11:58:31 RRSAgent has joined #wot-uc 11:58:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-irc 11:58:55 meeting: WoT Use Cases 11:59:36 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Luca_Barbato, Jan_Romann, Luca_Barbato, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:59:54 McCool has joined #wot-uc 11:59:57 JKRhb has joined #wot-uc 12:00:12 chair: Mizushima 12:00:29 present+ Mahda_Noura 12:00:49 mahda-noura has joined #wot-uc 12:01:41 ktoumura has joined #wot-uc 12:01:51 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster 12:01:57 rrsagent, make log public 12:02:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:02:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:02:10 Ege has joined #wot-uc 12:02:17 present+ Mahda_Noura 12:02:34 cris_ has joined #wot-uc 12:02:56 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ege_Korkan 12:02:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:02:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:03:25 scribenick: McCool 12:03:49 topic: minutes 12:03:50 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_UseCase_WebConf#January_17th.2C_2024 12:04:04 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-wot-uc-minutes.html Oct-26 12:04:21 mz: from Oct 26 last year - uc call has been suspended for a while 12:04:35 ... we discussed discovery and security 12:04:47 ... if there are issues please tell me... 12:04:57 looks good to me 12:05:07 ... ok, no comment, minutes are approved. 12:05:33 topic: Process 12:06:03 present+ Michael_Lagally 12:06:09 mz: many issues and PRs in repository, but need also to discuss some organizational issues 12:07:11 mz: Issue 257 raises the issues of functional vs. technical requirements 12:07:20 mlagally_ has joined #wot-uc 12:07:33 ... would like to first discuss goals and purpose of use case requirements 12:07:52 ... so wrote this document 12:07:53 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/Process.md 12:07:55 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/Process.md 12:08:04 s|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/Process.md|| 12:08:17 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/Process.md|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/Process.md proposed process| 12:08:46 mz: draft; many task forces that have different deliverables 12:09:31 ... want to define several phases: use cases, requirement extraction, gap analysis, feature definition, spec generation, testing, publication, backlog 12:09:42 ... use cases should be the starting point 12:10:10 for each phase, say which group is responsible for it 12:10:17 s/for ea/... for ea/ 12:10:24 q+ 12:10:39 ... and so UC role is UC definition and requirement extraction 12:11:26 ... gap analysis also checks if some other standard already exists that is appropriate 12:12:05 q? 12:12:08 q+ 12:12:16 q+ 12:12:33 kaz: think this is a good direction 12:12:51 ... and consistent with TD task force has been doing 12:13:17 ... we should ask participants for input, more precise definition of each phase 12:13:25 q+ 12:13:29 ack k 12:13:33 ... then next time we can think of more concrete template and process 12:13:57 https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/relationship.md 12:14:02 ack e 12:14:09 ege: some overlap with relationship document, e.g. testing 12:14:15 ... should make sure these are aligned 12:14:43 ... should also add if no gap detected, don't proceed to step 4 12:15:20 ... next, do we collect any use case? Do we collect use cases for things we know work, or ones that we know there is a gap? 12:15:56 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/relationship.md|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/blob/main/relationship.md relationship document as part of the Charter discussion| 12:15:58 mz: is a draft, want to revise 12:16:07 sebastian has joined #wot-uc 12:16:09 q+ 12:16:42 ege: what do others think about 3? 12:16:42 qq+ 12:17:35 kaz: in morning mz asked for help - regarding gap analysis, need to brush up definition 12:17:52 ack k 12:17:52 kaz, you wanted to react to Ege 12:18:00 ... need to consider how to generate potential use cases to address gap 12:20:18 mm: do feel strongly we need to justify our current feature set and capture requirements from our current set 12:20:34 mz: IG is working on new charter document 12:20:47 ack mc 12:20:50 q+ 12:20:51 ... we need to figure out role of UC tf for that charter 12:21:23 qq+ 12:21:44 ... are many stakeholders - many are not WoT-specific 12:21:52 s/IG is working on new charter document/WoT WG is working on deliverables for new Charter period/ 12:22:21 ... we need to think about what we want to gather for use cases 12:23:15 kaz: comments on mz point - WoT WG is working on new deliverables, and further deployment; WG and IG collaboratively should be considering new use cases