Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

16 November 2023


Addison, Bert, Fuqiao, JcK, r12a
Addison Phillips

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

<addison> agenda

Action Items

<addison> gb, list open actions

<gb> Found actions in w3c/i18n-actions: #58, #57, #56, #55, #54, #53, #47, #43, #35, #33, #18, #16, #12, #11, #8, #7, #5, #4

<addison> #58

<gb> Action 58 revise localizable-manifests in light of tpac conversation and new explainer (on aphillips) due 2023-11-09

<addison> #57

<gb> Action 57 add localizable content definition to the glossary (on xfq) due 2023-11-09

<addison> #56

<gb> Action 56 check on permissions with w3ctag and follow up with plh on looking for notifications (on xfq) due 2023-11-02

<addison> #55

<gb> Action 55 work out new time slot for i18n/CSS call (on xfq) due 2023-11-01

<addison> close #55

<gb> Closed action #55

<addison> #54

<gb> Action 54 read Murata-san's ruby-t2s-req and Chinese requirements and Zaima and see what we're going to do (on xfq) due 2023-11-01

<addison> close #54

<gb> Closed action #54

<xfq> w3c/ruby-t2s-req#41

<gb> Issue 41 Proposed Subsections for Zaima Annotation (by dyacob)

xfq: Done #54. We opened an issue in text-to-speech on ruby.

<xfq> w3c/ruby-t2s-req#39

<gb> Issue 39 Mention Chinese in the document (by xfq)

<addison> #53

<gb> Action 53 come up with a set of information CSS want the i18n group to provide support for generic font families (on frivoal, fantasai) due 2023-11-01

<addison> #43

<gb> Action 43 pull together the list of win/mac/etc apis for setting base direction and/or language (on aphillips) due 2023-09-18

addison: Started to pull things together. Not sure where to put the list yet.
… The list may change over time.
… Thoughts? Make it an article?

r12a: Where will it be easiest to find?

addison: Maybe put it in multiple places.

xfq: Maybe in an article.

<addison> #33

<gb> Action 33 Close issues marked `close?` or bring to WG for further review (on aphillips)

<addison> #12

addison: Closed some, more ongoing. Some issues need review.

<gb> Action 12 Upgrade/edit the explainer to address issues raised by google (on aphillips)

addison: Pretty close to done.
… We need to do away with duplicate explainers and other fix ups.

<addison> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SC0wVmEPKpeFdDmIvqBlFpcRZdY0yGzP/edit#slide=id.p1

addison: I did a lightning talk at Unicode Tech Workshop.
… It was not badly received.

<addison> #8

<gb> Action 8 Create pr against canvas formatted text (on aphillips)

<addison> #5

<gb> Action 5 Check into how to list questions at the top of a digest and/or improve lang enablement communications (on r12a)

<addison> #4

<gb> Action 4 Work with respec and bikeshed to provide the character markup template as easy-to-use markup (on r12a)

Info Share

<addison> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ADqY3SBG_kGK-gRygN9UruNAKKiXvvK7tDEoBDdjnAY/edit#gid=550699465

addison: COGA still trying to meet with us. See Julie's invite for timing.
… Next Thursday is US holiday. Should we have a phone call?
… Let's skip next week.

RADAR Review

addison: I was told by Mark and Marcus, if we go to new release of Unicode, IETF will review and that is not rapid.
… Exclusions of chars might happen, due to specific concerns.

JcK: IETF process
… Not quick, indeed.
… Difficult to get traction on i18n work in IETF in general.
… Most work done by Patrick Falstrom and me.
… 47 is a restating of IDNA 2003. Major diff between 2003 and 2008, other than that 2003 didn't work well,
… is what works and not in identifiers and domain names.
… Following rules in 46 is sufficient according to Mark.
… Rules in 2008 try to prevent registrationof names that normalize into something else.
… Coding system must be insensitive to anything.

addison: You're talking about the punycode.

JcK: An ident with a precomposed identifier is a different identifier.
… Even in Latin scripts, combined with " or precombined, or combining slash, cause differences.
… There should not be any more cases like that, but with every new version of Unicode, new versions were introduced.
… Mark is convinced of his rules, we think ICANN should follow ours.
… In addition, ICANN is unable to fiollow its own rules.
… ICANN appointed a committe to think about emoji in domain names. Concluded it was a terrible idea. But it can be sold for money. Now on 4th committee.
… We don't have the resources to do the review after a Unicode release.
… I sugested this group. But reaction was, well...
… Back to IDNA 2003, Mark thought it could be left to Unicode Consortium, without IETF.

addison: Would be nice to make things rule-based, but if there is a gap...

