14 December 2023


David Booth, Erich Bremer, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam, Tim Prudohomme
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept IRIs

gaurav: Emailed ITS committee about minor changes to make to UTG records for LOINC.
… Want to link directly to fhir.org
… But it needs to be approved by ITS. Meeting Wed Jan 3, 3p Eastern. I'll join.
… I'll be working next week, then out the following week. But want to get the MeSH proposal ready for them to vote on that also.
… Also want to pursue radlex, but need to check with them first.

dbooth; Contact for radlex?

rob: Look on the HTA page on confluence. They would have talked with radlex.


gaurav: URLs in their ontology are resolvable.

Issue 120 canonical URIs.


ericp: Difference bewteen options 1 and 4 is that 1 is intentional and 4 is specific.
… 4 uses proposal B.

tim: This example uses fhir:instantiatesCanonical:


rob: Must have dealt with polymorphisma on observationValue


eric: 3 ways we could do this. 1 if it's a complex type. 2. It's a primitive type with an XSD datatype, like xsd:datetime.
… 3. It's a primitive, but the xsd is a string and we need a type arc on the blank node.
… valueDateTime is already clear becuase the xsd type is in the value.

tim: Currently the fhir:Reference values of fhir:subject in the examples do not have fhir:link , so that would need to be added, right?


ericp: Yes, all the references shold have links.

This example: shows a  fhir:value [     a fhir:Quantity ;    --
… ( omplex type)

ericp: Another complex value example: Observation.valueSampleData: https://build.fhir.org/observation-example-sample-data.ttl.html
… This one is a primitive with no xsd type indicated: Observation.valueString: https://build.fhir.org/observation-example-eye-color.ttl.html
… (defaults to xsd:string in turtle)

dbooth: Need to collect these examples, itemize them, then say what we think should happen.

AGREED: Everything that points to something else in FHIR should have a link

ericp: I think that's only Reference and canonical

tim: Do we want to do the version thing in any of the links?

eric: Proposal 4b involves cutting off the version at the pipe, and putting it into a query string.

tim: Should we change those xsd:anyURI types to xsd:string?

ericp: I don't think we should try to be holier than the XML folks.

eric: New issue is how we discriminate polymorphic primitive types

rob: There's a slight different between a choice and value[x] polymorphism.

ericp: I'm guessing that, other than value[x] cases, the only places where it is polymorphic are using Reference or Canonical.


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: AGREED, dbooth, eric, gaurav, rob, tim

All speakers: AGREED, dbooth, eric, ericp, gaurav, rob, tim

Active on IRC: dbooth