as well as existing ones 12:23:18 q? 12:23:20 q+ 12:23:25 ack k 12:23:29 ack k 12:23:29 kaz, you wanted to react to McCool 12:23:36 q+ 12:23:48 ack cr 12:24:13 cris: reusing what we have so far, but noticed we have a lot of feature requests written as use cases 12:24:27 +1 to cristiano 12:24:29 ... should review and categorize these issues before we go looking for new use cases 12:24:35 ... we have a lot still to look at 12:25:00 mz: that is important also 12:25:07 q? 12:25:39 ml: think this is useful, and help to structure the process and make it more formal 12:25:55 q+ 12:25:59 ack ml 12:26:02 ... at a high level do not see any significant misalignment with Ege's and this document 12:26:14 ... uc has a number of purposes 12:26:20 ... one is to identify gaps 12:26:25 ... but has other purposes 12:26:41 ... for one, it can show to potential adopters some potential applications 12:26:58 ... it can also show interest by stakeholders in using WoT 12:27:20 ... so I think the current document needs to be refined to show what can and can't be accomplished with current specs 12:27:43 ... for example, for multimedia and digital twins there is still some work to do 12:28:31 ml: state of requirement analysis - there are already many use cases that cannot be satisfied 12:29:34 q? 12:29:36 ack mc 12:30:08 mm: agree with ml's points: we already have many use cases which we cannot address; template for requirements can indicate whether satisfied by current specs. 12:30:17 q? 12:30:20 q+ 12:31:02 kaz: today's discussion is brainstorming, we should refine phase definitions 12:31:09 q+ 12:31:11 mjk_ has joined #wot-uc 12:31:14 ack k 12:31:16 ack k 12:31:51 ege: to comment on outreach functionality, arch document also does this 12:31:59 ... e.g. chapter 4 and 5 in architecture 12:32:15 ... if we also use UC doc for that, it is redundant 12:32:33 ... talking to people outside, they use the arch doc for that purpose 12:33:00 s/we should refine phase definitions/we should refine phase definitions. based on today's discussion, we should think about concrete template to describe use cases, requirements and gap analysis, then also how to transfer the results to each spec TF./ 12:33:09 ... one thing we can do - if we find no gap, perhaps we can put it into the arch document as a "where things work" example 12:33:10 q+ 12:33:26 ack ml 12:33:26 ... but should be group opinion 12:33:40 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/issues/259 is the issue I have mentioned 12:33:55 ml: thanks for bringing up arch; I think UC doc has different information, showing interest of stakeholders 12:34:28 ... that information is not in architecture 12:34:40 q+ in that case we should remove those sections from architecture 12:34:50 q+ to in that case we should remove those sections from architecture 12:35:12 ... regarding the templates, was motivated by multimedia group, it can at least be a starting point; same for requirements 12:35:38 ... e.g. start with existing basis, going back to greenfield only if there is a good reason 12:35:55 mz: we should be discussing gap analysis with each task force 12:36:03 ack e 12:36:03 Ege, you wanted to in that case we should remove those sections from architecture 12:36:17 mz: after this discussion we should merge that idea 12:37:25 ack mc 12:37:33 mm: should be clear what we want out of the process: we need clear connections between features and use cases, via requirements, for reviewers to see 12:37:53 kaz: consider possible feedback from each phase back to specifications 12:38:04 ... need to involve TF editors 12:38:14 q+ 12:38:17 ack k 12:38:25 +1 to Kaz 12:38:41 q+ to architecture and use case overlap 12:40:01 mm: I think TFs are the experts, and can propose requirements, as the uc proposers often cannot 12:40:19 ... a good example is security, where uc proposers often did not provide enough detail 12:40:27 ++q 12:40:31 +q 12:40:33 q? 12:40:36 ... however, *prioritizing* requirements is something the entire WG should decide 12:40:46 qq+ mlagally 12:40:52 ack ml 12:40:55 ack ml 12:40:55 mlagally, you wanted to react to kaz 12:41:06 ml: need to distinguish between business and technical requirements 12:41:06 s/to kaz/to McCool/ 12:41:21 q+ 12:41:35 ... do need to involve uc as much as possible to understand what capabilities they need 12:41:54 q- 12:41:56 qq+ 12:42:00 ack mc 12:42:33 ack k 12:42:33 kaz, you wanted to react to mlagally 12:42:37 mm: think we need a level of detail between business and technical requirements (e.g. functional) 12:42:42 s/to mlagally/to McCool/ 12:42:58 ege: return to an earlier point, arch vs uc 12:43:26 ... if we value people aspect, I think we could still remove uc from architecture 12:43:41 +1 12:43:45 i/ege:/kaz: so need to think about how deal with wide review points, e.g., security and privacy, within the use case