15:01:11 RRSAgent has joined #ag 15:01:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/23-ag-irc 15:01:15 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:01:16 Meeting: AGWG Teleconference 15:01:19 chair: Chuck 15:01:25 meeting: AGWG-2024-01-23 15:02:05 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:02:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/23-ag-minutes.html cwadams 15:02:13 GreggVan has joined #ag 15:02:13 jeanne has joined #ag 15:02:13 agenda+ Decision about Publication Approach to WCAG 3 15:02:23 agenda+ WCAG 2 Issue Resolution 15:03:22 regrets: Sarah Horton, Bruce Bailey, Azlan Cuttilan 15:09:52 regrets+ Ben Tillyer 15:55:23 JakeAbma has joined #ag 15:56:27 laura has joined #ag 15:56:28 ToddL has joined #ag 15:56:35 dj has joined #ag 15:56:40 present+ 15:57:28 rscano__ has joined #ag 15:57:30 present+ Laura_Carlson 15:59:24 shadi has joined #ag 15:59:29 present+ 15:59:41 ShawnT has joined #ag 15:59:47 scribe: dj 15:59:53 present+ 15:59:54 present+ 16:00:07 JustineP has joined #ag 16:00:15 bruce_bailey_ has joined #ag 16:00:34 Wilco has joined #ag 16:00:36 present+ 16:00:40 mike_beganyi has joined #ag 16:00:43 present+ 16:00:45 ashleyfirth has joined #ag 16:00:59 Francis_Storr has joined #ag 16:01:01 wendyreid has joined #ag 16:01:04 present+ 16:01:12 present+ 16:01:18 julierawe has joined #ag 16:01:21 DanielHE has joined #ag 16:01:23 present+ 16:01:24 present+ 16:01:26 present+ 16:01:28 Jennie has joined #ag 16:01:30 present+ 16:01:51 Frankie has joined #ag 16:01:59 present+ Frankie Wolf 16:02:00 Bri has joined #ag 16:02:09 present+ 16:02:12 present+ 16:02:34 chuck: introductions? 16:02:46 mbgower has joined #ag 16:02:48 present+ 16:03:00 AWK has joined #ag 16:03:02 dan_bjorge has joined #ag 16:03:07 present+ 16:03:12 +AWK 16:03:12 ... future agenda items/topics to add to future list? 16:03:23 zakim, take up item 1 16:03:23 agendum 1 -- Decision about Publication Approach to WCAG 3 -- taken up [from cwadams] 16:03:35 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/33*discussioncomment-8173714__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!KjoKIuyp9QYUCLKSgiIlX6-q9kCOKPSq2xE9dGXHdW6Ayx0JNTdGEQ17abLAX5gq7dGIQFhUmSjdQTXsPONnFXH2hA$ 16:03:47 kirkwood has joined #ag 16:03:49 For the minutes: https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/33#discussioncomment-8173714 16:03:55 corey_h has joined #ag 16:04:03 s/chuck/cwadams 16:04:26 present+ 16:04:27 cwadams: options regarding once-yearly release of wcag 3 in github discussion 16:04:36 ... really good discussion there 16:05:00 ... questions' phrasing might have introduced bias; this process is new to us too 16:05:15 Jen_G has joined #ag 16:05:17 present+ 16:05:20 Present+ 16:05:21 Glenda has joined #ag 16:05:24 ... we'll be running polls in this meeting to try to correct that 16:05:42 jeanne_e_c has joined #ag 16:05:44 ... points: 16:05:48 tburtin has joined #ag 16:05:55 present+ 16:05:56 present+ 16:05:57 ... we can't assume legislators can adopt without working with them 16:05:57 present+ JakeAbma 16:06:06 ... legislators might prefer single relase 16:06:17 ... waiting too long 16:06:29 ... needs of regulators vs implementers 16:06:38 Jaunita_George has joined #ag 16:06:39 q+ 16:06:40 MelanieP has joined #ag 16:06:42 present+ 16:06:45 q+ 16:06:46 ack ala 16:06:46 present+ 16:07:01 present+ 16:07:02 jon_avila has joined #ag 16:07:39 alastairc: project plan says 4 years, this question came from "should we have something before then" 16:07:56 ack Rach 16:08:10 Poornima has joined #ag 16:08:17 Rachael: we know conversation was hard to follow for many people 16:08:22 present+ 16:08:24 ... we're working on addressing that 16:08:27 Graham has joined #ag 16:08:30 present+ 16:08:31 ... you can also use github via email 16:08:56 cwadams: anyone who made a point we missed in the summary? 16:09:31 ... poll time 16:09:39 ... this question was already in github 16:09:39 q+ 16:09:41 present+jon_avila 16:09:57 ... if we don't get consensus, then our current approach is the standing decision 16:10:01 scotto has joined #ag 16:10:03 present+ 16:10:11 Wilco: what's considered consensus in this scenario? 