01 November 2023


David_Ezell, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Koster, McCool
kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes

new member announcement - HiveMQ has joined

McCool: HiveMQ has just joined W3C and WoT, but it's a holiday in Germany today. So maybe next week.

minutes review


McCool: any comments or objections for the minutes from October 25?

McCool: no objections, publish


<McCool> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/08b9bb73-d0f9-4c51-b45e-343f966b1395/

Kaz: we need to discuss how comments and feedback from the CG makes it back to the WG


McCool: the last meeting day of the year will be December 21

McCool: please note TF call cancellations here


McCool: chairs have reviewed the schedule and made some updates
… today we hope to finalize the REC transition and Press release
… the transition date would be November 9th

McCool: any comments?

Kaz: we need to follow up with Ege to see if the picture corrections have been made into a PR

McCool: let's assume we will have a TD PR and merge the updated schedule PR
… PR #1153 merged
… the PR for figure update is #1913 and still open

time zone changes

McCool: daylight savings time is changing differently in different places, and will wait until all changes occur before changing the meeting schedule

McCool: we need to shift the Discovery TF call schedule


McCool: we still need to finalize the policies, will discuss during the first hour of the main call next week
… we are waiting for updated policies from W3C on project management
… Plugfest Berlin June 2024

IG charter

McCool: IG charter is due to expire, we need to finish the new charter by the 15th

Kaz: we need to clarify what will be done by the IG and what will be done by the CG
… we should think about the task list of each group first, then decide if we need the IG

McCool: would like to suggest we switch the meeting schedule
… and talk about IG Charter next week (by 2-hour meeting)
… and then talk about policies on Nov 15

<McCool> proposal: Schedule a 2h call to discuss policies on Nov 15 and a 2h call to discuss the IG charter on Nov 8.

RESOLUTION: Schedule a 2h call to discuss policies on Nov 15 and a 2h call to discuss the IG charter on Nov 8.

(no objections)

1.1 RECs

TD 1.1

McCool: we made a resolution for publication last week
… but apparently there is some problem with the figures
… note that figures are basically informative, so we can fix them

wot-thing-description PR 1913 - TD Figures Update

McCool: updates for PNGs/SVGs

Kaz: yes, as McCool mentioned, figures are informative and we can fix them
… but we need to make sure all the updated figures are CORRECT before publication

McCool: Koster, can we confirm the updated figures are correct?

Koster: not really involved in this change...

Kaz: technically, we need to check with Ege, so may need to wait until tomorrow

McCool: don't want until tomorrow...
… maybe we can quickly skim the figures by ourselves?

Koster: need to review the details
… during the TD call

Kaz: technically, we need to look into the original TTL file as the source
… and for that purpose, we need have Ege as well
… so would like to suggest we review this PR during the TD coordination call tomorrow with both Ege and Koster
… we can still make a preliminary resolution mentioning that final review today

McCool: yeah

<McCool> proposal: Authorize the TD editors to update and merge TD PR#1913 to update the information model figures prior to REC transition.

RESOLUTION: Authorize the TD editors to update and merge TD PR#1913 to update the information model figures prior to REC transition.

McCool: also would like to give comments to the PR 1913 itself too

McCool's comments

McCool: there is another editorial fix on Thing Model

wot-thing-description PR 1912 - TM Regex fix

McCool: (gives comments)
… updates for TD 2.0 or 1.1?
… need clear resolution for this change, I think

McCool's comments

Related Resources

McCool: need confirmation from PLH and the Webmaster
… any response?

Kaz: not yet

Press Release

McCool: we want to publish the RECs along with the Press Release in one week or so
… so let's see the updated draft now

draft Press Release (draft.md)

McCool: (goes through the draft)
… (goes through the latest PR, which has been merged, too)

wot PR 1148 - Mention examples of commercial adoption

Kaz: I've checked with Kasuya-san about Takenaka's system name
… but I'm afraid it might not be good to mention concrete product names of non-Member implementers within the Press Release
… let's ask Coralie about opinion about that

Kaz: maybe we need to make those product names of non-Members more generic names like "a building management system" in the end.

wot PR 1154 - Update Press Release

<McCool> proposal: Proceed with publication of current draft of Press Release, after REC transition, including (merged) PR#1154, but subject to approval and edits by W3C Marcom. Marcom may, at their discretion, replace product names of non-members with generic names.

RESOLUTION: Proceed with publication of current draft of Press Release, after REC transition, including (merged) PR#1154, but subject to approval and edits by W3C Marcom. Marcom may, at their discretion, replace product names of non-members with generic names.

TPAC minutes

McCool: we're out of time
… so let's finalize the TPAC minutes next week

TD call today?

Kaz: Koster, do you want to have the TD call today without Ege?

Koster: concerned about my network connection too
… also we need sufficient reviewers

Kaz: people can join the TD coordination call, which starts at 2pm CEST tomorrow

McCool: Koster, why don't you send out an invitation for that purpose?

Koster: ok


Summary of resolutions

  1. Schedule a 2h call to discuss policies on Nov 15 and a 2h call to discuss the IG charter on Nov 8.
  2. Authorize the TD editors to update and merge TD PR#1913 to update the information model figures prior to REC transition.
  3. Proceed with publication of current draft of Press Release, after REC transition, including (merged) PR#1154, but subject to approval and edits by W3C Marcom. Marcom may, at their discretion, replace product names of non-members with generic names.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).