description and requirement description./ 12:43:47 ... also, since we are talking about two goals, perhaps should separate them 12:43:50 ack e 12:43:50 Ege, you wanted to architecture and use case overlap 12:43:51 +1 12:44:00 ... we have been talking about user stories in TD 12:44:12 q? 12:44:14 ... these are much easier to turn into requirements, more specific 12:44:14 q+ 12:44:29 ... the current use cases are quite broad and often non-technical 12:44:58 kaz: need to include user's viewpoints and needs in uc description 12:45:08 ... but should think about arch and uc doc separately 12:45:09 q+ 12:45:12 ack k 12:45:13 ack k 12:45:40 q+ 12:46:31 ack mc 12:46:41 qq+ 12:46:42 mm: do think a few examples in arch are useful, but right now is quite long 12:47:02 ... do think we don't need a complete analysis of all deployments there 12:47:17 ack e 12:47:17 Ege, you wanted to react to McCool 12:47:31 ege: in that case we may want another section in uc case document that is a distillation of patterns 12:47:49 ... that would correspond to current sections 4 and 5 in architecture 12:47:51 +1 12:47:56 kaz: agree with mm and ege 12:48:03 q+ 12:48:12 ... for concrete uc proposals, can accept various ones 12:48:53 ... but should think about what is the "typical" use case, categorize some of the duplicate ucs, prioritize 12:49:00 ... generate "atomic" descriptions 12:49:01 ack k 12:49:50 mz: is use case section in architecture document, but those are different from those in UC & R 12:49:51 q+ 12:49:56 q+ 12:50:38 ack miz 12:51:28 ack mc 12:51:30 mm: so the UC&R document is also supposed to have *requirements*. Right now this requirements analysis is also done in Arch redundantly 12:52:03 ... I think the UC&R doc should collect use cases, analyse them, extract requirements, and arch should just state arch that satisfies them 12:52:31 kaz: think we can port the appropriate sections from arch to UC&R document 12:52:38 q? 12:52:41 ack k 12:52:43 q+ 12:53:22 q+ 12:53:24 ege: would prefer to see that material from arch 4&5 moved to UC&R 12:53:36 q+ 12:53:38 ack e 12:53:38 ... I think this is mostly a historical thing 12:53:52 ... at the very least, there has to be a clear connection 12:53:56 ml: 12:54:20 ml: section 4 is application domains, e.g. verticals 12:54:44 ... having verticals in architecture makes sense, but agree in principle that details belong in UC&R 12:54:53 i|section 4|-> https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-architecture11/#sec-application-domains Section "4. Application Domains" from WoT Architecture 1.1| 12:55:30 q? 12:55:32 ack ml 12:55:34 ... would not be too religious but we should look into having alignment and consistency 12:55:46 ... application domains are not use cases 12:55:49 q+ 12:56:16 ... these do help the reader understand the goals and applicability of WoT 12:56:38 kaz: this is a good starting point for both UC&R and Arch, but regarding Arch itself 12:56:44 q+ 12:56:45 q+ 12:57:02 kaz: during UC&R call should discuss this document 12:57:04 ack k 12:57:46 Unfortunately we ae out oftime. I have to move on to a different call 12:57:59 s/regarding Arch itself/regarding Arch itself, we should discuss that during the Architecture call./ 12:58:04 ege: however, even chapters are structured very similarly, and think that the material in arch would in fact move over very easily; I do think the audience is the same 12:58:29 ... think the audiences for these documents are the same 12:58:40 s/this document/what to be imported from the Architecture spec to the UC&R document./ 12:59:00 seb: want to support kaz that we should discuss Arch 12:59:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:59:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:59:11 ... should organize a meeting for Arch 12:59:16 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:59:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:59:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:59:38 q+ 12:59:39 q+ 12:59:45 ack seb 12:59:48 ack mc 12:59:50 mm: need actually to discuss at the WG level 13:00:05 ... but we can make the proposal 13:00:13 ege: agree, but still the same people 13:00:24 ack ege 13:00:37 q+ 13:01:05 mm: true, but procedurally we need a resolution in the WG call; suggest making an issue in the wot repo 13:01:30 ack k 13:01:31 ack s 13:01:43 kaz: time check 13:02:02 i/kaz: time/sk: time/ 13:02:11 luca_barbato has left #wot-uc 13:02:32 s/sk: time/kaz: or an Issue on wot-architecture/ 13:02:41 s/kaz: time/sk: time/ 13:02:42 McCool has left #wot-uc 13:02:43 [adjourned] 13:02:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:02:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/17-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 13:29:23 q+ 14:53:00 Mizushima has left #wot-uc 15:08:55 Ege has joined #wot-uc 15:31:14 Zakim has left #wot-uc