15:59:55 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 16:00:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-irc 16:00:00 present+ 16:00:00 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:00:01 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), pchampin 16:00:39 pchampin has changed the topic to: RDF-star — Semantics TF meeting — 2024-02-01 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/5ecc5c5f-5cd2-410c-b97c-6b13c6b843f1/20240201T110000/#agenda 16:01:25 tl has joined #rdf-star 16:01:25 present+ 16:01:28 Summary link -- https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/blob/main/docs/seeking-consensus-2024-01.html 16:01:32 present+ 16:01:32 present+ 16:01:41 TallTed has joined #rdf-star 16:01:54 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:02:16 present+ 16:02:21 meeting: RDF-star WG biweekly long meeting 16:02:34 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/01/25-rdf-star-minutes.html 16:02:38 enrico has joined #rdf-star 16:02:40 Dominik_T has joined #rdf-star 16:02:42 present+ 16:02:43 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/02/08-rdf-star-minutes.html 16:02:45 present+ 16:02:53 draggett has joined #rdf-star 16:03:02 present+ 16:03:18 present+ 16:03:26 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 16:03:28 present+ 16:03:31 ora has joined #rdf-star 16:03:33 present+ 16:03:38 Souri has joined #rdf-star 16:03:38 present+ 16:03:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:03:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html ktk 16:03:51 present+ 16:04:02 Chair: Ora 16:04:11 Scribe: draggett 16:04:58 Ora welcomes back niklasl who has renewed invited expert status. 16:05:25 https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/blob/main/docs/seeking-consensus-2024-01.html 16:05:47 Adrian invites pchampin to summarise where we are 16:05:52 doerthe has joined #rdf-star 16:06:01 present+ 16:07:16 pchampin: we should be able to straightforwardly adapt the RDF star semantics for all of the proposals 16:07:28 pfps has left #rdf-star 16:07:53 pfps has joined #rdf-star 16:07:59 Topic: Discussion of updated "Seeking consensus" table https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/blob/main/docs/seeking-consensus-2024-01.html 16:08:05 present+ 16:08:08 the most contentious point is the syntax 16:08:12 q? 16:08:24 q+ 16:08:52 pchampin: a simple point: there is a question mark re SPARQL in olaf's email 16:09:01 q+ 16:09:11 q+ 16:09:31 The triple pattern s p o doesn't match edge statements ... 16:09:33 q+ 16:09:43 ack pfps 16:09:51 ack pfps 16:09:57 I think that it is more accurate to say that the semantics is the same except the part for embedded triples. 16:10:09 ack olaf 16:10:17 pfps: the semantics are all the same except in relation to (?) 16:10:40 ack olaf 16:11:08 olaf: the last column in the table is less clear for me 16:11:24 ack gkellogg 16:11:41 ... blah blah blah 16:11:55 q+ 16:12:06 s/... blah blah blah// 16:12:38 q? 16:12:49 gkellogg: talks about updating RDF/XML and pchampin's sugar+ note 16:13:13 ack Souri 16:13:21 ack Souri 16:13:59 Souri: was on vacation last week, so now catching up, RDF triple should be counted separately from named occurrence of triple 16:14:42 q+ 16:15:11 ... , keeping them independent, I like that idea, but the count should be zero 16:15:16 ack AndyS 16:15:31 ack AndyS 16:15:32 q+ 16:15:38 q- 16:15:58 AZ has joined #rdf-star 16:16:02 present+ 16:16:25 s/the most contentious/... the most contentious/ 16:17:09 AndyS: 2 points, 1) RDF/XML has its own well-formedness condition (gives details), 2) about count, it's worth noting that in Olaf's example, there is a real triple, so the numbers in the column might be one more than you think. I would like to know how you go between edges and triples 16:17:15 ack olaf 16:18:07 q+ 16:18:10 olaf: responding to Souri, I concur with AndyS. (provides explanation) 16:18:16 q+ 16:18:51 ... . Souri should be able to respond to AndyS's 2nd point 16:19:00 ack pchampin 16:20:14 Souri: if the data was an annotation, the count of s p o should be 1. For a named occurrence of a triple, in that case SPARQL should see a count of zero 16:20:35 ... . for a regular triple, count should be 1 16:21:24 ... , SPARQL should find the references rather than the triples themselves 16:21:32 q+ 16:21:32 q? 16:21:34 ack Souri 16:21:43 ack tl 16:22:15 tl: we're conflating asserted/unasserted triples. 