16:10:17 present+ 16:10:58 q+ 16:11:03 q- 16:11:21 cwadams: hopefully a significant majority 16:11:23 q- 16:11:30 ... chairs were discussing this before 16:11:34 q+ 16:11:40 ack Gregg 16:11:40 ... not sure if that answered your question 16:11:45 Wilco: yes thank you 16:12:06 GreggVan: full consensus means everyone can accept it as a compromise 16:12:15 ... broad consensus means you mostly get that 16:12:19 q+ 16:12:26 ... majority is only 1 more than half, which is a problem 16:12:28 There is a binary decision here (the starting point), but I hope we can get to acceptance with some refinement of the option(s) 16:12:36 Consensus is not a vote. Consensus indicates that a substantial number of individuals in the group support a proposal. The exact number of working group participants supporting a Call for Consensus and any objections are not the only factors in the decision. Although significant support from the active membership is always desirable, consensus means working through objections until they are resolved either through amending the decision or in 16:12:36 rare cases overriding the objection as laid out in Managing Dissent. Objections must have a clear rationale based on the technical merit or with reference to the agreed scope of the work. Moving on usually means a careful approach is taken. For example, not adding something to the documentation. 16:12:40 ... chairs can call a question if it goes for to long 16:12:44 AG decision policy https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/decision-policy 16:13:03 ... is this written down somewhere [see Rachael's message above] 16:13:11 ack Rach 16:13:51 Should WCAG 3 1) continue building on WCAG 3 Outcomes OR 2) switch to starting from WCAG 2.2 16:13:54 cwadams: first poll question: 16:14:01 ... "should WCAG 3: 16:14:11 ... "1. continue on WCAG 3 16:14:18 ... "2. switch to 2.2" 16:14:20 1 16:14:22 2 16:14:22 1 16:14:24 2 16:14:24 1 16:14:24 1 16:14:26 ... standing decision is option 1 16:14:27 1 16:14:27 2 16:14:28 1 16:14:29 1 16:14:31 1 16:14:31 1 16:14:31 1 16:14:34 1 16:14:35 1 16:14:36 1 16:14:36 1 16:14:37 1 16:14:37 1 WCAG 3 16:14:39 1 16:14:40 1 16:14:40 1 16:14:40 1 16:14:42 1 16:14:51 1 16:15:00 1 16:15:12 rscano has joined #ag 16:15:24 1 or 2, there's benefits and drawbacks to each 16:15:28 q+ 16:15:28 q+ 16:15:31 cwadams: not a trivial question, so individuals supporting option 2 can voice their reasons now 16:15:31 q+ 16:15:32 22 for 1 and 2 for 2 16:15:33 q+ 16:15:33 ack Wilco 16:15:38 0, I can work with either 16:15:48 0 16:16:09 Wilco: complete switch to WCAG 3 is tremendous value destruction 16:16:11 q+ 16:16:19 ... new structure isn't proven yet 16:16:24 q+ 16:16:44 ... transitioning to new structure will also take much more time and money than nessicary 16:17:12 ... WCAG 2 isn't all bad; there are areas which need to be updated, but much of it is fine 16:17:13 q+ Scott 16:17:13 ack dan 16:17:22 q- Scott 16:17:23 Is this question about using the WCAG 2.x _structure_ or using WCAG 2.x as the starting point, including the SC? 16:17:39 dan_bjorge: authors and implementors 16:17:58 ... often look at WCAG because of legal requirements 16:17:58 AWK, about using WCAG 2.x as the starting point (not just the concepts of WCAG 2.x but the actual document) 16:17:58 AWK - starting with WCAG 2.x, then trying to update it to get to the improvements we've been aiming for in WCAG 3 16:18:11 ... with new versions, authors need to adhere to multiple versions at once 16:18:36 q+ 16:18:43 ... incremental updates are much easier for that than completely separate versions 16:19:00 q+ to rebut, particularly around structure updates. 16:19:05 ack jau 16:19:08 @rachael and @alastairc - and as the question of backward compatibility would be answered next? 16:19:09 ... "absolutely incredible amount of busy work" 16:19:11 q+ 16:19:21 Jaunita_George: length of time 16:19:37 ... will new standards be obsolete by the time we publish them 16:20:08 ... apple's google glass just came out 16:20:21 ack scott 16:20:21 ... will new standards tackle new technology in a timely manner? 16:20:23 q+ to talk about the years of research behind the decision to create WCAG3. 