XForms WG

08 December 2023


Alain, Erik, Steven

Meeting minutes

Date: 2023-12-08

Meetings over holiday period [No link]

Steven: We cancel 22 and 29 dec, back 5 Jan

control/shared/signal revised draft spec text - comments?


Steven: Any comments yet?

Alain: I'm satisfied
… I'm thinking about specific events
… particularly embedded xforms-ready

Steven: It may be that embedding forms have to wait for embedded forms to return xforms-ready before issuing its own

Erik: I need more time before I can give an OK

ACTION-2346: Think about the properties of events

crossing xforms boundaries [Erik]


Erik: Continues

Next steps [No link]

Steven: I have three tasks for myself:
… 1) A complete pass over the spec again
… 2) a review of what we have left to do
… 3) Pick up the test suite again, and fill some holes
… (And maybe 1 and 3 are good to combine)
… maybe aim for XML Prague to announce we're ready?

text direction

Alain: I have been asked about how to deal with text direction
… should we support?

ACTON: Alain summarise bi-directional text issues

ACTION: Alain summarise bi-directional text issues

ACTION: Alain to summarise bi-directional text issues


Steven: I'm doing a podcast next week on declarative techniques, and will be covering XForms a lot in it


Summary of action items

  1. Alain summarise bi-directional text issues
  2. Alain to summarise bi-directional text issues
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/R/r/

Succeeded: s/q//

Succeeded: s/L/:

Succeeded: s/my self/myself/

Succeeded: s/pss/pass/

Succeeded: s/pss/pass/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Steven

Maybe present: ACTON, Date

All speakers: ACTON, Alain, Date, Erik, Steven

Active on IRC: Steven