16:22:20 q? 16:22:25 q+ 16:22:33 ack olaf 16:23:15 olaf: it depends on which case we are talking about, for the 3rd case, first row, expansion to named triple 16:23:52 ... , on the next row, the reference is to a different position, and you see two triples 16:24:12 q+ 16:24:15 ... . For the last column it isn't so clear 16:24:20 ack Souri 16:24:23 the variables in the SPARQL query should probably have different names, like ?x ?y ?z, to differentiate them from :s :p and :o in the example :-/ 16:25:15 q+ 16:25:42 q+ 16:26:24 Souri: if the subject in the query is a named triple, the count should be 1. There is one triple if we don't constrain the variable. 16:27:47 ... RDF today doesn't have the asserted/unasserted distinction. S P O gets asserted, but when you use a name, it isn't asserted. 16:28:22 ack AndyS 16:28:25 ... we can avoid introducing the asserted/unasserted distinction. 16:28:27 One triple is << :e | :s :p :o >> rdf:nameOf :e and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted. 16:29:22 AndyS: I think you're misreading the example. (explains). 16:29:22 ack pchampin 16:29:37 q+ 16:29:52 One triple is rdf:nameOf :e << :e | :s :p :o >> and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted. 16:29:57 pchampin: what is probably confusing is that the query is not being run on the stuff in the previous row 16:30:10 One triple is :e rdf:nameOf << :e | :s :p :o >> and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted. 16:30:15 q+ 16:30:28 First triple is :e rdf:nameOf <<( :s :p :o )>> 16:30:37 q+ to ask for changes to the table, that may bring more clarity 16:30:44 (sorry about the mistypes - only the third example is meant) 16:31:30 +1 to Olaf. 16:31:57 q+ 16:32:12 ack ora 16:32:12 s/One triple is rdf:nameOf :e << :e | :s :p :o >> and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted.// 16:32:14 s/One triple is << :e | :s :p :o >> rdf:nameOf :e and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted.// 16:32:14 s/(sorry about the mistypes - only the third example is meant)// 16:32:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:32:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:32:30 q+ 16:32:51 q+ to ask about bare use of <<>> when it's not allowed as a subject. 16:33:11 ora: one of the challenges is how we can explain things simply to avoid confusion both to ourselves and to others. 16:33:11 Regrets: gtw 16:33:24 s/One triple is :e rdf:nameOf << :e | :s :p :o >> and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted./One triple is :e rdf:nameOf <<( :s :p :o )>> and the second triple is :e :pp :oo . -- :s :p :o is not asserted./ 16:33:54 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:33:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:34:48 ... we are now risk confusing vertices and edges in our explanation. The double chevron is a vertex not an edge. 16:35:16 ... Do we want special interpretation for rdf:namedOccurrenceOf 16:35:16 q+ 16:35:28 ack TallTed 16:35:28 TallTed, you wanted to ask for changes to the table, that may bring more clarity 16:36:25 TallTed: I will tweak the markdown for the table shortly to add another row to improve clarity with SELECT * 16:36:42 q? 16:37:07 +1 to replacing "SELECT ( COUNT(*) ... " by "SELECT * ..." 16:37:07 ..., as well as cleaning up line breaks, code and non-code blocks 16:37:08 ack AndyS 16:37:35 AndyS: are we agreed on the syntax? 16:37:57 ... (for the Turtle syntax) 16:38:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Jan/0095.html* 16:38:20 s|https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Jan/0095.html*| 16:38:22 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Jan/0095.html 16:38:59 pchampin: I believe you are refering to the above emails, right? 16:39:01 AndyS: yes 16:39:55 ack gkellogg 16:39:55 gkellogg, you wanted to ask about bare use of <<>> when it's not allowed as a subject. 16:39:56 Ora: right 16:40:38 q+ 16:40:48 gkellogg: talks about bare use of <<>> when it's not allowed as a subject. 