14:57:07 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 14:57:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-td-irc 14:57:21 meeting: WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 1 15:01:46 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Jan_Romann, Ege_Korkan, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster 15:01:50 mahda-noura has joined #wot-td 15:01:58 MIzushima has joined #wot-td 15:02:32 ktoumura has joined #wot-td 15:02:36 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 15:03:55 JKRhb has joined #wot-td 15:04:26 scribenick: kaz 15:05:00 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#January_10.2C_2024 15:05:07 topic: Logistics 15:05:15 ek: split the agenda into two parts 15:05:42 ... you can add topic proposals at "Backlog" section too 15:06:03 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 15:06:07 topic: Agenda 15:06:17 ek: (goes through the agenda for today) 15:06:28 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#January_10.2C_2024 today's agenda items 15:06:33 topic: Minutes 15:06:42 -> https://www.w3.org/2023/12/20-wot-td-minutes.html Dec-20 15:06:54 ek: (goes through the previous minutes 15:06:55 mjk has joined #wot-td 15:06:55 cris__ has joined #wot-td 15:07:10 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 15:07:25 approved 15:07:29 s/minutes/minutes) 15:07:36 rrsagent, make log public 15:07:40 rrsagent, draft minuts 15:07:40 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minuts', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:07:46 s/rrsagent, draft minuts// 15:07:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:07:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:07:59 topic: New TD slot 15:08:12 ek: 1st slot on Wednesday at 10am Eastern 15:08:21 ... 2nd slot on Thursday at 9am Eastern 15:08:41 topic: Wiki organization 15:09:09 ek: cleaned up the TD wiki as mentioned the other day 15:09:20 topic: WoT resources 15:09:36 ek: Mahda has started to work on the TM resources 15:09:41 mn: still ongoing 15:10:10 i/Mahda/subtopic: TM/ 15:10:20 subtopic: Versioning 15:10:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1951 PR 1951 - Versioning of TD resources 15:10:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:10:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-td-minutes.html JKRhb 15:11:30 ek: (goes through VERSIONING.md) 15:11:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/3122e3825da5511dc86d911a32f6f542f05ce28c/VERSIONING.md renderred version 15:11:56 s/renderred/rendered/ 15:12:47 ... some issue on the style of indentation 15:13:14 q+ 15:13:19 ... "When a use wants", etc., should be part of "Initial thoughts on versioning" 15:13:56 ca: not sure about each resource but useful to have release version 15:14:28 ... useful for implementers 15:14:55 q+ 15:14:58 ack c 15:15:36 ek: Alpha-version for REC release, and sub version for each release? 15:15:39 q? 15:15:40 ca: yeah 15:15:42 q+ 15:16:15 q+ 15:16:45 ack c 15:18:09 kaz: detailed version management is fine but we need clear policy and procedure for that 15:18:20 ... what kind of changes to be identified for what purpose 15:18:24 ek: right 15:18:25 ack k 15:19:04 lb: you can tag any kind of releases 15:19:20 ... we can decide, e.g., every month by date and time 15:19:31 ... that is a time anchor 15:19:46 ... would be enough for implementers 15:20:16 ... Git describes some number based on hash as well 15:20:40 ... if we want to make some specific version periodically, e.g., monthly 15:21:05 ... could put a tag to identify each version 15:21:19 ... could use either way 15:21:51 ek: so far we don't add any explicit identifier to each version 15:23:37 q? 15:23:40 ack l 15:23:52 mjk: mostly agree 15:24:00 ... we do CI tech work flow 15:24:34 ... would be better to use explicit versions 15:25:05 ... GitHub hash number should be long enough to identify the versions also 15:25:10 q+ 15:25:38 https://git-scm.com/docs/git-describe in case 15:25:54 ... we can use date/time instead too 15:26:41 ... not sure about the need for periodic release, though 15:26:52 ... we need more discussion 15:27:08 ack mjk 15:27:46 ca: (audio trouble and rejoining...) 