16:01:31 RRSAgent has joined #tt 16:01:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/09-tt-irc 16:01:35 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:01:36 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 16:01:54 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/268 16:02:05 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/10/12-tt-minutes.html 16:02:14 scribe: nigel 16:02:14 Chair: Nigel 16:02:23 Regrets: Andreas, Atsushi, Gary 16:02:51 pal has joined #tt 16:03:02 Topic: This meeting 16:03:27 Present: Chris, Cyril, Matt, Nigel, Pierre 16:03:37 cpn has joined #tt 16:04:22 Nigel: Today, we have IMSC-HRM, DAPT and an AOB about 5G-MAG OSMART workshop 16:04:38 .. Is there any other business, or points for us to make sure we cover within those topics? 16:04:52 Present+ Mike 16:05:06 group: no AOB 16:05:22 scribe+ cpn 16:05:30 mike_ has joined #tt 16:05:37 Topic: IMSC-HRM 16:06:11 Nigel: I think we set a timeline, where we'd be looking to transition to the next maturity stage about now 16:06:27 ... which would be PR, so we'd need to meet CR exit criteria 16:06:50 ... That requires evidence of implementation, either a validating or an authoring implementation (as demonstrated by content) 16:07:22 ... I've had three organisations contact me that they'd run content through HRM with good results 16:07:37 Pierre: One was 25,000 documents 16:08:34 Nigel: If your validating implementation passes the tests, Pierre, we can demonstrate everything we need for CR exit? 16:08:49 Pierre: I'm confident that we've demonstrated implementation experience 16:09:17 Mike: At ATSC, we ran both positive and negative content, and it flagged every document 16:09:44 Nigel: That shows the HRM conceptually is useful 16:10:06 ... and also the effectiveness of the tool used to check it 16:10:21 ... If we can say those files were generated with a different implementation from the ones that passed, 16:10:40 ... we can say we have evidence with multiple pots of content, and the authoring application meets the requirements of HRM 16:10:56 ... But if they're all produced by the same tool, it doesn't demonstrate effectiveness of HRM 16:11:11 Mike: We used two encoders, hundreds of documents 16:11:44 Nigel: So to demonstrate success, although the ones that failed demonstrate utility of HRM, we only want the ones that passed to demonstrate success 16:12:07 Pierre: We want the ones we know pass to pass, and the ones that should fail, fail 16:12:20 Mike: If everything passes, you don't really know anything 16:12:33 Cyril: Discussed with Pierre last week, related to failures 16:12:59 ... I ran 3000 Netflix content through, and none failed. More recently testing live content, a naive implementation of 608 conversion 16:13:27 ... It failed. The reason, if you naively convert 608 to TTML, you can have two characters change every 33 ms, it was failing the HRM 16:13:43 Mike: As it should. We had similar experience, the encoder was doing 608 conversion, badly 16:14:08 Cyril: But why should it fail? If an implementation of 608 can refresh every 33 ms, why shouldn't a TTML implementation do the same? 16:14:25 ... It means the HRM as configured today has some known limitations, but is that ok? 16:14:35 ... I'm not convinced it's not too strict 16:14:50 ... Our implementation of naive conversion, it plays fine in the Netflix players 16:15:20 Mike: I have a different view. Where content was flagged as failiing, it was creating and tearing down content in a single document roughly every 20-30ms 16:15:41 ... Decoders weren't built to do that. I think it's an unreasonable thing to expect implementations to handle 16:15:53 q+ 16:15:55 ... If we want redesign HRM to handle those things, OK 16:15:57 qq+ pal 16:16:07 ... I'd be concerned about relaxing that, as there are TVs that can't display it 16:16:39 Cyril: Not saying we should relax it. It's based on parameters, we chose one set. It doesn't necessarily mean the document can't be rendered, just on those parameters 16:17:19 Pierre: TTML isn't 608, different data model, rendering model. 608 is a state machine 16:17:47 ... The client is a state machine with a cursor, send commands to make the cursor do things. You have multiple channels you can go between ambiguously 16:17:59 ack pal 16:17:59 pal, you wanted to react to a previous speaker 16:18:04 ... TTML is a document with semantics, line breaks, regions. The two models are entirely different 16:18:32 ... The idea of converting 608 to TTML and expecting the same thing, is nonsensical 16:19:14 ... I think that was recognised early on. Regardless of performance, trying to convert 608 verbatim to a TTML document, there's no expectation you'd get exaclty what the 608 was 16:19:39 Mike: I agree with that 16:19:44 q+ mike 16:20:32 Pierre: The second point is, at the time there was significant limitation in terminals 16:20:53 ... Nothing close to Android on TVs. The model was created so all reasonable TVs would have a shot at rendering TTML 16:21:11 ... No expectation that a TV could render 30 or 60 TTML documents a second, which is the rate 608 transmits data 16:21:46 ack nigel 16:21:54 ... In general, I'm not suprised it would fail on naive translation of 608 content 16:22:03 Nigel: Don't disagree with any of the above 16:22:30 ... 