Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

01 February 2024


Addison, Atsushi, Bert, Fuqiao, JcK, Richard
Addison Phillips

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

Action Items

<addison> #70

<gb> Action 70 Create pull request for autocap issue (on aphillips)

<addison> #68

<gb> Action 68 follow up with florian about testing with kindle (on aphillips) due 2024-01-25

addison: PR to HTML, not done yet

<addison> #66

<gb> Action 66 fix base direction vs. paragraph direction in string-meta (on aphillips) due 2024-01-18

addison: PR exist, wanted to talk about what direction to go

<addison> #65

<gb> Action 65 contact Daniel and check the Ethiopic word boundary situation (on r12a) due 2023-12-26

<addison> close #65

<gb> Closed action #65

r12a: did that, continue conversation

<addison> #64

<gb> Action 64 Make list of HTML issues for February 22 call with WHATWG (on aphillips, xfq)

addison: continue to work on this

<addison> #53

<gb> Action 53 come up with a set of information CSS want the i18n group to provide support for generic font families (on frivoal, fantasai) due 2023-11-01

<addison> #43

<gb> Action 43 pull together the list of win/mac/etc apis for setting base direction and/or language (on aphillips) due 2023-09-18

<addison> #33

<gb> Action 33 Close issues marked `close?` or bring to WG for further review (on aphillips)

<addison> #12

<gb> Action 12 Upgrade/edit the explainer to address issues raised by google (on aphillips) due 18 Jul 2023

<addison> #8

<gb> Action 8 Follow up on the status of Canvas and formatted text (on aphillips) due 18 Jul 2023

<addison> #7

<gb> Action 7 Remind shepherds to tend to their awaiting comment resolutions (Evergreen) (on aphillips, xfq, himorin, r12a, bert-github) due 18 Jul 2023

<addison> #4

<gb> Action 4 Work with respec and bikeshed to provide the character markup template as easy-to-use markup (on r12a) due 27 Jul 2023

Info Share

addison: 1. message format open house, 20 Feb
… 2. contacted by Igalia, on proposal for personalization for i18n

RADAR Review

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/projects/1

addison: two new items

bert: I will take WebNN

addison: bitstring status list, some more pending issues
… but almost bottom of the document

RADAR Review

Pending Issue Review

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Apending

addison: #1823, comment on buggage, marked as tracker, will give a PR

<gb> Issue 1823 [not found]

addison: 1821 is bitstring-status one, and would like to raise

<addison> i18n-activity#1821

<gb> Issue 1821 `credentialSubject.statusMessage` localizable (by aphillips) [pending] [needs-resolution] [t:lang_negotiation] [t:lang_declaration] [t:loc_localization] [s:vc-bitstring-status-list]


<xfq> +1

<addison> w3c/i18n-activity#1820

<gb> Issue 1820 `statusPurpose` type `message` unclear (by aphillips) [pending] [needs-resolution] [s:vc-bitstring-status-list]

addison: will submit this

addison: 1820 is on the same spec

<xfq> +1


<addison> i18n-activity#1819

<gb> Issue 1819 Should dir=auto with no strong characters inherit directionality from parent or be ltr? (by w3cbot) [pending] [tracker] [s:html] [spec-type-issue] [alreq] [hlreq] [Agenda+I18N+WHATWG]

addison: 1819 is HTML one, agenda+ for WHATWG call items

<addison> html#10097

<gb> Issue 10097 [not found]

<addison> whatwg/html#10097

<gb> Issue 10097 Should dir=auto with no strong characters inherit directionality from parent or be ltr? (by dbaron) [i18n-tracker] [i18n-alreq] [i18n-hlreq]

addison: spec have changed to say with strong character, but it breaks something
… reverting could give more control to content authors

r12a: in my comment, complecated issue
… don't know answer, but providing information

addison: my concern is content/context dependent of this issue

addison: need to raise into needs-resolution? or keep?
… agenda for later this month, and have some time for research

<addison> i18n-activity#1818

<gb> Issue 1818 Internationalization Checklist (by w3cbot) [pending] [close?] [tracker] [s:webnn] [self_review]

<addison> i18n-activity#1816

<gb> Issue 1816 [css-text-4] It should be possible to remove spaces while using text-autospace:no-autospace (by w3cbot) [pending] [tracker] [s:css-text] [spec-type-issue] [jlreq] [clreq]

<addison> i18n-activity#1815

<gb> Issue 1815 Discuss i18n-glossary and Infra harmonization (by aphillips) [pending] [Agenda+I18N+WHATWG] [s:infra]

addison: 1816 is CSS, and seems as regular one

r12a: might want to raise to needs-resolution for 1816

r12a: consider a case that with spaces inserted and without spaces inserted within one document, one could want to remove all spaces while no-autospace specified

addison: seems resonable

<addison> i18n-activity#1815

<addison> i18n-activity#1815

addison w3c/i18n-activity#1815 is between i18n-glossary and infra
… one case to be used is some spec does not intend to use infra

<gb> Issue 1815 Discuss i18n-glossary and Infra harmonization (by aphillips) [pending] [Agenda+I18N+WHATWG] [s:infra]

xfq: good if we can have harmonization

<addison> w3c/i18n-activity#1368

<gb> Issue 1368 Consider fully supporting RTL and Bidi URLs (by w3cbot) [pending] [close?] [tracker] [s:urlpattern] [t:resid_misc]

xfq: this has moved from WICG to WHATWG

WG labels

r12a: spoken with PLH on labels in i18n tracking repository

<xfq> Background: whatwg/sg#215

<gb> CLOSED Issue 215 New standard: URLPattern (by sisidovski)

[baggage] Keys don't permit non-ASCII

<addison> w3c/baggage#99 (comment)

<gb> Issue 99 Keys don't permit non-ASCII? (by aphillips) [i18n-needs-resolution]

addison: long ago, we had this one
… asked them several times to support UTF-8
… reply comes at github issue
… they don't want change.
… move forward without change, or keep pushing?

xfq: would want to add note, even if they really don't want to change

addison: see no technical reason for non-changing

addison: three possibility, accept argument, don't accept and throw to transition, not accept argument but not to stop transition

xfq: how about pushing back without stopping transition?

addison: if we want more discussion, happy to arrange call...

String-Meta paragraph direction vs. base direction

addison: will write to issue

<addison> w3c/string-meta#84

addison: a PR opened, 84

addison: we refer 'base direction' for most of places. string-meta has explicit term 'paragraph direction'
… we've created this term, to distinguish string and exteria
… there are much inconsistent use between two

addison: paragraph direction is the term used in Unicode glossary
… base direction is not

<addison> https://unicode.org/glossary/#P

r12a: need to say about string as a whole or not

<addison> https://unicode.org/glossary/#P

<addison> https://w3c.github.io/i18n-glossary/#dfn-base-direction

addison: I'm fine with base direction is used, but needs clarification

addison: will finish this PR, and back to check the final result

Working With Timezones

addison: pushed some changes to there

xfq: will skip next two meetings, back 22

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/acribe+//

Succeeded: s/personal for/personalization for/

Maybe present: r12a, xfq

All speakers: addison, bert, r12a, xfq

Active on IRC: addison, atsushi, r12a, xfq