IRC log of hcls on 2024-01-18

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16:02:24 [RRSAgent]
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rrsagent, make logs public
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Meeting: FHIR RDF
16:02:38 [dbooth]
Chair: David Booth
16:05:15 [dbooth]
Topic: Introductions
16:09:20 [dbooth]
Darrell Woelk: involved in semantic world, going back to MCC. Then worked on Carno, using Cyc. The started Info Sloop, Made a company in 1995, then got into healthcare, building a soft dev platform in healthcare Started w FHIR in 2015. Green Room Tech is our latest. I do FHIR consulting, both tech and business. When Chat GTP cam out, I started working on AI again. Ivolved w U Texax Information, doing lectures on FHIR, then last hyear on gene
16:09:20 [dbooth]
rative AI. Had 4 gra dstudents working on gen AI, and want to do more this year.
16:09:50 [dbooth]
Topic: Darrell's ideas on student involvement.
16:10:01 [dbooth]
darrell: Working w Dr Ding.
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... KG and LLM.
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.. Spoke w Juan Sequeda in They did soft dev and pub an article about KG and LLM bencharks.
16:11:30 [dbooth]
... It can gen SQL, using SQL DL.
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... Doing the same thing w an ont and SPARQL
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... Juan did a mapping into DB
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... They had a claims ont.
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... executes the SPARQL queries.
16:13:06 [dbooth]
... They turn those SPARQL queries into SQL and return answers.
16:14:00 [dbooth]
... They did a benchmark, comparing SQL-only-based vs ont-informed. It was 50% better, and they showed why.
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.. They used zero-shot prompt.
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... They made this available for others to try.
16:15:07 [dbooth]
... Proposing to do this in the healthcare domain. On the left side, that meansw we don't have to tell chatGPT what the FHIR resources are, becuase it already knows that.
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... Use a FHIR API earch instead of SQL.
16:16:39 [dbooth]
.. On the RHS want to do something similar to what they did w insurance claim, but w phenotype ont.
16:17:09 [dbooth]
... Then using FHIR RDF data.
16:17:36 [dbooth]
... Or could export all my FHIR RDF data into the triplestore.
16:18:12 [dbooth]
eric: Sounds fun. There might be some code that you could reuse, that does part of that.
16:18:56 [dbooth]
... SPARQL query gets dismantled to match hierarchies agains a library of FHIR path. Rule head would be FHIR Path, body would be SPARQL.
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.. Divide up resources and test it against know FHIR paths. Launch , get results back, bind appropriate resources.
16:21:06 [dbooth]
(Eric explains the code more)
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eric: That's in typescript right now, Claude Nanjo and I worked on it.
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eric: There's a shex schema for FHIR.
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dbooth: And a FHIR ont.
16:23:32 [dbooth]
darrell: Phenopackets include a lot of data. Vulcan project trying to come up w FHIR rep of phenopacket.
16:23:45 [dbooth]
... Met w them yuesterday.
16:25:18 [dbooth]
jim: HPO folks have a transformation to FHIR ont.
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... They're at least workin on it.
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... Someone who works for Chris Chute working on it.
16:26:48 [dbooth]
darrell: These are grad students. Class is AI and health. Want a group of 2-3 students. How to intro FHIR RDF?
16:27:42 [dbooth]
16:28:38 [dbooth]
dbooth: That hasn't been updated to R5 yet.
16:30:26 [dbooth]
eric: Did the HPI queries assume that the closures implied by the ont were already instantiated in the SQL data?
16:30:30 [dbooth]
darrell: IDK.
16:31:12 [dbooth]
eric: could either assume no inference, or could add subsumptions in tables, and join those also.
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... Or you could transform the query to add the subsumptions.
16:32:14 [dbooth]
darrell: They product is a catalog. Guessing that they're not pushing on inference, but I'm interested in it.
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... This would be a first step toward building a test system.
16:32:46 [dbooth]
jim: I think the work by Joe Flack on ontology-to-FHIR has been folded into OAK python (Ontology Access Kit):
16:33:08 [dbooth]
eric: Queries were supposed to go over their info mdel.
16:33:31 [dbooth]
... You could infer the structure from the DDL, or maybe from an ont.
16:33:43 [dbooth]
... But sounds like they used both. How did they use the ont?
16:34:20 [dbooth]
darrell: Their product maps from KG to individual DBs.
16:36:11 [dbooth]
eric: Could ask a FHIR query, either 1. "I'm looking for sombody w a procedure performed on the kidney", and that's turned into a query for procedure performed on a kidney, or on kidney lining, etc., using the closure over the subclasses to expand the query.
16:36:39 [dbooth]
... 2. Issue the original SPARQL query, but have the infra on the FHIR side, HAPI FhIR server goes to the term server to do that closure.
16:36:50 [dbooth]
darrell: And HPO work is doing that?
16:37:45 [dbooth]
jim: Joe Flack is the developer working on that at HPO. He works for Chris Chute at Johns Hopkins, but also working on Monarch initiative.
16:38:11 [dbooth]
... The OAK python toolkit does lots of things w ont. IDK if they're hosting the HPO ont someplace as FHIR.
16:42:40 [dbooth]
eric: Wonder if you could use shex to steer GPT4.
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gaurav: You could also give it a shex schema and tell GPT4 to "using this schema, give me ... "
16:44:24 [dbooth]
eric: But a well-informed person still needs to read the GPT4 responses to tell it to correct them.. Maybe use shex for that.
16:45:16 [dbooth]
eric: Will be hard to make it guess a good query.
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darrell: Benchmarks that did are not perfect, an dthey discuss them.
16:45:54 [dbooth]
... How to prompt it to correct the mistakes?
16:46:38 [dbooth]
eric: What's "included" in the FHIR queries?
16:47:05 [dbooth]
darrell: it joins other info to your results.
16:50:18 [dbooth]
Topic: Concept IRIs
16:50:36 [dbooth]
gaurav: The submission part of jira is down right now. Cannot edit it right now.
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... But I'll keep an eye on it.
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Present: Jim Balhoff, Gaurav Vaidya, David Booth, EricP, Darrell Woelk
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rrsagent, draft minutes
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16:56:51 [dbooth]
i/Working w Dr Ding/Darrell's slides:
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rrsagent, draft minutes
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