14:46:23 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 14:46:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-irc 14:46:55 meeting: RDF-star WG biweekly long meeting 14:53:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:53:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:53:06 rrsagent, make logs public 14:53:37 scribe: TallTed 14:53:37 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/5ecc5c5f-5cd2-410c-b97c-6b13c6b843f1/20231026T110000/ 14:53:37 clear agenda 14:53:37 agenda+ Discussion of Peters remarks -> 1 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0042.html & the proposal by the chairs -> 2 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0071.html 14:53:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:54:08 present+ 14:54:39 scribe: TallTed 14:54:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:54:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:57:57 AZ has joined #rdf-star 14:58:07 pfps has joined #rdf-star 14:58:26 fsasaki has joined #rdf-star 14:58:53 ora has joined #rdf-star 14:59:19 present+ 14:59:42 present+ ora 14:59:45 present+ 14:59:46 present+ AZ 15:00:12 tl has joined #rdf-star 15:00:24 present+ tl 15:00:28 enrico has joined #rdf-star 15:00:58 present+ 15:01:15 present+ 15:02:54 present+ enrico 15:02:54 Zakim, who's here? 15:02:54 Present: TallTed, pfps, ora, AZ, tl, fsasaki, enrico 15:02:54 On IRC I see enrico, tl, ora, fsasaki, pfps, AZ, RRSAgent, Zakim, TallTed, AndyS, draggett, smoothsalt, Timothe, VladimirAlexiev, Tpt, driib, gb, ktk, gtw, csarven, agendabot, 15:02:54 ... pchampin, rhiaro 15:02:55 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 15:03:09 present+ draggett 15:03:12 present+ pchampin 15:03:31 present+ AndyS 15:03:44 olaf has joined #rdf-star 15:03:49 present+ 15:03:59 present+ 15:04:00 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 15:04:04 present+ 15:04:06 present+ 15:04:09 present+ 15:04:15 Zakim, who is here? 15:04:15 Present: TallTed, pfps, ora, AZ, tl, fsasaki, enrico, draggett, pchampin, AndyS, olaf, niklasl, gkellogg 15:04:17 On IRC I see niklasl, olaf, gkellogg, enrico, tl, ora, fsasaki, pfps, AZ, RRSAgent, Zakim, TallTed, AndyS, draggett, smoothsalt, Timothe, VladimirAlexiev, Tpt, driib, gb, ktk, gtw, 15:04:17 ... csarven, agendabot, pchampin, rhiaro 15:04:26 chair: ora 15:05:03 I am ready to assist as second scribe when/if Ted gets tired 15:05:49 Zakim, first agendum 15:05:49 I don't understand 'first agendum', TallTed 15:05:55 Zakim, open agendum 1 15:05:55 agendum 1 -- Discussion of Peters remarks -> 1 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0042.html & the proposal by the chairs -> 2 15:05:58 ... https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0071.html -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:06:14 subtopic: presentation by @pfps 15:07:15 Souri has joined #rdf-star 15:07:25 present+ 15:07:29 pfps: "Stick to the Basics", i.e., do what we should be doing before going on tangents 15:08:17 ... syntax is less important than what is intended to be communicated through that syntax 15:09:08 ... quoted/named/blank graphs substantially complicate matters 15:10:19 ... proposes satisfying the charter, and declaring victory 15:10:41 q+ 15:10:45 ... THEN considering other stuff 15:11:38 ack olaf 15:12:11 I'm rather astonished that Zoom worked well for me. :-) 15:12:12 Dominik_T has joined #rdf-star 15:12:18 present+ 15:12:34 subtopic: presentation by tl 15:12:45 pfps's slides: https://www.w3.org/mid/5c79099d-d2d6-957f-804e-d04d1cc2af4a@gmail.com 15:13:41 My slides are on the mailing list at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0108.html 15:19:31 [ tl's screenshared doc will be posted to the list, and will appear within https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/ ] 15:24:24 q? 15:25:05 subtopic: presentation by pchampin 15:25:39 present+ 15:25:44 pchampin: sympathizes with pfps concerns of the list of work to be done 15:26:27 ... work around N3 for graph terms, but need to not import all of N3 15:27:37 ... making large changes between early-adopter implementations of un-spec'ed RDF-star, and our output, could break implementer momentum, marking importance of use cases 15:29:05 ... there are issues with repurposing named graphs for quoted/annotated triples ... could work through resolving these issues instead of taking them as reason to invent