13:05:43 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:05:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-irc 13:05:51 meeting: WoT-WG/IG 13:06:00 chair: McCool, Koster 13:06:39 dezell has joined #wot 13:06:49 present+ David_Ezell 13:06:50 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato 13:06:57 present+ Mahda_Noura 13:07:17 matsuda has joined #wot 13:07:19 scribenick: kaz 13:07:55 mjk has joined #wot 13:08:04 topic: Guests, IE 13:08:21 mm: asking the IE applicant about his possible presentation 13:08:26 ... but have not got response yet 13:08:59 topic: Minutes 13:09:02 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/01/24-wot-minutes.html Jan-24 13:10:06 Mizushima has joined #wot 13:11:11 typos fixed 13:11:11 approved 13:11:21 topic: Notices 13:11:23 none 13:11:41 q+ 13:11:50 ack k 13:12:33 mm: could move (some of) the meetups/events to here in the future 13:12:49 topic: Wiki organization 13:13:03 mm: still working on action items and collaborations 13:13:12 topic: Meeting schedule changes 13:13:27 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Holidays_and_Upcoming_Events holidays/events 13:13:44 no additional changes 13:14:08 topic: Publication schedule 13:14:18 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/planning/schedule.md schedule.md 13:14:26 mm: created a PR to update it 13:14:34 ... expecting Sebastian's update also 13:15:33 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1173 wot PR 1173 - Update schedule.md 13:15:55 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/708207f15209f54dcdb5a771681707fc5ec6b468/planning/schedule.md rendered MD 13:16:20 to be updated/maintained 13:16:28 q+ 13:17:12 kaz: we need to keep updating it based on the actual progress 13:17:14 mm: right 13:17:24 topic: Publications 13:17:24 none 13:17:29 topic: Resources 13:17:34 mm: ongoing discussion 13:17:46 ... e.g., on Thursday during the TD slot 2 call 13:17:47 brb 13:17:51 s/brb// 13:18:16 ... unfortunately, can't make it this week (Wed/Thu) or next week (Wed) 13:18:37 q+ 13:18:38 ... could discuss it again on next Wed as part of the WG policy discussion 13:18:42 q- 13:18:43 mlagally has joined #wot 13:18:53 ... or during the TD slot 2 call on Thursday 13:18:59 ek: both slots are fine 13:19:04 zakim, who is on the call? 13:19:04 Present: David_Ezell, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Ege_Korkan, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura 13:19:26 ack k 13:19:36 mm: wondering how much time to be used 13:19:40 ek: 30 mins? 13:20:02 present+ Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:20:23 mm: we need to clarify our policy for resource management too 13:21:14 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#31_January_2024 13:21:20 topic: Meetups 13:21:26 subtopic: WoT CG 13:21:45 ek: had a tutorial 13:22:02 ... updated PR 139 also 13:22:17 ... around the results from the previous meetup 13:22:25 ... slides also 13:22:35 present+ Michael_Lagally 13:22:48 https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/dafab839-0eba-46f2-89b1-634539577b9b/ 13:22:51 ... next meetup on Feb 15 13:23:02 ... about medical equipments 13:23:07 q+ 13:23:11 ack e 13:23:23 ... also will welcome Ben Francis after that 13:23:32 q+ 13:23:41 ... two more planned 13:24:23 ml: which company? 13:24:37 ek: opensource project organized by some university 13:24:49 ack ml 13:25:27 kaz: please think about possible use case description based on those presentations :) 13:25:31 ek: yeah 13:25:40 rrsagent, make log public 13:25:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:25:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:26:13 q? 13:26:14 q? 13:26:16 ack k 13:26:22 q+ ml 13:27:20 ml: btw, I found some problem about the wiki 13:27:55 i/btw/topic: Wiki issue/ 13:28:08 (detail to be clarified) 13:28:22 topic: Meetups - revisited 13:28:34 subtopic: WoT-JP CG 13:28:43 s#wiki#wiki page at: https://www.w3.org/WoT/activities/meetings/# 13:29:03 tm: planning to hold a seminar on "Web-based Smart Cities" on Feb-2 13:29:33 ... also planning to hold another seminar on "WoT Security" on Mar-8 13:29:37 mm: any links? 