17:53:46 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:53:51 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/12/14-aria-irc 17:53:51 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:53:52 Meeting: ARIA WG 17:53:57 agendabot, find agenda 17:53:57 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:53:58 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20231214T130000/ 17:53:58 clear agenda 17:53:58 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage http://tinyurl.com/3a6hhdxt 17:53:58 agenda+ -> New PR Triage http://tinyurl.com/yckkc4yk 17:54:00 agenda+ -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests 17:54:02 chair: JamesNurthen 17:54:04 agenda+ -> ACT Rule Review https://github.com/w3c/aria/discussions/2078 17:54:06 agenda+ -> Consider a mechanism to associate controls without an explicit grouping https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1721 17:54:09 agenda+ -> handling multi-selection / selection confirmation of action for menus https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2067 17:54:12 agenda+ -> aria-controls spec update https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1996 17:54:56 zakim, drop item 3 17:54:56 agendum 3, -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests, dropped 17:55:30 StefanS has joined #aria 17:57:27 Adam_Page has joined #aria 18:00:20 Francis_Storr has joined #aria 18:01:11 pkra has joined #aria 18:01:15 present+ 18:01:18 scribe: Adam_Page 18:01:21 present+ 18:01:24 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 18:01:27 present+ 18:01:38 present+ 18:01:41 present+ 18:02:37 zakim, next item 18:02:37 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage http://tinyurl.com/3a6hhdxt -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:02:49 melsumner has joined #aria 18:02:55 present+ 18:03:09 jamesn: core-aam/#215 18:03:31 ... this is probably for the Apple folks? 18:03:43 Rahim: yep, there’s internal discussion — I’ll update it 18:03:56 jamesn: aria/#2089 18:03:59 pkra: this is mine 18:04:33 jamesn: everything is meant to inherit global states and properties, so this is a bug 18:04:41 pkra: I’ll take assignment and fix it 18:05:02 jamesn: dpub-aria/#62 18:06:18 scotto has joined #aria 18:06:25 ... no need for us to discuss, let’s just leave this 18:06:46 jamesn: aria/#2087 18:07:04 pkra: spillover from editors meeting 18:07:21 present+ 18:07:28 ... let’s discuss it more in the next editors meeting 18:07:32 zakim, next item 18:07:32 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage http://tinyurl.com/yckkc4yk -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:07:44 jamesn: aria/#2090 18:08:17 scotto: needs jcraig’s review 18:08:37 jamesn: added jcraig and James Teh 18:08:43 ... other reviewers welcome 18:08:48 jamesn: aria/#2088 18:09:03 ... please review and comment 18:09:14 ... it’s still draft though 18:09:21 jamesn: aria/#214 18:09:27 ...editorial, so doesn’t need wide review 18:09:45 shigley: I worked on this, I’ll review it 18:09:59 jamesn: I’ll review as well 18:10:14 zakim, next item 18:10:14 agendum 4 -- -> ACT Rule Review https://github.com/w3c/aria/discussions/2078 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:10:40 jamesn: Wilco asked us a month ago to look at 3 ACT rules 18:10:50 ... please review and comment 18:11:17 ... they’re creating rulesets that different automated checkers can use in a more standardized way 18:11:40 ... ARIA errors won’t necessarily be a WCAG failure 18:12:40 ... these are all 1.2 based, so 1.3 might introduce some new failures until ACT is updated 18:12:40 present+ Daniel 18:12:51 q+ 18:13:03 scotto: I reviewed and approved all three 18:13:05 present+ 18:16:13 dmontalvo: we should just focus on ARIA rules and whether they disagree with the ARIA spec 18:16:18 ack dmontalvo 18:16:50 jamesn: please review and thumbs-up or comment 18:17:00 These are some lint checks we've put into Ember's linter so it's great to see these at a broader scale. :thumbsup: 18:17:00 dmontalvo: we’re trying to publish these by the end of next week 18:18:14 zakim, next item 18:18:14 agendum 5 -- -> Consider a mechanism to associate controls without an explicit grouping https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1721 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:18:32 Mario_Batusic has joined #aria 18:18:50 jamesn: why did we leave this on the agenda? 18:19:04 scotto: we mainly discussed `details/summary` 18:19:06 q+ 18:20:03 ... seemed a little weird that buttons and other controls could have aria-posinset when they‘re descendants of toolbar 18:20:15 ... wonder if we’d want to call that out 18:20:43 jamesn: I don’t see any reason why you’d need posinset for toolbars 18:20:54 ... you never need to fetch more things 18:21:07 MattKing: we use it on tabs 18:21:11 jamesn: why? 18:21:28 ... sometimes we do because the browser doesn’t calculate correctly 18:22:17 MattKing: my question on this is how do you label the group if you don’t have a grouping mechanism? 18:22:43 jamesn: yes, while HTML supports some of these — like radio buttons — is it a good idea to have discontiguous things belong to a group? 18:22:51 ... isn’t the whole concept confusing? 18:23:04 MattKing: discontiguous? 18:23:14 jamesn: radio buttons separated with text elements, for example 18:23:25 ack me 18:24:07 scotto: you could have a single-selection grid right now and you use radio buttons to allow selection of a row 18:24:21 jamesn: and that works until you have any other thing focusable in that grid 18:24:46 MattKing: why use radios in that scenario? 