19:04:06 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 19:04:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/01-webauthn-irc 19:04:20 Meeting: Web Authentication Weekly meeting 19:04:23 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2023Nov/0000.html 19:04:25 present+ 19:04:33 selfissued has joined #webauthn 19:04:35 present+ 19:04:40 nina has joined #webauthn 19:05:16 tony: I added one more date to cancel time. 27 12 2023 19:05:33 ... I will send out cancel notices. 19:05:39 present+ jfontana , matthewmiller , MichaelJones, JamesZhang, JaiminBhatt, Tim 19:06:37 tony: charter seems to be expiring 19:06:48 Plh: you need a new charter 19:06:55 tony: still open issues. 19:07:47 Plh: how long dill it take to finish 19:07:58 ... one more year, 2, 3... 19:08:21 elundberg has joined #webauthn 19:08:22 agl: we could call lvel 3 finished and we would still have thing to do. 19:09:04 tony: it is level 3 is finsihed, but no finishing things in githb 19:09:19 plh: do we have all the features for this cycle 19:09:53 ...is it good enough to be called finished 19:10:10 MMmiller: trying to work toward L3; need to test this stuff 19:10:32 Tim: we have been workign on it 19:10:50 self-issue: better to include things, rather than stop and start 19:11:25 tony: how log do we want to re-charter for 19:11:39 ...get beyond LeverL 19:11:59 phl: let's do the most 19:12:46 phl: is it worth it to ship? 19:13:02 tiM 19:13:07 I can see no tech issues 19:13:44 phl we need to be feature complete 19:14:02 ...we can already branch, however 19:14:54 agl: there is an on going list of thing coming up 19:15:41 tony: we will not cut today. 19:15:56 ...we should keep an eye on changes in charter wording 19:16:21 PHL: need two seperate versions 19:16:45 tim: is there a branch? 19:17:29 phl: we will cross the bridge when we get there, re: 2 versions 19:19:05 phl: you can try to get to more than oe implementation. 19:19:40 nina: maybe password manager will help 19:19:49 ...? 19:20:05 bradley: that would be a stretch 19:20:48 bradely: cold 1 password be an implemetation to handle 19:22:27 : 19:23:19 phl: can start on V4 and we can talk about time line 19:23:43 tony: an we can look at browser extentions 19:24:05 tony: any objections. 19:24:36 ...put effort behind it tow 2 more years. 19:25:45 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1957 19:25:59 akshay creating a situation around device bound keys 19:26:11 ...take a look at it again. 19:28:06 akshay: first veriosn ..?? 19:29:57 bradley: some might have to accept security keyshave differences. 19:37:51 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1954 19:38:11 tony: david is not here. 19:38:56 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1953 19:39:10 tony: waiting for David W 19:59:07 tony: john 19:59:42 rrsagent, generate minutes 19:59:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/01-webauthn-minutes.html plh 20:05:01 Chair: Tony 20:05:34 i/I added one more date to cancel/Topic: Next meetings/ 20:05:40 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:05:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/01-webauthn-minutes.html plh 20:06:21 i/charter seems to be expiring/Topic: Charter expiration/ 20:06:37 i/still open issues/Topic: Open Issues/ 20:07:30 zakim, bye 20:07:36 rrsagent, bye 20:07:48 rrsagent, make logs public 20:07:53 rrsagent, bye 20:07:53 I see no action items