16:20:39 scotto: i wasn't sure what we were voting for 16:21:11 ... process behind each option wasn't clear so i didn't know which way i wanted to vote 16:21:27 ack cwadams 16:21:29 ... in current poll 16:21:50 q+ to answer scott's question 16:21:50 Scott, did you see this, and open the comments underneath? https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/33#discussioncomment-8173714 16:22:10 cwadams: question to people with concerns: 16:22:27 ... can you tolerate this, or would you strongly and formally object? 16:22:28 ack Jake 16:23:21 q+ to talk about future retrospectives 16:23:47 JakeAbma: we must be able to address people's issue before the projected date 16:24:00 +1 to what Jake is saying. 16:24:08 ... we need an in between for WCAG 2 and 3 16:24:31 ... we should have started this 8 years ago 16:24:39 ack wendy 16:24:39 ... now it's too late, so we need an in between 16:24:49 (scribe note): so far everyone who voted 2 agrees with what Wilco said 16:25:21 wendyreid: confused by idea that moving to WCAG 3 is destroying WCAG 2 16:25:52 ... no one here wants to completely throw out WCAG 2 --- there's so much good stuff in there 16:26:03 ... but its model can't fit everything we want to 16:26:26 ... there is a way to do this without loosing what we've already done 16:26:31 ... lot of gaps 16:26:41 ... lot of things content authors need which don't currently exist 16:27:05 +1 to the delay caused by the back and forth 16:27:07 ack ala 16:27:07 alastairc, you wanted to rebut, particularly around structure updates. 16:27:22 +1 to Wendy's comments 16:28:04 alastairc: we started in october 16:28:15 GN015 has joined #ag 16:28:21 ... if you look at the project state in the project plan 4 years from now, 16:28:41 ... i think it would take us longer to do that incrementally than to keep everything in draft 16:29:03 ack gregg 16:29:25 GreggVan: WCAG 3 started in 1998 when we were working on WCAG 1 16:29:34 ... because they're they same issues we were trying to address then 16:29:57 ... the structure of WCAG 2 doesn't allow us to bring forward the things which aren't strictly testable 16:30:32 ... if there's just some things we want to tweak about 2.x, then do that 16:30:41 q+ re change in who follows WCAG 2 16:30:46 ... if we want to address the things we couldn't in 2.x, then we need a new structure 16:30:46 q+ 16:30:51 q+ 16:30:55 ... 3 will still cover the 2.x content 16:31:27 ... we need to focus on what the new structure can bring in 16:31:34 q+ 16:31:37 ack Jeanne 16:31:37 jeanne, you wanted to talk about the years of research behind the decision to create WCAG3. 16:31:38 ... 2.x stuff will come in as outcomes 16:31:52 jeanne: brief history for new people: 16:32:02 ... first 2 years of what became WCAG 3 was research 16:32:21 ... partnered with academics and industry to research the structure of WCAG 2 16:32:52 ... to say "WCAG 2 is good enough" is insufficient because we have independent research 16:32:58 ... i can give links if you'd like 16:33:05 q+ to say I'd like to see if we can get agreement on the strategy, first, and then talk about tactics 16:33:15 q+ 16:33:35 ... there was a lot of work done well before it came to this group 16:33:45 ... i don't want to see that work thrown away 16:34:02 ack Rach 16:34:02 Rachael, you wanted to answer scott's question 16:34:04 ... it feels like this conversation is starting over 16:34:22 Rachael: scott: we started with a bunch of options, 16:34:27 Silverr Research Archive -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Silver_Research_Archive 16:34:37 ack cwadams 16:34:37 cwadams, you wanted to talk about future retrospectives 16:34:39 ... but this question felt too fundamental to address quickly 16:35:26 cwadams: we want to develop and review, not speculate 16:35:47 ack Jennie 16:35:47 Jennie, you wanted to discuss change in who follows WCAG 2 16:35:54 ... for those uncomfortable with any decision, be aware there's time built into schedule to address retrospectives 16:36:21 Detlev has joined #ag 16:36:32 Jennie: audience of people following and implementing wcag has significantly