17:59:39 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:59:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/18-aria-irc 17:59:43 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:59:44 Meeting: ARIA WG 17:59:55 chair: ValerieYoung 17:59:58 agendabot, find agenda 17:59:58 spectranaut_, OK. This may take a minute... 18:00:00 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20240118T130000/ 18:00:00 clear agenda 18:00:00 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage http://tinyurl.com/55s3hvun 18:00:00 agenda+ -> New PR Triage http://tinyurl.com/5n7tm584 18:00:01 agenda+ -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests 18:00:05 agenda+ No spring face-to-face this year 18:00:07 agenda+ -> Whitespace for CSS pseudo elements https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/168 ) 18:00:10 agenda+ -> Proposal for adding ARIA parsing rules https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2101 18:02:22 present+ 18:02:28 present+ 18:03:34 present+ 18:03:38 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 18:03:41 scribe= 18:03:43 scribe+ 18:03:49 present+ 18:03:52 agenda? 18:04:02 zakim, next item 18:04:02 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage http://tinyurl.com/55s3hvun -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:04:08 present+ Daniel 18:04:19 siri has joined #aria 18:05:24 spectranaut_: this is the only issue. (523) 18:05:27 CurtBellew has joined #aria 18:05:43 in core-aam: https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/523 18:05:50 present+ 18:06:06 jcraig: there are different behaviours with underspecified areas of the spec. Some balancing between heuristics between layout tables, whether in column or row. 18:06:10 s/core-aam/html-aam/ 18:06:38 jcraig: link to results from test, Rahim is interested in writing more tests to illustrate further differences. WG needs to decide which behavior is correct. 18:06:58 spectranaut_: Scott could look at this, but he's not on the call. Maybe we should agenda+ when more tests land? 18:07:35 mario has joined #aria 18:07:41 zakim, next item 18:07:41 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage http://tinyurl.com/5n7tm584 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:08:01 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/2105 18:09:08 spectranaut_,: first one https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/2105. I was just looking at this before meeting. jcraig can you also look? 18:09:15 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/2104 18:10:22 spectranaut_: next. This is ready to review. Is it something in Chrome? Should we add Aaron? 18:10:34 Sarah: Aaron should probably also review. 18:11:07 jcraig: none of these are testable yet. I'll add blocked for that. We'll need new WPT APIs for this. It's not fully specced or landed yet. 18:11:17 spectranaut_: any other reviewers? 18:11:35 Juanita: I can 18:11:48 spectranaut_: be nice to have 1 more if we can. 18:12:09 Siri: you can add me. 18:12:47 StefanS has joined #aria 18:13:10 spectranaut_: last one is https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/2103. Adding Daniel as editor. No need to discuss 18:13:12 shirsha 18:13:15 zakin, next item 18:13:18 zakim, next item 18:13:18 agendum 3 -- -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:13:30 present+ 18:13:34 spectranaut_: no ones? 18:14:08 jcraig: new ones that don't show up because the metadata... if they don't have the accessibility keyword... there are about 4 or 5 open at this point. 18:15:57 jcraig: going through review - there's another PR in `wpt-metadata` repo. Added that so it shows up in the standard search. 18:16:19 spectranaut_: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/43698 is on hold 18:16:26 Zakim, next item 18:16:26 agendum 4 -- No spring face-to-face this year -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:16:33 https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/42769 on hold 18:17:29 agenda? 18:17:30 spectranaut_: we aren't having a F2F this year, mostly because we didn't have enough time to plan this. James in on vacation for a month, and we've crossed the year boundary so budget requests may be a concern. But it seems no F2F won't be blocking? And we have TPAC in September. 18:17:39 Zakim, next item 18:17:39 agendum 5 -- -> Whitespace for CSS pseudo elements https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/168 ) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:18:16 spectranaut_: This PR is blocking next stage in publication of Accname. Accname is evergreen... Daniel! My understanding is this is blocking? 