something else for quoted/annotated triples 15:29:19 Apologies that I have to leave early today. Just my +1 to pfps presentation about keeping the focus on rdf-star. 15:30:04 Thanks fsasaki 15:30:15 ... our overarching goal should be to produce the smallest spec to satisfy the largest community 15:30:39 +1 to pchampin 15:30:41 q+ 15:30:48 ack TallTed 15:30:55 scribe+ 15:30:58 +1 from me too 15:31:14 TallTed: I'm concerned by the references to "concentrating on RDF-star". It does not exist until we say it does. 15:31:30 +1 to pchampin 15:31:30 +1 also to Ted: RDF-star is not yet a standard 15:31:43 q+ 15:31:43 ... The pre-existing implementation, the "early adopters", they don't implement a standard. They don't interoperate. 15:31:48 ack olaf 15:31:57 ... This is red hearring and discard a lot of what we have already done. 15:32:18 q+ 15:32:23 s/they don't implement a standard. They don't interoperate/they didn't implement a standard. They don't interoperate/ 15:32:23 ack tl 15:32:46 ... but GraphDB examples seem to make the seminal example mistake... 15:32:51 olaf: GraphDB implements exactly what we have in the CG report 15:32:58 scribe- 15:33:00 tl: could pchampin elaborate on convergence? 15:33:40 pchampin: doesn't have a clear idea right now, but mailing list content suggests some threads worth pursuing 15:33:58 s/convergence/convergence of named graphs and quoted triples/ 15:34:06 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 15:34:21 subtopic: presentation by AndyS 15:35:41 [ slidedeck URL to be shared later ] 15:37:57 q+ to suggest thinking of "blank nodes" as "pronouns" can help with clarity, and by revealing hidden issues 15:39:08 scribe+ 15:39:10 ack TallTed 15:39:10 TallTed, you wanted to suggest thinking of "blank nodes" as "pronouns" can help with clarity, and by revealing hidden issues 15:39:13 q+ 15:39:20 TallTed: it can be helpful to think about blank nodes as pronouns 15:39:47 ... without an antecedent, a pronoun has no meaning, but with an antecedant it has a lot of meaning 15:39:55 ... the same for blank nodes: the context makes all the difference 15:40:09 ack tl 15:40:15 ... blank nodes can be challenging but are necessary 15:40:43 tl: did you say that we should standardize graphs? 15:40:57 I think Andy's point is important; and wonder if bnode skolemization is a "dead end" for accessing bnodes over the web, or a possibility? 15:41:07 AndyS: I didn't say anything strong one way or another. My point was to insist on "it's the web" 15:41:34 ... I happen to think that if we don't have groups of triples, I'm less confident about triples on their own. 15:41:44 ... But that's not an absolute MUST do. 15:41:54 ... My idea would be a modest way of going forward with quoted graphs. 15:42:24 subtopic: presentation by niklasl 15:42:27 scribe- 15:43:29 niklasl: [ slidedeck "Talking about Occurrences" ... link to deck, or copy of deck, to follow ] 15:56:14 q? 15:56:15 q+ 15:56:21 ack AndyS 15:56:48 My presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vT6luSkUUGrOgpl8vn_MZesCcE5c6TY2bNbLRGk_upB-yzTmM8BrnbYl8BMvqO2Qm2ZBNFcjwB9yuDZ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p 15:57:06 AndyS: general comment, not specifically on deck from niklasl -- can't quite square our replacing a chunk of RDF Concepts, with the idea that we have not changed the RDF data model 15:57:19 q+ 15:57:26 ack gkellogg 15:57:28 ora: Any other presentations waiting? 15:58:05 gkellogg: another comment... the only way we have to talk about things is through syntax, but we need to be careful about relying on syntax when discussing abstracts 16:00:37 ... nested graphs are graphs within graphs but they don't seem to be represented via triples 16:00:37 [ please clean and supplement that, as needed ... I've failed to track speech sufficiently to capture even a skim ] 16:01:54 ... in my mind, blank nodes have always had something of a wave/particle dual-nature 16:02:47 ... among other things, you can only refer to them indirectly, and this inevitably loses some pieces of the original through that indirect reference 16:03:37 scribe- 16:04:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:04:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:04:08 ora: various opinions were presented 16:04:15 ora: I'm leaning towwards what pfps proposed 16:04:48 ora: I'm worried about finishing the work 16:05:11 q+ 16:05:12 