian: Should we be discussing authorised push payment fraud on our agenda? 15:59:17 Jean-Luc: To things could be interesting: UVI and UVM 15:59:48 ...these are WebAuthn extensions 16:00:26 ACTION: Stephen to look into UVM extension and report back on its capabilities and deployment to the WG 16:00:33 Topic: Next meeting 16:00:33 15 February 16:00:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 16:01:24 RRSAGENT, set logs public 16:01:32 TallTed has joined #wpwg 17:59:36 Zakim has left #wpwg