15:00:11 RRSAgent has joined #epub-fxl 15:00:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/12/04-epub-fxl-irc 15:00:15 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:00:16 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), gpellegrino 15:01:06 meeting: FXL TF, 4 Dec 2023 15:01:06 gautierchomel has joined #epub-fxl 15:01:25 present+ 15:01:31 CharlesL2 has joined #epub-fxl 15:01:46 present+ 15:02:41 SimonPRH has joined #epub-fxl 15:02:49 present+ 15:02:58 present§ 15:03:03 present+ 15:03:07 JonasLillqvist has joined #epub-fxl 15:03:36 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Minute_Taking_Tips 15:03:45 Scribe+ 15:04:01 CircularKen has joined #epub-fxl 15:04:24 present+ 15:05:11 First item in agenda to discuss content of current document. Has not been updated yet. Waiting for Wendy. Would like to recap last weeks discussion 15:05:46 If time discussion of switiching ot reflowable and reversable 15:06:07 * What level of WCAG to base the document on? 15:06:46 Hadrien has joined #epub-fxl 15:06:51 on last call we agreed to base document on WCAG level A and all the criteria from AA that is possible 15:06:53 present+ 15:06:55 * Reorganize the whole document based on the WCAG Success Criteria? 15:07:29 tzviya has joined #epub-fxl 15:08:13 We agreed to reorganize doc based on groups of success criteria. Starting with these groups and adding what is tricky in FXL and maybe having index at end 15:08:30 * Find a way to indicate how difficult it may be for an EPUB Creator without extensive code knowledge to be able to satisfy a Success Criteria? 15:08:38 jgriggs_prh has joined #epub-fxl 15:09:13 present+ 15:09:25 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_2.x_Priority_levels_discussion 15:09:36 We had some discussion, but did not arrive to resolution. To integrate it with outside supplier is tricky and this is hard to express. There is a doc linked about where similar work was done 15:10:25 This includes information if it is easy or not. Easy is something that can be done without too much effort. out of Success criteria that includes 40 hours of training 15:10:27 * Reinsert a section on font-face choices? 15:11:19 We agreed that this should not adjust to one font face to another, but maybe include info on how font-face influences readablitiy. and a note about how to embed font faces 15:11:39 * Is the use of multiple spans disruptive to assistive technologies? 15:12:09 q+ 15:13:09 Charles reached out to eline reader. It is not disruptive to TTS. Clean code practice is still best practice. It can impact re-sizing font and font can overlap when resized 15:13:12 ack Hadrien 15:14:07 Hadrien: found example of organization makes FXL to reflowable. Found another example. When you have FXL and you have a side panel that displays extracted text similar to reflowable 15:14:55 @hadrien can you spell or provide a link please to that frenhc compnay 15:15:09 We should consider inviting companies to explain how they do this and why. It is a bit outside of what we do, but could be beneficial 15:15:13 storyplayr.com 15:16:25 thanks (my internet connection is patchy today, sorry) 15:16:31 https://www.storyplayr.com/en/histoire/hansel-et-gretel/playr?p=1 15:16:43 Hadrien: Mobidys is in interactive epub, not sure about Storyplayr. Believes it is feasible with normal EOUB. Using epub with media overlays. 15:16:46 q? 15:17:35 Gregorio: looks similar to apporach to PDF. There is spec for standardization of PDF and some rules can me changes to reflowable. 15:18:56 does it depend on reading order ste in FXL? 15:18:58 Hardien: Readium does the same. Also works for Alt-text. It has been available sometime on mobile and reading web. Going to be stable soon. It is same code we use for TTS and works best with reflowable. Use for reflowable PDF and FXL 15:19:08 *set* 15:19:36 q? 15:20:26 Hadrien: Reading Order is extremely important and surrounding tags is also important. 15:21:27 q? 15:21:35 Hadrien: in this case it is closer to screenreader than OCR approach. 15:22:33 Gregorio: Thinking htis approach is helpful for HTML FXL and may need some changes for SVGs and wont work for roster images (eg PDF) OCR approach may work as a starting point for those 15:23:32 q+ 15:23:38 ack Hadrien 15:23:41 Gregorio: user can read the same content or see the same content in FXL layout and reflowable in all adaptations. Tricky part is if user wants to use a note or highlight this would be difficult to sync. Even only in read mode it would be a great step forward 15:25:04 Hadrien: not necessiarliy impossible to do. The way it is done in Readium it is possible, not perfect. 15:25:54 q+ 15:25:56 Gregorio: storyplayr example with one side is book and one side is the reflowable that you can change 15:26:12 q+ 15:26:26 Ken: thinks is it good, but is is worried about how the code is arranged. 15:26:26 ack CircularKen 15:27:36 Ken: whenever you see a demo as shown, it is a demo document created. We need other examples to test it properly. Does like the idea, and has suggested for some time. It is mainly getting the document in order. 15:28:16 q? 15:28:18 Gregorio: has included Ken's request to highlight this important. 15:28:20 ack Hadrien 15:29:15 Hadrien: this is not a demo. it is a production website with a few thousand books to sell. It does mean they curated the content. But will well documented accessibility metadata you can easily select a good text. 15:30:41 q? 15:31:08 Hadrien: imagine reading environment with proper a11y metadata is set then the readr knows they can use these readers. General comment, FXL is not compatiable with reflowable. Not possible to transfer FXL into something it is not, but is option to do side by side, panel by panel, or a equivilant option. 15:31:33 q? 15:31:34 Hadrien: media-overlay is similar to this idea. Both options will be necessary to help solve FXL issue 15:33:28 Jonas: comment on document. Noticed in paragraph 2.1 Consideratsions for FXL development. The doc does not go into SVG on the document side, only more on reading system part. Either edit paragraph, or go into more about different ways to build content 15:35:01 q? 15:35:10 Gregorio: That sentence in question was written in begining, moved HTML code into another doc, agreed this sentence is not addressed. We should better write about other techniques (SVG and roster images in spin). Should include what is achievable based on what technique creater uses 15:35:39 Jonas: in FInland, HMTL doc in spin but only image on page. 15:35:50 q? 15:35:53 Gregorio: Hadrien has mentioned the same thing 15:37:48 q? 15:39:13 zakim, end meeting 15:39:13 As of this point the attendees have been gpellegrino, CharlesL, SimonPRH, gautierchomel, CircularKen, Hadrien, jgriggs_prh 15:39:15 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:39:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/04-epub-fxl-minutes.html Zakim 15:39:24 I am happy to have been of service, gpellegrino; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:39:24 Zakim has left #epub-fxl 15:39:27 rrsagent, make logs public 15:39:44 rrsagent, bye 15:39:44 I see no action items