12:03:10 RRSAgent has joined #wot-uc 12:03:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/24-wot-uc-irc 12:03:23 meeting: WoT Use Cases 12:04:00 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Ege_Korkan, Michael_McCool, Kunihiko_Toumura, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster 12:05:01 scribenick: kaz 12:05:01 Ege has joined #wot-uc 12:05:34 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_UseCase_WebConf#January_24th.2C_2024 12:05:39 topic: Minutes 12:05:54 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-minutes.html Jan-17 12:06:27 tm: (goes through the minutes) 12:07:07 approved 12:07:35 topic: Process 12:07:58 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/Process.md Process.md 12:08:21 tm: have updated the Process.md based on the discussion during the previous call 12:09:00 ... regarding "who to provide input" 12:09:12 ... any volunteer proposers are welcome 12:09:30 ... not only WoT IG but also WoT WG, WoT CG, WoT-JP CG, ... 12:09:51 .. also would like to think about the updated template for the use case desription 12:10:02 s/desription/description/ 12:10:11 q+ 12:10:14 present+ Mahda_Noura 12:11:05 luca_barbato has joined #wot-uc 12:12:03 mm: there are several GitHub issues like Ege's also 12:12:23 kaz: would suggest you go through your updated Process proposal based on the previous discussion quickly 12:12:28 would like to suggest we look at proposal from ege/toumura regarding user stories before we dive into the template, may need multiple templates 12:12:32 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/257#issuecomment-1907308039 12:12:39 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/261 12:12:40 ... then go through the GH issues including Ege's 12:13:02 ... then talk about possible updated template after that 12:13:17 q+ 12:13:40 ack k 12:13:41 cris_ has joined #wot-uc 12:14:49 @@@ kaz to move McCool's point here 12:15:26 present+ Luca_Barbato, Cristiano_Aguzzi 12:17:29 subtopic: Process update 12:23:14 tm: have update the description on Process.md based on the discussion during the previous call 12:23:20 ... for each phase 12:24:16 q+ 12:24:32 q+ 12:24:48 ack e 12:26:15 ack k 12:26:45 ek: will start with use case template or gap analysis? 12:27:14 kaz: should start with the updates on use cases, requirements and gap analysis on Process.md at high level first 12:27:39 ... then GitHub issues around gap analysis next 12:27:57 subtopic: Use Case Definition updates 12:28:21 q+ 12:28:26 tm: added some description on possible use case template 12:28:49 ... based on the discussion during the last call 12:29:31 qq+ 12:30:00 ack k 12:30:00 kaz, you wanted to react to kaz 12:30:33 ... also added some description about determining the use cases 12:31:24 ... should evaluate if the proposed use case is typical/atomic 12:31:43 ... then categorize duplicated use cases into one 12:31:58 mm: agree post-process is important 12:32:22 ... we should also think about how to extract information from the use case description 12:32:22 q+ 12:32:55 ... we should extract user story as well 12:33:03 ack m 12:33:08 q+ 12:35:01 what I said: felt overall idea of assigning someone to shepherd the process for each use case is good 12:35:19 ... but expanding template for use case itself has not been productive in the past 12:35:23 ack k 12:35:37 kaz: agree 12:35:40 ... I think we should focus on process of how to extract requirements from use cases, which tend to be generic 12:35:48 s/kaz: agree// 12:35:49 kaz: agree 12:36:01 ... and he's also trying to do so 12:36:11 ... so let's ask him to skim the whole story first 12:36:13 q+ 12:36:42 ca: do we always create a use case? 12:36:53 ... or sometimes some simple story? 