13:50:03 RRSAgent has joined #apa 13:50:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/29-apa-irc 13:50:08 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:50:09 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), janina 13:50:23 Meeting: APA Weekly Teleconference 13:50:29 Date: 29 Nov 2023 13:50:31 Chair: Janina 13:50:31 agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements 13:50:31 agenda+ New Charters Review https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22 13:50:35 agenda+ A11y Review Comment Tracker https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review 13:50:38 agenda+ Explicit Review Requests https://github.com/w3c/a11y-request/issues 13:50:40 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 13:50:43 agenda+ CSS Update (Paul) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues 13:50:45 agenda+ Compute Pressure AC Draft https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2023Nov/0012.html 13:50:48 agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs) https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/open 13:50:51 agenda+ Task Force & Deliverables Updates 13:50:53 agenda+ Other Business 13:50:56 agenda+ be done 13:51:23 /join #rqtf 14:04:10 kirkwood has joined #APA 14:12:57 Roy has joined #apa 14:52:03 Fazio has joined #APA 14:55:49 Roy has joined #apa 14:57:53 matatk has joined #apa 15:02:20 mike_begaenyi has joined #apa 15:03:40 kirkwood has joined #APA 15:03:41 agenda? 15:04:02 Leandro has joined #APA 15:04:45 present+ 15:04:45 present+ 15:04:48 scribe+ 15:04:48 present+ 15:04:50 present+ 15:04:53 present+ 15:05:23 zakim, drop item 2 15:05:24 agendum 2, New Charters Review https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22, dropped 15:05:25 zakim, drop item 3 15:05:25 agendum 3, A11y Review Comment Tracker https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review, dropped 15:05:27 zakim, drop item 4 15:05:28 agendum 4, Explicit Review Requests https://github.com/w3c/a11y-request/issues, dropped 15:05:29 zakim, drop item 5 15:05:29 agendum 5, new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html, dropped 15:05:31 agenda? 15:05:42 scribe+ 15:06:13 zakim, next item 15:06:13 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from janina] 15:06:18 zakim, who's here? 15:06:19 Present: mike_begaenyi, matatk, janina, Roy, Fazio 15:06:20 On IRC I see Leandro, kirkwood, mike_begaenyi, matatk, Roy, Fazio, RRSAgent, Zakim, duga, janina, slightlyoff, gb, joraboi445, M2cshkpcgrp, sonicscrewdriver, gonzu_15, imlostlmao, 15:06:20 ... Rachael, cwilso, tink, ada, jcraig, agendabot 15:06:57 janina: Welcome Leandro! We are very glad to have you in the group, and on the call. 15:07:01 *introductions* 15:07:37 present+ 15:09:55 paul sent regrets 15:10:07 regrets+ PaulG 15:10:14 rrsagent, make minutes 15:10:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/29-apa-minutes.html matatk 15:10:31 zakim, drop item 6 15:10:31 agendum 6, CSS Update (Paul) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues, dropped 15:11:52 janina: Reminder that we will meet on the 20th of December (but not the 2 weeks after). 15:12:08 Fazio: Maturity Model TF will mirror APA's schedule. 15:12:18 janina: Great work there - final draft some time next year. 15:12:23 zakim, next item 15:12:23 agendum 7 -- Compute Pressure AC Draft https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2023Nov/0012.html -- taken up [from janina] 15:15:20 SintayewGashaw has joined #apa 15:17:39 matatk: accessibility considerations, API spec - affects a11y, positive effects possible, rather than harmful 15:18:14 q+ to suggest RTC should first block video, but not audio on packet overload 15:18:38 matatk: RTC - use case, streaming video, decisions need to be good for a11y. Ex - high load, need to drop stream, don't drop captioned stream 15:19:25 matatk: pin streams that are accessible, doesn't leak personal info, just notifies system 15:20:05 matatk: UI needs to be accessible, graphical load info needs to be more than just color coded 15:20:24 matatk: High load warning, neds to be accessible alert 15:20:45 q? 15:20:59 matatk: CFC for 1 week needs to go out. Any show stopper feredback 15:21:04 feedback 15:22:27 matatk: provide resources 15:22:42 q+ 15:23:09 How To Make Content Usable Doc 15:23:25 WCAG 2.1 has SC's to cover this 15:24:20 ack ja 15:24:20 janina, you wanted to suggest RTC should first block video, but not audio on packet overload 15:24:21 +1 janina 15:25:06 accessibility features 15:25:47 Preserve a11y 15:26:18 media queries can be used 15:30:22 Is this an a11y issue or a common sense issue? 15:30:38 janina: it's sociologically a11y 15:31:41 matatk: cause of problem lack of packets, or CPU power? 15:33:18 scribe+ matatk 15:33:21 q? 15:34:13 Fazio: we need to define accessibility in the context of the spec 15:34:29 +1 janina 15:34:36 Fazio: +1 to adding the example of dropping video before audio 15:34:44 mike_begaenyi: +1 also 15:36:27 +1 15:36:28 matatk: add this new example then send out CFC 15:37:20 janina: RTC agent may need tweak to have video no audio 15:37:39 media queries 15:38:38 matatk: API just CPU load not network conditions, not just for video streaming 15:39:03 It's a compound effect 15:39:10 Q+ 15:39:13 q+ 15:39:30 ack df 15:39:35 ack faz 15:39:46 Fredrik has joined #apa 15:39:49 present+ 15:40:42 notification alert is needed 15:41:22 q+ 15:42:12 q? 15:42:17 ack lea 15:43:11 ack faz 15:43:29 Fazio: These are effects that haven't been considered, so they should update the spec or refer to other specs that are related. 15:43:43 Fazio: Notifications would be needed if the video drops, as Leandro mentioned. 15:44:47 matatk: this spec may not be appropriate 15:45:16 matatk: focus on dropping video streams doesn't seem related enough 15:45:42 q+ 15:45:58 too much focus on video example, concerned we will overwhelm them 15:46:29 matatk: what is missing from comment? 15:47:26 janina: convinced that RTC comments are accurate. Compute pressure, intelligent resource management 15:47:50 janina: intelligent resource management is different for different examples 15:48:10 case and point preserve a11y resources at all costs - Fazio 15:48:52 =1 janina 15:48:53 Fazio: +1 to janina - preserve a11y 15:50:45 matatk: for games - 4D, mobile low power, simplify assets necessary, low resolution assets could take over - non a11y example 15:51:47 matatk: submit comment now, update later 15:52:43 Fazio: Content Usable covers some of this stuff (as does WCAG) 15:55:17 Every AUR on the hour. 15:56:02 rrsagent, make minutes 15:56:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/29-apa-minutes.html matatk 15:56:33 zakim, end meeting 15:56:33 As of this point the attendees have been mike_begaenyi, matatk, janina, Roy, Fazio, Leandro, Fredrik 15:56:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:56:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/29-apa-minutes.html Zakim 15:56:41 I am happy to have been of service, matatk; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:56:43 Zakim has left #apa 16:22:41 duga has joined #apa 17:21:52 kirkwood has joined #APA 17:59:45 duga has joined #apa 18:24:57 kirkwood has joined #APA 19:44:29 kirkwood has joined #APA 20:59:08 kirkwood has joined #APA 21:37:41 kirkwood has joined #APA