30 November 2023


Allen Flynn, David Booth, Erich Bremer, EricP, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam, Tim Prudhomme

Meeting minutes

Drug ID ontology

DBooth: Will follow up with Heiner about scheduling this

Turtle examples

tim: Sent PR and mentioned it zulip.

eric: That will allow us to test shex better.

ACTION: tim to ping grahame on zulip

tim: the other changes i have add things that make it easier to gen all the exapmles without genning the entire FHIR spec.

tim: "I made some progress towards adding extra unit tests for generating examples tmprd/org.hl7.fhir.core#1 "

eric: Could put them on github so I can grab them.
… I'll give you permission to put in in fhircat repo


dbooth: Will these changes fix all known issues in the Turtle examples?

tim: Fixes missing datatype annotations, duplication of root properties. I loaded a lot of these w protege and it told me a lot were not correct. Also there was an issue w URLs having bad chars.
… Some have a vertical bar in them.

tim: Current fixes lined up HL7/kindling#148


eric: Does FHIR protocal accept accepts the percent-encoded vertical bar in a request?

rob; Depends on how the operation is defined.
… If' it's looking for a URI you have to strip it out.

eric: canonical: http://example.org/fhir/questionnaire/patient-intake|1

encoded: http://example.org/fhir/questionnaire/patient-intake%7C1

REST API: http://example.org/fhir/questionnaire/patient-intake?version=1

ACTION: Eric to follow up on the zulip thread

Imaging metadata

erich: Also similar to features pulled from deep learning pipelines. How far does FHIR go to having vocab to describe them?
… Geo groups say it doesn't need to be limited to geo.
… Dicom has a lot of vocab for radiology images, and now has pathol vocab. Recently added annotation capabilities. But there's no official RDF casting to it.
… Which group handles this, and how do i connect it to FHIR RDF data?

rob: in RDF, no clear answer. Between imaging WG and FHIR infra and this group, we'll need to figure it out. Not sure anybody's explored it.

erich: Can do demo in a few weeks.

tim: Have you seen the imaging study resource, and how it connects to DICOM?

erich: Not yet.


erich: Some casting from DICOM to RDF have been done, but nothing official. Seems like an opportunity.

dbooth: identified others with similar interest?

erich: OMOP group is interested, but again no official RDF casting.

eric: Where do you want to go?

erich: Based on problems I need to solve.
… Want to base it on standard where possible.

eric: if you ask how to connect to external resources, the FHIR folks will say "let's make FHIR resources for it"
… There's bound to be a boundary on that. Better to have DICOM on the inside or the outside of that boundary?

eric: There will be a swat4ls conference in a couple months. Scott Marshall will be there. Maybe get together there? Maybe push the DICOM people to annoint?

eric: Seems like we need an annointed DICOM RDF

ACTION: EricP to ping Scott Marshall about DICOM RDF

tim: Laterality refers to DICOM. Maybe make an extension of the ImagingStudy resource?

eric: If we already know how to connect the two ontologies, then in theory we can do what we need. FHIR Extensions are not very friendly to RDF use.


Summary of action items

  1. tim to ping grahame on zulip
  2. Eric to follow up on the zulip thread
  3. EricP to ping Scott Marshall about DICOM RDF
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/scheculing/scheduling/

Succeeded: s/Topic: Turtle example/Topic: Turtle examples

Succeeded: s/tim "I made/tim: "I made

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: DBooth, encoded, eric, erich, rob, tim

All speakers: DBooth, encoded, eric, erich, rob, tim

Active on IRC: dbooth