17:01:54 RRSAgent has joined #aria-editors 17:01:58 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/22-aria-editors-irc 17:01:58 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:01:59 Meeting: ARIA Editors 17:02:26 agendabot, find agenda 17:02:26 dmontalvo, sorry, I don't know which mailing list or calendar is associated with this channel. Try "agendabot, help this is". 17:03:03 agendabot, help 17:03:03 dmontalvo, I am an instance of AgendaBot 0.5. For detailed help, type "help COMMAND", where COMMAND is one of invite, agenda, find, suggest, accept, this is, forget, status or bye. Or go to https://w3c.github.io/AgendaBot/manual.html 17:04:04 agendabot, this is https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/ 17:04:04 dmontalvo, OK, using https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/ 17:04:13 agendabot, find agenda 17:04:13 dmontalvo, OK. This may take a minute... 17:04:14 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/2024Jan/0000.html 17:04:14 clear agenda 17:04:14 agenda+ [new] aria-common #109 remove/replace aria-wg-active.md and 17:04:14 agenda+ [new] refs to HTML terms aria #1876 17:04:16 agenda+ [continue] automation and synonyms (via aria #2073) 17:04:19 agenda+ [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) 17:04:22 agenda+ [continue] PR/Merge process - next steps after deep dive? (aria #2055) 17:04:25 agenda+ [on Hold] roll out prettier setup - tracked via aria-common#99 17:04:28 agenda+ [on Hold] spec markup for advice for AT (jnurthen) 17:04:44 spectranaut_ has joined #aria-editors 17:04:57 agenda? 17:10:58 pkra has joined #aria-editors 17:11:11 scribe pkra 17:11:15 scribe, pkra 17:11:17 scribe: pkra 17:11:26 zakim, next item 17:11:26 agendum 1 -- [new] aria-common #109 remove/replace aria-wg-active.md and -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:12:00 bryan: accname seems ready to go 17:12:15 daniel: yes, one odd plural language problem left. 17:12:23 https://github.com/w3c/aria-common/issues/109 17:12:24 zakim, take up next 17:12:24 agendum 1 was just opened, dmontalvo 17:12:36 https://github.com/w3c/aria-common/issues/109 17:13:04 valerie: spawned by aria PR from new contributor. 17:13:19 ... was this problem overlooked? 17:13:31 pkra: they're still used? 17:13:34 valerie: yes. 17:13:40 zakim, agenda? 17:13:40 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda: 17:13:41 1. [new] aria-common #109 remove/replace aria-wg-active.md and [from agendabot] 17:13:41 2. [new] refs to HTML terms aria #1876 [from agendabot] 17:13:41 3. [continue] automation and synonyms (via aria #2073) [from agendabot] 17:13:42 4. [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) [from agendabot] 17:13:42 5. [continue] PR/Merge process - next steps after deep dive? (aria #2055) [from agendabot] 17:13:43 6. [on Hold] roll out prettier setup - tracked via aria-common#99 [from agendabot] 17:13:43 7. [on Hold] spec markup for advice for AT (jnurthen) [from agendabot] 17:13:44 ... in aria draft. 17:13:56 ... let me look. 17:14:01 ... yes, looks like it. 17:14:21 pkra: ok, so question is can we pull it from W3C data? 17:14:38 ... contributions are via github 17:14:45 ... but membership seems like it should come from W3C. 17:15:05 valerie: the list is so out of date though. 17:15:18 pkra: last commit to https://github.com/w3c/aria-common/blob/main/acknowledgements/aria-wg-participants.html 17:15:20 ... 5 years ago. 17:15:36 ... daniel, is there automation for this? 17:15:59 this out of date list is in CR: https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/WD-wai-aria-1.3-20240123/#ack_group 17:16:12 daniel: I don't think there's a way to do that. 17:16:26 valerie: we should update it then! 17:16:29 pkra: +1 17:16:43 Daniel: there are pages generated with participants lists. 17:16:47 ... should be an API to grab that. 17:17:19 pkra: would be great to build that into spec production 17:17:41 valerie: this should be updated all the time, no? 17:17:48 pkra: +1 17:18:10 daniel: this should be doable. 