2024 Annual Conference

Machine Learning, WebGPU and Media Technologies

28-29 May 2024 · Shanghai

Speaker biographies

photo of Francois Daoust

François Daoust (W3C)

François takes part in on-going discussions and developments around the convergence between Web and media, serving both as Entertainment Champion in the Industry team and as Media Specialist in the Strategy team. François is also staff contact for the media-related Media Working Group, Second Screen Working Group and GPU for the Web Working Group. François previously served as staff contact for the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group, the Web and TV Interest Group, the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group and was co-Activity Lead for the Web and TV Activity.

Contact speaker email: fd[at]w3.org | Github

photo of Yang Gu

Yang Gu (Intel)

Yang Gu is responsible for Web Graphics and AI at Intel. Yang holds a Bachelor’s degree from Chu Kochen Honors College and a Master’s degree from Computer Science and Technology College at Zhejiang University in China. He joined Intel in 2004 and has been leading the Web Graphics related research and development since 2011. The efforts include WebGL 1.0 optimization, WebGL 2.0 standard and implementation, WebGPU standard and implementation, TensorFlow.js WebGPU, ONNX Runtime WebGPU and so on, with more than 4,300 patches in upstream. Yang is a badminton enthusiast and served as the chairman of Intel Shanghai Badminton Club for 7 years.

Contact speaker email: yang.gu[at]intel.com

photo of Ningxin Hu

Ningxin Hu (Intel)

Ningxin Hu is a Principal Engineer working at Intel Web Platform Engineering team. He has extensive experience in web platform development and performance optimization. Currently, he is focusing on Machine Learning on the Web domain. He initiated and co-edits the Web Neural Network API (WebNN) specification at the W3C Web Machine Learning Working Group. He also co-owns the Chromium WebNN development with collaborators from Microsoft and Google.

Contact speaker email: ningxin.hu[at]intel.com | Github

photo of Chun Gao

Chun Gao (Shengwang)

Chun Gao is a senior architect at Shengwang, he primarily responsible for the R&D of web engine, web media processing, and RTC technologies. Ghun has been W3C AC Rep since 2019. From 2010 to 2018, he worked at Intel Open Source Technology Center and participated in various open-source operating system projects such as MeeGo, Tizen, Android N Auto, ChromeOS, and AliOS. He also contributed to the development of Web engine projects such as WebKit, Chromium, and Crosswalk project.

photo of Qianwei Xu

Qianwei Xu (Ant Group)

Qianwei Xu leads the Galacean 3D Interactive Engine team in Ant Group. In 2015, he started engaging in the development of mobile WebGL application in Alibaba. He joined Ant Group in 2019 leading their team to conduct the research and development of Galacean 3D engine, and open source the engine on Github in 2021. He is familiar with 3D engine technology and application practices of graphics technology, passionate about Web and graphics, advocating open source spirit.

Contact speaker: GitHub

photo of Lei Zhao

Lei Zhao (China Mobile Migu)

Zhao Lei, the Frontend Development Director at China Mobile Migu, graduated from Jilin University's School of Computer Science and Technology. With over a decade of focus on web development, he is primarily responsible for the research and development of technologies such as video ringtones, digital humans, and cloud rendering. Currently, he is heavily involved in the standardization work of various standard groups, including the W3C MiniApps Working Group, the Media and Entertainment Interest Group, and the Web and Network Interest Group.

Contact speaker email: zhaolei[at]migu.cn | Github

photo of Shuai Liu

Shuai Liu (PICO)

Shuai Liu, joined ByteDance in 2022, is now working for PICO as XRRuntime tech lead, currently, focusing on OpenXR runtime implementation and OpenXR API designing.

He participates in PICO / EXT OpenXR extension developing, PICO XRRuntime standardization, and XRRuntime performance optimization.

Contact speaker email: liushuai.abel[at]bytedance.com

photo of Bean Deng

Bean Deng (bilibili)

Bean Deng, a senior engineer at bilibili with over a decade of experience in the Internet industry, currently serves as the Frontend Lead at bilibili's Creation Center & Bijian Studio. He has been involved in the development of the bilibili Digital Human project from inception, spearheaded the establishment of a comprehensive industrialized workflow. Bean has also developed projects such as the SSML visual editor and the Font2svg special font rendering solution.

Contac speaker: GitHub

photo of Jun Liu

Jun Liu (bilibili)

Jun Liu, senior engineer at bilibili, is currently focusing on front-end engineering, Web audio and video fields. He is the author of WebAV project. For more information, plese see his blog page.

Contact speaker:GitHub


photo of Cheng Chen

Cheng Chen (ByteDance)

Cheng Chen, senior engineer of WebRTC transmission, joined ByteDance in 2019 and has been deeply involved in the construction, polishing, optimization and evolution of VolcEngineRTC from its inception. He is the initiator and co-author of WHEP protocol and the head of R&D of VolcEngine WTN, responsible for standardization of VolcEngineRTC server and optimization of experience on the Web.

