15:59:59 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 16:00:04 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/30-hcls-irc 16:00:04 rrsagent, make logs public 16:03:34 Topic: Drug ID ontology 16:03:56 DBooth: Will follow up with Heiner about scheculing this 16:06:40 Topic: Turtle example 16:07:53 tim: Sent PR and mentioned it zulip. 16:08:09 eric: That will allow us to test shex better. 16:08:31 ACTION: tim to ping grahame on zulip 16:08:55 tim: the other changes i have add things that make it easier to gen all the exapmles without genning the entire FHIR spec. 16:09:10 tim "I made some progress towards adding extra unit tests for generating examples https://github.com/tmprd/org.hl7.fhir.core/pull/1 " 16:09:26 eric: Could put them on github so I can grab them. 16:09:58 ... I'll give you permission to put in in fhircat repo 16:10:14 http://github.com/fhircat/ShExValidation 16:12:10 dbooth: Will these changes fix all known issues in the Turtle examples? 16:13:36 tim: Fixes missing datatype annotations, duplication of root properties. I loaded a lot of these w protege and it told me a lot were not correct. Also there was an issue w URLs having bad chars. 16:14:14 ... Some have a vertical bar in them. 16:15:59 tim: Current fixes lined up https://github.com/HL7/kindling/pull/148 16:16:19 ... https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/120 16:18:53 https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179177-conformance/topic/syntax.20of.20Reference.2Ereference.20with.20version 16:19:39 eric: Does FHIR protocal accept accepts the percent-encoded vertical bar in a request? 16:21:28 rob; Depends on how the operation is defined. 16:21:46 ... If' it's looking for a URI you have to strip it out. 16:29:13 eric: canonical: http://example.org/fhir/questionnaire/patient-intake|1 16:29:13 encoded: http://example.org/fhir/questionnaire/patient-intake%7C1 16:29:13 REST API: http://example.org/fhir/questionnaire/patient-intake?version=1 16:31:47 ACTION: Eric to follow up on the zulip thread 16:33:11 Topic: Imaging metadata 16:33:41 erich: Also similar to features pulled from deep learning pipelines. How far does FHIR go to having vocab to describe them? 16:33:57 ... Geo groups say it doesn't need to be limited to geo. 16:34:59 ... Dicom has a lot of vocab for radiology images, and now has pathol vocab. Recently added annotation capabilities. But there's no official RDF casting to it. 16:35:27 ... Which group handles this, and how do i connect it to FHIR RDF data? 16:36:04 rob: in RDF, no clear answer. Between imaging WG and FHIR infra and this group, we'll need to figure it out. Not sure anybody's explored it. 16:36:22 erich: Can do demo in a few weeks. 16:37:09 tim: Have you seen the imaging study resource, and how it connects to DICOM? 16:37:15 erich: Not yet. 16:37:54 https://www.hl7.org/fhir/imagingstudy.html 16:38:29 erich: Some casting from DICOM to RDF have been done, but nothing official. Seems like an opportunity. 16:38:51 dbooth: identified others with similar interest? 16:39:08 erich: OMOP group is interested, but again no official RDF casting. 16:39:49 eric: Where do you want to go? 16:40:16 erich: Based on problems I need to solve. 16:40:48 .. Want to base it on standard where possible. 16:41:54 eric: if you ask how to connect to external resources, the FHIR folks will say "let's make FHIR resources for it" 16:42:19 ... There's bound to be a boundary on that. Better to have DICOM on the inside or the outside of that boundary? 16:46:46 eric: There will be a swat4ls conference in a couple months. Scott Marshall will be there. Maybe get together there? Maybe push the DICOM people to annoint? 16:48:51 eric: Seems like we need an annointed DICOM RDF 16:49:24 ACTION: EricP to ping Scott Marshall about DICOM RDF 16:50:11 tim: Laterality refers to DICOM. Maybe make an extension of the ImagingStudy resource? 16:51:00 eric: If we already know how to connect the two ontologies, then in theory we can do what we need. FHIR Extensions are not very friendly to RDF use. 16:56:59 ADJOURNED 16:57:23 Present: Erich Bremer, Tim Prudhomme, EricP, Rob Hausam, Jim Balhoff, David Booth 16:57:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:57:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/30-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:00:57 TallTed has joined #hcls 17:14:36 Present+ Allen Flynn 17:14:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:14:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/30-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:33:15 s/scheculing/scheduling/ 17:33:35 s/Topic: Turtle example/Topic: Turtle examples 17:34:27 s/tim "I made/tim: "I made 18:53:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:53:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/30-hcls-minutes.html dbooth