16:40:56 q+ 16:42:43 q+ 16:42:49 ... it makes sense to select over just the term, as the subject. 16:42:51 ack Souri 16:43:53 q+ 16:44:02 Souri: I like giving variables that match S, P and O. (gives details in relation to the table examples). 16:45:02 ack AndyS 16:45:58 AndyS: the new term in the reification, the RDF star syntax is in the chairs starting point email, a named occurrence, which can come in 3 forms. 16:46:52 ack pchampin 16:46:55 ... or as the 4 element form. The RDF star examples continue to work for the subject position. +1 to Ted for adding another row 16:47:18 ack niklasl 16:47:54 In the "reification atom" column, the new term is <<( )>>. RDF-star CG <<>> syntax is reused for a named occurrence subject or object position https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Jan/0095.html . Without bar , a new blank node is used, with bar "|" and now 4 parts, it is the name of the reification. 16:49:09 niklasl: talks about naming, we need to sort that out 16:50:12 q? 16:50:43 niklasl: the main thing is whether or not we should just have reification or also have descriptors. 16:51:34 q+ 16:51:53 ... , these are not named graphs. 16:52:16 ... I'm suggesting using rdf:value. 16:52:36 q+ 16:52:39 ... I see a lot of value in the 3rd column in the table. 16:52:55 q+ 16:53:00 ack olaf 16:53:59 olaf: responding to Souri, refers to first column, 2nd row. This isn't something you can put directly in a Turtle file. 16:54:52 /me *now* i understand how olaf came to those numbers 16:55:22 ora: we don't write vertices by them selves in a Turtle file. 16:55:58 ack AndyS 16:56:40 AndyS: 2 points. The name of a triple is kind of special. Any RDF graph can link a name to an atom. 16:57:28 re: multiple names, they should refer to the same triple (i.e. edge) 16:58:06 ... . Atoms can simplify definition of well-formed n-triples 16:58:07 ack Souri 16:59:27 Souri: reducing the number of triples is very important. Regarding vertices and edges, property graphs are easy to think about: properties on vertices and edges. 17:00:19 ... A triple is an edge that doesn't allow duplicates. 17:01:17 ... you can have multiple named edges, that's fine and helps with authoring. 17:01:30 ack pchampin 17:01:31 scribe: fsasaki 17:01:36 thanks draggett 17:02:24 pa: edge is tricky concept. "e - spo" = name on edge, is not true ... 17:02:32 ... edge is not asserted. 17:02:36 q+ 17:02:56 ... edge is an imaginary edge here. Triples are assertations, edges are potential links / assertations 17:03:01 q+ 17:03:17 q+ 17:03:32 ... naming an edge for future usage to talk about it: agree with that. All proposals make that possible 17:04:09 ack AndyS 17:04:10 q- 17:04:12 ... one can still use the expanded syntax, with more or less syntactic sugar, in all options 17:04:34 Andy: name of triples is just saying "there is name", without anything else 17:04:35 ack Souri 17:04:45 ... better to have this as RDF triple, not a separate concept 17:05:20 souri: syntactic sugar helps to keep amount of storage needed for n-triples dow 17:05:28 s/dow/down/ 17:05:49 ... we reserve a name for an occurence of "spo" 17:06:10 ... as a data creator, I want to keep some obvious names so that others can add annotations 17:06:17 ... that is possible with the "spo" approach 17:06:42 ... with the potential "edge", rdf triple is a special kind of edge. 17:07:12 ... "e spo" is a potential edge. There is no question of its assertation, it is not an rdf triple kind of edge. 17:07:41 q+ 17:07:47 ... we could call it "occurence". I just want to enable: having the name so that others can add annotations 17:08:14 ... want to allow users of RDF to have this mental model that uses the terminology of edges and nodes 17:08:45 ack ora 17:08:52 ... this is very similar to the idea of the third column. This would make it easier to understand RDF for property graph people and general graph people 17:09:04 ora: I am extremely worried 17:09:10 q+ 17:09:17 ... I don't want to explain that we have triples and edges 17:09:36 ... we already have explained that triples encompass edges 17:09:44 .... in property graph there is a structure of vertices and edges 17:09:58 ... in RDF, vertices are like points, they don't exist 17:10:19 ... Souri says "introduce the name so that others can re-use it": peopel can do that all the time 17:10:32 ... you can make a statement so that you can re-use names 17:10:37 q+ 17:10:44 ... I don't see the need to introduce names for things that some day could be edges 17:11:06 q+ 17:11:22 ... without making any statements about them. We already have the practice to use names for statements. Let's try to keep this simple 17:11:30 ... let's go back to thinking of vertices and edges. 