changed since WCAG 1 16:36:44 ... old structure doesn't work for now broader audience 16:36:48 ack Glenda 16:37:28 Glenda: short term, it's still important to fix 2.x 16:37:30 q+ to clarify the prior decision 16:37:46 ... long term, reserve 3.0 for when we're ready to redesign structure 16:38:12 ... and why don't we add Digital Accessibility Authoring Practice Guide right now 16:38:16 present+ 16:38:17 ... living document 16:38:21 ... like ARIA 16:38:27 q+ on 'fixing' wcag 2.x, and whether we can introduce new things into that structure 16:38:27 ... informs 2.x and 3.0 16:38:31 ack mgbgower 16:38:55 Introduce new considerations that can be used and adopted in the shortest period of time. 16:39:01 mbgower: a lot of what we're talking about right now is tactics 16:39:12 ... it'd be good to also talk about strategy 16:39:24 q- 16:39:59 ack mb 16:39:59 mbgower, you wanted to say I'd like to see if we can get agreement on the strategy, first, and then talk about tactics 16:39:59 ... a lot of stuff seems like tactical debates around the same thing 16:40:03 ljoakley has joined #ag 16:40:04 ack wilco 16:40:08 ... we need to agree around overall goal first 16:40:12 present+ 16:40:21 Wilco: i'm not married to 2.x structure 16:41:17 ... how do we minimize cost and efforts required of organizations when not starting from 2.x? 16:41:38 ... how do we keep pace with tech changes 16:41:39 q+ 16:41:52 q+ to say that the proposed structure is designed to address tech change 16:41:59 ... how can we predict what web will be like when we finally get recommendations out 16:42:09 zakim, close queue 16:42:09 ok, cwadams, the speaker queue is closed 16:42:42 ack dj 16:43:07 dj: Regarding Jeanne's comment about research. It's important that we talk about it when we discuss. 16:43:18 s/not starting from 2.x/need to conform to both major versions/ 16:43:29 q+ 16:43:35 dj: I haven't seen that, and wasn't aware of that. Maybe review the research and see what it is to inform our decisions. 16:43:48 ack me 16:43:48 alastairc, you wanted to comment on 'fixing' wcag 2.x, and whether we can introduce new things into that structure 16:43:48 ack ala 16:44:07 alastairc: in response to Glenda and Michael 16:44:10 That's ok. As someone new, I agree with DJ and would love the chance to read the research and then comment on the discussion. 16:44:50 ... for example, VR module could be in WCAG 3 as guidance without a conformance modle 16:44:56 s/modle/model 16:45:08 ... re: Wilco's question 16:45:20 can I clarify Alastair? 16:45:21 ... i don't think organizations would have to conform to both at the same time 16:46:03 Sure Alastair, I think new modules is a tactic that can meet the goal I suggested. I'm not sure we have agreement on the goal. 16:46:05 Wilco: legislators in US/Japan could be on 2.x, Egypt could be on 3.0 16:46:16 ... so organizations would need to conform to both 16:46:34 q+ 16:46:53 q+ to talk about adoption in Europe 16:46:56 THis is not a new question. We were on WCAG 1 and WCAG 2 for a decade. 16:46:57 ack Rach 16:46:57 Rachael, you wanted to say that the proposed structure is designed to address tech change 16:47:05 alastairc: by publishing guidance early, we could focus on some pressing things first 16:47:20 Rachael: WCAG 3 structure was design to focus on logical change 16:47:43 ... its outcome-centered structure can better address issues than 2.x 16:47:53 ... such as focus visible 16:48:20 ... clarifiaction: standing decision was that if there was enough interest in taking on 2.x then we could do that, 16:48:25 ... but there wasn't enough interest 16:48:54 ... so we decided the way of managing the overlap should be a detailed mapping document to clarify mutual coverage between versions 16:49:07 Draft RESOLUTION: Continue building on redesign effort (Silver, Outcomes, etc) as the way to create WCAG 3 16:49:18 cwadams: 0 for tolerate 16:49:22 ... +1 for support 16:49:22 1 16:49:24 1 16:49:24 +1 16:49:24 +1 16:49:25 1 16:49:25 +1 16:49:26 1 16:49:26 1 16:49:26 0 16:49:26 +1 16:49:26 +1 16:49:27 1 16:49:29 1 16:49:29 +1 16:49:30 1 16:49:31 +1 16:49:31 1 16:49:32 -1 16:49:36 +1 16:49:37 ... -1 for don't support 