13:30:21 -> https://wot-jp-cg.connpass.com/event/307891/ Web-based Smart Cities Seminar 13:30:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:30:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:32:15 subtopic: Nordic CG 13:32:18 no updates 13:32:25 subtopic: Others 13:32:44 ek: Global Summit for Node.js on Feb 21 13:32:51 ... also HiveMQ Community Event 13:33:01 s/Event/Event on March 26 13:33:07 s/March/Mar/ 13:33:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:33:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:33:33 dape has joined #wot 13:33:40 ... first one requires participation fee 13:33:46 ... second one is free 13:33:54 ... videos will be available 13:33:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:33:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:34:08 mm: Ege, do you have presentations ready? 13:34:14 ek: not yet 13:34:17 ... thinking about live coding 13:34:41 present+ Daniel_Peintner 13:34:58 topic: Liaisons, Collaborations 13:35:07 mm: moved the content to a sub page 13:35:21 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf/Liaisons Liaisons sub page 13:35:30 mm: need to be updated 13:36:11 ... also could request to review documents, e.g., to IRTF T2TRG 13:36:42 q+ 13:36:47 ack ml 13:36:59 ... should update it 13:38:18 ... Kaz, as the official W3C liaison, you might want to add the link from this wiki page to the W3C official liaison table 13:38:21 kaz: ok 13:39:05 mm: will continue to work on Collaborations section and Actions section to make them separate sub pages 13:39:15 q? 13:40:09 ek: ASHRAE is listed as "Possible" 13:40:14 ... what about BACnet? 13:40:24 q+ 13:40:27 ack e 13:40:42 ... BACnet is a trademark of ASHRAE. right? 13:41:12 mjk: it's just a working group within ASHRAE 13:41:38 mm: (fixes those 2 lines into one: ASHRAE (BACnet) 13:42:12 s/)/))/ 13:42:29 topic: TF reports 13:42:47 mm: some of the TFs are skipped this week 13:42:53 subtopic: Scripting 13:42:59 dp: missed the first part 13:43:13 ... collecting issues to be solved first 13:43:19 ... and discussing how to proceed 13:43:27 subtopic: Marketing 13:43:42 ek: Mastodon is now nicely integrated 13:43:58 ... accessible link based on W3C requirements 13:44:05 ... keep Mastodon account 13:44:27 https://www.w3.org/WoT/ 13:44:45 s/https/-> https/ 13:44:57 s|WoT/|WoT/ WoT Marketing page| 13:45:26 mm: (shows the marketing page including the Mastodon instance) 13:45:34 subtopic: Use Cases 13:45:47 tm: held a call today 13:45:54 ... myself proposed a basic workflow 13:45:59 ... and approved 13:46:17 ... then started concrete discussion 13:46:41 ... create GitHub Issues based on the feedback from the previous call 13:46:59 ... then discussed GitHub Issues, e.g., Functional vs Technical 13:47:07 ... will continue the discussion 13:47:11 subtopic: TD/Binding 13:47:27 ek: identified 150 issues 13:47:49 ... 4-5 people already working on 13:48:03 ... process improvement collaboratively done with the Use Cases T 13:48:07 s/T/TF/ 13:48:12 q+ 13:48:28 kaz: also the discussion around resource management :) 13:48:30 ek: right 13:48:31 ack k 13:48:34 q+ 13:48:42 mm: will continue the discussion next week again 13:48:47 ack ml 13:49:00 ml: what about the Profile TF? 13:49:11 i/what about/subtopic: Profile TF/ 13:49:25 ... getting a volunteer for the moderator 13:49:35 mm: good question 13:49:57 ... ot select a new TF leader means 13:50:00 s/ot/to/ 13:50:22 s/leader means/leader, we should send a call-for-nominations/ 13:50:29 ... and then can accept a volunteer 13:51:00 ... Luca already has volunteered as a moderator 13:51:04 lb: yes 13:51:30 mm: we still open the door to everybody, and should wait for some more responses too 13:51:31 q+ 13:51:50 +1 to that 13:52:14 ml: how to manage the wiki page? 13:52:32 mm: should have separate wiki pages one by one, one for Architecture and another for Profile 13:52:36 q? 13:53:07 ack k 13:53:51 kaz: will we send out a reminder about the Call-for-nomination for Profile TF leader? 