17:11:43 ack pchampin 17:11:56 pa: we said that triples are edges in the graph, agree 17:12:12 ... the issue is: until rdf-star, there was a conflation 17:12:24 ... now, we might need to distinguish notions 17:12:36 I have no problem with column-3 way of introducing a name for a triple (actually, an occurrence of a triple or "RDF edge"). We don't have to introduce the idea of "edge". 17:12:45 ... make it explicit, like Andy said, the distinction between edges and triples 17:12:52 ... that is the key we need to clarify 17:13:31 ... Souri's idea of a mental model: for me, realizing that the semantics could be adapted helped me to realize: I have a similar model for all approaches 17:13:45 ... difference is only what we put into the abstract syntax or elsewhere 17:14:11 ... adapting antoine's semantics in the different columns: they have the same interpretation! 17:14:35 ... the only difference is that properties have standard names like "rdf:subject" ... 17:14:59 .... or they do not have specific names, in the triple term solution "spo" are not anymore explicitly named, 17:15:07 ... some semantic extensions can force them to be named 17:15:16 ... in rdfn proposal the name is backed into the syntax 17:15:30 ... differences are important, but they end up the same structure and interpretation 17:15:33 q? 17:15:46 ack gkellogg 17:16:16 greg: triples are members of graphs 17:16:25 ... they are asserted to a particular graph 17:16:35 ... semantics is the meaning of a triple 17:16:50 ... statement is a statement made by a token of an RDF triple 17:17:01 17:17:08 greg: might be confusing to add other things 17:17:18 ... occurence nomenclature is challeging 17:17:28 ... occurence of a triple is not a number of something 17:17:36 ... a triple does not need to be a member of a graph 17:18:23 ... trying to stick to: triples, graphs, trying to avoid the use of terms as occurence 17:18:28 ack Souri 17:18:40 ora: I was not suggesting to add new terminology 17:18:54 souri: "edge" does not have to be included a term 17:19:02 ... developers just think in that way 17:19:15 s/ term/s a term/ 17:19:22 q+ 17:19:28 souri: we need to introduce the ability to use multiple names for a triple 17:19:32 ... so that other people can use it 17:19:39 ... that will allow the multiple edge idea 17:20:17 ... will be nice to have good sugar syntax in n-triple 17:20:35 ack tl 17:20:38 ... I am not insisting on a new term, only discussing a mental model 17:21:07 thomas: +1 to PA, for the seeking consensus table shows that we have a lot of points in common, and PA also pointed out differences I agreed too 17:21:41 ... about what Souri etc. said: a triple appears once, but we may want to speak about it multiple times 17:21:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:21:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 17:22:08 ... asserted vs. unasserted, that gave us the opportunity to speak about unasserted 17:22:39 ... in the CG we said: we want to speak about assertations without asserting them 17:22:45 ... so we need a name for it 17:22:54 ... we had discussion about claim and fact 17:23:04 ... would be sub classes of rdf:statement 17:23:43 ... in the sugar approach, you do not need the type. Could also be type claim or fact. 17:24:11 ... we would provide the opportunity to be more precise 17:24:26 q+ 17:25:05 q+ 17:25:15 { :a | :Ted a :flounder . :a a :fact } ??? 17:25:26 q+ 17:25:27 ack ora 17:25:49 ora: suggest a straw poll 17:26:00 ... what do people favor? 