12:55:35 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 12:55:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/02-wot-td-irc 12:55:49 meeting: TD/Binding coordination 12:55:56 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato 13:02:46 present+ Michael_Koster 13:07:00 present+ Ege_Korkan 13:08:00 topic: Figure changes 13:08:06 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3AEditorial PRs about figure updates 13:08:06 Ege has joined #wot-td 13:08:56 kaz: McCool was kind of concerned yesterday 13:09:16 ... but I guess his concern is just because of the number of changes 13:09:34 ... so we as the TD-TF should/can make sure all the changes are correct by checking the diff 13:09:47 subtopic: PR 1910 13:10:10 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1910 PR 1910 - Security Figure is missing proxy term 13:10:22 ek: missing stuff on ontologies 13:11:48 ... ObjectProperty vs DatatypeProperty 13:12:40 kaz: ok 13:12:52 ... btw, what is the point of the diff around line 58? 13:13:03 ... that's rather bigger than the ObjectProperty fix 13:13:58 ek: result of the automatically generated 13:14:12 kaz: ah, you mean the HTML is automatically generated based on the TTL file. right? 13:14:14 ek yes 13:14:25 s/ek/ek:/ 13:14:28 (merged) 13:14:39 subtopic: PR 1911 13:15:02 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1911 PR 1911 - Figure Update Process Documentation 13:15:25 mjk: this is process definition to avoid mistakes 13:15:28 ek: right 13:15:31 q+ 13:15:56 lb: the problem is that SVG file has wrong ratio 13:17:22 ek: yeah, for example, wotsec.svg is too wide 13:18:51 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/visualization/wotsec.svg wotsec.svg 13:19:11 kaz: what about the PNG for that? 13:19:19 ek: (shows PNG) 13:19:36 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/visualization/wotsec.png wotsec.png 13:20:09 mjk: the content itself is same. right? 13:21:38 ek: sometimes there is some difference 13:21:57 q+ 13:22:41 kaz: which is correct in that case? 13:22:48 ek: neither... 13:23:01 ... our spec text should be correct as the basis 13:23:23 kaz: what is the source for SVG? 13:23:33 ek: generated based on a TTL file 13:24:15 kaz: in that case, there might be some error within the source TTL file 13:24:20 ek: that's not the case 13:24:55 kaz: in that case, the TTL file itself is correct but the generated SVG has problems 13:25:13 ... how the SVGs are generated? 13:25:17 ... using some tool? 13:25:19 ek: yes 13:25:32 kaz: so the tool has some problem 13:25:37 ek: exactly 13:26:14 kaz: do we want to fix the tool? 13:26:30 ... or manually generate correct PNGs ourselves? 13:26:37 ek: would like to go for the latter this time 13:27:48 kaz: have we got sufficient reviews for the PNGs? 13:28:07 ek: yeah, at least Daniel and Mahda in addition to myself 13:28:15 kaz: how about you, Luca? 13:28:46 ... if Luca and Koster are also OK, that's fine :) 13:28:56 lb: seems to be OK 13:29:02 mjk: yes 13:29:28 ek: ok 13:29:55 s/yes/yes, good to give directives on this./ 13:29:59 (merged) 13:30:48 subtopic: PR 1912 13:31:04 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1912 PR 1912 - TM Regex fix 13:31:18 ek: we can have a resolution during the main call next week about this 13:32:29 lb: (looks into the changes) 13:33:51 ek: will revert the wrong changes, e.g., removing [["]] from "type", etc. 13:34:13 i/changes/changes, and points out some problems/ 13:37:35 s/, e.g., removing [["]] from "type", etc./ 13:38:00 kaz: do you mean something like removal of [["]] from "type", etc. right? 13:38:03 ek: yes 13:41:50 ... (fix the errors) 13:42:48 (the diff has become much shorter :) 13:43:09 ek: let's make a resolution during the main call next Wednesay 13:44:40 subtopic: PR 1913 13:44:57 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1913 PR 1913 - TD Figures Update 13:45:53 ek: big PR about figures 13:46:29 ... what I did to fix the problems with the figures 13:46:37 [[ 13:46:38 Run npm render and regenerate the SVGs. Then push them to GitHub 13:46:38 Copyover those SVG files to publication folder 13:46:38 Manually adapt the SVG files so that errors are fixed and the organization of boxes and arrows is nicer. Due to a toolchain issue, there were missing terms in SVG (and thus PNGs). Push these SVG files to GitHub 13:46:39 Export PNGs from the previous SVG files. These overwrite the current PNGs 13:46:39 ]] 13:47:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1913/files files changed 13:53:50 ek: all the "Added" diagrams fix problems from the old "Deleted" diagrams 13:54:28 present+ Jan_Romann 13:54:29 q+ 13:56:24 ack k 13:56:32 kaz: tx to add the summary, Ege 13:56:54 ... could you please add concrete file names as well to each function? 13:57:31 ... for example, td.svg and td.png for Thing, and wotsec.svg and wotsec.png for Security? 13:57:35 ek: ok 13:57:50 ... (looks into the mapping between the summary and the file names) 14:00:01 q+ 14:00:17 ack k 14:00:31 kaz: what about "Hyper-control"? 14:00:41 ek: that is "Form" within the summary 14:00:55 s/"?/" (hctl.svg)?/ 14:02:03 a k 14:02:12 s/a k// 14:02:14 ack k 14:02:18 q+ 14:03:04 kaz: have we got enough reviews now? 14:03:14 ... Koster, Jan and Luca? 14:03:38 lb: I'm OK 14:03:56 mjk: ok 14:04:02 jr: also ok 14:05:02 (merged) 14:05:37 ek: we can still add further changes if needed 14:06:14 topic: Agenda wiki 14:06:49 kaz: given we cancelled the call yesterday, we can simply change the date from "November 2" to "November 9" for the TD agenda wiki 14:08:19 s/2"/1"/ 14:08:24 s/9"/8"/ 14:08:46 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#November_8.2C_2023 Nov-8 agenda 14:08:48 topic: Minutes 14:09:05 kaz: we usually don't distribute the minutes from the TD coordination call to the public list 14:09:19 ... but today's discussion should be publicly distributed 14:09:35 mjk: agree. it was a special TD call this time 14:09:46 ek: agree 14:09:56 kaz: will make the minutes public, and distribute the URL later then 14:09:58 [adjourned] 14:10:04 rrsagent, make log public 14:10:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:10:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/02-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 14:10:34 chair: Ege 14:10:35 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:10:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/02-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:12:10 Zakim has left #wot-td