16:49:37 -1 16:49:38 0 16:49:39 0 16:49:40 1 16:49:41 0 16:49:41 1 16:49:47 +1 16:49:48 0 16:49:50 +1 16:49:50 1 16:49:51 0 16:49:53 1 16:49:58 0 16:50:01 +1 16:50:11 0 16:50:12 0 16:50:13 0 16:50:36 RESOLUTION: Continue building on redesign effort (Silver, Outcomes, etc) as the way to create WCAG 3 16:50:48 Should we publish to final rec track using 1) time boxed approach 2) modules or 3) as an entire document 16:51:00 Rachael: there are objections 16:51:08 RESOLUTION: Continue building on redesign effort (Silver, Outcomes, etc) as the way to create WCAG 3 (with objections) 16:51:18 ... please email chairs with details of technical concerns with your objections 16:51:23 zakim, open queue 16:51:23 ok, cwadams, the speaker queue is open 16:51:32 I think they were: 1. How to minimise the cost and effort of conforming to 2 versions, and How to keep pace with the technological changes. 16:51:33 ... so we can address them when we go through with this approach 16:51:33 q+ 16:51:39 ack Jennie 16:52:02 Jennie: is there a significant increase in number of 0s between this vote and previous? 16:52:17 cwadams: +1s increased 16:52:22 ... 0s increased 16:52:24 0 was "tolerate" 16:52:25 We didn't have a zero option the first time... 16:52:49 Thank you for clarifying 16:52:49 ... also more attendance this time 16:53:03 Should we publish to final rec track using 1) time boxed approach 2) modules or 3) as an entire document 16:53:33 q+ 16:53:44 ... adding something that wasn't in github conversation 16:53:49 ack Rach 16:53:54 ... option 3 is wait until it's all complete 16:53:59 Rachael: that was the original support 16:54:25 Should we publish to final rec track using 1) time boxed approach 2) modules or 3) as an entire document, 0) unsure 16:54:26 ... we brought it back for discussion because of concerns brought up about the first two, so we didn't want to remove it 16:54:32 q+ 16:54:37 ack dj 16:54:42 3 16:54:48 dj: Can we vote for 2 approaches at once? 16:55:17 3 as preference, with 2 if possible, and 1 as drafts... 16:55:20 2 16:55:21 q+ 16:55:24 3, 2 16:55:25 2 16:55:25 0 I have read the thread but I am unable to tell what is best, sorry 16:55:29 ack Wilco 16:55:46 2/1 16:56:03 0 16:56:04 2 16:56:11 0 I have read the thread several times and need more information / definitions to tell which is best. 16:56:13 2 16:56:13 2 16:56:15 2 16:56:24 2 16:56:26 q+ 16:56:31 2, 1, 3 16:56:33 2 , 3 , 1 16:56:34 s/\//, 16:56:36 ack ala 16:56:52 2/3/1 16:56:56 alastairc: by default before this question we were going to do option 3 16:57:25 ...none of the above? want to avoid separate documents, but would prefer objective-based approached to time-boxed or all-at-end 16:57:54 ... other option was time-boxed output 16:58:02 0 16:58:05 ... publishing whatever was ready at given time 16:58:16 2 16:58:17 0; What Dan said 16:58:25 2 16:58:27 2,3 16:58:31 2 16:58:38 cwadams: 2s are majority so far 16:58:50 ... i see some individuals using 0 as "none of the above" 16:58:53 q+ 16:58:56 2 16:58:58 ack dan 16:59:10 q+ to scribe change 16:59:19 The differences seem academic. Even modules are whole documents. Modules can be time-boxed also. 16:59:31 dan_bjorge: from my understanding, modules imply separate documents 16:59:44 +1 to AWK 16:59:50 ... and time boxed isn't objective-based 16:59:58 ... i'd like objective-boxed 17:00:00 q? 17:00:02 Dan +1 17:00:04 Dan +1 17:00:10 +1 to adding a milestone based option. 17:00:15 +1 17:00:17 +1 dan 17:00:24 q+ 17:00:27 +1 17:00:35 +1 17:00:41 Rachael: new poll with Dan's approach? 17:00:42 ack cwa 17:00:42 cwadams, you wanted to scribe change 17:00:43 This was based on the question: How do we get guidance out faster? 17:00:43 Modules would be topical guidance (e.g. guidelines for VR, or an updated keyboard & pointer guidance). 17:00:43 Time boxing was more applicable to starting from WCAG 2.x, but would be for the itterative approach. 