17:18:15 pkra: assign to daniel. 17:18:31 zakim, next item 17:18:31 agendum 2 -- [new] refs to HTML terms aria #1876 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:19:19 pkra: this is about https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1876#discussion_r1449518411 17:19:35 ... a comment from jcraig. 17:20:02 ... about HTML references not resolving. 17:21:16 ... my question is: why aren't they resolving and how do we do automatically do it? 17:21:32 https://respec.org/xref/?term=reflect 17:21:42 ... I don't remember how to resolve it. 17:22:18 valerie: this link should be the official way? 17:23:04 ... this is used in the spec, too. 17:23:06 ... so it should work. 17:23:53 pkra: thanks! 17:24:01 ... I'll comment 17:24:07 zakim, next item. 17:24:07 agendum 3 -- [continue] automation and synonyms (via aria #2073) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:24:42 pkra: this really needs the aria.js rewrite. 17:24:46 zakim, close item 17:24:46 I don't understand 'close item', pkra 17:24:48 zakim, close this item 17:24:48 agendum 3 closed 17:24:49 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:24:49 4. [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) [from agendabot] 17:24:52 zakim, next item 17:24:52 agendum 4 -- [continue] modernizing aria.js (aria-common #104 & PR #106) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:25:03 valerie: I haven't had time yet. 17:31:48 pkra: I'm happy with the code. roleInfo makes me unhappy. I feel it's not correct but I didn't feel comfortable changing it. 17:32:00 ... roleInfo with 1.3 seems off. I tried to make sure that the PR doesn't change it. 17:33:16 ... also some bugs from the jquery days. 17:33:22 valerie: I hope to have time soon. 17:33:26 pkra: maybe sit down together. 17:33:59 valerie: where is roleInfo used? 17:35:25 pkra: children specs, dpub aria, graphics aria, I think 17:35:33 valerie: do they run the same code? 17:37:35 pkra: no, that's separate and much the same but I haven't got to that. 17:38:53 valerie: I'll find time. 17:39:10 zakim, next item 17:39:10 agendum 5 -- [continue] PR/Merge process - next steps after deep dive? (aria #2055) -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:39:33 pkra: news from deep dive? 17:39:57 valerie: jcraig is coming around to the idea of implementation before merge 17:40:10 ... then there's a the link issue 17:40:43 ... jcraig said he sees more benefit 17:40:51 ... question is: do we agree this will help us out? 17:41:10 ... jcraig still wants issues in different repos 17:41:34 ... I feel like it will end up in aria repo 17:41:42 ... even though repos are helpful for us editors 17:42:31 pkra: I feel like it could work. CSSWG has much more surface but single repo 17:42:45 valerie: what would the work be? 17:43:54 pkra: automation for EDs. Their github URLs come to mind 17:43:58 ... but seems doable 17:44:29 valerie: how does it relate to evergreen? Do we need everything in evergreen? 17:44:32 pkra: also control. 17:45:01 ... which ones we can control. 17:46:25 valerie: those outside our control need to stay in their own repos 17:46:28 ... timeline 17:46:36 ... maybe a F2F just working on this. 17:47:01 pkra: could be virtual, too. 17:49:12 valerie: I think a dedicated work effort would be good. 17:49:43 valerie: TPAC maybe 17:51:24 ... in any case, let's make an issue to track a "work effort" 17:53:26 rrsagent, make minutes 17:53:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/22-aria-editors-minutes.html dmontalvo 17:53:34 zakim, end meeting 17:53:34 As of this point the attendees have been (no one) 17:53:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:53:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/22-aria-editors-minutes.html Zakim 17:53:40 I am happy to have been of service, pkra; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:53:41 Zakim has left #aria-editors 17:53:58 zakim, end meeting 18:23:58 tzviya has joined #aria-editors