608 appends 2 characters per time period, should be something a modern renderer should easily achieve 16:22:44 ... I think that mischaracterises the problem and the solution space. A couple of extra things need to happen 16:23:06 ... With TTML you have to do layout again, you can't just append 2 characers at a know grid location, so additional processing to do 16:23:29 ... Secondly, the 608 and similar models from that era are based on a stateful decoder, where they append to what's already there 16:23:43 ... Intent of how we deliver TTML is the receiver shouldn't have to maintain state 16:24:20 q? 16:24:27 q+ cyril 16:24:31 ack mike 16:25:00 Mike: There's not a fundamental problem converting 608 to IMSC1 and fully meeting the HRM. I checked 3 encoding manufacturers, everything worked great 16:25:26 ... One particular manufacturer, on one document. They reconstructed the screen 30x per second by adding 2 characters 16:26:09 q+ to come back to CR exit, when this discussion is done 16:26:17 ... Caused the TV render the whole thing again. It was horrible, so should die though HRM violation 16:26:22 ack cyril 16:26:45 Cyril: Don't disagree it's a bad idea to convert 608 to TTML where you refresh only 2 characters 16:27:40 ... The one thing I think we should be careful about, if we'd defined a simple TTML profile to match 608, it would work 16:28:14 ... The other features are there, make it more complex for the implemntation. That's how we should explain it, people currently do 608 conversion 16:28:20 ... Not good for us to say that that's nonsense 16:29:08 Mike: I agree, perhaps the HRM should have a number of dials. An expectation of complexity, rather than the W3C TTML group deciding what complex means for all time 16:29:16 ... TVs are getting better at handling this stuff 16:29:26 ... What should be prohibited today may be fine in a few years 16:29:47 ... The concept of a profile, or adjusting the complexity, depending on the application is a good idea 16:29:54 ... Need to put a stake in the ground today 16:30:19 q+ 16:30:36 ... Going forward, maybe we need to think of future HRM having dials for no. of characters per section, no. of changes, to serve needs multiple of applications 16:30:47 .. It's good for today's technology, but make it smarter for the future 16:30:55 ack pal 16:31:32 Pierre: I think naive translation of 608 in TTML is a bad idea, you get TTML documents that aren't portable and you can't match the TTML feature set 16:31:49 ... If the goal is to allow a straight translation from 608, we're far from that 16:32:10 ... Assuming that's not the goal, does the current HRM prevent creation of captions that meet the needs of end users? 16:32:21 ... If the answer is no, we don't need additional controls 16:32:34 ... Goal is a caption experience required by end users 16:33:56 Cyril: I'm not suggesting changing the HRM. We could add a note to say that the TTML and IMSC specs allow more complex features than previous technologies, so the parameters we've chosen don't allow for characters to change in every video frame 16:34:03 ... Useful to have that in the spec 16:35:24 Mike: I have 25 year old MPEG TS that exercises every 608 feature, 2 of 3 encoders get it right 16:35:42 Cyril: But they don't refresh the screen every frame 16:36:49 Mike: I'm ok with the principle, we need to agree what the HRM checks for at a high level, but need to be careful about 608, it can be done 16:36:54 ack ni 16:36:54 nigel, you wanted to come back to CR exit, when this discussion is done 16:37:27 Nigel: Add an issue to add an informative note on potential causes of HRM failure 16:37:43 ... So pause CR exit until we've agreed wording 16:38:01 ... We do need to be careful about the language and the reflection on the industry 16:38:25 ... Aside from that, I think we have enough information to claim we've met CR exit criteria, so we need to write an implementation report 16:38:33 ... An action for somebody 16:38:56 Pierre: I'm happy to write the report, from the wiki page 16:39:39 Nigel: Need to be careful about people who described implementations 16:40:18 .. I'll take point on checking in with them to see if they're happy to be publicly named. 16:40:29 Topic: DAPT 16:40:37 Nigel: A few things on DAPT 16:41:13 ... Horizontal review requests. APA has taken an action to do the review, hope to have response from them soon 16:41:31 ... TAG has gone quiet, and no feedback on security 16:41:36 ... I'll take an action to follow those up 16:41:59 ... We sent liaisons, and some haven't responded yet. We'll proceed regardless, for the time being 16:43:00 Subtopic: Rework audio description original and translation languages w3c/dapt#179 16:43:07 github: https://github.com/w3c/dapt/pull/179 16:43:28 Nigel: This has gone through some iterations. Andreas has been actively reviewing 16:44:03 ... The point to deal with is flagging in the best way the difference between content described that had an inherent language, and content that didn't 16:44:11 ... I added a table in the issue with permutations 16:44:54 ... It's clear if you're transcribing dialog or signing 16:45:17 ... For content in the video image, it might be text or might not be. If text, can use lang source 16:45:38 ... If it's a description of the image, or a sound effect, those things don't have a language 16:46:02 ... The proposal is for any content with a language, use lang source to record it, and the language of the text transcripted in xml lang 16:46:19 ... And omit lang source if there isn't a language 16:46:37 ... Also the concept of original language doesn't serve a purpose any more, and could be removed 16:47:11 Cyril: On the proposal to be clear on when lang source is present or not, that's fine 16:47:21 ... Disagree that we don't need the original language 16:47:46 ... It's to provide context on what the language was. When