22 November 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Dogan_Fennibay, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Klaus_Hartke, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Ege, Koster
kaz, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Nov-15

Ege: Already reviewed and sent to the mailinglist

Kaz: We also need to review the TPAC coordination call

<kaz> Nov-2 TD coordination call

Ege: We can also approve this one with a small change

TD Call slot

Ege: I sent an email and a doodle and received feedback

Ege: We'll use the new slots from the next year

<kaz> Doodle

Ege: I contacted people that shown interest to join the call in the future

Ege: The current slot is good for almost everybody

Luca: If it needs be it is fine for me as well

TD 1.1 Publication

Ege: Kaz already did a first pass using the Pubrules checker there aren't any errors but still need a change log section

Kaz: I can create a Transition Request for REC right after this update is applied.

<Ege> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/publication/ver11/7-rec/diff

Ege: <goes over the diff.html diff from Proposed REC>

Ege: is there anything more to add or amed?

Kaz: Did you edit index.html and then generate the other?

Ege: Yes

Kaz: note that I'll update the pubdate of Arch and Discovery within the TD spec as I mentioned during the main call.

Binding Templates

<Ege> ack k


PR 318 - Draft: BACnet protocol binding improvements

Dogan: I fixed discrepancies between http and ttl

Dogan: I doublechecked BACnet and removed covPeriod since it cannot be influenced by the TD

<patch reviewed, comments noted in the PR>


<kaz> Web of Things (WoT) BACnet Binding Template - 4.1 URI Syntax

Dogan: Why using bacv instead of bacnet as prefix?

Ege: It was suggested by the Manu Sporny, to avoid confusion between the schemas and the prefix

Dogan: Can we update the main document to link to this protocol binding?

<dape> w3c/wot-thing-description#443

Ege: Yes for now, in future we'll have a more structured process

Cristiano: The modbus protocol binding needs to be updated to match

<kaz> Issue 120 - Binding Prefixes - closed

<kaz> Issue 119 - Modbus Prefix - comment added

Dogan: I'll prepare the PR to link to the main document and doublecheck the prefix

Modbus Type

PR 161 - Well-know Media Types content paremeters

(kind of long discussion)

Ege: protocol specific?

Cristiano: yeah
… content-type approach

Luca: confirm we should not use the content-type here

Cristiano: true
… but still need some discussion
… may be some corner cases
… the information is inside of the content-type

   // ... other fields
   "content-type": 'text/plain;charset=UTF-16LE'
   "endianness"=BE // <--  what does it mean? we should not allow BE here.

Luca: if we want to add something customized, would get problems
… should look into where to put what

Cristiano: very low-structured data

Ege: Modbus uses binary stream, and endian to be specified

Luca: how to interpret the data?

Cristiano: three-step approach?

Kaz: think this is a bigger problem for WoT about how to deal with binary stream data
… should not directly dive into Modbus sensor data quickly
… it's kind of like regenerating the mechanism like pack function from Perl or Python

Cristiano: should have some generic framework
… because the binary data may possibly be some media stream data

Ege: would like to close this PR without merging

Cristiano: agree


Issue 293

Issue 293 - [Modbus-binding] type conversion based on byte and word order

specifically Sebastian's comment including a list of bit order variations

Ege: this is a list of existing variations
… Siemens' SayWoT has three variations

modbus:type (string): integer/int, uint, boolean, number/float, string
modbus:wordOrder (string): "HighWordFirst", HighWordFirst, LowWordFirst
modbus:endian (string): "bigendian", "bigendian", "littleendian"

Ege: if we go for this direction, there is some library
… we need to make decision

Kaz: not sure if this discussion is really included in the scope of the WoT binding templates, because we're diving into the discussion about how to convert binary stream data (e.g., Modbus sensor data via Modbus protocol) to HTTP response.

Daniel: 3-term approach seems to make sense

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to the 3 term approach would require to specify what combination is not allowed

Luca: the binding protocol for modbus has to support the protocol as it is defined, modbus-rtu is a wire protocol and modbus-tcp is a defined serialization of that in TCP

Kaz: I still have difficulty with this discussion
… If Siemens' sayWoT uses only those three parameters (modbus:type, modbus: wordOrder, modbus:endian to handle Modbus data), we can't tell if that mechanism is really enough for all the possible use cases. So we should clarify possible data variations for Modbus systems in general, e.g., possible message frames using both ASCII mode and RTU mode with potential history management (e.g., 100 frames per sec or per hour)
… that's why I suggested we clarify some more Use Cases for Modbus binding

Luca: we can't fit all the possible variations. just can fit integer/float
… so this would confuse people who have not used Modbus data
… we need to clarify the mechanism step by step
… also what to be handled by what
… we're solving interoperability issues
… Modbus world is very different from ordinary HTTP world

<luca_barbato> https://docs.rs/tokio-modbus

<luca_barbato> https://docs.rs/modbus/latest/modbus/

TD Next



Ege: (shows the MD)
… there is a pullrequest

wot PR 1158 - Reorganization of TD Work Items as Separate Documents

Ege: splitting the content into several sub documents based on the bigger categories of the work items
… would make the document nicer




wot PR 1150 - Expand analysis of "Custom Registry Mechanism Registries"

rendered version

Jan: (goes through the MD)

Ege: much nicer now
… for example, good point about media source registry
… also "first come, first serve" policy
… would like to know about when the registries are created as well
… e.g., TTML registry

Kaz: to see if the registry is active?

Ege: right
… any objections to merge this PR?




Ege: would like to talk about project management next time


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).