17:00:51 time-boxed modules :) 17:00:56 +1 17:01:03 s/Rachael/cwadams: Rachael 17:01:17 Scribe List https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Scribe_List 17:01:29 Alina_V has joined #ag 17:01:49 I'll scribe 17:01:54 scribe: Poornima 17:02:05 sure :) 17:02:05 s/'ll scribe// 17:02:51 Gregg: excellent document of COGA area.. here's the best guidance we have.. put a +1 on that thought 17:02:53 q+ 17:03:07 ack Gregg 17:03:31 q+ to propose a different approach 17:03:33 .. on the Rectrack: am not sure I understand the purpose, maybe we should publish the drafts regularly 17:03:38 +1 to publishing regular drafts 17:03:41 +1 to what Gregg is saying about “COGA Usable” and the concept of a non-versioned living document called “Digital Accessibility Authoring Practice Guide” <<< not a legal requirement but SUPER helpful. 17:03:44 s/sure :)// 17:04:05 q+ 17:04:08 but not as a requirements or publishing formal documents as first 17:04:22 ..until it is complete, no one is going to adapt it 17:04:37 +1 to publishing regular drafts 17:04:59 ... it's gonna be big haul until it is complete, put modules 3 and 2 both into it.. 17:04:59 ack cwadams 17:05:50 chuck: this is one of the valuable decisions, find this as one of the easiest decisions in modules 17:05:57 ack ala 17:05:57 alastairc, you wanted to propose a different approach 17:06:00 .. acknowledging to Andrew and Gregg 17:07:19 Alaistair: iterative/time-boxed approach was more to the WCAG terms.. turning back to the original que, to put a time aside for the packaging module say keyboard and input, do we put time to packaging 17:07:49 ack wendy 17:08:32 q+ to ask Alistair if we repoll on 2 options? 17:08:43 q+ to comment on publishing as Notes and potential consequences 17:08:57 wendy: we are maybe getting little bit hung up on the publishing, update the main document every time, if we are thinking the recommendation process, update wcag rectrack drafts 17:09:17 Could do, options: Do we put in effort to publish stand-alone modules of guidance before the final WCAG 3 is published? +1 / -1 / 0 17:09:35 ack cwadams 17:09:35 cwadams, you wanted to ask Alistair if we repoll on 2 options? 17:09:39 .. instead of waiting for 10 modules to complete, the modular approach can be more doable and work.. 17:09:43 ack kevin 17:09:43 kevin, you wanted to comment on publishing as Notes and potential consequences 17:10:27 Kevin: if someone wants to write notes in rectrack, that could be problem in tracking 17:10:53 proposed RESOLUTION: Put in effort to publish stand-alone modules of guidance before the final WCAG 3 is published (+1 / -1 / 0) 17:10:57 Use the CSS model 17:11:08 q+ 17:11:20 .. you could create modules in rectrack , say module for accesible VR 17:11:23 +1 to stand-alone modules (REC track) 17:11:36 ack Wilco 17:12:02 +1 to wilco's point. already feeling like i shouldn't be voting right now 17:12:08 wilco: I'm little reluctant to go for this like on the poll, the rectrack to conform modal and guidance, as there is a good difference 17:12:20 q+ 17:12:24 q+ 17:12:28 ack Rach 17:12:31 .. don't know we could say yes or no to the modules 17:12:43 q- 17:12:47 Rachel: curious for a strawpoll for modules or single document 17:12:48 +1 I like that much better 17:12:59 q+ 17:13:07 ack mb 17:13:13 +1 17:13:25 s/that could be problem in tracking/that could be problem in how patent policy related material is handled/ 17:13:43 StrawPoll: 1) Should we explore publishing modules further 2) Should we continue with a single document 17:14:06 mbgower: i really do feel wcag 2.2 is going to sit there and adopt, until it is completely replaced 17:14:24 StrawPoll: 1) Should we explore publishing modules further 2) Should we continue with a single document 17:14:27 q+ 17:14:28 +1 17:14:30 The US took 10 years to switch from WCAG 1 to WCAG 2, that didn't stop developers from implementing WCAG 2 17:14:34 ack wendy 17:14:36 1 17:14:36 +1 17:14:37 2 17:14:38 +1 17:14:40 2 17:14:42 1 17:14:44 1, fine with 2. 