18:03:43 RRSAgent has joined #aria 18:03:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/12/07-aria-irc 18:03:47 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:04:18 Meeting: ARIA WG 18:04:18 meeting: ARIA WG 18:04:18 chair: ValerieYoung 18:04:18 Adam_Page has joined #aria 18:04:18 agendabot, find agenda 18:04:18 spectranaut_, OK. This may take a minute... 18:04:18 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20231207T130000/ 18:04:18 clear agenda 18:04:18 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/47UTwJm 18:04:18 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3RsFsRD 18:04:18 agenda+ -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests 18:04:18 agenda+ -> describe grouping (and naming of the group) for exclusive accordions
https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/509 18:04:18 agenda+ -> Consider a mechanism to associate controls without an explicit grouping https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1721 18:04:18 agenda+ -> handling multi-selection / selection confirmation of action for menus https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2067 18:04:18 agenda+ -> aria-controls spec update https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1996 18:05:46 giacomo-petri_ has joined #aria 18:05:48 scribe: pkra 18:05:50 present+ 18:05:52 zakim, next item 18:05:53 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/47UTwJm -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:05:55 present+ 18:06:26 present+ 18:06:30 spectranaut_: aria 2086 nested headings 18:06:43 Marcelo_Paiva has joined #aria 18:07:03 jamesn has joined #aria 18:07:08 present+ 18:07:14 present+ 18:07:23 jamesc: from a live website. they have different levels, one native, one aria heading. We just didn't know what to do. 18:07:29 present+ 18:07:36 spectranaut_: sounds like we should agenda it 18:07:44 jamesc: I wasn't even sure it's an author error. 18:07:53 jamesn: it should be. 18:08:06 scotto: html won't flag it because it won't take aria roles into account. 18:08:50 spectranaut_: milestone for 2024? 18:09:11 jamesc: more than editorial. jawsTest mentioned that nested elements are not allowed so we could match that. 18:09:45 scotto: I think both authoring guidance and if ARIA more overtly stated what it means now, then aria-in-html could drop the less normative section around this kind of thing 18:09:53 jamesn: can we salvage some of that then? 18:09:56 scotto: yeah. 2024. 18:10:11 q+ 18:10:16 spectranaut_: let's agenda it. any takers? 18:10:22 scotto: will take a look. 18:10:41 spectranaut_: aria 2085. 18:10:54 ... customize announcement of state 18:11:02 scotto: in openUI has been a proposal for a switch element. 18:11:10 ... competing proposal to HTML 18:11:15 CoryJoseph has joined #aria 18:11:26 q- 18:11:51 ... what they keep on trying to do: a switch with states on both sides (day / night or dark/light). 18:12:16 present+ 18:12:21 ... so I go to the designers and say "you'll need a label where it's clear what on/off does" 18:12:22 q+ 18:12:41 ... push back from designers that that's not natural for, e.g., a.m./p.m. 18:13:00 ... I'm not actually sure we should do it. 18:13:43 jamesn: we have opened the path towards a switch. This sounds like a radio button. 18:13:56 ack me 18:13:56 scotto: yeah, but that leads to similar discussions 18:13:58 q+ 18:14:29 jamesc: not clear if the proposal is about customizable state or a string that represents the current state of the control. 18:14:37 ... I can see jamesn's point for just a label. 18:14:57 comment: switch with two states = a checkbox, but what if the switch has 3 states (on | unselected | off)? 18:15:04 ... iOS and Mac have an API that would fit. 18:15:41 spectranaut_: if it's just about explaining why we don't do this, then 2024 milestone sounds good. 18:15:43 zakim, next item. 18:15:43 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, pkra 18:15:52 qv? 18:16:34 giacomo: just on jamesn radios. This might be due to the inconsistencies around operation. 18:16:37 ack giacomo-petri_ 18:16:39 zakim, next ietm. 18:16:39 I don't understand 'next ietm', pkra 18:16:42 zakim, next item. 18:16:42 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3RsFsRD -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:17:02 spectranaut_: 2 PRs on html-aam. 18:17:08 ... on text edit 18:17:18 ... seems like those have reviewers 18:17:59 ... this is all around the discussion about fieldset maxlength 18:18:10 ... then there's 2 PRs on DPUB ARIA. 18:18:26 ... around deprecated roles. 18:18:41 ... seems they are in a good place 18:18:55 jamesc: I'll get to the other one as well. Seems almost editorial. 18:18:59 zakim, next item 18:19:00 agendum 3 -- -> WPT Open PRs https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:19:49 https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/42769 18:19:50 spectranaut_: 42769 seems in a good place. 18:20:05 jamesc: yes, waiting for changes 18:20:06 zakim, next item 18:20:06 agendum 4 -- -> describe grouping (and naming of the group) for exclusive accordions