18:19:08 dmontalvo: we need to move accname to CR. Related to that, this is blocking us from moving, this PR - the pseudo spacing treatment. It's ambiguous now. 18:19:59 Bryan: Block level/inline elements, not just pseudo elements. Essentially any block/inline level element rendering as such. Pseudo elements rendered in the same away. It boils down to adding spacing around block level and not inline. This was never specified in spec. 18:22:06 keithamus_ has joined #aria 18:22:09 scribe+ 18:22:10 jcraig: Bryan is correct, there isn't an open issue wrt inline vs block in this particular PR. The thing I have flagged is the context of referring to spacing in the context of a pseudo element. Inline vs block are all in the DOM and so there's a space between them or not, but pseudo elements are generated by the renderer, and so they're not in the DOM and never will be. There's no concept of whitespace - ASCII or otherwise. The wording... i[CUT] 18:23:19 @jcraig: Inline vs block are all in the DOM and so there's a space between them or not, but pseudo elements are generated by the renderer, 18:23:25 @jcraig: so we could come back or... I wanted to discuss this today. The visual element could have whitespace like a margin, or there could be... 18:23:57 @jcraig: no such thing as spacing between two nodes, as in whitespace characters. I want to make sure everyone is aware of this. It can't be part of spec as it's written. 18:24:15 Bryan: I understand. I don't think it's possible to account for all the cases. 18:24:30 Bryan: if you put display table on there it'll turn into block level element... 18:24:46 jcraig: display table vs display block? It may count as block level in the context of spacing. 18:25:04 Bryan: if its possible to have it as a block level, it shouldn't be concatenated with text, with no differentiation. 18:25:33 present+ 18:25:45 block-level = "takes up entire width of a line?" 18:26:02 jcraig: Display property has dozens of values.. it's not something we can reasonably update the spec for 18:26:39 jcraig: I think this would be a reasonable justification for having a CSS AAM. More targeted space for reviews from css editors. 18:27:08 Bryan: if we can move it forward that would be awesome. I'm fine removing the pseudo section to get this moving. 18:27:21 jcraig: Yes we should table it to get CR. I'll take the action to remove those parts. 18:27:48 spectranaut_: we have css-aam repo... 18:28:13 jcraig: we resolved to move the files from css-aam back to aria, and leave that repo just for issues. Perhaps we should move to aria repo before we start? 18:28:46 spectranaut_: let's follow up. I think we need to discuss a little more. The idea to move to a monorepo didn't resolve one of your concerns. Comments are in issue... I'll make an item. 18:29:12 spectranaut_: issue is related to the fact that if you have a PR preview the links between specs won't be accurate, even in a monorepo. Links in spec are generated. 18:29:24 jcraig: a problem with respec? 18:29:35 spectranaut_: I think. It'd take some work to look into. 18:30:37 Zakim, next item 18:30:37 agendum 6 -- -> Proposal for adding ARIA parsing rules https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2101 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:31:03 spectranaut_: Rahim proposed this originally. 18:32:07 Rahim: this was raised around ambiguous nesting of headings, in strange ways. James observed nesting aria headings, trying to do a robust heading structure. But it made me think there should be parity between html & aria parsing requirements. 18:32:25 Rahim: for example a link in a button isn't valid html, nor should a link in role=button. 18:32:51 Rahim: so I raised this to try to get clarity on how aria should be "parsed", if there are rules that we can specify to facilitate this. 18:33:32 jcraig: Valid HTML, a div with role=heading, aria-level=3, followed by a nested with role=heading aria-level=3, followed by an h2. This is all valid HTML. 18:33:48 jcraig: How to resolve? core-aam related to host language associations? I'm not sure how to resolve it. 18:33:51 didn't we talk about this a few weeks ago? 18:33:55 spectranaut_: where is this specified in HTML? 18:34:04 melsumner: just in triage 18:34:19 Rahim: the parsing rules themselves? 