Meeting minutes
Agenda Review & Announcements
janina: Next call: Wed Jan. 10, 2024
… Matthew has become a member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Congrats, Matthew!
… Major step forward for accessibility in W3C.
<Roy> News
Explicit Review Requests
BBS Cryptosuite v2023 2023-12-15 2024-01-15
<Roy> - issue: w3c/
<Roy> - spec: https://
<Roy> - self-review: w3c/
<gb> Issue 102 Accessibility Self-Review for VC DI BBS (by Wind4Greg) [a11y-tracker]
<gb> Issue 69 BBS Cryptosuite v2023 2023-12-15 2024-01-15 (by Wind4Greg) [LC] [REVIEW REQUESTED] [pending]
Roy: Verifiable Credentials Working Group wants us to review their self-review until Jan. 2024.
matatk: Looked at the spec BBS Cryptosuite. It is very low level.
… Does not look like bearing accessibility issues.
matatk: Note on i18n refers to XML Schema 1.1.
janina: Makes sense. Standard date format.
PaulG: Machine-readable dates are tricky. They admit that it is human-readable because of the need for translation. Sound weird.
matatk: Need to look at this in more detail. Who can do this?
… Need this for the next meeting (Jan. 10)
janina: We might use this as a basis for improving our review template.
… Need to think about how we ask questions.
Lionel_Wolberger: Happy to take this on. Describing how to sign JSON - not sure why they picked XML Schema.
… I think we can pass this quickly. It is not a UI just because they have text.
… Crypto-magic. Selective disclosure.
matatk: Let's tell them we are looking at it and we are wondering about that date thing.
PaulG: There is an ISO format for date. Why XML Schema?
Paul: The date is there, 'The created property of the proof MUST be an [XMLSCHEMA11-2] formatted date string.'
janina: Do we have a problem with the XML spec?
PaulG: If using XML Schema, make sure that you adhere to accessibility guidelines regarding this technology.
… XSL translations can translate into anything...
matatk: I can ask them this week about this.
PaulG: One of the JSON examples has a "created" date.
matatk: It has an ISO-formatted date string.
PaulG: Canonical date is also ISO. Hash is not human-readable - fine.
… If this is not machine-to-machine, we need accessibility.
… I wonder about this statement about translated dates.
… Are they meaning changing the timezone ('Z' at the end of the datestring)?
<Dr__Keith> What is the level of granularity? Do we need to talk about the accessibility of the underlying technology (ex: how to format XML)?
PaulG: Why are they talking about human's different locales? For machines, different locales are not relevant.
matatk: Good explanations by Paul. I will sent them a comment along these lines.
Dr__Keith: Do we need to reference best practices for JSON and XML?
matatk: Often, we reference other W3C specs, e.g. in CSS. JSON is not a W3C technology. XML may not have an a11y consideration section.
Dr__Keith: The accessibility notes on XML are from 2002 - may outdated?
PaulG: We are only concerned with end users and their accessibility. Developers are not users in this sense.
janina: ATAG may become updated.
matatk: It is not our job to make the syntax neat for developers.
… Is it accessible code?
… Does this technology make it easy to make things accessible to end users?
janina: ATAG addresses both issues.
CSS Update (Paul)
PaulG: Just syntax grammar stuff.
matatk: In the ADAPT tf, we worked on: simplification, distraction, symbols, navigation.
… We pursued on the symbols.
… We are working on navigation. Please give us feedback.
… Where is CSS? Discussion in coga on trigger warnings. Trigger warnings themselves can be triggering.
… User preferences should define which triggers to show or not. Sounds like media queries.
… Coga works on a proposal on this for the CSS wg.
Actions Checkin (Specs)
PaulG: Which action did i get last week?
matatk: It is not yet in the system. Will let you know.
Task Force Summaries
matatk: Every task force should state one sentence on where they are.
<matatk> https://
Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force
The Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force will develop draft proposed guidance and techniques to make web content, content authoring, and user agent implementation accessible and more usable by people with cognitive and learning disabilities.
janina: If we edit a tf description, we should involve that tf.
(leave it as is)
WAI-Adapt Task Force
The work of WAI-Adapt Task Force enables users to use adaptive widgets and user preferences to customize their user experience. It enables content authors to provide a default design and enable user adaptation with minimal work.
janina: This description was recently modified.
(chairs need to discuss among themselves)
Research Questions Task Force
The Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) works to identify accessibility knowledge gaps and barriers in emerging and future web technologies, and to identify research findings, researchers, and research opportunities to inform and fill those gaps where possible.
(leave as is)
Spoken Presentation Task Force
The Spoken Presentation Task Force will develop normative specifications and best practices guidance collaborating with other W3C groups as appropriate, to provide for proper pronunciation in HTML content when using text to speech (TTS) synthesis.
PaulG: Collaboration should be assumed, but not so important
(leave as is)
Maturity Model Task Force
The Maturity Model Task Force is to craft an Accessibility Maturity Model (AMM) narrative and assessment tool in support of W3C standards and other related guidance, such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Accessibility Rich Internet Applications (ARIA), in consultation with the APA Working Group. Specifically, the MMTF Accessibility Maturity Model will assist organizations in building capacity to develop, and maintain, accessi[CUT]
<Dr__Keith> The Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) works to identify accessibility knowledge gaps and barriers in emerging and future web technologies, and to identify research findings, researchers, and research opportunities to inform and fill those gaps where possible. - seems words and could use a bit of refining
(leave as is)
<matatk> https://
FAST = Framework for Accessibility in the Specification of Technologies
The objective of this TF is to develop the FAST to collect user and functional needs, develop guidance to meet those needs in technologies, and work with other groups to to develop this guidance for content developers. FAST TF will also maintain the existing FAST Checklist, to support the horizontal review process.
matatk: We want to develop the checklist further in the future.
Fredrik: We should remove the second sentence - not sure what to do with the checklist
janina: We should not make this decision now.
janina: Result: Existing descriptions are good enough for current purpose.
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
(no time)
Other Business
be done
matatk: Happy holiday and new year. Thank you for your hard work and your input in APA.