15:28:04 ek: how to deal with TD versions in a semantic way 15:28:37 ca: we're publishing typescript notation 15:28:57 ... about a monthly release, some sort of deadline needed 15:29:16 ... note that we're handling not only one library 15:29:37 ... need to be aware of coding for CD coordination 15:30:02 ... thinking about the scripting-api repository 15:30:30 https://github.com/json-schema-org/website/issues/197#issuecomment-1883270213 15:30:54 ek: would consider versioning for JSON Schema as put above 15:31:13 q+ 15:31:42 ack c 15:32:10 ack k 15:32:23 ... regarding this PR 1951, I'd merge it 15:32:29 kaz: fine to merge it 15:32:45 ... but please check the indentation, e.g., tab vs whitespace, later 15:33:07 ek: will check the format first 15:33:21 subtopic: Static dates 15:33:59 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/issues/1940 Issue 1940 - Fixing the Ontology HTML files to static versions 15:34:23 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1952 PR 1952 - Static Ontology HTMLs 15:35:03 https://www.w3.org/2019/wot/security 15:35:16 ek: the content is correct 15:35:24 ... but missing abstract, etc. 15:35:43 ... have fixed all the ReSpec errors already 15:36:45 ... now we have a sub folder saying "staticFiles" 15:37:11 q+ 15:38:20 kaz: the content is generated based on the TTL files 15:38:33 ... and you need to specify the Abstract, etc., manually 15:38:35 ... right? 15:39:12 ek: yes 15:39:28 kaz: technically, we can use ReSpec to provide the HTML content 15:39:40 ... but do you want to avoid potential bugs from ReSpec? 15:39:44 ek: exactly 15:40:15 topic: TD 15:40:22 subtopic: TAG reviews 15:40:38 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/tag-review.html tag-review.html 15:41:09 ek: not sure how to deal with this... 15:42:00 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/tag-review.html github.io version 15:42:46 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/commit/ff93ff20ce96428b075b141272e803e9f32640d1 15:43:00 ek: seems there was no Pullrequest but directly pushed 15:43:19 q+ 15:44:00 ack k 15:44:52 kaz: would suggest we keep this kind of obsolete resources as an example for the future wide review for 2.0 spec rather than removing them 15:44:54 ek: ok 15:45:03 ... would add a README.md to describe them too 15:45:05 kaz: nice 15:45:19 subtopic: PLANNING.md 15:46:00 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1163 wot PR 1163 - Moving Planning.md items 15:46:22 q+ 15:46:28 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1948 15:46:58 s/https/-> https/ 15:47:23 s/1948/1948 wot-thing-description PR 1948 - Delete PLANNING.md/ 15:47:52 kaz: so that means simply moving the PLANNING.md content from the wot-thing-description repo to the wot repo. right? 15:47:52 ek: right 15:48:34 subtopic: Backtracking some additions in TD 1.1: 15:48:58 ek: several misleading points 15:49:32 ... generic use cases don't really help understand the need and capability of the detail of each feature 15:50:15 ... for example, regarding Thing Model 15:50:45 ... possible use case: managing a set of instantiations of the same model device 15:50:47 q+ 15:51:16 q+ 15:51:23 ... requirement: one file to represent a model fo the device 15:52:31 kaz: from my viewpoint, "@@@" is rather a requirement for a feature 15:52:48 ... and we still need to describe the use case based on users' viewpoint 15:53:11 ca: we thought about search for TD as well 15:53:24 q+ 15:53:31 ... we had some discussion, I think 15:53:33 q- 15:53:37 ack c 15:54:15 ek: maybe "correlate" rather than "search"? 15:54:19 ca: that's fine 15:54:19 q+ 15:54:54 ... could be broken down into 3 parts 15:55:02 ek: think we're on the same page 15:55:07 ... need more descriptions 15:55:35 q? 15:55:36 q+ 15:55:55 ca: "user story" should describe what the users want to do 15:56:15 ... "I want to do ABC to achieve XYZ." 15:56:57 s/@@@/managing a set of instantiations of the same device/ 15:56:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:57:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 15:57:38 ... should describe the user's role as well 15:57:46 ek: "as user X, I want to ABC so I can achieve XYZ" 15:57:53 mjk: sometimes called s "persona" 15:58:21 jr: reuse existing definition too 15:59:10 q+ 15:59:13 ek: (adds another entry for Thing Model description or that) 15:59:37 ... extension/submodel in TM 15:59:46 ... requirement: reuse of existing definition 15:59:52 jr: looks good 16:00:10 mjk: how to redefine the semantic models? 16:00:29 ... TM gives as ability to work with IoT Schema, etc. 16:00:42 ... application model to be consistent with affordance 16:00:56 ... I can write up a user story for that 16:01:05 ack JK 16:01:07 ack mjk 16:01:20 ack k 16:01:35 kaz: this discussion should be done collaboratively with the Use Cases TF 16:01:37 ek: ok 16:01:55 lb: one problem of mine with TM is... 16:02:05 ... it is a custom template 16:02:27 ... we have a situation which TM could be a tentative solution for semantic interoperability 16:02:40 ... you can use it to validate a TD 16:03:01 ... we can use the TM mechanism to author another possible template language 16:03:26 ... validate and consume in some certain scenario 16:04:17 ek: think you're basically describing something similar to "managing/representing a set of instantiations of the same model of a device" 16:04:45 topic: Tomorrow 16:04:54 ek: would like to discuss Binding tomorrow 16:04:56 [adjourned] 16:05:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 18:03:23 Zakim has left #wot-td