13:54:42 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:54:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-wcag2ict-irc 13:54:46 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:54:47 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), maryjom 13:54:53 zakim, clear agenda 13:54:53 agenda cleared 13:54:59 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 13:55:04 meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:55:09 Zakim, please time speakers at 2 minutes 13:55:09 ok, maryjom 13:55:15 Agenda+ Announcements 13:55:21 Agenda+ Survey results: Proposed changes to definitions 13:55:27 Agenda+ FPWD public comments 13:55:39 Agenda+ Survey results: 4.1.1 Parsing 13:55:48 Agenda+ Discussion thread on 1.4.4 Resize Text 13:59:10 Chuck has joined #wcag2ict 13:59:15 agenda? 13:59:29 present+ 13:59:34 loicmn has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:09 Mike_Pluke has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:08 FernandaBonnin has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:02:15 LauraBMiller has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:02:15 present+ 14:02:49 present+ 14:02:49 PhilDay has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:49 present+ 14:02:49 present+ 14:03:03 present+ 14:03:04 scribe+ loicmn 14:03:43 zakim, next item 14:03:43 agendum 1 -- Announcements -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:03:43 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag2ict 14:03:43 present+ 14:03:43 Devanshu has joined #wcag2ict 14:03:44 present+ 14:03:44 zakim, agenda? 14:03:44 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda: 14:03:46 1. Announcements [from maryjom] 14:03:46 2. Survey results: Proposed changes to definitions [from maryjom] 14:03:46 3. FPWD public comments [from maryjom] 14:03:47 olivia has joined #wcag2ict 14:03:47 4. Survey results: 4.1.1 Parsing [from maryjom] 14:03:47 5. Discussion thread on 1.4.4 Resize Text [from maryjom] 14:04:22 present+ 14:04:22 present+ 14:04:23 maryjom: please do the surveys early to help preparing the meetings 14:04:48 ... Early replies help advancing the work 14:04:50 Bryan_Trogdon has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:04:57 present+ 14:05:16 maryjom: Starting next week will check standup to look at progress of the TF work 14:05:57 maryjom: This weekend the time changes in some countries, not in the US. 14:06:08 ... the November 2nd meeting will be a different time for the countries that have changed time 14:06:27 ... It will be one our sooner in those countries. 14:07:21 q+ 14:07:22 maryjom: New AG charter is coming soon (Oct 31st). People who are in companies need to ask their representatives to "get into" AG. 14:07:31 q+ 14:07:37 ... Those individual experts need to contact Daniel for that process. 14:07:41 ack Chuck 14:08:14 Chuck: we should receive an email when the new charter is active. Please contact your AC representative to prepare the process. 14:08:21 q+ 14:08:26 ... for any question contact Daniel. 14:08:51 bruce_bailey: when is this hapenning? 14:08:55 ack bruce_bailey 14:09:07 ack LauraBMiller 14:09:14 Chuck: it is coming. A few W3C milestones are required first. 14:10:28 LauraBMiller: changing company (out of TPGi), but will be able to keep working in this TF through the support of TPGi 14:11:11 maryjom: please be in contact with Daniel to handle the transition 14:11:27 @bruce_bailey yes. laura.miller@ssa.gov 14:11:44 zakim, next item 14:11:44 agendum 2 -- Survey results: Proposed changes to definitions -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:12:05 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-add-definitions/results 14:12:46 maryjom: shows the survey results. 14:12:52 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Incorporate proposed changes for “satisfies a success criterion” as-is. 14:12:54 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 14:13:02 present+ 14:13:02 +1 14:13:03 +1 14:13:04 +1 14:13:06 +1 14:13:06 +1 14:13:07 +1 14:13:07 +1 14:13:07 +1 14:13:08 +1 14:13:09 +1 14:13:14 RESOLUTION: Incorporate proposed changes for “satisfies a success criterion” as-is. 14:13:19 q+ 14:13:36 ack bruce_bailey 14:14:38 bruce_bailey: asks when the definition of "satisfies a SC" appeared in WCAG 14:14:57 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Incorporate proposed changes for definition of “conformance” as-is. 14:14:57 maryjom: It was in WCAG 2.0. But not in 2013 WCAG2ICT because we did not use the term. 14:15:07 +1 14:15:19 +1 14:15:20 +1 14:15:22 +1 14:15:23 +1 14:15:23 +1 14:15:24 +1 14:15:28 +1 14:16:04 +1 14:16:04 +1 14:16:04 +1 14:16:04 RESOLUTION: Incorporate proposed changes for definition of “conformance” as-is. 14:16:44 maryjom: last term is "structure" with some replies asking for an editorial correction. 