13:01:10 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:01:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-irc 13:01:22 Mizushima has joined #wot 13:01:22 meeting: WoT-WG/IG 13:01:26 ktoumura has joined #wot 13:02:07 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Sebastian_Kaebisch 13:02:46 Ege has joined #wot 13:02:53 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:03:06 mahda-noura has joined #wot 13:03:24 present+ Mahda_Noura 13:03:24 sebastian has joined #wot 13:03:28 McCool has joined #wot 13:03:38 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#10_January_2024 13:03:39 luca_barbato has joined #wot 13:03:48 chair: Sebastian 13:03:52 mjk has joined #wot 13:03:56 present+ Michael_Koster 13:04:44 scribenick: McCool 13:05:05 topic: minutes 13:05:35 sb: minutes of Dec 20, 2023 - chairs have reviewed, fixed a few typos. 13:05:48 ... anyone else have any issues or objections? 13:05:58 i|minutes of|-> https://www.w3.org/2023/12/20-wot-minutes.html Dec-20| 13:05:58 ... if none, propose approving the minutes 13:06:01 rrsagent, make log public 13:06:04 ... (no objections heard) 13:06:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:06:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:06:15 dezell has joined #wot 13:06:15 ... minutes approved 13:06:23 present+ David_Ezell 13:06:31 sb: (reviewed minutes policy) 13:06:39 present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda 13:06:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:06:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:06:53 topic: Notices 13:07:03 sb: IIWoT 2024 has been held Jan 6. 13:07:46 ... had several presentations - anyone attend and able to summarize? 13:08:19 ... Cristiano is not here today unfortunately 13:08:35 mm: let's defer to next week 13:08:38 sb: sure 13:08:48 topic: Updates 13:09:00 sb: agenda from last year have been archived 13:09:45 q+ 13:10:10 q- 13:10:25 mm: think we should do some more cleanup, e.g. move liaisons to another page 13:10:59 ... will also do actions 13:11:01 sb: agree 13:11:05 kaz: agree 13:11:14 ... but should revisit as part of WG planning 13:11:29 sb: next, notice about RDF canonicalization 13:11:44 ... also a topic we will follow 13:11:47 q+ 13:12:47 kaz: is just a call for implementation... 13:13:14 mm: although I'm not sure it's the right answer for TD... we need to analyse 13:13:22 kaz: so we should move it to liaisons 13:13:41 sb: agree, will do that now 13:14:03 ... (moves to liaisons under W3C) 13:14:11 s/implementation/implementation request a few month ago/ 13:14:35 topic: Schedule 13:15:20 mlagally has joined #wot 13:15:24 s/it to liaisons/it to liaisons (and then move to another file so that we can continue the discussion appropriately)/ 13:15:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:15:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:15:37 sb: several TF calls start Jan 15 13:15:44 ... and TD/binding new schedule starts today and tomorrow 13:15:59 q+ 13:16:22 ack k 13:16:44 sb: also we updated the holidays, in particular the week of Feb 12 13:17:36 m: propose we cancel meetings that week, many holidays 13:17:47 sb: concur 13:18:14 sb: also proposal to have an extended session to discuss IG charter next week, Jan 17 13:18:29 ... any objections to that? 13:18:59 ... (hearing none) 13:19:54 i|also we updated|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Holidays_and_Upcoming_Events Holidays| 13:20:33 i|several TF calls|subtopic: Meeting schedule| 13:20:39 q+ 13:20:48 subtopic: General schedule 13:20:54 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/planning/schedule.md schedule.md 13:21:03 mm: also there is a PR to update the schedule, to archive old events 13:21:06 cris_ has joined #wot 13:21:14 https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1162 13:21:27 present+ Michael_Lagally, Cristiano_Aguzzi 13:22:18 q+ 13:22:22 ack ml 13:22:46 ml: should we materialize some other milestones e.g. for profile planning? 