11:50:58 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 11:51:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/23-miniapp-irc 11:51:02 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:51:33 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), xiaoqian 11:51:33 martin has joined #miniapp 11:51:33 meeting: MiniApps WG & CG Monthly TeleConf 11:51:36 chair: martin 11:51:39 scribe: xiaoqian 11:51:54 agenda? 11:52:30 agenda+ Practical info 11:52:39 agenda+ MiniApp WG Re-charter 11:52:48 agenda+ Lifecycle - (open issues) 11:52:55 agenda+ Manifest 11:53:05 agenda+ Packaging - security improvements 11:53:11 agenda+ Addressing 11:53:18 agenda+ Widget 11:53:25 agenda+ Community Group updates in the charter 11:53:29 agenda+ AOB 12:01:34 present+ xiaoqian, martin, DanZhou 12:04:55 zakim, take up next item 12:04:55 agendum 1 -- Practical info -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:05:53 martin: news, Zitao moved to another department, so I'll take over his role 12:06:41 ... we are expecting more support soon 12:10:34 zakim, close this item 12:10:34 agendum 1 closed 12:10:35 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:10:35 2. MiniApp WG Re-charter [from xiaoqian] 12:10:38 zakim, take up next item 12:10:38 agendum 2 -- MiniApp WG Re-charter -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:11:21 the 2023 charter -> https://www.w3.org/2023/10/miniapps-wg-charter.html 12:12:05 martin: the new charter is approved, some changes in the scope and deliverables 12:12:14 xiaoqian: members need to rejoin 12:12:36 Dan: sure, we will rejoin 12:12:57 zakim, close this item 12:12:57 agendum 2 closed 12:12:58 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:12:58 3. Lifecycle - (open issues) [from xiaoqian] 12:13:03 zakim, take up next item 12:13:03 agendum 3 -- Lifecycle - (open issues) -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:13:14 martin: regrets from AnQing 12:14:04 ... not much update 12:14:17 xiaoqian: we are hiring a new Web Sec expert 12:14:42 ... perhaps it's worthy to wait for 1-2 month to get a proper review before moving to CR 12:15:02 ... QingAn already finished the Sec & Privacy questionaire 12:15:08 zakim, close this item 12:15:08 agendum 3 closed 12:15:09 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:15:09 4. Manifest [from xiaoqian] 12:15:14 zakim, take up next item 12:15:14 agendum 4 -- Manifest -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:15:26 martin: thank you for reviewing my pull request 12:15:48 ... another issue, suggested by tomayac 12:15:54 ... about Permission 12:16:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/miniapp-manifest/issues/57 12:17:18 ... to align "req_permissions" 12:17:36 ... I put here a proposal 12:17:57 ... in the current spec, we don't recommend another solution 12:18:16 ... in the new proposal, we can include some new terms 12:18:41 ... please let me know if you have comments after discussing with your colleagues 12:18:57 DanZhou: is this a similar spec in W3C? 12:19:18 martin: yes, this comes from a few WGs 12:19:33 ... f.ex, Geolocation API comes from the DAS WG 12:20:09 DanZhou: is there any declaration in WebApps? 12:20:34 martin: yes, it's under discussion, I attended a meeting during TPAC 12:20:44 ... about Isolation WebApps 12:21:01 ... not sure if there is any conclusion 12:21:38 DanZhou: this is new to MiniApps, our current implementation is quite different 12:21:58 ... so quite a change 12:22:18 martin: it's included in the existing document, it's optional 12:22:30 ... it's not a major concern 12:22:58 DanZhou: I can see the pos and cons 12:23:22 s/pos/pros 12:23:49 ... it worths further discussion 12:24:09 martin: please open a new issue, I'd be glad to follow up 12:24:17 zakim, close this item 12:24:17 agendum 4 closed 12:24:18 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:24:18 5. Packaging - security improvements [from xiaoqian] 12:24:21 zakim, take up next item 12:24:21 agendum 5 -- Packaging - security improvements -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:24:53 martin: I already shared with you the proposed solution for the TAG feedback 12:25:05 ... would like to continue the discussion with the TAG 12:25:15 ... they asked for more examples and use cases 12:25:34 ... this is something I tried to summary the situation 12:26:33 ... please comment on this issue, and let me know if there is anything else we should do 12:28:10 DanZhou: I'll need more time to review the change 12:29:09 xiaoqian: we can also call for comments in the Dev community 12:29:53 martin: yes, please do, security is important for the MiniApps specs 12:30:10 zakim, close this item 12:30:10 agendum 5 closed 12:30:11 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:30:11 6. Addressing [from xiaoqian] 12:30:15 zakim, take up next item 12:30:15 agendum 6 -- Addressing -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:30:33 DanZhou: I saw you already approved the PR, so I merged it 12:30:53 martin: great, only editorial comments 12:31:01 DanZhou: thank you! 12:31:44 ... #9 can be closed already we merged the PR 12:32:00 ... same as #12 12:34:05 action: xiaoqian to work with martin and Dan to move Addressing to FPWD 12:35:08 zakim, close this item 12:35:08 agendum 6 closed 12:35:09 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:35:09 7. Widget [from xiaoqian] 12:35:28 zakim, next item 12:35:28 agendum 7 -- Widget -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:35:51 martin: I'll see if there is some similar proposals internally 12:35:58 zakim, close this item 12:35:58 agendum 7 closed 12:35:59 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 12:35:59 8. Community Group updates in the charter [from xiaoqian] 12:36:05 zakim, next item 12:36:05 agendum 8 -- Community Group updates in the charter -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:36:26 martin: xfq suggested we update the CG charter with the WG charter 12:36:51 ... I've a pull request to include some minor changes 12:37:20 ... the most important change is to include the components and the IOT proposals 12:38:10 ... please check the diffs 12:40:51 zakim, close this item 12:40:51 agendum 8 closed 12:40:52 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 12:40:52 9. AOB [from xiaoqian] 12:41:01 zakim, take up next item 12:41:01 agendum 9 -- AOB -- taken up [from xiaoqian] 12:42:30 next meeting, 14 Dec, chair will be DanZhou 12:43:28 [adjourned] 12:43:35 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:43:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/23-miniapp-minutes.html xiaoqian