14:16:55 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Incorporate proposed changes for definition of “structure”, with edit to remove “user”. 14:17:00 +1 14:17:00 +1 14:17:02 +1 14:17:02 +1 14:17:07 +1 14:17:09 +1 14:17:09 +1 14:17:26 +1 14:17:34 +1 14:17:43 RESOLUTION: Incorporate proposed changes for definition of “structure”, with edit to remove “user”. 14:17:48 LauraBMiller_ has joined #wcag2ict 14:17:54 zakim, next item 14:17:54 agendum 3 -- FPWD public comments -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:18:16 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Public+Comment%22+-label%3A%22TF+answer+completed%22 14:19:03 maryjom: Explains that issues related to public comments have the "public comment" label 14:19:50 ... and there are two without "owner". Asks for volunteers to deal with these two public comments 14:20:09 ... please assign yourself 14:20:29 I think I will be able to write something for reflow this week 14:20:38 TOPIC: From survey: Issue 226 – Technologies that don’t support an SC 14:20:47 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-public-comments-3/results#xq2 14:21:24 maryjom: 5 responses (2 as-is, 3 editorial changes) 14:22:04 Proposed response to 226 with all suggest edits: 14:22:06 In other similar instances, we have handled such criteria by failing the application and leaving exceptions to outside policies/laws to address. It is largely believed that allowing for "cannot be applied" would provide opportunities to disregard this criterion too broadly. 14:22:08 maryjom: has applies all editorial changes in her survey reply 14:22:22 s/applies/applied 14:22:40 q+ 14:22:51 ack PhilDay 14:24:05 PhilDay: maybe we could add some reference to "not applicable" in the definition of "satisfies a success criterion" 14:24:48 maryjom: Yes, it is in fact in the next survey question "comments on conformance" 14:25:42 TOPIC: issue 219 "not applicable" is a pass 14:25:53 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-public-comments-3/results#xq3 14:26:08 q+ 14:26:35 Pull request link: https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/247/files 14:27:02 ack me 14:27:11 maryjom: has taken up Bruce's proposal of linking to definition of satisfies a success criterion 14:27:37 We are not saying anything new. I agree the question is recurrent regardless. 14:27:46 bruce_bailey: clarification to make sure that it was already explained in WCAG2ICT. 14:28:06 maryjom: shows the pull request 14:28:26 DRAFT RESOLUTION: Incorporate the proposed change for “not applicable” into the Comments on Conformance section, as edited in PR 247. 14:28:31 +1 14:28:33 +1 14:28:36 +1 14:28:37 +1 14:28:45 +1 14:28:45 +1 14:28:46 +1 14:28:51 +1 14:29:03 RESOLUTION: Incorporate the proposed change for “not applicable” into the Comments on Conformance section, as edited in PR 247. 14:29:26 maryjom: back to issue 226 14:29:28 +1 14:29:40 Proposed response to 226 is: In other similar instances, we have handled such criteria by failing the application and leaving exceptions to outside policies/laws to address. It is largely believed that allowing for "cannot be applied" would provide opportunities to disregard this criterion too broadly. 14:31:21 POLL: Should we refer to Conformance update in this response? 14:31:42 +1 to incorporating Conformance updates and then refer in response 14:31:50 q? 14:31:51 q? 14:31:58 q+ 14:32:04 ack LauraBMiller_ 14:32:37 LauraBMiller_: wants to clarify what the response would be 14:33:19 maryjom: this will appear in the conformance section once the PR are accepted by PhilDay 14:33:52 ... and then this content can be mentioned in responses 14:34:31 maryjom: seems the best approach to point to WCAG2ICT updated content 14:34:45 +1 14:34:47 +1 14:34:47 +1 to incorporating Conformance updates and then refer in response 14:34:51 +1 14:34:56 +1 14:34:58 +1 14:35:51 RESOLUTION: Finalize response to Issue 226 with the edits proposed in the survey and adding a reference to the update to the Comments on Conformance section. 14:37:02 TOPIC: Software issue 230 14:37:16 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/230 14:38:34 maryjom: Explains that Mealine has asked for examples to the (non-web) definition of software 14:38:37 Word online is not "software" -- it is a web application 14:38:42 it is web content 14:38:50 PDFs are web content 14:38:53 q+ 14:39:01 ack bruce_bailey 14:39:58 bruce_bailey: explains the decisions on the 508 refresh to clarify that "documents" and "software" are non-web 14:40:43 maryjom: some documents can also be software. Like the example from Mitch (.docx with VBA code) 14:41:02 For 508, we use: Software Programs, procedures, rules, and related data and documentation that direct the use and operation of ICT and instruct it to perform a given task or function. Software includes, but is not limited to, applications, non-Web software, and platform software. 