13:57:28 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 13:57:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/09-wcag-act-irc 13:57:32 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:57:33 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:58:13 agenda+ ACT Standup 13:58:15 agenda+ CFCs from last week 13:58:16 agenda+ Next week WAI-Coop Symposium 13:58:18 agenda+ Audio element content is media alternative for text 13:58:20 agenda+ Iframe elements with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose 13:58:22 agenda+ Defining implementations 13:59:28 trevor has joined #wcag-act 14:01:06 Helen has joined #wcag-act 14:01:16 present+ 14:01:41 thbrunet has joined #wcag-act 14:02:39 present+ 14:03:43 present+ 14:04:56 present+ 14:05:08 scribe+ 14:05:09 present+ 14:05:11 Zakim, take up next 14:05:11 agendum 1 -- ACT Standup -- taken up [from Wilco] 14:05:34 present+ Daniel 14:05:47 Chair: Wilco 14:05:50 Wilco: Did surveys for this week. Some rules in to the CFC, hopefully after today can send them to AG and ARIAWG 14:06:14 Trevor: Just the surveys for me. Some changes for the implementations. 14:06:26 Todd: No report. 14:07:16 Trevor: Testing symposium went well. Those that were aware were nodding their heads and those that weren't familiar with ACT seemed lost. 14:07:33 ... Feels like still somewhat a niche topic. 14:08:16 Daniel: Some permission issues with AGWG, reviewed a PR. Acceptance from CSUN on ACT presentation. 14:09:12 Helen: No report. Aim to work on user testing for label in name scenarios. 14:12:31 Tom: Headings issue - NVDA and VoiceOver don't seem to handle it well, so, not clear the rule has value. 14:12:44 ... Issue with one of the CFCs and definitions resolving. I'll also have some work conflicts in the future. 14:12:46 Zakim, take up next 14:12:46 agendum 2 -- CFCs from last week -- taken up [from Wilco] 14:14:12 Wilco: Three more CFCs. Anyone else have comments? 14:14:21 ... otherwise I'll put in a resolution of accepted. 14:14:32 RESOLUTION: Accept CFC'ed rules as ready for the working groups 14:15:00 Wilco: I'll open discussions with other groups 14:15:05 Zakim, take up next 14:15:05 agendum 3 -- Next week WAI-Coop Symposium -- taken up [from Wilco] 14:15:37 Wilco: Checking availability for next week. W3C has a symposium that overlaps with this meeting. 14:16:40 ... Will be skipping in two weeks for Thanksgiving, so, I think we'll try to run the meeting next week anyway 14:17:18 Todd: I'll be out next two weeks. 14:17:24 Trevor: I'm out 23rd 14:17:29 Tom: Same 14:18:10 Wilco: Meeting next week, not 23rd. 14:18:11 Zakim, take up next 14:18:11 agendum 4 -- Audio element content is media alternative for text -- taken up [from Wilco] 14:18:25 agenda? 14:18:59 zakim, take up item 6 14:18:59 agendum 6 -- Defining implementations -- taken up [from Wilco] 14:19:17 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/541/files 14:19:47 Wilco: Editorial stuff from last time, that was resolved. 14:28:52 Helen: Could we have a checklist? Hard to read 14:29:12 Wilco: We'll later have an HTML version to review 14:31:20 Tom: Tripped me up the first time why inapplicable would be satisfied, but it's accurate 14:32:55 Daniel: Maybe a note with a better explanation? 14:33:08 Wilco: Can we leave it as a comment to pick up later? 14:33:37 Daniel: What's the relation between between 480 and this PR? not related? 14:33:42 Wilco: Just syntax typo 14:35:22 Tom: Would be nice to have the tool version pull from the report 14:35:29 Wilco: It's on my todo list, would love to find help 14:35:52 ... I want to say that this is ready then. Is that okay with everyone? 14:35:55 +1 14:35:59 +1 14:36:02 +1 14:36:22 +1 14:36:27 RESOLUTION: Accept PR 541 14:36:46 Wilco: I'll talk to Kathy about her PR 14:36:47 Zakim, take up item 4 14:36:47 agendum 4 -- Audio element content is media alternative for text -- taken up [from Wilco] 14:37:35 Wilco: We need at least 5, but we'll go over what we have. 14:37:55 ... First comment from Kathy pointing to open issue 1446 14:38:35 ... There's a definition of streaming, but no test cases for streaming. We need an audio or live video stream that can be embedded in test cases, and we just don't have one. 14:38:42 ... Anyone think that needs further discussion? 14:39:05 ... Next, Q7 of survey. 14:39:53 ... Proposes moving 1.2.1 to a secondary requirement. 14:41:15 ... What do people think about removing the parenthetical about text alternative? 14:41:28 Tom: If it's visible, why would it be a text alternative? 14:42:21 Wilco: That is a little weird. What are we saying about images? 14:42:42 Helen: Are we talking about link to a secondary file transcript? 14:44:08 ... This is the kind of thing that can be confusing depending on context. 14:44:38 ... Often issues are fixed via transcript, but that's not what we're looking for here. 14:45:22 ... Often people are splitting content to a separate page because having it all in one place gets too cluttered. So, not necessarily wrong, but not what was intended when rule was first written. 14:45:34 Wilco: Adding some notes in the conclusions. 14:46:03 ... Need a liason. 14:46:10 Helen: I'm doing something similar, so maybe I should 14:47:13 Wilco: We need 1.2.1 added as a secondary requirement 14:47:53 ... Need to adjust when alternative is in a different page or different page state 14:47:59 Helen: Would that be a second rule? 14:48:15 Wilco: I don't think so. I think we've done that as one rule before. 14:49:49 ... In Audio element content has transcript, there's a reference to "through a link", but I think we've done this better on other rules. 14:50:25 Todd has joined #wcag-act 14:50:27 ... Back to the other comment from Kathy, regarding the parenthetical, does this need to be in the expectation? 14:50:56 ... The question that arose for me was is this #text nodes, or could it be in an image with a text alternative? 14:51:16 ... We really need to be clearer here about what we mean by text. 14:52:10 Wilco: Moving to Trevor's Q7 comment 14:52:22 Trevor: Kathy has a related comment below 14:53:16 Wilco: e7aa44 is the composing rule. I have an open PR to open composing rules to the top of the rules page, but stuck waiting for me to have time 14:53:33 ... I think we want to connect those up more directly and automatically 14:53:53 Trevor: I put it as possible related because applicability had conditions on how the audio played, so felt related to me. 14:54:08 Wilco: I don't mind having them, but just tangentially related. 14:54:28 ... I wouldn't tie them, but if someone feels we should that's fine 14:55:08 Trevor: I'm fine with not including them 14:55:11 Wilco: Let's not then 14:55:59 Wilco: Q8. I'd like to talk about whether we need this rule at all, but not sure that's a 4 minute conversation 14:57:21 Helen: The 1.2 checkpoints seem straight forward, until you try to teach them 14:57:56 Wilco: But, for 1.2.1 what's the difference between media alternative needs to have no additional information vs the text alternative needs to have all of the information. They seem like the same requirement to me 14:59:15 ... Please have a look at this in particular for next week's meeting 15:02:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:02:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/09-wcag-act-minutes.html dmontalvo