IRC log of WAICC on 2023-11-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:32:34 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #WAICC
- 16:32:38 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:32:38 [spectranaut_]
- spectranaut_ has joined #waicc
- 16:32:38 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, make logs Public
- 16:32:39 [Zakim]
- Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference
- 16:32:41 [shawn]
- present:
- 16:32:48 [shawn]
- zakim, clear agenda
- 16:32:48 [Zakim]
- agenda cleared
- 16:32:53 [shawn]
- present+
- 16:32:59 [spectranaut_]
- present+
- 16:32:59 [matatk]
- present+
- 16:33:44 [spectranaut_]
- scribe:: spectranaut_
- 16:34:00 [jamesn]
- jamesn has joined #waicc
- 16:34:14 [spectranaut_]
- scribe: spectranaut_
- 16:34:28 [shawn]
- agenda+ Group Updates
- 16:34:28 [shawn]
- agenda+ Infoshare
- 16:34:28 [shawn]
- agenda+ Meetings in Nov & Dec, then in 2024
- 16:34:29 [shawn]
- agenda+ Managing issues and public comments
- 16:34:34 [spectranaut_]
- zakim, next item
- 16:34:34 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Group Updates -- taken up [from shawn]
- 16:35:18 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: we don't have anything new on apg
- 16:35:34 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: matt king would like us to review it
- 16:35:47 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: we are working on highlighting the issues to discuss
- 16:36:22 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: respect to maturity, we have some ideas that are probably good for everyone. we will discuss with maturity faciliators tomorrow, we will have stuff to propose after that
- 16:36:31 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: what are the considerations or draft proposal is
- 16:37:03 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: the issue we want to address is that from the outside it might look like two similar things are being done... we are looking at how to harmonize and present in a unified way
- 16:37:06 [Ryladog__]
- Ryladog__ has joined #waicc
- 16:37:28 [Ryladog__]
- Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea
- 16:38:29 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: (didn't quite capture what shawn asked about coordination with the team)
- 16:38:48 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: we are working to come to agreement on what to propose to you/the team,
- 16:39:10 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: we are not at the point of having a formal proposal, just a proposal for feedback
- 16:39:36 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: we think we understand what your concerns are, but if you wanted to email a list of concerns, we can make sure to use that as the template for tomorrow
- 16:40:00 [spectranaut_]
- kevin: good to know
- 16:40:42 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: one thing I might add -- we have at least some share membership between accessibility maturity model and the equity one, so they have had been talking to each other for a while. sherry is in the equity one
- 16:41:04 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: I don't mean to be drama and suspense, I just haven't run anything by facilitators
- 16:41:49 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: first get w3c out of the title, after that I don't have strong feelings
- 16:42:12 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: any other group updates?
- 16:42:19 [spectranaut_]
- zakim, next item
- 16:42:19 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Infoshare -- taken up [from shawn]
- 16:42:35 [shawn]
- Infoshare - Anything else in the accessibility world, W3C world, or other to share with WAI-CC?
- 16:43:21 [shawn]
- WAI-CooP
- 16:43:22 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: I'd mention -- the WAI coop symposium was last week, it was really interesting, it stands for "web accessibility initiative communities of practice"
- 16:43:37 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: about research and getting it out to the public
- 16:43:55 [shawn]
- 16:44:12 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: it was very well run, and it taught me quite a bit
- 16:44:37 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: we will do recordings and transcripts and get them out
- 16:44:49 [shawn]
- fyi, here is report and recording from the previous one
- 16:45:08 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: what did you learn matatk ?
- 16:45:40 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: I learned about the research that yale is doing on sampling for accessibility auditing... I happen to review their paper already, but it would have been new
- 16:46:03 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: there was a discussion around the appropriate time of use for machine learning/appropriate scope
- 16:46:24 [kevin]
- q+
- 16:46:28 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: I think it wasn't controversial, stuck to things we know, very interesting
- 16:46:34 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: the mobile best practices one was cool
- 16:46:49 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: it was really all great
- 16:46:59 [shawn]
- ack k
- 16:47:39 [spectranaut_]
- kevin: the colleague of yan's (sp?) was doing the mobile stuff, get moving on the mobile task force
- 16:47:44 [shawn]
- s/yale/Yeliz Yesilada
- 16:47:51 [spectranaut_]
- kevin: making best practices is something they are interested in
- 16:47:59 [kevin]
- s/yan's (sp?)/Jan/
- 16:48:05 [spectranaut_]
- Zakim, next item
- 16:48:05 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- Meetings in Nov & Dec, then in 2024 -- taken up [from shawn]
- 16:48:31 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: lets not meet next week
- 16:48:49 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: any other overall thoughts on december? 4th, 11th, 18th?
- 16:49:14 [matatk]
- I can make all of those.
- 16:49:33 [spectranaut_]
- I can make decemeber and january meetings
- 16:50:41 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: no meeting on 25 dec and 1 jan, the rest of dec we will meet
- 16:50:44 [spectranaut_]
- zakim, next item
- 16:50:44 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 -- Managing issues and public comments -- taken up [from shawn]
- 16:51:17 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: (someone?) had shared guidance on managing issues and public comments
- 16:51:31 [jamesn]
- q+
- 16:51:40 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: does anyone else have tips or tricks to share? the EO needs to make a better system for managing all the comments on their many resources
- 16:51:53 [jamesn]
- ack me
- 16:51:56 [spectranaut_]
- s/(someone?)/mary-jo/
- 16:52:27 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: we have had good luck triaging issues at the beginning of the meeting, it gets the first step, first comments -- we assign people and put milestones
- 16:52:39 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: we try to close them quickly if we think that is possible
- 16:52:51 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: you assign and milestone in github so it's public?
- 16:53:00 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: yes everything is in github in the public
- 16:53:11 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: so the commenter gets feedback right away, they know it gets seen
- 16:53:20 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: and we link the minutes if there is a discussion
- 16:53:45 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: with my com hat on, giving people feedback that we are working on things is really great, and some groups in the past (like my own groups) have had trouble doing that
- 16:53:57 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: goal is to make clear someone has at least read it
- 16:54:09 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: how many comments come through github?
- 16:54:18 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: everything comes through github
- 16:54:26 [shawn]
- Mary Jo
- 16:54:29 [spectranaut_]
- jamesn: if something came in a different way, I would file an issue
- 16:54:48 [matatk]
- q+
- 16:54:55 [shawn]
- ack m
- 16:55:52 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: this is really interesting, because we struggle to keep up with comments. I agree with giving people feedback early on even if they have to wait a bit after that. just quickly to say, I am working on a tool to help make the process of tracking horizontal review requests and actions easier for chairs, not ready for production, it works for APA and could be tweaked for other groups
- 16:55:58 [spectranaut_]
- matatk: I'll email about it
- 16:56:20 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: one of EOs issue is that we have many repositories....
- 16:56:30 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: the solutions you come up with will hopefully help with EP
- 16:56:36 [spectranaut_]
- s/EP/EO/
- 16:56:45 [kevin]
- q+
- 16:56:46 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: I want to wrap up -- any other closing comments?
- 16:57:10 [spectranaut_]
- kevin: just to add, we created a WAI-CC issue, in case we need to track issues as a group, everyone here should be write members for it
- 16:57:19 [kevin]
- 16:57:28 [spectranaut_]
- shawn: I'll add that to the wiki page
- 16:57:46 [kevin]
- ack me