20:02:46 RRSAgent has joined #matf 20:02:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/08-matf-irc 20:02:50 RRSAgent, make logs Public 20:02:51 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jjdg 20:02:51 Mick has joined #MATF 20:02:58 present+ 20:03:03 present+ 20:03:30 TOPIC: New facilitator 20:07:37 Jan Jaap de Groot is the new Task Force facilitator since 4th of January, 2024. 20:08:07 TOPIC: New direction 20:09:27 Focusing on installable apps on Android and iOS, e.g. any app which is an .apk / .ipa, thus; web apps are not included. 20:10:17 Responsive design is already covered in the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. The Mobile Accessibility Task Force focuses on mobile apps. 20:11:06 Goal for 2024: publish Working Group Note for applying WCAG 2.2 to Mobile Apps 20:11:59 Covers all success criteria, including triple A, and not just the new WCAG 2.2 ones. 20:12:49 Subgoals: WCAG-EM for mobile apps, e.g. how to carry out an accessibility audit for a mobile app. Apps do not have URL's like websites, therefore some changes are needed to be able to follow WCAG-EM 1:1. 20:14:06 Aspirational goal: Techniques for mobile apps, ways to meet Success Criteria, including code samples for multiple frameworks/programming languages. 20:16:26 Archival goal: update relevant resources, deprecate outdated resources and ones that are no longer relevant 20:17:26 Testing goal: contribute to existing ACT Rules, add new ones for mobile apps 20:19:43 Collaboration goal: collaborate more often with COGA (The Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force) and APA Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group 20:20:51 Features goal: publish document listing available accessibility features on Android and iOS 20:31:16 Community goal: creating a place for the mobile accessibility community to come together 20:31:25 TOPIC: Timing change 20:32:20 Mick: prefers working hours, in GMT+0 timezone, evening also works 20:32:37 JJ: prefers working hours, in GMT+1 timezone, evening also works 20:33:58 Options: 7 PM GMT+0 would work for both JJ + Mick 20:34:41 Mick: Monday works nicely to kick-off the week, Wednesday/Friday don't work 20:35:03 JJ: Monday works well, other days are also ok, prefer earlier days in the week 20:35:12 TOPIC: WCAG 2.2 mapping 20:35:41 Review existing resources, wait for new partcipants before moving forward. 20:35:56 Considering using Markdown / Github to create the new Working Group Note 20:36:05 Work together async using Slack 20:36:24 TOPIC: New Task Force members 20:37:06 JJ: Lots of interested people in LinkedIn, hope to get 5+ people in the MATF as invited experts; have ±15 people in mind to reach out to. 20:37:24 JJ: Also try to get people interested to contribute outside of the MATF in the community 20:38:29 How can we make our resources beginner friendly? 20:39:14 Compare existing notes and figure out which ones are good examples. 20:39:52 COGA uses icons in their Note: https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/ 20:40:54 Getting started document: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Getting_started 20:41:08 Ten tips guidance: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/%E2%80%9Cten_tips%E2%80%9D 20:42:08 Publish official note, and publish unofficial guidance on W3 Wiki / Appt.org? 20:45:23 TOPIC: Moving forward 20:45:37 Make samples in Markdown 20:45:50 Figure out how to collaborate efficiently 20:46:11 Reach out to potential MATF participants, try to plan meetings in January 20:46:33 Work out 1 Success Criteria to show how it could look like in the Note 20:46:55 E.g. do we map to mobile apps as a whole, or map to Android / iOS seperately 20:47:40 Figure out if we can collaborate with Google for Android and Apple for iOS 20:48:02 Check how we link to their existing resources, e.g. Material Design Guidelines / Core App Quality / Human Interface Guidelines 20:50:00 General guidance for all mobile operating systems, add exclusions for Android / iOS where applicable? 20:50:36 Guidance is mostly different on the techniques, e.g. how to achieve it, what should be achieved is the same; such as adding a label to images. 20:54:34 zakim, list participants 20:54:34 As of this point the attendees have been jjdg, Mick 20:54:41 rrsagent, make minutes 20:54:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/08-matf-minutes.html jjdg 20:55:22 rrsagent, bye 20:55:22 I see no action items