s/... in my mind,/gkellogg: in my mind, 16:05:22 ack enrico 16:05:39 enrico: I agree with you (ora & pfps) 16:05:46 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:05:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:06:24 q+ 16:06:24 ... we should provide well thought hooks for those who want to extend the work to graph terms 16:06:24 i|ora: various opinions were presented|topic: Discussion 16:06:24 ... the work is already complex 16:06:43 q? 16:07:23 i/various opinions were presented/scribe: AZ/ 16:07:28 ack niklasl 16:07:28 ... we should have something in a final report about what we know is not going to extend well in the future 16:07:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:07:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:07:49 q? 16:07:56 niklasl: I'd like to clarify something on what was proposed by pfps 16:08:36 ... what I proposed as simple solution, having just syntactic sugar 16:08:59 s/antecedant/antecedent/ 16:09:19 ... I'm worried that [TOBE COMPLTED] would complicate things and may harm adoption 16:09:30 q+ 16:09:34 q+ 16:09:38 ack enrico 16:09:51 Slides -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0112.html 16:10:13 enrico: reification is something we should not refer to at all when we talk about triple terms/etc 16:10:38 ... if we use reification we lose the model theory 16:10:41 q+ 16:11:00 on the contrary, the subject of a reification is the thing referred to 16:11:01 ... a triple term denotes a resource in the real world and we can talk about 16:11:08 q+ 16:11:24 ... but the property rdf:subject, rdf:object are meaningless 16:11:26 s|Slides -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0112.html|| 16:11:26 s|[ slidedeck URL to be shared later ]|Slides -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/0112.html| 16:11:30 ack pfps 16:11:41 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:11:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:12:20 ack niklasl 16:12:20 pfps: I'd be happy to get behind something like quoted triple as syntactic sugar for reification 16:12:20 ... I thought it was stil an option on the table 16:12:39 niklasl: happy to hear that [what pfps said] 16:13:07 enrico: if quoted triple are syntactic sugar for reiffication, 16:13:36 ... you have in the model theory those spurious properties that are just here to encode a syntactic construct 16:13:41 q+ 16:13:46 q+ 16:14:14 ... these properties represent "tricks" to represent a triple 16:14:24 ack tl 16:14:26 ... they are meaningless in the real world 16:15:08 tl: nested graphs have a name, and you know what the name denotes 16:15:18 ... and they can be nested 16:15:52 doerthe has joined #rdf-star 16:15:55 ... graphs compared to triples, going for graphs is much easier than having only triples 16:15:59 present+ 16:16:28 q? 16:16:36 ... what matters is I query graphs for information, comparing graphs is not important 16:16:55 ack pchampin 16:17:34 ... maybe I'm missing something and I'd like to understand, but otherwise I'm for graphs 16:17:49 s|My presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vT6luSkUUGrOgpl8vn_MZesCcE5c6TY2bNbLRGk_upB-yzTmM8BrnbYl8BMvqO2Qm2ZBNFcjwB9yuDZ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p|| 16:17:49 s|slidedeck "Talking about Occurrences" ... link to deck, or copy of deck, to follow|slidedeck "Talking about Occurrences": https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vT6luSkUUGrOgpl8vn_MZesCcE5c6TY2bNbLRGk_upB-yzTmM8BrnbYl8BMvqO2Qm2ZBNFcjwB9yuDZ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p| 16:17:55 pchampin: comparing graphs is important for some tasks 16:17:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:17:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:18:31 ... I disagree with enrico about reification not really meaning anything 16:18:49 ... I don't see much difference with triple terms 16:18:57 q+ 16:19:28 ... RDf-star provided an alternative way of expressing reification that people adopted 16:19:36 ack gkellogg 16:19:51 s|I am ready to assist as second scribe when/if Ted gets tired|| 16:20:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:20:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:20:08 ... I would support triple terms rather than graph terms for acceeptability by the community 16:20:44 gkellogg: quoted triple (as it is defind now) has the same meaning wherever it