18:56:54 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:56:58 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/12/19-aria-apg-irc 18:56:58 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:56:59 Meeting: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:57:19 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:57:27 CHAIR: Jemma 18:57:32 present+ 18:57:43 rrsagent, make minutes 18:57:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/19-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 18:58:10 jugglinmike has joined #aria-apg 19:01:53 Jem has joined #aria-apg 19:04:28 howard-e has joined #aria-apg 19:04:42 present+ 19:05:10 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/December-19%2C-2023-Agenda 19:05:14 present+ 19:05:24 present+ jugglinmike 19:05:54 scribe+ jugglinmike 19:06:06 Topic: Setup and Review Agenda 19:06:16 Jem: Next meeting: January 9, 2024 19:06:24 Topic: Status of Site Updates 19:06:47 howard-e: Shawn reported a build error during the deploy today. It doesn't seem related to APG itself, but we're actively investigating 19:07:12 howard-e: In the mean time, we shouldn't expect any of the changes from the agenda in the production site 19:07:29 howard-e: Alex_Flennikan and I are assisting Shawn today 19:08:41 Matt_King: If we can't resolve this, then we'll be waiting until January. I've been careful to let folks know that a deployment might not happen until 2024, but in any case, good luck! 19:09:30 Matt_King: I wonder if there's a better way to broadcast changes 19:09:52 Matt_King: We recently changed some guidance that's been in place for over five years 19:11:42 Matt_King: I wonder if I should write up a "year in review" for the W3C blog 19:12:11 present+ dmontalvo 19:12:18 dmontalvo: I think that could work 19:13:36 +1 to blog post idea to share the updates 19:14:12 Matt_King: We got a response to the feedback on naming. I was really happy to see engagement from Patrick on that 19:14:45 Jem: I also support sharing an update via a blog post (wherever we might publish it) 19:15:41 Topic: Possible select-only combobox bugs 19:15:52 Subtopic: [Select-Only Combobox] Clicking the label behaviour · Issue #2859 · w3c/aria-practices 19:16:01 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2859 19:16:08 Matt_King: This is something I can't test 19:17:07 jugglinmike: I can reproduce the reported bug 19:17:30 Matt_King: Then I'll label the GitHub issue as a bug 19:18:56 jongund has joined #aria-apg 19:19:06 present+ jongund 19:19:35 present +jongund 19:20:19 jamesn has joined #aria-apg 19:21:06 jongund: I can work on a fix 19:21:53 Subtopic: BUG Android+Talkback with simple combobox · Issue #2855 · w3c/aria-practices 19:22:05 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2855 19:25:07 Jem: I have an Android device that I can use to verify this report 19:25:46 Matt_King: Then we'll assign it to you for triage purposes. If you can verify it, then you can add a "bug" label, and we'll meet again to assign someone for a fix 19:25:51 Jem: Sounds good 19:26:04 Topic: Listbox naming guidance 19:26:15 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2856 19:26:39 Matt_King: Listbox *does* require a name in ARIA, but in a composite like a combobox, we don't require a name on the element itself. 19:26:50 Matt_King: I think this is in part an ARIA question, not just an APG question 19:27:36 jamesn: I believe there's already an issue for this 19:28:38 jamesn: Maybe I'm misremembering, though 19:28:44 Jem: Should we transfer this to ARIA, then? 19:29:11 Matt_King: We might need a separate issue for ARIA 19:30:11 Matt_King: We got some feedback on this issue, but that was back in the 1.1 combobox days when these things were separate 19:30:49 jamesn: Is it easiest to recommend a name on the listbox in this case, even though it's redundant? 19:31:02 previous issue was https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1725 19:33:01 Matt_King: I'll take this issue 19:33:33 Matt_King: I'm going to label this as an inaccuracy; I believe this is all editorial 19:34:34 Jem: this is related to issue 2290 19:35:14 Jem: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2290 19:35:23 Topic: Tab and Shift+Tab in treegrid 19:35:32 present+ Daniel 19:35:36 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2865 19:36:10 Matt_King: I'm kind of unclear about the inconsistency that has cropped up in treegrid where tab sometimes stays in the grid and other times it does not 19:36:16 q+ 19:36:30 Matt_King: I'm not really sure what we should do here because we have inconsistencies in what we do between grid and treegrid 19:36:41 Matt_King: I know there have been a variety of approaches in different implementations 19:37:19 Matt_King: There's a suggestion in tree grid that tab doesn't have just one tab stop in the grid but stops in every cell in the focused row 19:37:37 jamesn: Yes, though sometimes that behavior only occurs following an action on a specific row 19:38:05 jamesn: Subtle differences in the way these implementations work can make it tough to specify a single solution here 19:38:16 Matt_King: So should the focus go to the row or should it go out of the grid? 19:38:28 Jem: I thought that the focus should go out of the row 19:38:33 jamesn: I think it should go to the row 19:40:15 jamesn: the desired behavior appears to be implemented in the APG's example, so I think this is strictly an editorial problem 19:40:23 Matt_King: I'm labeling this as "editorial" 19:41:12 jamesn: Focus isn't reversible when you tab out of the treegrid and go back. Focus goes to the row--it doesn't go to the final cell in the row 19:42:36 jamesn: I'm actually okay with that non-reversible behavior because (due to the way the web platform works) implementing the reversible behavior would be a significant burden on authors 19:43:10 Matt_King: I can see it either way. That said, it's not directly related to the issue we're discussing right now 19:43:34 Matt_King: I will fix it 19:43:54 Topic: Escape in disclosure nav menu 19:44:02 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2830 19:44:47 Matt_King: Escape is all optional 19:45:09 Matt_King: I don't like the way we use the word "Dropdown" here. It doesn't seem like the right word in a disclosure because it sort of implies a menu 19:45:41 Matt_King: Why do we close these on blur in the disclosure? That doesn't seem right 19:46:05 Matt_King: Going back to our previous discussion, if you tab out, you should be able to tab back to where you were 19:46:43 Matt_King: This is not a menu, so tabbing is not expected to close. If you have a link, for example, and you tab away from that link, you should be able to tab back to that link. I'd be shocked if I couldn't do that 19:48:06 CoryJoseph: What the reporter is describing doesn't seem like a bug according to the definition of Disclosure Menu 19:55:28 jugglinmike: I wonder if there's a parallel with mouse users. If I hover out of the dropdown, it remains open. To the extent that the position of my cursor describes my "focus" as a mouse user, then the "close on blur" behavior seems inconsistent for keyboard users 19:56:14 jongund: It seems like when one menu opens, it should close the other menus. One reason people use menus is to reduce visual clutter 19:56:32 Matt_King: That seems reasonable to me, but you have to take an explicit action to expand the other menu 19:59:55 Matt_King: The issue that was reported appears to be editorial, but I'm having trouble understanding as written 20:00:03 Matt_King: I'll ask for clarification 20:00:30 Matt_King: There's also a potential bug here which might be a separate issue, but we'll see about that after we receive clarification 20:01:19 Zakim, end the meeting 20:01:20 As of this point the attendees have been Matt_King, howard-e, Jem, jugglinmike, dmontalvo, jongund, Daniel 20:01:22 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 20:01:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/19-aria-apg-minutes.html Zakim 20:01:30 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 20:01:30 Zakim has left #aria-apg 20:02:46 jongund has joined #aria-apg 20:14:40 jongund has joined #aria-apg 20:33:36 RRSAgent, leave 20:33:36 I see no action items