17:26:12 q- 17:26:47 I favour column 2 - sugar+ 17:26:47 sugar 17:26:52 +1 to proposals 3 and 4 17:26:57 3 (reif atom, AZ semantics) 17:26:57 pchampin, AndyS -- I've created a PR on the MD for the table -- https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/pull/110 17:27:01 3 (then in that order 1,2,4) 17:27:03 sugar+ 17:27:06 3 17:27:10 triple-term and sugar+ 17:27:10 3. triple-terms / descriptor 17:27:12 abstain 17:27:20 3, with 2 as my second choice 17:27:22 My current most favoured to least: 3, 1, 2, 4 17:27:53 perhaps 1 17:27:54 q+ to discuss impact of conformance level 17:28:22 ack Souri 17:28:45 (I think 3 unstars to 2 and 4 to 1 (or a mix of 1 and 2)) 17:28:48 souri: rdf 1.2 has to support minimum base, applications decide what to do 17:28:58 ... we need to be able to attach a name to a triple 17:29:06 ... then you can say "it is a claim" 17:29:35 ... applications can have many things, e..g. use a standard vocabulary for that 17:29:37 thomas: agree 17:29:39 +1 17:29:48 q? 17:29:53 ack ktk 17:30:18 q+ 17:30:26 adrian: the triple terms proposal could be called a "native rdf-star" implementation 17:30:53 ... would that be correct? 17:31:01 ack gkellogg 17:31:01 gkellogg, you wanted to discuss impact of conformance level 17:31:10 q+ 17:31:13 gregg: we have some notion of conformance level 17:31:39 ... 2 might be an entailment of 3 17:31:59 ... systems that do not support full performance would output entailed version 17:32:09 ... is also needed for canonicalization 17:32:14 q- 17:32:21 ... thinking of these as pairs might be useful 17:32:46 q+ 17:33:07 ora: like that idea. Do you see 3 as an optimzied version of 2? 17:33:10 gregg: yes 17:33:28 ack AndyS 17:33:38 I don't see 3 as any version, optimized or not, of 2 17:33:50 andy: we discussed translation in CG 17:34:06 ... we could say "the native impl. can be translated into RDF 1.1. graph" 17:34:33 gb has joined #rdf-star 17:34:43 gregg: rdf xml token stuck to wellformedness constraints could be roundtripped 17:34:47 andy: not sure 17:35:07 ... one could have two different graphs with the same base 17:35:15 ... for a standalone rdf xml file that would be possible 17:35:23 pfps, az-RDF-Reification semantics does create a link between 2 and 3 17:35:38 pfps: 3-4 change RDF data model 17:35:41 ... 1-2 do not 17:35:56 ... 3 adds triple terms, a recursive thing 17:36:00 ... 4 adds edges 17:36:09 ora: so triple terms could not be identifers? 17:36:19 pfps: you could, but that then is 2, not 3 17:36:20 q+ 17:36:43 ... the abstract syntax is different, model theory is different 17:37:00 q+ 17:37:24 ack tl 17:37:41 thomas: we need syntactic sugar, also in sparql 17:38:01 ... that is the user facing part 17:38:24 ... the implementation can be done in triple terms, in named graphs, or via standard reification 17:38:49 ... wellformedness gives you guarentee that you can work with optimized implementation 17:38:59 ... the four approaches are different ways to specify this 17:39:15 ... so why do we need to have the term in the abstract syntax, the model 17:39:21 q+ 17:39:23 ack Souri 17:39:26 ... if all is just encoded in the syntax 17:39:40 souri: 3-4 is introducing s.t. different 17:39:51 ... question is: what will go to abstract syntax 17:40:07 ... where do we introduce complexity? 17:40:16 ... at the abstract syntax level we do not need this 17:40:27 ... as long as the surface syntax has this, it will be fine 17:41:04 q+ 17:41:18 ... once you get to lower level, there will be a lot of verbosity 17:41:19 q+ 17:41:33 ack niklasl 17:41:41 ... let's keep the consice syntax as much as possible 17:42:36 niklasl: hard to access recursion from the abstract syntax 17:43:23 ... not sure if it is valuable to be able to encode a recursive silouette of data sets 17:43:28 ack AndyS 17:43:57 andy: rules are recursive, but the output are trees 17:44:30 ack pchampin 17:45:06 +1 to Andy's comment about implications on SPARQL behavior 17:46:14 pa: difference boils down to how much constraints do we want to put into abstract syntax 17:46:27 ... the table explicitly mentions the abstract syntax 17:47:01 ... idea of welformedness is: keep abstract syntax as is 17:47:10 ... have weaker constraints in addition 17:47:15 q+ 17:47:27 ... the more you go the right in the table, the constraints are backed into abstract syntax 17:47:58 q+ 17:48:03 ... in triple terms, it is impossible to