appears (it's a type, not token) 16:20:58 ... while reified triples are tokens 16:21:21 q+ 16:21:21 +1 gkellogg, this would mean that 16:21:21 << s p o >> :a :b, :c. 16:21:21 and 16:21:21 << s p o >> :a :b. 16:21:22 << s p o >> :a c. 16:21:22 would parse to different graphs 16:21:26 ack niklasl 16:22:00 ... [SOMETHING] made the problem more apparent 16:23:08 q++ to disagree with gkellogg, triple terms would then NOT appear in N-Triples 16:23:13 ... with triples only we can only talk about one triple if we have an identifier for it 16:23:39 q-+ 16:24:03 niklasl: you can always use an identifier for a triple term or anything 16:24:31 ... if quoted triple are syntactc sugar for reification, 16:24:56 ... then it make it a token 16:25:19 q+ 16:25:23 ... you could still have a way to have types, for isntance with owl keys 16:26:06 ... we don't really talk about the abstrac ttripples, we talk about occurrences 16:26:23 ... named graphs are, imo, much more powerful 16:26:33 s/isntance/instance 16:26:34 ... they have grouping capability 16:26:52 s/abstrac ttripples/abstract tripples 16:27:50 s/abstrac ttripples/abstract triples 16:28:00 ... is there something wrong iin the named graphs paper from 2005 wrt singleton edge 16:28:19 ack tl 16:28:43 tl: the named graphs paper does too many things 16:28:58 ... the semantics of the NG paper is opaque 16:29:03 the semantics of named graphs is not opaque; it is unspecified 16:29:12 ... grouping triples is what people need in practice 16:29:25 i|the semantics of named graphs is not opaque; it is unspecified| 16:29:41 s|the semantics of named graphs is not opaque; it is unspecified| 16:30:06 ... rdf-star CG discussed adding a proeprty "occurrenceOf" 16:30:34 ... but I don't like that, named graphs solves the issue 16:30:45 ack pchampin 16:30:49 s/named graphs/nested graphs/ 16:31:05 pchampin: reaction to gkellogg's comment 16:31:09 << s p o >> would be equivalent to 16:31:09 [ rdf:subject s; rdf:predicate p; rdf:object o ] 16:31:18 ... I don't think there is a problem with N-triples 16:31:53 q+ 16:32:01 ... in N-triples, there would not be the syntax sugar appearing 16:32:16 ... another issue I would raise is SPARQL 16:32:26 ... in PSARQL if a varibale matches a quoted triple 16:32:38 ... I retrieve the quoted triple with its sub, pred, obj 16:33:04 ... if we go for syntactic sugar, we would retrieve a bnode, which is useless 16:33:07 ack ora 16:33:18 ... which is another reason for not going towards syntactic sugar 16:33:22 But the case for lists today is even worse! 16:33:31 q+ 16:33:39 ora: you mean it would introduce a bnode identifier 16:33:54 q+ 16:34:15 q= to say that yes, they are syntactic sugar in concrete syntaxes such as Turtle 16:34:16 pchampin: if the double angle bracket was syntactic sugar, it could be replaced with square brackets 16:34:25 q- 16:34:40 ack gkellogg 16:34:49 ack niklasl 16:35:07 niklasl: I was typing the example that I mentioned 16:35:18 Here are all our use cases using quotation dashes (and variant annotation): https://gist.github.com/niklasl/2d02902b81e215b1795981df31927e9b (barring 26) 16:35:42 q+ 16:35:52 ... beware it's using the notations to differentiate different things 16:36:25 ack pchampin 16:36:37 pchampin: I wanted to respond to tl 16:37:07 ... the angle bracket notation is fairly recent 16:37:22 ... and I think it was a mistake 16:37:51 ... with the current abstract syntax, there can be other ways of writing it 16:38:31 tl: I think it would be better if the notation could expend to something with an identifier 16:38:56 ... RDF-star is way too focused on type and that's inpractical 16:38:59 q+ 16:39:12 ack pchampin 16:39:16 ... it's easier to define but it's much harder to use 16:39:23 Here are my motivations for -- and {[...] [...]} or {<...