JcK: Patrick is liaison between Unicode and IETF.

RADAR Review

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/projects/1

addison: Nothing came in for the radar

Localized Manifest edits

<addison> https://deploy-preview-16--localizable-manifests.netlify.app/

addison: I'm to work on an update on to manifest spec.
… I added a lot of material and did some more light edits.
… The material may not stay here.
… I expect 2.1 belongs in LTI, and section 3 in String-Meta.

<addison> w3c/localizable-manifests#16

addison: Please, have a look at it, and at this pull request ^^

xfq: Would be good to have some info about language and direction metadata here, even if we move section 3 to string-meta.

<addison> https://deploy-preview-16--localizable-manifests.netlify.app/#language-maps

addison: There would still be a section 3, but it would say "see here".
… Anybody an idea to describe the structure that we describe in prose here?

currentLang/currentDir issue in HTML

addison: Please, comment, on GitHub.

<addison> whatwg/html#7039

<gb> Issue 7039 Proposal for Element.currentLang and Element.currentDir (by claviska) [addition/proposal] [needs implementer interest] [i18n-tracker]

addison: This is a sugestion that there be attributes associated with elements in the DOM in HTML that allow to find out the lang and direction, instead of the elaborate process now, due to inheritance.
… We ought to develop an opinion.
… Initial proposal sounds like a good idea to me.

r12a: What is CSS doing for this?

xfq: Yes, :lang, it exposes the computed value.

localizable content definition

addison: I will put whatwg issue on the agenda for in two weeks

<addison> w3c/i18n-glossary#57

<addison> https://deploy-preview-57--i18n-glossary.netlify.app/

xfq: I addeed this, because in the localiable manifest doc we reference "localizabe content", which term doesn't exist in the glossary.

<xfq> https://deploy-preview-57--i18n-glossary.netlify.app/#dfn-localizable-content

xfq: I made a simple definition, adapted from "localizable text" definition.
… They could be merged, but I think they are different.

addison: First thought was to merge them.

<addison> https://deploy-preview-16--localizable-manifests.netlify.app/#non-linguistic

addison: But I'm not sure.
… In localizable manifest, there is text that may be localized, but not translated. So maybe indeed distinct concepts.

xfq: We mentioned non-linguistic strings.

addison: We kind of mentioned it, like icons.
… Localizable content doens't always mean translatable content.
… xfq and I can work through it.

Work in Progress Review

<addison> https://w3c.github.io/timezone

addison: Some things we haven't talked about for a while. One is revision of time zone note.
… IETF group called SEDATE.

JcK: The IETF working group is taking position that ISO is not relevant. Some other people think that ignoring ISO not appropriate
… Problem that ISO is charging for its documents.
… May get up to IAB and even ISOC, so no results expected for at least a year.

<addison> https://www.w3.org/TR/timezone

addison: My proposal is to publish timezone as a WD soon and call for wide review.

jck: I can give you the note I wrote for @@.

addison: What do we do with XML Schema datetime? Real time zones are better than offsets.
… But there is no appetite to open XML Schema.

JcK: Should we write a note why tim zones are better than offsets?

addison: This draft is that.
… So, everyone, have a read and comment.
… I'll ping jck offline about 8861.

<JcK> 8601

<addison> https://w3c.github.io/ltli

addison: There is bo WG for XML Scheme, but I'll write an email about the potential problems with XML Schema.

<addison> https://w3c.github.io/string-search

addison: ltli and string-search are under active development.
… any other specs?

JcK: charmod

addison: Nice historical material :-) It is not terrible,though. And it is a Rec.

JcK: Maybe a discussion about what to do about Recs that turn historical.

addison: There is a process in W3C for that.


No telcon next week. Next telcon in two weeks.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Maek/Make

Succeeded: s/chnage/change

Succeeded: s/@@/Falstrom/

Succeeded: s/@@ 2003/IDNA 2003/

Succeeded: s/info here/info about language and direction metadata here

Succeeded: s/The working group/The IETF working group

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Bert

Maybe present: xfq

All speakers: addison, JcK, r12a, xfq

Active on IRC: addison, Bert, JcK, r12a, xfq