WoT Scripting API

22 January 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis

Meeting minutes

previous minutes

<cris_> Jan-15

Cristiano: no complaints, minutes approved.

scheduling the calls

<kaz> Cancellations on the WoT main wiki

Cristiano: we have discussed cancellations for public holidays in 2024

Cristiano: Feb 12 is holiday

Cristiano: we will cancel the call on Feb 12

Cristiano: we discussed possible biweekly schedule
… once we finish reviewing the current issues, we can (experimentally) move to biweekly calls


Cristiano: no updates here, still needs work, will skip for now.


Cristiano: we can tag with "next-iteration" some of the issues

Issue 529

<kaz> Issue 529 - Clean-up Scripting API wiki page

Cristiano: summarizing the development so far: archiving old stuff, follow other task forces best practices

Cristiano: Daniel asked if should we remove Stash section, I agree

Daniel: yes, it's old and outdated

Kaz: removing Stash is OK, but the Scripting TF should also align project management with the other TFs

Cristiano: removed, closing the issue.

Issue 488

<cris_> Issue 488 - Use a different tag for unstable npm packages

Cristiano: we should switch to date based tags

Cristiano: after publishing 1.1.0

<dape> https://www.npmjs.com/package/wot-thing-description-types

Daniel: only for TD and Thing Models

<dape> ThingModel on NMP, https://www.npmjs.com/package/wot-thing-model-types

Kaz: Ege is working on similar things for the TD and MMc for discovery, so we should join those calls and discuss
… also in the main call

Daniel: agree we should follow what TD TF is using, but the Scripting API had somewhat different tradition

<dape> Scripting API on NPM, https://www.npmjs.com/package/wot-typescript-definitions

Daniel: all breaking changes bump the version

Daniel: not sure about the "pre-" prefix, needs discussion

Issue 224

<cris_> Issue 224 - Scripting API versioning

Kaz: if all topics have been discussed here, we can close this

Cristiano: yes, the strict points have been addressed by using tags

Kaz: but I agree we could keep the issue to track similar version management related issues

Issue 528

<cris_> Issue 528 - Add support for URI variables to exploreDirectory method

Jan: no updates on this for now, needs more work

issue 352

<cris_> Issue 352 - Next charter topics

Cristiano: about possible ideas for the next charter
… but if those topics all have issues, we can close this

Cristiano: created issues for the missing ones
… so we can close this one

<dape> +1

Daniel: agree

Issue 396

<cris_> Issue 396 - The future of the conformance class WoT Discovery

Daniel: things changed since the issue was filed, fine with closing it

Jan: it was a discussion if conformance classes are needed at all, but consensus was reached and it can be closed now
… the general direction is clear now

Kaz: based on the title, we can handle this as a future issue, if Daniel decides to keep it
… so label it accordingly

Issue 313

<cris_> Issue 313 - ThingDescription TaskForce related issues

Zoltan: it's basically a label, not an issue

Cristiano: we can close it

Daniel: this was just meant as a management issue

Cristiano: so does it make sense to keep it?
… closing.

Issue 204

<cris_> Issue 204 - Extend API with semantic capabilities

Cristiano: there is a newer issue about this

<cris_> Issue 527 - Semantic ConsumedThing part of Scripting API

Cristiano: so we can supercede the old issue with the new one

Issue 226

<cris_> Issue 226 - ThingFilter server attribute - Issue 50 from w3c/wot

Cristiano: this comes from old WoT issue 50

Cristiano: we have a discussion in another issue 222

<kaz> Issue 222 - Possible alternative design of Discovering API

Cristiano: so we supercede this issue with the new one
… and close this one.

Issue 206

<kaz> Issue 206 - Clarify Discovery API scope

Cristiano: already reviewed by Jan

Cristiano: is there any things still to be done here?

Cristiano: Zoltan should review it and close it eventually.

<cris_> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/labels/for%20next%20iteration

Issues for next iteration

<cris_> Issues for the next iteration

Cristiano: please review

Cristiano: assigned the priority-high label to those which affect implementations
… some still wait on the TD task force
… added the label use-case if use cases can be extracted
… after reviewing we can draft a plan on how to handle them
… will contact Ege about TD related issues
… so please review these issues

Cristiano: with that we can close the call for now


Cristiano: AOB?

Jan: call next week?

Cristiano: yes


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).