07:57:43 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 07:57:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/12/14-miniapp-irc 07:57:47 RRSAgent, make logs Public 07:57:48 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), xiaoqian 07:58:12 meeting: MiniApps WG & CG Monthly Call 07:58:21 martin has joined #miniapp 08:10:38 present+ martin, Dan_Zhou 08:10:55 topic: MiniApps Vendors' Meet-up 08:12:13 Dan: shall we write a document about how to implement the specs? 08:12:38 ... I plan to start from Addressing, then Manifest and Packaging 08:13:00 ... perhaps taking the Baidu MiniApps as an example 08:13:15 ... we should encourage the other vendors to do so 08:14:19 Martin: we can do so for Harmony OS as well 08:17:46 subtopic: agenda of the meet-up 08:18:20 martin: I have some examples of tests, we can generate the report easily 08:18:33 ... I'll present the tool and the examples in the meet-up 08:19:47 Dan: the Panel Discussions are the most challenging part 08:20:09 martin: we should start this kind of discussion as soon as possible, will be a good discussion 08:20:19 [[ 08:20:30 * Roundtable introduction + introduction to each mini program/quick application (voluntary) - all participants 08:20:30 *” MiniApp Technical Specification - Addressing" progress and follow-up work plan 08:20:30 ——Zhou Dan (Co-Chair of W3C MiniApps Working Group) 08:20:30 * ”MiniApp Technical Specification - Lifecycle" progress and follow-up work plan - An Qing (co-chairman of the W3C MiniApps Working Group) 08:20:43 * Progress and follow-up work plans of "MiniApp Technical Specification - Packaging", "MiniApp Technical Specification - Manifest" and "MiniApp Incubation Proposal - UI Component" - Martin Alvarez-Espinar (Co-Chair of the W3C MiniApps Working Group) 08:20:43 * MiniApp Technical Specification Testing - Martin Alvarez-Espinar (Co-Chair of the W3C MiniApps Working Group) 08:20:43 * Panel Discussion 1: Opportunities and Challenges of MiniApps Standard Implementation - All Participants 08:20:44 Coffee break + free discussion 08:20:44 * Panel Discussion 2: MiniApps Standard Implementation and Implementation Planning - All Participants 08:20:46 * Discussion summary 08:20:50 ]] 08:21:25 martin: I got some feedbacks from a few dev events back in July 08:21:38 ... interest from the Servo browser 08:22:04 ... good to have some browsers in the field 08:23:13 xiaoqian: which of our specs are ready for implementation? 08:23:30 Dan: Addressing is ready unless there is FO 08:23:46 martin: and most of the Manifest and the Packaging 08:24:12 ... there were feedbacks about improving security, in discussion with the TAG 08:24:33 ... Manifest is solid 08:25:47 ... there is another issue about aligning with other specs about change of names, should be resolved very quickly 08:26:09 ... also a minor issue with the id 08:26:42 ... a proposal about content security policy 08:28:26 xiaoqian: this will be a good topic for Panel Discussion 1 08:29:40 martin: otherwise, not much news on Manifest and Packaging 08:30:56 ... thinking about some mechanism to improve the security model and permission 08:31:29 ... like in the dev console 08:32:08 ... good to include other vendors' mechanism as well if there is any 08:32:39 ... UA need to consider how to prevent the potential risks 08:32:57 s/UA/UAs 08:33:34 ... using https and digital signatures 08:34:09 ... to indicate where you are downloading the resources from 08:36:03 QingAn: we received a few feedback from our product team recently, there might be changes 08:36:28 ... we may heard more details in next week's vendors' meet-up 08:37:30 Dan: could you introduce how to implement the Lifecycle spec in next week's meeting? 08:38:02 QingAn: it's challenging, because the gaps in each platform 08:38:15 Martin: it's understandable 08:39:09 ... that's why it's important to start the implementation asap 08:39:42 Dan: as for Addressing, I have closed a few issues 08:40:56 ... I've sent a CfC for the FPWD 08:42:16 martin: not much update on UIComponents 08:44:46 xiaoqian: we will send the details about the meet-up to the group later this week 08:45:04 topic: next week 08:45:29 Dan: how about 25 Jan? not sure about your Chinese New Year plans 08:45:43 martin: wfm 08:50:33 [adjourned] 08:50:44 RRSAgent, make minutes please 08:50:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/14-miniapp-minutes.html xiaoqian 08:51:19 present+ tomayac, QingAn 08:51:36 chair: Dan_Zhou 08:52:42 RRSAgent, make minutes please 08:52:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/14-miniapp-minutes.html xiaoqian 09:16:55 xiaoqian has joined #miniapp