https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/509 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:21:19 scotto: this is due to the HTML update to allow details elements to accept name attribute 18:21:41 ... which adds functionality where only one details element will be displayed at a time. 18:22:10 ... nothing has been done to make this new functionality clear as far as accessibility APIs are concerned. 18:22:26 ... some suggestions were to imply a grouping and give that a name 18:22:38 ... but in aria it's not possible without an explicit grouping 18:22:47 ... I'm not sure naming is always necessary or even helpful. 18:23:14 ... Steve F has also taken a look and suggested it might be good if the browsers could update the mappings for summary to enumerate them. 18:23:44 ... that would avoid adding a new groupings attribute. Instead of additional groupings (section, fieldset etc). 18:23:57 ... people seem to agree they want an "x of y" announcement. 18:24:08 ... implying that if you interact with one, something will happen to the others. 18:24:23 ... and of course this just adds to the existing problems around summary/details. 18:24:38 q+ 18:24:54 ack Rahim 18:25:30 Rahim: this issue impacts [zoom connection problem at scribe] 18:26:22 scotto: there can always be groups of related controls that don't fall into clear groups. E.g., related buttons like a toolbar. There's no way to provide an "x of y" announcement (unless you use a list and have a platform that yields such output) 18:26:30 the issue impacts multiple user demographics, but conveying position within set as Scott recommended makes sense 18:27:01 q+ 18:27:02 q+ 18:27:04 ... maybe that opens up the can of worms where buttons and controls could be given position-in-set aria semantics so that they could be allowed to expose thos values. 18:27:13 ack CoryJoseph 18:27:16 (thank you, Rahim.) 18:27:38 CoryJoseph: how would naming the grouping be different from encapsulating a section and naming that section? 18:27:55 scotto: I think it comes down to what you want the container be exposed as. 18:27:59 ... they want a named group. 18:28:05 ... in HTML that would be fieldset. 18:28:30 ... the only way in HTML. (except the voldemort attribute) 18:29:07 StefanS has joined #aria 18:29:08 ... there's a note "needs to be grouped for accessibility". Then section would have to be named but then that's a landmark and that seems questionable. 18:29:12 present+ 18:29:19 CoryJoseph: and you'd lose the "x of y" aspect. 18:30:00 scotto: right. there was discussion around this. It ends up being a redundancy that you don't really need 18:30:04 CoryJoseph: groups all the way down. 18:30:26 scotto: some consensus that it wasn't always necessary. 18:30:30 ack giacomo-petri_ 18:31:06 giacomo: the idea of having this list of elements does not resolve the key point that something unexpected for the users, i.e., something unrelated collapsing. 18:31:47 jongund_ has joined #aria 18:31:52 ... two different implementations leads to the same announcements. Say, a list of buttons. But one of them would do something unexpected. 18:32:11 scotto: I think they wouldn't announce the same way. 18:32:47 ... i.e., button in list item would be announced differently from summary in list item 18:33:17 ... but I want to acknowledge that this doesn't solve the whole problem. Maybe there's more that we can do and I'm happy if we want to do that here, but it's a problem that exists everywhere. 18:33:25 ... for any collapsing items, e.g., tabpanel. 18:33:46 q+ 18:33:49 ... there's an implicit assumption that switching closes the panel but that's not explicit anywhere. 18:34:01 ack Rahim 18:34:20 Rahim: what would be the best user experience for this? 18:34:41 giacomo: I think I'd like to hear something that tells me the other elements will be collapsed. 18:34:51 q+ 18:35:02 ... the relationship is important but collapse too 18:35:12 Rahim: when entering the group or activating the item? 18:35:14 ack Marcelo_Paiva 18:35:22 giacomo: when entering the group 18:35:40 https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/accordion/ 18:35:56 Marcelo_Paiva: US design system has an accordeon compent. This has an option for keeping them open or closing them on activation of another 18:36:03 ... we have good success with that. 18:36:50 spectranaut_: there seems to be some interest in making "x of y" counting work. 18:37:28 scotto: if an aria-controls relationship was made between all elements, then perhaps AT could do something with that. 18:37:31 q+ 18:37:32 jamesn: but what would it do useful? 18:38:12 scotto: but as Giacomo said, we don't have any parity. Getting beyond "x of y" would be much more than what I had wanted. hard if no platform decided to do that. 18:38:23 q+ spectranaut_ 18:39:22 Marcelo_Paiva: seconding Scott. Some use cases from my end: helps users with cognitive disability to collapse all, avoiding walls of text. We then also have "open/collapse all" functionality to help further 18:39:30 spectranaut_: is this an HTML-only change? 18:39:49 scotto: I was hoping for implementer interest to see if this has a chance of getting done. 18:40:04 spectranaut_: we'd have to describe what to expose though 18:40:18 scotto: I'd start with calculating setsize and position. 18:40:29 ... we have that but it's scoped to certain elements. 18:40:38 ... I assume we could update the platforms to expose it. 18:41:06 s/HTML-only/HTML-AAM only/ 18:41:31 Will defer to James C. who is calling the shots, I'm just here for moral support :) 18:42:32 jamesc: I was somewhat surprised by some of the reactions. I don't have a preference how we expose this. Was there a specific proposal to consider? 