17:15:19 1, and 2 also fine to work in parallel 17:15:23 q+ 17:15:24 2, fine with 1 17:15:26 1 but fine with 2 17:15:29 q+ 17:15:29 1 -- noting that action words have been "explore" and "put in effort" -- but fine with 2 17:15:31 2/1 17:15:38 2 17:15:47 ack Ch 17:16:00 1 17:16:23 1 17:16:37 2, 1 17:16:42 q+ 17:16:43 0 you have lost me 17:16:49 ack cwa 17:16:51 ack gregg 17:17:20 gregg: modules are seperate great ideas, advantage of making notes, allows us to keep changing or adding 17:17:24 jtoles has joined #ag 17:17:24 9 ones, 6 twos 17:17:37 present+ 17:17:39 .. like this is our word in a short period of time, and keep updating 17:18:14 ack ala 17:18:18 .. i think the question was creating the formal recommendation document, when we really continue to be working on this to move on 17:18:19 0 perhaps could we have each option written out to think more about? 17:18:32 voting 1 - creating INFORMATIVE useful guidance in useful focused modules (like..let’s do one on VR/AR with what we know TODAY) 17:18:54 q+ 17:18:55 10 ones, 6 twos, 1 zero 17:19:15 The value of a REC is that it can be adopted. The interim releases could be both RECs _and_ other guidance. Gonna have the malleable challenge no matter what. 17:19:25 Alastair: wendy made a good point of how messy it'll take, malleable to change or update 17:19:26 Suggest we (chairs) investigate further, and bring it back 17:19:35 q+ 17:19:40 ack dan 17:19:54 Jon_avila has joined #ag 17:20:07 +1 to alastair 17:20:21 dan_bjorge: echoing wilco's point, question is are we doing as informative/normative? is the scope going to be outcome/technology based? 17:20:26 ack Gregg 17:20:27 agree with dan/wilco. i'm not sure i'm comfortable voting still, as i wasn't at the beginning 17:20:30 q+ 17:20:38 Module term in problematic for me for the reasons stated. 17:21:14 gregg: the question of normative is like surely the objection, if you look at wcag 2, say a module on VR, this is going to be recommendation, and get frozen there 17:21:41 Me too! 17:21:43 This was trying to answer the question: What could we put out prior to a full WCAG 3 rec 17:21:56 q+ 17:22:00 ack cwadams 17:22:02 .. VR refers to many things, movies, webpages.. if we are talking about informative modules, am happy.. but taking this as a normative, which are recommendations itself that can't be change, then i see this as problem 17:22:04 I agree with Gregg 17:22:36 q+ 17:22:48 chuck: am suggesting if the group is comfortable with this proposal on wcag 3 17:23:07 ack Wilco 17:23:11 q- 17:23:15 ack wendy 17:23:28 Alastair: if people are interested, we can bring this back 17:24:05 wendy: we have done a lot of work in planning this out, naming, grouping, but none of them are published.. does the document go out complete or in part? 17:24:07 q+ to say intent right now is to publish in draft quarterly 17:24:42 zakim, close queue 17:24:42 ok, cwadams, the speaker queue is closed 17:24:46 .. we can take an approach if the project lead or chairs to suggest how do we go with this as a draft like focus on one outcome 17:24:49 aside: there seems to be a lot of overlap / redundancy in current outcomes, would not want to see them punished as is... 17:25:07 published not punished 17:25:20 .. one document with all of the outcomes, and segment them as informative modules 17:25:24 ack rach 17:25:24 Rachael, you wanted to say intent right now is to publish in draft quarterly 17:25:43 Rachel: we do publish public drafts quarterly twice 17:26:05 .. there is a question how do we approach to breaking out this? this conversation is all about it 17:26:17 WCAG Research Summary document that was used for the Design Sprint for WCAG3 -> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1POs7orJ4ALB0bq5_vyo4v8RxDcr-5ctwD1noVgpXuJc/edit#slide=id.gc6f73a04f_0_0 17:26:19 chuck: no resolution yet, will bring this back again 17:26:25 zakim, open queue 17:26:25 ok, cwadams, the speaker queue is open 17:26:52 chuck: we are going to discuss wcag 2 topic / proposals 17:26:57 zakim, take up next item 17:26:57 agendum 2 -- WCAG 2 Issue Resolution -- taken up [from cwadams] 17:27:15 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2024JanMar/0007.html 17:27:58 Alastair: Keyboard 2.1.1 17:28:51 .. basically, it is possible to pause this without going for convention, may not be a good thing 17:29:34 .. doesn't require everything to be able to mouse with a keyboard.. 