remove the triple from the triple term and fits into abstract syntax 17:48:14 ... adding this means: loose some flexibility 17:48:35 s/loose/lose/ 17:48:53 ... but it provides some guarantees that esp. sparql implementers help 17:48:55 q+ to note that a TRIPLE-TERM in the abstract syntax, without rdf:nameOf cannot be expressed in any concrete syntax 17:49:07 ... as we saw in the CG and RDF star implementations 17:49:48 ... the 4th is more change to abstraction than 3 17:49:54 ack ktk 17:49:57 ... that is why I prefer 3 17:50:18 adrian: agree on souri to be concise, that is why I like 3 more than 1 and 2 17:50:29 ... agree with what andy said about sparql 17:50:51 ... with n-triples, I still do not understand what to do, seriailzng it and back 17:50:59 ... we use lists in turtle etc. and it works 17:51:07 ... but you cannot re-build the same structure in turtle 17:51:16 ... this is what worries me with 1 and 2 17:51:25 ... if we do not find that I have an issue 17:51:29 ... lists suck 17:51:41 ... if we can solve that, I am ok 17:52:01 ... we have discussed this several times, but that is the elefant in the room in my view 17:52:07 ack Souri 17:52:14 ... triple terms provide that in a abstract way 17:52:32 souri: 4 is not a stronger change than 3 17:52:39 q+ 17:52:42 q+ 17:52:56 ... "e" is saying: there is one thing for association 17:53:11 ... about conversion: that is very important 17:53:38 ... if we introduce re-ification atom like things 17:53:47 ... what happens if there is a mixture? 17:54:08 ... should s.t. compact never be expanded? 17:54:19 q- 17:54:20 ... we can keep the sparql simpler, otherwise it can be complex 17:54:32 ... let's try to avoid complexity 17:54:33 in simple entailment, I don't expect any "automatic conversion" between the two 17:54:46 ack tl 17:54:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html fsasaki 17:54:55 but AZ demonstrated that this can be achieved via a semantic extension 17:55:04 thomas: never thought about back conversion 17:55:39 ... with the reification based proposal, I only need to change the syntax parser 17:55:54 q? 17:56:06 ack gkellogg 17:56:06 gkellogg, you wanted to note that a TRIPLE-TERM in the abstract syntax, without rdf:nameOf cannot be expressed in any concrete syntax 17:56:10 ... what do we gain if we put the change into abstract syntax? 17:56:55 gregg: concrete syntax is restriced to tokenized version of a claim 17:57:09 ... about lists, we may want to fix them 17:57:17 we would need concrete syntax for "raw" triple-terms/descriptors, if only for N-Triples 17:57:20 ack ora 17:57:42 ora: challenge is: find consensus between 2-3 17:57:50 ... those get a lot of support 17:58:18 ... I could be convinced of 2, although I had thought of 3 17:58:28 ... can continue discussion in semantics call 17:58:38 ... think it is between 2 and 3 17:58:51 ... adjourned, see many of you tomrrow 17:58:58 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:58:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:59:05 my belated straw poll answers -- 2, 3, 1, 4 ... roughly 17:59:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:59:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 17:59:18 olaf has left #rdf-star 18:00:16 present+ 18:00:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:00:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/01-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 18:13:10 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:39:37 pfps has left #rdf-star 18:59:31 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:14:15 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:30:01 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:42:01 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:00:20 Zakim has left #rdf-star 21:58:05 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:01:59 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:24:13 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:42:25 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:09:55 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:31:03 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:53:32 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star