you're dubbing a show with multiple languages in the original source 16:48:10 ... or a show translated to a pivot language to create a dubbing, knowing the orignal language can be useful 16:49:04 Nigel: That's a change of status of the flag. There are normative statements around original lang to change: make it a list 16:49:25 ... if someone creates a silent video with no dialog, then it's audio described, what use is orignal lang? 16:49:43 Cyril: Doesn't have to be mandatory. The concept of original language should be preserved in the spec 16:49:59 ... or original languages 16:50:29 ... If the original languages are French and English, you can translate to English only, French only, or German 16:50:54 ... If translation to German, you translate everything, but if translating to French you only translate the English parts 16:51:11 ... It's complex, I need to continue to review. Seems going in the right direction 16:51:53 Mike: I try to get people to conform to BCP47. If you constrain to that, it's good. Use the IANA codes 16:51:57 Nigel: We do, yes 16:52:49 Nigel: To summarise, the proposal seems OK. Original language still has a use, but we can relax some of its requirements: make it non-mandatory and allow multiple values, if that's the best reprsentation of the cotent 16:52:57 s/cotent/content/ 16:53:22 SUMMARY: the proposal seems OK. Original Language still has a use, but we can relax some of its requirements: make it non-mandatory and allow multiple values, if that's the best representation of the content 16:53:46 Subtopic: Add inline Registry Section w3c/dapt#196 16:53:53 github: https://github.com/w3c/dapt/pull/196 16:54:12 Nigel: Thank you Cyril for reviewing. Please take a look 16:54:46 ... We wanted registry tables in a few places, so this uses new features in W3C Process. They can be updated outside the normal Rec track process 16:55:10 ... I've based this on the boilerplate text in the TTWG repo 16:55:47 ... In doing this, I've had to raise a Process issue, but it's probably acceptable now to meet process requirements 16:55:55 ... Please look, to see if it has any issues 16:56:11 SUMMARY: Please review! 16:56:25 Topic: AOB: 5G-MAG OSMART workshop 16:56:51 Chris: I'll paste a link into IRC. 16:57:25 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2023Nov/0000.html Invitation on TTWG member list 16:57:38 Chris: This came to me from Thomas Stockhammer, who I assume is part of the organising 16:57:54 .. group for this conference. It's 5G-MAG with DVB and has been extended to other organisations 16:58:10 .. like DASH-IF, CTA-WAVE, ATSC, 35PP, W3C and others. 16:58:20 .. Open invitation to share in the workshop anything about reference tools that have been 16:58:26 .. developed to support specifications. 16:58:34 .. Intent is to foster collaboration between standards groups. 16:58:53 .. I thought of two areas of interest: IMSC-HRM and its tooling, and the imscJS implementation, 16:59:03 .. and some other things like in MediaWG sample code for WebCodecs, 16:59:08 .. or similar for WebTransport WG. 16:59:18 .. Thomas latched onto the IMSC and TTML parts more so than the others. 16:59:37 .. If you would like to present on the tooling that you've developed around IMSC and TTML, and the HRM, 16:59:46 .. this is an opportunity to present at that workshop. 16:59:59 .. What I'd like to do is to go back to either confirm or politely decline depending on what you prefer to do. 17:01:19 Nigel: It looks to me like it could be useful 17:01:36 Pierre: I can follow up, it doesn't have to be a group thing? 17:01:40 Nigel: No, I don't think so. 17:01:56 Chris: If you wanted to frame this as an official TTWG thing we could go down the route of adding a logo, 17:02:03 .. but we can maybe treat it less formally. 17:02:19 Pierre: I can email Thomas and copy Chris and Nigel and gauge the interest by the response, then 17:02:23 .. we can figure it out. 17:02:41 Nigel: How soon do they need a response? 17:02:52 Chris: It's planned for 8th December so quite soon. 17:02:59 Pierre: I'll send something today. 17:03:27 Topic: Meeting close 17:03:51 Nigel: Thank you everyone, and Chris for scribing. Have a good rest of day, let's adjourn now. [adjourns meeting] 17:03:53 s/8th/6th and 7th/ 17:04:03 rrsagent, make minutes 17:04:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/09-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:15:06 s/the authoring application meets the requirements of HRM/some of the authoring applications meet the requirements of HRM 17:15:52 s/it doesn't demonstrate effectiveness of HRM/it doesn't demonstrate implementation, but it does demonstrate effectiveness of HRM 17:17:27 s/exaclty/exactly/g 17:18:28 s/608 appends 2 characters per time period, should be something a modern renderer should easily achieve/A naive view would be that merely appending 2 characters every frame is something that a modern renderer should easily achieve 17:19:58 s/potential causes of HRM failure/potential causes of HRM failure and their mitigations 17:22:52 rrsagent, make minutes 17:22:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/09-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:25:41 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:25:44 zakim, end meeting 17:25:44 As of this point the attendees have been Chris, Cyril, Matt, Nigel, Pierre, Mike 17:25:46 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:25:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/09-tt-minutes.html Zakim 17:25:53 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:25:53 Zakim has left #tt