13:22:52 mm: suggest in a separate PR 13:22:54 kaz: agree 13:22:59 q? 13:23:05 ack k 13:23:32 topic: Rescheduled Meetings 13:23:40 s/agree/agree. note we need a new TF moderator for the Profile work./ 13:23:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:23:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:24:24 sb: already mentioned the new TD slots, review 13:24:24 ... note there are new W3C calendar entries 13:24:24 ... Wed is primarily TD, Thurs is primarily Binding 13:24:24 q+ 13:24:35 s/e.g. for profile planning?/e.g. for profile planning? There are already planned dates in Q1/Q2 in the new charter./ 13:25:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:25:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:25:23 ege: have to make sure we don't "starve" topics, so we will always start with the appropriate topic 13:25:29 s/appropriate/primary/ 13:25:45 seb: are there also new zoom links? 13:25:59 ege: Wed uses the old link, Thurs is new 13:26:18 seb: next issue is Use Cases 13:26:45 https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e9pR1vPd?reauth=true 13:27:46 seb: there were five options, but it looks like Wed at 7am Eastern, e.g. one hour before the main call 13:27:48 s|https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e9pR1vPd?reauth=true|-> https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e9pR1vPd Doodle for the Use Cases call| 13:27:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:27:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:28:31 q+ 13:28:31 ack e 13:28:31 ... but that means a long day on Wed 13:28:44 mm: maybe we start it in two weeks? 13:29:01 kaz: yes, unfortunate, but we are cutting down the TD call 13:29:17 ... I am ok with it 13:29:36 ... and charter is not a regular call 13:29:40 ack k 13:30:01 seb: ok, let's keep this plan, and have a use case call next week 13:30:03 q? 13:30:05 q+ 13:30:08 i|already mentioned|subtopic: TD/Binding| 13:30:20 i|net issue is Use|subtopic: Use Cases| 13:30:26 q? 13:30:38 mm: we need a TF lead before we can schedule the call... 13:30:44 seb: true, let's deal with that 13:31:09 ... we had two candidates: Mizushima and Mahda 13:32:05 ... spoke with Mahda yesterday, and maybe better if she takes over another one instead 13:32:29 mahda: yes, I'm ok with that 13:32:50 seb: mizushima-san, do you agree with being TF lead for use cases? 13:33:01 seb: everyone else ok? 13:33:04 +1 13:33:04 +1 13:33:10 +1 13:33:18 +1 13:33:18 +1 13:33:26 +1 13:33:31 +1 13:33:51 mm: should have a resolution 13:34:18 proposal: Tomoaki Mizushima will be the new Use Cases TF lead 13:34:21 matsuda has joined #wot 13:34:40 +1 13:34:44 resolution: Tomoaki Mizushima will be the new Use Cases TF lead 13:34:47 +1 13:35:29 q? 13:35:32 ack m 13:35:36 q+ 13:36:23 seb: and to confirm, next UC call will be Jan 17 13:36:30 action: Kaz to allocate a new zoom call for the use cases meeting 13:36:38 kaz: I will create the zoom link 13:37:03 action: Kaz to help Mizushima to send out a calendar entry to the group 13:37:16 s/to send/send/ 13:37:31 +1 13:37:45 q+ 13:38:03 q- 13:38:18 q+ 13:38:27 mm: propose that after Jan 15 we suspend Security and Discovery for a while, and focus on UC&R, then restart once requirements done 13:38:37 ack k 13:38:52 q+ 13:39:41 q+ 13:39:43 q+ 13:40:27 mm: also, I would like to propose that UC&R focuses on functional requirements, and technical are in each deliverable 13:40:38 ack k 13:40:51 q- 13:41:28 ml: proposal makes sense... but needs some analysis of where requirement is to be satisfied 13:41:54 i|proposal|kaz: we need to clearly define functional vs technical requirements, so let's have more discussion during the use cases call.