15:33:15 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 15:33:19 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/15-maturity-irc 15:33:19 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:33:20 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio_ 15:33:42 meeting: Maturity Model 15:34:18 chair: Fazio 15:34:52 Agenda+ New Business 15:35:09 Agenda+ MM Draft usability update 15:35:51 Agenda + GitHub Issue #153 The effectiveness of knowledge/skill acquisition should be measured 15:35:52 /issues/153 -> #153 15:36:06 Agenda+ Github Issue #83 Section 3.7.2 Ratings for Evaluation - Culture: proof points vs. ratings mismatch 15:36:06 /issues/83 -> #83 15:36:23 Agenda+ Github Issue #85 Inconsistencies in Inactive ratings for various dimensions 15:36:23 /issues/85 -> #85 15:46:58 bottom up and top down attention are the barriers related to expectations for ppl with coga disabilities 15:47:23 sign in vs. login pages - what user expects 15:58:53 janina has joined #maturity 15:58:59 present+ 16:00:27 present+ 16:02:02 Mark_Miller has joined #Maturity 16:02:06 kline has joined #maturity 16:02:11 present+ 16:04:56 present+ 16:04:56 SusiPallero has joined #maturity 16:05:02 present+ 16:05:08 present+ 16:05:34 Present+ 16:05:38 Scribe+ 16:06:09 Zacam, next item 16:06:22 Zakim, next item 16:06:22 agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:07:11 subtopic: Shall we meed Wednesday 22 November? 16:08:16 Lionel has joined #maturity 16:08:19 present+ 16:08:44 RESOLVED: This TF will NOT meet on Wednesday 22 November. Our next telecon will be Wednesday 29 November 16:08:55 subtopic: End of Year Breaks 16:10:43 +1 16:10:45 RESOLVED: Maturity TF will meet through Wednesday 20 December, and resume on Wednesday 10 January. We will NOT meet on Wednesday 20 or Wednesday 27 December 16:22:38 q+ 16:27:57 q+ 16:36:58 Zakim, next item 16:36:58 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Mark_Miller 16:37:18 q? 16:37:29 ack li 16:37:31 ack su 16:37:38 Zacam, next item 16:37:54 agenda? 16:37:55 /issues/153 -> #153 16:37:55 /issues/85 -> #85 16:37:55 /issues/83 -> #83 16:38:02 zakim, next item 16:38:02 agendum 2 -- MM Draft usability update -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:38:18 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Nov/0006.html 16:38:53 fazio 16:39:06 Faz 16:41:20 Fazio_: He's created a Google doc and she wants us to take a look at it and she's going to give us an overview presentation of it on November 29th she wants to talk about the approach to get our thoughts and it's not a suggestion for implementation now it's just an exploration or a presentation of an idea and the person who submitted this issue was reasonable is what she's saying every good idea to find the issue I'd have to look for [CUT] 16:45:50 Fazio_: uh i i think you and stacy we're gonna work on this together have you been out or have you working on 16:46:06 SusiPallero: Contact her yet but I will today 16:46:30 Fazio_: OK cool no worries yeah yeah so if you two can work on that together that'd be great I'm so right now she's got this Google doc where she has let's see here formatted things it's not real clear to me what 16:46:32 Fazio_: OK cool no worries yeah yeah so if you two can work on that together that'd be great I'm so right now she's got this Google doc where she has let's see here formatted things it's not real clear to me what 16:46:53 Zaikm Next Item 16:47:12 Zaikum, Next item 16:47:27 Zakim, Next Item 16:47:27 agendum 3 -- GitHub Issue #153 The effectiveness of knowledge/skill acquisition should be measured -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:47:27 /issues/153 -> #153 16:47:57 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/153 16:47:58 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/153 -> Issue 153 The effectiveness of knowledge/skill acquisition should be measured. (by jasonjgw) 16:49:52 Fazio_: Is section 3.2 suggest measuring the completion of training programs and monitoring them but it doesn't explicitly refer to measures of their success with respect to improved performance in digital accessibility what ultimately matters is whether knowledge and skills are acquired and applied leading to superior outcomes for users with disabilities thus measures have improved performance following training could use could usefu[CUT] 16:50:45 Fazio_: measures have improved performance following training could use could usefully be added subsequently to the education and training do those who received it actually performed better in the accessibility related aspects of their roles 16:51:36 kline: I was gonna look back and see I thought we had something in there that talked about establishing you know goals and metrics and things like that 16:52:43 Fazio_: so we identify the levels of people at 1st and the gaps like what do they need to be skilled up in internal database to track employee training for ICT accessibility skills so we are tracking the training that's pretty ambiguous though we're not saying we're tracking the improvements 16:55:37 Fazio_: Reading: No accessibility effort all around developing accessible technology disability vision improving accessibility knowledge and skills launch stage we've recognized the need for organization wide accessibility and disability inclusion as well as the accessibility expertise planning initiated but activities are not well organized the outcome skill areas are identified plants for organization wide surveys to identify gaps [CUT] 16:55:48 kline: Training established at the bottom of integreat. 16:56:52 kline: Analysis used to identify gaps in knowledge as well as training alright alright you got it I agree OK I in in all fairness I think we could add a word into the last bullet and integrate because it says training metrics are established and we could say training goals and metrics are established if we wanted to um 16:57:31 scribe+ 16:58:36 DRAFT RESOLVED: We're closing 153 because Integrate and Optimize Outcome Stages include metrics and evaluation of performance 16:59:00 RESOLVED: We're closing 153 because Integrate and Optimize Outcome Stages include metrics and evaluation of performance 16:59:16 present+ 17:01:02 zakim, end meeting 17:01:02 As of this point the attendees have been janina, kline, SusiPallero, Fazio_, Mark_Miller, Lionel 17:01:05 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:01:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/15-maturity-minutes.html Zakim 17:01:13 I am happy to have been of service, Mark_Miller; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:01:13 Zakim has left #maturity