12:36:55 q+ 12:37:01 ack c 12:37:13 mm: user story should be the starting point 12:37:26 ... e.g., I need this capability as a user 12:37:59 ... motivating the use case 12:38:10 ack m 12:38:25 ... captures stakeholder's need 12:39:01 q+ 12:39:24 ack k 12:39:50 mm: sometimes could allow to start with missing features 12:40:03 ... not only top-down but also bottom-up approach 12:40:14 +1 to mm and ca 12:40:18 1+ plus if we consider that we a good amount of cases of this bottom up approach from already existing issues 12:40:19 q+ 12:40:22 ack m 12:40:24 ack m 12:41:42 kaz: can understand the need 12:41:53 ... but we could start with the top-down flow first 12:42:03 ... and then think about bottom-up flow later 12:42:19 ... I think Mizushima-san's point is defining what to be clarified during which phase 12:42:25 ... regardless the direction 12:42:30 tm: right 12:42:48 ... we should be able to handle the bottom-up approach as well 12:43:14 ... but anyway we need to clarify stakeholders' needs at the use case phase 12:43:33 ... so would start with the use case phase 12:43:55 q+ 12:43:57 ... and requirements extraction based on the use case descriptions 12:43:58 ack k 12:44:18 ek: would get one clarification 12:44:41 ... CG participants can't issue a Pullrequest directly 12:44:52 ... how can they provide ideas then? 12:44:57 q+ 12:44:58 ack e 12:45:10 tm: several methods, I think 12:45:58 ... note that it's not really good for them to just submit proposals 12:46:12 ... we need further help from them about later phases as well 12:48:01 kaz: we can accept inputs from non-Member CG participants as well 12:48:22 ... UCR document is an IG deliverable and we don't care about the W3C Patent Policy for that 12:48:43 ... we already handle inputs fromn non-Members using the Markdown template 12:49:01 ... then include the HTML version into the UCR document later 12:49:11 tm: right 12:49:23 ... we need to let them know how to make contributions 12:50:20 ... then the WoT IG's Use Cases TF need to evaluate their proposals and then include them into the UCR document as HTML 12:50:26 q? 12:50:28 q- 12:50:30 q+ 12:50:48 kaz: the Process.md should describe that flow as well 12:51:27 ack k 12:51:37 rrsagent, make log public 12:51:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:51:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/24-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:51:52 topic: Gap analysis 12:52:01 tm: got several issues from Ege 12:52:12 q+ 12:52:46 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/258 Issue 258 - [Process] Not proceeding to feature definition if there is no gap 12:53:14 mm: we need a document on the current features 12:53:31 ... agree we should not accept proposals which are already covered 12:54:10 ... btw, I think user stories are good way to see the gaps also 12:54:28 ... see issue 261 also 12:54:41 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/261 Issue 261 - Thoughts from the TD Use Case Discussions 12:54:42 q+ 12:56:22 ack m 12:56:23 ack k 12:56:39 kaz: partly agree but we need to define "gap analysis" a bit more 12:56:56 q+ 12:56:59 ... use story is important but it's already required for the use case definition phase as the starting point 12:57:49 ... my understanding on what Mizushima-san meant by "gap analysis" is evaluating if the requirements extracted from the use cases are already covered by the existing WoT standards or not 12:58:03 ... but we still need to clarify what we mean by "gap analysis" 12:58:23 mm: I meant requirements by "user story" here 12:58:29 q+ 12:58:33 ack m 12:58:55 ek: last week some discussion on use cases 12:59:01 ... outreach and standardization 12:59:14 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/257 12:59:18 ... need some discussion around concrete information 12:59:46 q| 12:59:49 q_ 12:59:51 q+ 12:59:55 ack e 13:00:39 s/q|// 13:00:42 s/q_// 13:01:52 time check: 1 past, time to move to main call 13:01:54 ack k 13:02:17 mm: how to proceed? 13:02:40 ... can Mizushma-san provide some Issues/PRs for us to give comments? 13:03:10 kaz: we're still at a brainstorming phase 13:03:28 ... so we should rather listen to Mizushima-san's update first 13:03:38 ... then give our opinions after that 13:04:02 ... when we get a bit more stable proposal, we can start to use GitHub Issues/PRs as usual 13:04:07 [adjourned] 13:04:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:04:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/24-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 13:13:41 +1 for a policy doc 13:20:04 cris_ has left #wot-uc 13:56:26 ktoumura has left #wot-uc 15:06:29 Zakim has left #wot-uc 15:44:08 mahda-noura has joined #wot-uc