14:41:26 https://www.access-board.gov/ict/#E103.4 14:41:29 Q+ 14:41:33 ack Mike_Pluke 14:41:34 maryjom: ... sometimes the line is unclear 14:42:15 Mike_Pluke: In EN 301 549 we followed the same "negative" definition of non-web 14:43:41 maryjom: we need to look at our definition of (non-web) software. And compare to 508, EN. And see if we need to change or give examples 14:44:56 Mike_Pluke: mobile applications are a combination of web and non-web, but it is not so important as the requirements are basically the same 14:44:57 So many times in 508 technical assistance we have had to say "mobile apps are software". 14:45:25 maryjom: do we need examples in the definition? 14:46:02 q+ to agree that we need examples 14:46:09 ack loicmn 14:46:09 loicmn, you wanted to agree that we need examples 14:47:14 maryjom: So we need examples that need to be provided 14:47:24 Zakim, next item 14:47:24 agendum 4 -- Survey results: 4.1.1 Parsing -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:47:56 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/55145/WCAG2ICT-review-parsing/results#xq2 14:49:31 maryjom: Loic's suggests not to refer to WCAG 2.0 and 2.1. But feels it is necessary because of some countries relying on WCAG 2.0 14:50:02 q+ 14:50:12 ... 2013 WCAG2ICT cannot be kept as-is because the interpretation of 4.1.1 has changed 14:50:17 ack Chuck 14:50:59 Chuck: In WCAG 2.0 we added errata for 4.1.1. Could we have an errata for 2013 WCAG2ICT? 14:51:12 q+ 14:51:28 ack Chuck 14:51:28 maryjom: I don't know the answer. In any case there is the gap of 2.1, that has no WCAG2ICT 14:52:14 Chuck: There is no WCAG2ICT that referenced 2.1, so it is tricky. Will think on that. 14:52:45 Chuck: for this particular document it is not harm to only deal with 2.2, while we think about 2.0 and 2.1 14:53:40 maryjom: If we focus on WCAG 2.2, then we could just remove 4.1.1 14:53:56 Comment from JAWS-test https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues/241#issuecomment-1771570960 14:55:21 maryjom: explains comment in the issue that asks to investigate other markup languages 14:55:47 q+ 14:56:31 ack bruce_bailey 14:56:32 +1 it doesn't matter 14:56:32 q+ 14:56:32 maryjom: does AT access other markup languages? 14:56:32 ack Chuck 14:56:38 bruce_bailey: but WCAG 2.1 new note seems to be just examples 14:56:49 q+ 14:57:14 ack Sam 14:57:24 Chuck: 4.1.1 is very "HTML-centric". In any case thinks that for WCAG2ICT 2.2 it doesn't matter 14:57:27 I agree it does not matter. 14:57:35 it is removed. 14:57:58 Sam: as 4.1.1 is out of WCAG 2.2, then WCAG2ICT (new) should not deal with it 14:58:12 FYI, it is "removed" 14:58:25 +1 to maryjom last reply in 241 14:58:50 hard stop also 14:58:54 Q+ 14:59:12 maryjom: as there is no parsing (4.1.1) requirement in WCAG 2.2, then there is nothing that WCAG2ICT should interpret 14:59:19 ack Mike_Pluke 14:59:40 I agree the 2.0 errata is not exactly the same as being removed 14:59:42 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/errata/ 14:59:43 Mike_Pluke: in EN 301 549 no decision has been taken yet... but it will probably be dropped 15:00:10 > This criterion should be considered as always satisfied for any content using HTML or XML. 15:00:10 q+ to say change should to can 15:00:13 maryjom: seems we agree to focus on WCAG 2.2, so no info on 4.1.1 15:00:24 ack Chuck 15:00:24 Chuck, you wanted to say change should to can 15:00:38 +1 for WCAG2ICT using 2.2 perspective only 15:00:52 Chuck: comment on the last sentence "EN and 508 should take that up". Suggests different less strong wording 15:00:58 maryjom: modifies the comment 15:02:16 maryjom: Please take a look at the Resize discussion and participate before next meeting 15:02:54 maryjom: And there will be surveys 15:02:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:02:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-wcag2ict-minutes.html loicmn 15:03:21 zakim, end meeting 15:03:21 As of this point the attendees have been Chuck, LauraBMiller, Mike_Pluke, PhilDay, loicmn, maryjom, bruce_bailey, Devanshu, FernandaBonnin, olivia, Bryan_Trogdon, Sam 15:03:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:03:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-wcag2ict-minutes.html Zakim 15:03:31 I am happy to have been of service, maryjom; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:03:31 Zakim has left #wcag2ict 15:03:36 rrsagent, bye 15:03:36 I see no action items