18:34:55 Rahim: they're part of HTML itself, button for example is a certain type of content and can't have other content in it. Button nested in link, fails parsing, but ARIA equivalent seems to pass. 18:35:04 Rahim: these were the ones that came to mind for this issue. 18:35:35 jcraig: ARIA is purposefully permissive to allow for some corrections, e.g. if something can't be valid HTML, but webdev can render it, then whoever is making it accessible should be allowed to make it work as intented. 18:35:52 keithamus has joined #aria 18:36:12 jcraig: there are places where we don't want 1-1 mapping with links. I don't know of a11y... is there a link inside of a button? Maybe we shouldn't have that? 18:36:23 jcraig: we should have some rules at least. 18:36:30 jcraig: does a link in a button work? 18:36:45 Rahim: it works from mouse keyboard perspective but from AT it'll announce "link, button". 18:36:52 strong disagree 18:37:05 jcraig: if there's nothing preventing it from being used by a sighted user we shouldn't disallow for AT. 18:37:18 on allowing nested interactives to work just because they work for a sighted user. 18:37:49 jcraig: if a span=role button with a nested span role=link would work, with event handlers you could make those work. If HTML allows different renderings, this is exactly what aria is for. 18:37:55 It messes up the accessible name, among other things 18:37:57 Bryan: How does this stuff work with role=presentation? 18:38:03 jcraig: exactly. 18:38:08 q+ 18:38:39 jcraig: so HTML element continuation would split the button into two descrete buttons and the link would exist as a sibling between them. 18:39:06 q? 18:39:11 Rahim: so are we creating expectations, or parsing rules? 18:39:39 jcraig: I'm just trying to explain how we should err on the side of the author doing something funky. 18:40:12 Bryan: I saw this a while ago with an online shopping site, a role=button, within that a button and link to go to the product page, to go to the product. It caused so many issues - 18:40:37 q+ 18:40:44 Bryan: 1 you couldnt identify what was in the button. You could use JAWS virtual cursor but had similar issues. It was basically unusable from AT perspective. 18:41:19 q+ 18:41:58 jcraig: Thats a problem, unexpected markup _is_ the problem. The solution would be code changes to major engines, and potentially AT - when we discover a weird pattern, write some parsing rules so for e.g. nested headings, the outside one wins. 18:42:21 jcraig: for button/link - we could expose as a link separate from button. So screen readers do know how to handle that. 18:42:22 q+ 18:42:29 ack giacomo-petri 18:42:31 q? 18:43:05 giacomo-petri: there are scenarios for example nested links, which is parsing issue. Rendered as 2 consecutative links, but using JS you can inject a link in a link. What's the expectation for ARIA here? 18:43:19 jcraig: Thats a great example. Could you please add that to the issue? 18:43:27 ack Rahim 18:44:16 Rahim: one thing comes to mind is WCAG 4.1.1; WCAG 2.2. what constitutes a parsing failure? WCAG2.2 has a note... curious if that gives us greater impetus to resolve this? 18:44:45 spectranaut_: might be nice to link to that in the issue too. 18:45:00 Rahim, here's a good article: https://adrianroselli.com/2022/12/the-411-on-4-1-1.html 18:45:10 ack melsumner 18:45:13 WCAG 2.2 SC 4.1.1 Parsing note: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/parsing.html 18:46:20 melsumner: I'm a little surprised. We seem to cycle back around to nested interactives. So far we've considered them author errors, and we shouldn't do anything about it. I kind of agree with Rahim, perhaps we need more clarity. Nested interactives are awful. When you use AT or SR the accessible name is all messed up 18:46:53 melsumner: all the link text gets shoved together. It's confusing. I don't think we should fix or allow this. Strongly opposed. We should work with HTML.. you can't nest interactive elements, stop doing that. 18:47:19 melsumner: sometimes we get strange issues, "what should we do with users". Clearly we need to help with developers. I don't think we should make it so their weird code works. 18:47:31 q+ to say... I'm not proposing this is not an author error. I think Rahim is proposing we write implementation rules for how to account for the error consistently between browsers. 