18:43:22 scotto: I was looking for confirmation that there's interest. If html-aam exposes the name, then browsers would have to calculate setsize and pos-in-set. Can this property be exposed on an element that wasn't originally spec'ed to expose that. 18:43:42 jamesc: that seems possible for WebKit and I'd assume other engines are similar here. 18:43:55 ... AT should also be able to deal with that. 18:44:28 ... I wonder if non-sequential elements will be weird, producing effects across the document. 18:44:44 scotto: it wasn't discussed much. More thought of an 80/20 rule. 18:45:16 ... so treating it as not a validation problem even if it's not used well. 18:45:48 jamesc: I'd phrase it as HTML flexibility. 18:46:07 scotto: there was also discussion around keyboard control for this but that would fall outside html-aam. 18:46:30 jamesc: we already have some similar controls. 18:47:00 scotto: yeah, how to move between them 18:47:27 jamesc: right. that sounds outside the initial implementations. 18:47:45 ... but I can see how something styled like an accordion would make users expect arrow keys. 18:48:04 ... if it's more a traditional summary/details, then I wouldn't expect arrow keys 18:48:08 scotto: agree 18:48:35 ... I'll start with a change for html-aam, indicate potential places needed to change 18:48:41 zakim, next item 18:48:41 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, pkra 18:48:53 q? 18:48:54 q? 18:48:59 ack Marcelo_Paiva 18:49:01 ack spectranaut_ 18:49:04 zakim, next item 18:49:04 agendum 5 -- -> Consider a mechanism to associate controls without an explicit grouping https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1721 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:49:15 spectranaut_: ties into previous item 18:49:43 scotto: gets more into the part we discussed around radio buttons earlier 18:50:10 ... in HTML you push things inside radio groups. ARIA is a bit less clear there 18:51:06 ... I do see a use case to be able to have, e.g., controls in a toolbar, can be grouped even though they're not explicitly done. 18:51:27 spectranaut_: are there cases where the browser can do the work already? 18:52:00 scotto: e.g., the radio button example I think would require guess work from browser to know they're related. 18:52:14 ... for the toolbar, arguably anything in the toolbar would be given "x of y" 18:52:32 ... but do we always want that or do authors decide? 18:53:20 CoryJoseph: is there really a situation where we don't think authors would want that? 18:53:41 scotto: fair point. I don't know. Anecdotally, some like it and some don't. 18:53:52 CoryJoseph: but that shoulds like something left for AT 18:54:05 jamesc: don't think there's anything that prevents AT from calling out the numbering. 18:54:16 ... doesn't feel like a browser specific change 18:54:30 jamesn: but we don't expose this right now in the APIs so they don't calculate that. 18:54:59 jamesc: maybe misunderstanding. If there are five items in the toolbar, they could do that. 18:55:24 jamesn: but do they do the extra work? 18:56:10 ... for, say, menus. AAM says that browser should calculate pos-in-set etc and expose that. Should we want AT to expose more than what's exposed? Should they really look through the tree and calculate that? 18:56:44 jamesc: where the default positioning is efficient, it shouldn't need anything extra. 18:56:51 menuitem: https://w3c.github.io/core-aam/#role-map-menuitem 18:57:01 jamesc: but isn't the browser exposing those properties instead of letting AT infer it from tree? 18:57:14 jamesc: I don't think so. 18:57:24 s/jamesc: but/jamesn: but 18:57:26 s/jamesc: but/jamesn: but/ 18:57:48 spectranaut_: I don't think we expose it. 18:58:02 https://www.w3.org/TR/core-aam-1.2/#mapping_additional_position 18:58:18 scotto: from internal discussions, people felt like they'd need to update how the API works. 18:58:33 jamens: [recites spec from link] 18:58:44 s/jamens/jamesn/ 18:59:35 jamesc: we can hopefully make that testable in WPT eventually. I don't think it's a real problem for AT. 18:59:57 jamesn: I just don't know how they all work to say 19:00:19 scotto: thinking specifically about toolbar. it's less clear than say menu or list. 19:00:31 jamesn: and then you might have radio buttons in a toolbar. 19:01:30 jamesc: way back when, there was discussions around toolbar. major UI difference between windows, mac, linux. 19:01:37 spectranaut_: at the hour. let's continue 19:02:04 zakim, end meeting 19:02:04 As of this point the attendees have been Adam_Page, giacomo-petri_, scotto, Rahim, Marcelo_Paiva, keithamus, CurtBellew, StefanS 19:02:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 19:02:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/07-aria-minutes.html Zakim 19:02:15 I am happy to have been of service, pkra; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:02:15 Zakim has left #aria 19:02:45 Adam_Page has joined #aria 19:04:28 bkardell_ has joined #aria 19:04:34 jongund_ has joined #aria 19:48:25 jongund_ has joined #aria 20:05:52 jongund_ has joined #aria 20:08:08 jongund__ has joined #aria 21:07:40 jongund_ has joined #aria 21:51:24 jongund_ has joined #aria 21:58:38 jongund_ has joined #aria 22:09:24 jongund__ has joined #aria 22:51:37 jongund_ has joined #aria 23:16:47 jongund__ has joined #aria