13:54:12 mm: will send out a call-for-resolution 13:55:47 ... need to describe that as well within the policy 13:56:07 action: McCool to send out a call-for-resolution for the Profile TF moderator 13:56:18 topic: AOB? 13:56:22 none 13:56:56 Unfortunately I'm not able to attend the next hour 13:57:07 [ break till 5min past the hour ] 13:57:21 s/Unfortunately I'm not able to attend the next hour// 13:57:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:57:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:08:42 q+ 14:09:04 ack k 14:09:34 scribenick: McCool 14:09:41 regrets+ Sebastian 14:10:05 mk: have single PR that addresses outstanding issues in background and scope 14:10:22 ... look at that first, then look at what else needs to be done in the document 14:10:37 ... review and close issues 14:10:44 brb 14:10:59 i/have single/topic: IG Charter/ 14:11:02 s/brb// 14:11:03 topic: PR #147 14:11:07 https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/pull/143 14:11:07 s/147/143/ 14:11:11 s/topic:/subtopic:/ 14:11:34 s/https/-> https/ 14:11:52 s/143/143 PR 143 - Update wot-ig-2023-draft.html/ 14:11:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:11:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:12:23 mk: aligned mission statement with WG charter 14:12:42 q+ 14:14:47 mm: worried that we are not reverting text we discussed before; however, I am ok with the update personally 14:15:02 ... although note that the IG does not do specifications. 14:15:37 ... although ok because it does not reference IG activities, but "the standards" 14:15:39 q+ 14:15:51 ack mc 14:16:07 mk: right, about standards, and just want to align with WG mission 14:16:27 kaz: ok to be aligned, but need to differentiate IG from WG 14:16:38 ... IG is to help WG by doing this and that 14:19:01 mm: maybe add some paragraph breaks? 14:19:12 mk: looks like there should be three paragraphs 14:23:34 q? 14:23:36 ack k 14:24:08 mk: ok - adds two paragraph breaks 14:24:46 -> https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/c0efdec1fa13845a76294336971afa269dcc063d/wot-ig-2023-draft.html GitHub HTML preview for PR 143 14:24:53 mm: looks good to me 14:25:31 q+ 14:25:37 mk: also changed the dates to april to march due to the extension 14:25:45 q? 14:26:14 kaz: no need to worry about dates, will be updated after AC review 14:26:17 ack k 14:26:40 mk: also updated motivation and background 14:27:28 ... to align with WG charter, which also updated past/future tenses, etc. 14:27:42 ... replace some text with that from the WG charter 14:28:00 ... also moved some links 14:28:09 mk: (shows rendered version) 14:28:30 s|https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/c0efdec1fa13845a76294336971afa269dcc063d/wot-ig-2023-draft.html|https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/bb4c24bc5672d81dfcb256bca767ba24cb3821bd/wot-ig-2023-draft.html| 14:28:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:28:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:29:43 mk: also don't reference all docs, just Arch and TD as starting points 14:29:50 mm: for the record, I'm ok with that. 14:30:24 q? 14:30:37 mk: also define use case and requirements as the priority 14:30:40 q+ 14:30:47 mm: agree that is a good priority and good to state 14:32:36 mm: small grammar issue, "between" is not necessary 14:32:41 mk: (fixed) 14:33:35 mk: update on scope section, limited to four points; three main ones 14:34:23 ... support the WG, organize and run test events, and develop use cases and requirements; also oversee marketing TF 14:34:37 i|update|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/0a00e0d0a02263db52e5218f83911ee537dbc423/wot-ig-2023-draft.html updated rendered results 14:34:58 q+ 14:35:04 ack k 14:35:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:35:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:35:36 mk: was wondering about the relationship image - but missing in rendering 14:35:46 mm: need to use github.io to see image... 