Contact speaker email: chencheng.parallelc[at]bytedance.com

photo of Yazhong Liu

Yorkie (Rokid)

Yorkie focuses on the design, development, and promotion of the YodaOS JSAR framework. Former Node.js Collaborator, he previously worked at Taobao and then joined Rokid. He is responsible for open-source projects, committed to various cross-domain applications on the Web and other fields.

Contact speaker: GitHub

photo of Yun Zhou

Yun Zhou (Academy of Broadcasting Science, NRTA)

Yun Zhou, graduated with a Master's degree in Communication and Information Systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2013. She is currently a Senior Engineer at the Academy of Broadcasting Science, National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA). Her work focuses on technical research, standard development, and the promotion of technology applications in the fields of ultra-high-definition television and audio-video coding. As a core member, she has contributed to the development of industry standards such as HDR Vivid and Audio Vivid.

Contact speaker email: zhouyun[at]abs.ac.cn

photo of Yifei Yu

Yifei Yu (ByteDance)

Yifei Yu joined ByteDance in 2021. He is primarily responsible for the architectural design and performance optimization of graphic rendering in cross-platform frameworks, also focusing on Web and front-end technology fields. Since 2022, he has been responsible for the design and implementation of Web frameworks on the XR platform, with practical applications in multiple internal and external businesses.

Contact speaker email: yuyifei.r[at]bytedance.com

photo of Yanjun Wang

Yanjun Wang (bilibili)

Yanjun Wang is a senior engineer at bilibili. She is mainly responsible for the Web video publishing project of bilibili. She has been deeply involved in the construction of audio and video technology and web experience optimization for bilibili video publishing webpage, and has developed various projects such as mkv-demuxer. She is committed to building universal and efficient audio and video parsing capabilities on the web platform, aiming to enhance user experience through technological means.

Contact speaker: GitHub

photo of Nathan Li

Nathan Li (ARM)

Nathan Li, Senior Manager of Developer Ecology at ARM, is currently the Head of Developer Relations for Developer Platforms in China. He has many years of experience in technical development and ecological expansion in specialized areas such as applications, graphics rendering, game engines, computer vision and machine learning.

Contact speaker email: Nathan.Li[at]arm.com

photo of Wu Zhang

Wu Zhang (IIFAA)

Wu Zhang, senior technical expert at IIFAA Alliance, focuses on the innovation and promotion of mobile security technology, and is committed to improve the mobile security ecology. Joined Ant Group in 2018, he has been responsible for promoting IIFAA security ecological construction and security product innovation, participating in the formulation of IIFAA passwordless technology, hardware-level secure camera system and other key technical standards, as well as promoting the widespread implementation of related technologies in key fields such as finance and government affairs.

photo of Kangying Cai

Kangying Cai (Huawei)

Kangying Cai, Ph.D., graduated from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has many years of experience in graphics technology research and standardization. She joined Huawei in 2018 and is currently a senior researcher of graphics standards, mainly responsible for the research and standardization of graphics technologies, including graphics API, 3D asset data format and codec technology. She now leads the team participating in the standardization work of Khronos Vulkan.

Contact speaker email: caikangying[at]huawei.com

photo of Hui Ni

Ni Hui (Tencent)

Ni Hui, a researcher at Tencent Youtu Lab and the author of ncnn, the open source neural network inference library, has experience in using Vulkan to achieve cross-platform accelerated inference and participated in the standardization work related to Khronos Vulkan machine learning.

Contact speaker: GitHub, X, bilibili

photo of Wei Wang

Wei Wang (Zhejiang University)

Wei Wang, senior engineer at Zhejiang University, has been engaged in information accessibility research since 2009, and is now assisting the Director of the Public Benefit Committee at China Computer Federation (CCF). He has participated in multiple projects of the National Science and Technology plans. He focuses on accessibility technologies and has published more than 10 papers on information accessibility at international conferences such as WWW, W4A, CSUN, ICCHP, etc. In 2019, he won the first prize of Zhejiang Science and Technology Progress Award.

Contact speaker: wangwei_eagle at zju dot edu dot cn

photo of Song Xu

Song XU (China Mobile)

Song XU (China Mobile) is leading the technical architecture department in web-based solutions covering AI, cloud computing, UHD audiovisual production in media and gaming sections. As the technical director, he managed the Web and mobile platform for FIFA World Cup/Olympics Games with peak traffic by 200M access per day, and clouding gaming platform by 110M MAU. As the Rights Holding Broadcaster, we deployed the web-based production and distribution platform working with hundreds of media studios.

Song XU is actively engaged in 3GPP, EBU/DVB, ITU, CCSA, AVS standardization and regulation bodies. He s co-chairing WNIG and participating MEIG, Realtime CG of W3C, other regional standardization and regulation bodies. He's one of the famous and active leaders in WebRTC/Web3/IoT/WebXR/Metaverse developer communities in some regions, serving the web vendors, content providers and technology developers with the operator/coordinator role.

Contact speaker: xusong[at]migu.chinamobile.com