18:48:31 keithamus_: I have a couple points, WHATWG was trying to handle nested elements in the summary element. the discussions are happening there, and some cross pollination should happen. priority of users, if the pain is there for the user, we should fixed ahead of developers 18:48:42 ack keithamus_ 18:48:48 ack jcraig 18:48:48 jcraig, you wanted to say... I'm not proposing this is not an author error. I think Rahim is proposing we write implementation rules for how to account for the error consistently 18:48:51 ... between browsers. 18:49:40 jcraig: to melsumner's point. I do still think this is an author error. What I propose is there are rules to account for specific patterns of author error. This is how the engine should consistently account for that. 18:50:06 jcraig: the goal isn't to allow authors to do this, but if it's working for the mainstream user interface we should make that work as well as possible for AT use case. 18:50:42 Rahim: yes I am proposing the same. Nested interactives is one, but improper landmark usage - nesting inappropriately, radio role being contextual. 18:50:59 Rahim: what happens if I have custom radio buttons without explicit grouping. Invalidation error? 18:51:10 Rahim: I see multiple cases where we should determine what is correct for aria. 18:51:21 q+ 18:51:25 q+ 18:51:30 Thanks for clarifying, jcraig :thumbsup: 18:51:36 ack StefanS 18:51:59 StefanS: landmark structures are okay if they are part of a dialog in the page? e.g. a banner in a dialog? Is that okay? 18:52:21 ack jcraig 18:52:24 q+ 18:53:10 jcraig: the scenario I'm hoping to avoid is a web page with valid HTML, working in an accessible way. If an a11y dev comes on to insert ARIA in a way that makes the markup accessible, but is now not valid, that discourages the author from making it accessible. 18:53:23 jcraig: so "author error" is maybe a warning, not an error. 18:53:44 jcraig: the way to fix is probably to change the markup. I don't want new parsing errors discouraging authors from making their page accessible. 18:54:39 StefanS: validators, we have. The problem is it disallows a banner within a dialog within a page that has a banner. But if the dialog is modal this is okay. So two banners cannot be on the page at the same time, but there are no good lookup tables to document these. 18:54:46 s/working in an accessible way./working in an inaccessible way./ 18:54:57 ack Rahim 18:55:42 Rahim: That's an interesting example. Dialogs being indexed content, being searchable in a search engine - when you activate the link, it takes you to the dialog page. It's not the main content, it's a dialog. It's almost like a trend where dialogs have their own h1, own title, treated as a separate page. 18:55:43 sarah_h has joined #aria 18:56:00 Rahim: indexable, searchable, separate. It almost sounds like we would have to consider them pages. 18:56:11 It makes sense StefanS, because _to the user_ either the page exists or the dialog exists. So from that perspective, it should be okay that there is a header/role="banner" on both. 18:56:36 spectranaut_: this issue still feels explorarity. Do we want more examples? 18:56:43 spectranaut_: next steps or ideas? 18:56:47 rrsagent, make minutes 18:56:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/18-aria-minutes.html jcraig 18:57:25 Rahim: I can add more context, might warrant a deep dive? 18:57:25 spectranaut_: great, could you add the deep-dive tag once more context is added, and we can arrange it? 18:58:15 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:58:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/18-aria-minutes.html spectranaut_ 18:58:31 Happy to but I don't recall how 18:58:33 Is that it? 19:06:38 melsumner has left #aria 19:09:34 zakim, end meeting 19:09:34 As of this point the attendees have been Francis_Storr, Rahim, Daniel, Adam_Page, keithamus, giacomo-petri, StefanS, scotto, sarah_h, siri, melsumner, jcraig, CurtBellew 19:09:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 19:09:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/18-aria-minutes.html Zakim 19:09:45 I am happy to have been of service, spectranaut_; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:09:45 Zakim has left #aria 19:10:13 yeah, typically, keithamus_ -- the person who makes the minutes generates the minutes with the above command ^ and then send the meeting minutes to the list 19:10:52 also, if you want to write in the irc but have those things not recorded in the minutes, you can start the message with "/me ...." 19:16:30 perfect thank you. 19:22:53 bkardell_ has joined #aria