14:36:34 mk: also removed some text about reaching out and collaborating, since that seems more like a WG thing 14:38:18 i|also|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/images/wot-ig-2019-relationship.png relationship image 2019| 14:38:26 q+ 14:38:52 mm: in the past the IG served an "experimental" role, e.g. part of the plugfest, but we could also do this as part of the UC process 14:39:09 ... better to do that than propose random new features without a motivating use case 14:39:22 q? 14:39:31 ege: two comments 14:39:45 ... first, entry point to standardization; 14:39:57 ... could also see the CG as the entry point 14:40:32 ... e.g. if they want to submit a use case; can keep it as is, but not really what we are doing at the moment 14:40:53 ... in particular, can take use cases from non-members 14:41:22 mk: word entry point is where there is too much overlap 14:41:39 ... but CG is a little further away from "standardization" 14:41:55 ... see CG as an alternative way to participate 14:42:29 ege: still feel someone outside reading will be confused about roles, e.g. submit a use case first, or join the CG first? 14:42:58 ege: second point, IG does not really get topics submitted to it from the WG 14:43:05 ... is this about Marketing? 14:43:32 mk: one example, requirements already exist for TD being routed back; and yes, Marketing is another example 14:43:55 ... we do have joint meetings generally, except for special topics 14:44:47 ... when I say the IG will consider new topics, I mean that kind of interaction. 14:44:58 ... but we could make that more specific or take it out. 14:45:00 q+ 14:45:05 ack ege 14:45:22 mk: maybe put it in a separate relationship section. 14:45:52 mk: anyway, two point: entry points, and topic feedback - both about defining relationship. 14:46:01 ege: second point, some examples would be ok. 14:46:11 q? 14:46:27 kaz: put link for the figure above 14:46:45 ... figure from 2019 - probably needs update as well 14:47:00 ... for example, does not mention CG, only WG and IG 14:47:17 Mizushima has joined #wot 14:48:07 ... could add CGs under "Other W3C Groups" 14:48:30 mk: there are multiple CGs however 14:49:15 kaz: my original suggestion was putting CGs explicitly here, but feel we should wrap up with the simpler option, under "other" 14:49:33 ... but would still be good to clarify relationships 14:50:03 mk: we could certainly clarify relationships in the docs 14:50:14 ... but need more time to think about it 14:50:36 q? 14:50:45 mk: prefer to put CGs explicitly in the diagram 14:51:04 kaz: clarifying relationships is most important 14:51:06 ack k 14:51:56 s/important/important, and we can remove the sentence about "entry point"./ 14:52:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:52:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:52:29 q? 14:52:31 ack mc 14:52:48 mm: agree we can remove entry point; suggest use of plural "WoT CGs" since we have more than one 14:53:11 ... suggest keeping diagram simple, just put "including WoT CGs" in the "Other" box 14:54:06 mk: and say something simple about the WoT CG relationships 14:54:29 kaz: that's my suggestion as well 14:54:35 i/that's/scribenick: kaz/ 14:54:39 scribenick: McCool 14:54:41 mk: ok, deleting "entry point" line 14:54:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:54:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:54:53 mm: need to do some repair, remove "In particular, " 14:56:04 mk: will also put back in the opening sentence from the old text 14:56:14 mk: now need to add a sentence about the WoT CG 14:57:53 mm: How about "The WoT IG will work with the WoT CG to capture new use case and requirements." 14:58:44 q+ 14:58:45 q+ 14:59:39 ege: in relationship documents, there is also outreach 14:59:52 ... the IG can link to resources from other groups 15:00:22 mm: "Plugfests, testing, and outreach." 15:00:23 ege: sure 15:00:27 ack e 15:01:06 ack k 15:01:09 kaz: also, make it plural... 15:01:38 s/plural.../plural to include WoT-JP CG as well :)/ 15:01:39 mk: ok shall we merge 15:02:15 mm: think we should... 15:02:19 mk: (merge) 15:02:34 q+ 15:02:43 ... people should review the new version, make comments, hopefully we should have a resolution in the next main call 15:02:50 ack k 15:02:51 kaz: also need to update figure 15:03:00 mk: I will update the figure also 15:03:50 mk: adjourn 15:03:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:03:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/31-wot-minutes.html kaz 17:03:22 TallTed has joined #wot 17:16:40 bkardell_ has joined #wot 17:28:12 Zakim has left #wot