| 13:42:11 i|we need|scribenick: kaz| 13:42:19 ... use case submitter needs to be available for discussion, may not be WG member 13:42:19 i|proposal make|scribenick: McCool| 13:42:24 +1 for kaz 13:42:56 q? 13:43:03 q+ 13:43:23 mm: would like to propose we have a mechanism to "communicate" a technical requirement from IG to WG 13:44:13 ml: what if a requirement is split between deliverables? etc. 13:44:33 ack ml 13:44:34 ack k 13:44:35 mm: let's talk about it in the UC call, part of process, may need a policy, etc. 13:44:49 kaz: agree with you both, let's discuss more in UC call 13:45:00 topic: Planning 13:45:10 subtopic: Policies 13:45:29 seb: still several in the pipeline, so will have to schedule another policy session 13:45:36 ... maybe in two weeks 13:45:44 q+ 13:46:25 ack k 13:47:04 seb: (updates agenda to propose Jan 24 for a policy call) 13:47:20 subtopic: Project Management 13:47:25 q+ 13:47:30 https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/proposals/project-management/project-management.md 13:47:46 seb: TD/Binding - proposal 13:47:52 ege: see link above 13:48:48 ... this also captures some discussion of our current process 13:49:17 ... also relates to meeting agendas, prioritization, task decomposition 13:49:36 ... also need alignment with UC&R process 13:50:35 ... proposal keeps some tables to keep track of items, who has been assigned to it, status (assigned, in progress, done, etc). 13:50:54 q+ 13:51:37 ege: don't want anything too complicated, and don't want to change what we are doing too much 13:51:41 ack e 13:51:59 kaz: TD is making steady progress, but from my viewpoint is still ongoing 13:52:21 ... we need to clarify the procedure, in particular how UC & TF work combines 13:52:39 ... it's also not just about github issues, but about features, requirements, testing, and so on 13:52:43 q+ 13:52:53 ack k 13:53:17 ack mc 13:53:37 q+ 13:54:06 mm: think we need a higher-level view, look at other major planning issues, e.g. testing, requirements capture, etc. 13:54:21 ... but this is a good proposal for "agile" github issue resolution 13:54:43 ... but we also need a long-term view, see if we are making progress on planned features, etc. 13:55:00 seb: would also be good to look at use-case driven categories 13:55:45 q- 13:56:05 mm: agree, but it would be good to also catch up with TD requirements discussion as well in UC call 13:56:12 seb: given time we have to move on 13:56:19 subtopic: Open Day 2024 13:56:32 seb: no new news, but probably next week 13:56:49 subtopic: TF Reorg 13:57:12 q+ 13:58:30 mm: suggest we put off restarting other TF until Feb, and also we definitely need new TF leads 13:58:44 ... I can't lead four, but can do one - which one? 13:59:10 kaz: also suggest moving TF lead/editor policy to policies section 13:59:18 ack k 13:59:18 seb: sure, I can do that (did that) 13:59:30 q+ 13:59:53 subtopic: Social Media 14:00:05 ack k 14:00:14 ege: wants access to posts? Chairs make sense... 14:01:02 mm: staff at least should have access for succession 14:01:13 q+ 14:01:13 ege: well Marcom team has access... 14:01:15 mm: ok 14:01:32 topic: Resources 14:02:11 subtopic: Discovery 14:02:40 ege: Jan has made a PR for discovery HTML rendering. TM as well is in progress. 14:02:52 seb: time's up, adjourn. Thanks all! 14:03:36 [adjourned] 14:03:58 s/subtopic: Discovery// 14:04:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:04:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/10-wot-minutes.html kaz 15:01:50 mahda-noura has joined #wot 15:06:02 TallTed has joined #wot 15:12:12 gkellogg has joined #wot 15:13:36 gkellogg has joined #wot 16:02:45 Zakim has left #wot 16:25:41 gkellogg has joined #wot 16:36:32 bkardell_ has joined #wot 16:52:10 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:11:36 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:20:03 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:46:40 gkellogg has joined #wot 18:56:21 gkellogg has joined #wot 20:15:36 gkellogg has joined #wot