17:30:00 .. next one is 'accessible authentication'.. Issue 3198 17:30:52 q+ to ask about 2.1.1 keyboard when alastair finished 17:31:27 PR for keyboard: https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/1642/files 17:31:54 chuck: reg. 2.1.1, not sure what the latest proposed version of changes, if you are not following normal conventions, and not haven't bugged i 17:32:07 q+ 17:32:07 ack cwadams 17:32:08 cwadams, you wanted to ask about 2.1.1 keyboard when alastair finished 17:32:13 ack mb 17:33:01 mbgower: chuck, that's how normally I would do too, that req exists in 508 , but not wcag.. if we deviate from standards, then we need to document it 17:33:07 ToddL has left #ag 17:33:10 q+ 17:33:14 ack Glenda 17:33:23 .. trying to capture recommendations or considerations, there can be .. it's a good point to capture and note here 17:33:46 +1 that's clever! 17:33:48 yep, it's a stretch. :) 17:34:07 Glenda: .. we can file it under 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions 17:34:46 alastair: we are not going to sort of ask of resolutions on this, but highlighting them on the list if any issues, and we can tackle them 17:34:57 q+ to say here's the link to the document I was talking about https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AiI8CSbAJoWp5cicNNd89rYiLkhzc9AmImeY7ERcXZk/edit?usp=sharing 17:35:12 alastair: now discussing 'Pointer gestures' 17:36:02 .. it should not be changing requirements, the descriptions are available already.. just checking if it matches sort of expectations 17:36:07 ack mb 17:36:07 mbgower, you wanted to say here's the link to the document I was talking about https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AiI8CSbAJoWp5cicNNd89rYiLkhzc9AmImeY7ERcXZk/edit?usp=sharing 17:36:34 mbgower: the link to the document is here, to formalize 17:37:14 alastairc: i think we are good to go, if any points to help with this, continue adding 17:38:37 .. sectioning elements, that are updated.. there were questions about why this was added to wcag 2.2, there was a response, feel free to add comments 17:39:38 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/56/views/1 17:39:53 .. you can follow along this project as in the link posted here 17:40:13 q+ 17:40:20 q+ Frankie 17:40:23 q- Frankie 17:40:23 .. any comments, please add. otherwise, this is going to be published by next week 17:40:27 q+ 17:40:28 q+ francis 17:40:29 q+ 17:40:36 ack mb 17:40:44 mbgower: if anyone has updates on card sorting process, any good feedbacks, share 17:40:47 q- francis 17:40:48 ack fran 17:40:53 ack fran 17:41:01 qq+ 17:41:18 Frankie: when exactly this is published? 17:41:19 ack kevin 17:41:19 kevin, you wanted to react to fran 17:41:37 kevin: the first thursday of every month I have time for publishing 17:42:07 .. based on materials available, timeframe, techniques and understanding documents that are merged will get published 17:42:11 ack Rach 17:42:21 This is an improvement to the previous. 17:42:30 Rachel: 11 people complete the card sort so far 17:42:53 .. have a schedule to bring back in 2 weeks to talk about the outcomes, agendas and more 17:43:02 .. leaving it open to the 30th jan 17:43:11 https://uxd-library.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/062osikf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fw0-q4_iZPZ44_PmvUbJBH8CtQtxwXEXlJ3jac1T5JY/edit#gid=1073399112 17:43:15 chuck: reaching to the end of the call 17:43:28 that is the card sort and the categories; two different links 17:44:03 rrsagent, make minutes 17:44:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/23-ag-minutes.html cwadams 17:44:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/23-ag-minutes.html kevin 17:44:47 rrsagent, make minutes 17:44:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/23-ag-minutes.html Poornima 17:44:53 Scribing Commands and Related Info: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Scribing_Commands_and_Related_Info 17:44:53 jtoles has left #ag 17:45:04 present+ 17:45:11 rrsagent, make minutes 17:45:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/23-ag-minutes.html Poornima 17:45:49 laura has left #ag 18:02:45 ljoakley1 has joined #ag 18:07:40 ljoakley has joined #ag 18:19:40 GreggVan has joined #ag 18:42:50 kirkwood has joined #ag 19:00:46 Jem has joined #ag