18:25:01 scotto: because they’re the simplest way to do single selection 18:25:34 sarah has joined #aria 18:25:42 Siri has joined #aria 18:26:20 present+ 18:26:29 sarah: when you have a control inside a grid cell that changes the selection of that cell‘s row, what control would you use? 18:26:41 MattKing: you could probably use any toggle-able control 18:26:42 regrets+ CurtBellew 18:26:45 I'd allow checkboxes but probably not radio buttons. :Shrug: 18:26:54 q+ 18:27:01 q+ 18:27:40 scotto: the reason I’d advise someone to use radio is because of desktop support and iOS row focus behavior 18:28:08 wait I think about tables and grids as different things and I'm hearing us interchange the terms 18:28:42 q+ 18:28:48 qv? 18:28:54 ack Mario_Batusic 18:29:50 Mario_Batusic: if you use radios in a grid, or textbox between radios, then you disturb the normal keyboard expectations 18:30:08 jamesn: agree 18:30:11 ack sarah 18:30:44 sarah: if you need this to work in mobile, there’s no choice but to use radio 18:31:00 ... cards are another example, where they can be single- or multi-select 18:31:06 q- 18:31:10 ... keyboard behavior is handled manually for those 18:31:26 ... and so far, that’s not been a problem — it’s semantics and selection communication that has been difficult 18:31:40 ack me 18:31:46 ... so I think this will be helpful for app-like contexts 18:32:26 MattKing: this is why I want listbox to support both single- and multi-select 18:32:57 sarah: on mobile, gridcells are not selectable 18:33:20 MattKing: there are certainly interop issues, but that shouldn’t necessarily influence the spec 18:33:32 sarah: but those interop issues are unlikely to be resolved 18:34:34 present+ 18:34:43 qv? 18:35:09 MattKing: when AT users encounter a radio group, they have an expectation to traverse them all to discover what the options are 18:35:24 ... this changes the fundamental purpose of the radio pattern 18:35:47 jamesn: I’m still concerned about the keyboard interaction 18:36:35 ... radio feels like a non-starter for these scenarios 18:37:05 ... live regions can be a workaround for poor AT support for conveying selected states, not ideal but possible 18:37:25 q+ 18:37:31 ack me 18:37:34 q+ 18:37:50 ack Mario_Batusic 18:38:51 regrets+ JuanitaGeorge 18:39:21 q- 18:39:50 q- 18:39:57 scotto: let’s table this part and finalize the first part 18:40:10 ... about posinset with toolbars 18:40:47 regrets+ CoryJoesph 18:41:01 MattKing: is there any appetite in this group for adding a single- and mult-select grid example in APG for first half of 2024? 18:41:01 regrets+ AndreaCardona 18:41:17 scotto: I think that’s a great idea 18:42:31 zakim, next item 18:42:31 agendum 6 -- -> handling multi-selection / selection confirmation of action for menus https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2067 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:43:18 scotto: listboxes right now have poor multi-select support 18:43:49 ... we talked about this with combo boxes being able to open up menus 18:44:08 ... there are use cases where you might want to select multiple things within a menu 18:44:12 ... like rich text editor 18:44:39 ... like a menu that exposes bold, italic, etc. and you want to be able to activate multiples of them without the menu closing 18:45:01 ... i.e., just keep the menu open until the user is done 18:45:23 MattKing: we distinguish between space and enter — space just activated, and enter activated-and-closed 18:45:40 ... but got feedback that it wasn’t discoverable 18:45:41 ... and from Apple, not feasible 18:45:55 ... the problem is there’s no affordance for the user “being done” 18:46:06 q+ 18:46:44 ... a good example is the assignee UI in GitHub 18:46:45 q? 18:46:55 agenda? 18:47:24 ... seems like many of these should actually be non-modal dialogs 18:47:43 ack Rahim 18:48:27 Rahim: what’s the mouse and voice control experience, to know whether something supports multi-selection, and how to close 18:48:41 ... so like MattKing said, this is really about having dedicated controls for each function 18:49:23 q+ 18:50:05 MattKing: the GitHub assignee UI does not need to be a menu; it’s really just a disclosure 18:51:19 KeithCirkel: we’re actually changing this GitHub UI to a dialog 18:51:32 ... and there will be a dedicated OK button 18:51:46 ... and mouse users won’t be able to dismiss by clicking outside 18:52:17 ... it will be a modal dialog 18:52:41 s/KeithCirkel/keithamus 18:54:44 scotto: I understand all this, and I still think there’s merit for menus to not *always* close upon selection of a menuitem 18:55:19 jamesn: any more to say on this? 18:55:40 scotto: not urgent, but please offer other ideas 18:55:42 q+ 18:56:09 If folks aren't willing to refactor their broken widgets idk if that's something this group should be taking on TBQH. Sometimes implementations are incorrect and have to be remediated, that's just part of the job of web development. 18:56:13 ack keithamus 18:56:29 ack sarah 18:57:21 sarah: this seems like a very straightforward improvement we can make for menus without diving into comboboxes and dialogs 18:57:44 MattKing: we still need a way to convey to users how the dismissal will work 18:57:52 ... keyboard experience, voice experience, etc. 18:57:58 ... that will need to be documented 18:58:07 scotto: that’s fair 18:58:33 zakim, end meeting 18:58:33 As of this point the attendees have been pkra, Adam_Page, giacomo-petri, Rahim, Francis_Storr, melsumner, scotto, Daniel, keithamus, sarah, StefanS 18:58:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 18:58:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/14-aria-minutes.html Zakim 18:58:44 I am happy to have been of service, Adam_Page; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:58:44 Zakim has left #aria 19:03:00 bkardell_ has joined #aria