>}: https://gist.github.com/niklasl/4f52c32ef2d888c172c8584e36c24610#proposal-rdf-star-annotation-occurrences 16:39:42 pchampin: the situation with the seminal example 16:39:54 ... it was not future proof 16:40:31 ... quoted triples were always types from the very first definitions 16:41:16 ... the seminal example was maybe bad modelling but it did not change what quoted triples are 16:41:30 q+ 16:41:36 ack AndyS 16:41:45 tl: it took years to realise that this was a problem 16:41:55 AndyS: eventually, we need to have types 16:42:10 q+ 16:42:16 ack niklasl 16:42:19 q+ 16:42:28 ... if you have occurrences of the same thing, you at some point want to know what they refer to, which is the trype 16:42:32 s/trype/type/ 16:42:47 q+ 16:43:08 ack tl 16:43:40 present+ 16:43:57 tl: we could use literals to refer to types 16:44:03 q+ 16:44:17 Pat wrote: all we are ever needing to identify are graph tokens, not abstract graphs. You name a graph by identifying a token of it. 16:44:42 ack AndyS 16:44:57 AndyS: a literal is self denoting 16:45:10 +1 to Andy, they are all self-denoting 16:45:13 ack ora 16:45:39 "the meaning of meaning is its meaning" 16:45:44 ora: I'd like to know the way forward, considering these discussions 16:45:51 ... we need to look at use cases 16:46:08 ... are there UCs that require one of these proposals 16:46:26 ... also what these proposals would look like in terms of abstract syntax 16:46:58 ... how much things should be changed/extended 16:47:00 One problem with using use cases to push everytthing is that several views of quoted triples are equally expressive. 16:47:06 ... especially for nested grapsh 16:47:14 s/grapsh/graphs/ 16:47:29 ... I propose as homework: 16:47:47 My slides at 32 and 33 address "what do we do now" (and the use cases we've collected are covered). But there are questions in those two slides. 16:47:47 ... find what use cases are supported by each proposal 16:48:25 +100 for what are people currently doing with RDF 16:49:09 q+ 16:49:21 ack niklasl 16:49:39 ... and to understand the abstract syntax better to know what it implies for the work to be done 16:50:18 niklasl: with my proposal, the case of occurrences come for free 16:50:32 ... I'm not sure it implies changes to the abstract syntax 16:50:40 q+ 16:51:14 q- 16:51:16 q+ 16:51:17 q+ 16:52:00 ack tl 16:52:05 ... I would need to know the implementation [not sure I got the point] 16:52:47 ack olaf 16:52:53 tl: we may not need any change [to semantics] if nested graphs are just surface syntax 16:53:09 q+ 16:53:12 olaf: about what ora mentioned and gkellogg 16:53:21 q+ 16:53:42 ... anything we propose can be defined in terms of the existing concepts or concepts that we build on top 16:53:48 correctio tl: we may not need any change [to abstract syntax] if nested graphs are just surface syntax 16:54:04 ... I disagree with tl about the nested graphs proposal requiring no change 16:54:18 ... but that's my interpretation from the examples 16:54:38 that's also my interpretation 16:54:54 ... on the ML tl's proposal seemed to change the definition of an RDF graph 16:55:12 ... to include nested graphs as terms 16:55:42 ack AndyS 16:56:02 tl: at line 215 of my example file, there is something releveant 16:56:27 ack niklasl 16:56:35 AndyS: I don't find the large examples particularly useful 16:56:55 niklasl: the syntax I propose reduces to Nquads 16:57:16 ... I don't think my proposal requires additions to the syntax but maybe to the semantics 16:57:56 ... I'm not strictly focused on blank graphs 16:58:46 ora: now we need to understand better the merrits of each of these proposals 16:59:47 ... I'm giving a talk tomorrow about OneGraph 17:00:11 enrico: the agenda of the semantics TF is to attend ora's talk! 17:01:07 Yes, thanks all! 17:01:20 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:01:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:03:12 s|pfps's slides: https://www.w3.org/mid/5c79099d-d2d6-957f-804e-d04d1cc2af4a@gmail.com| 17:03:14 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:03:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:04:52 s|[ tl's screenshared doc will be posted to the list, and will appear within https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Oct/ ]|tl's slides: https://www.w3.org/mid/696F5022-62FD-4A07-A070-1F77C62C4AB3@rat.io 17:04:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:04:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:06:09 s|topic: Discussion|subtopic: Discussion 17:06:10 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:06:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:08:08 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-rdf-star-minutes.html 17:08:23 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2023/11/02-rdf-star-minutes.html 17:08:25 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:08:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:08:37 zakim, end meeting 17:08:37 As of this point the attendees have been TallTed, pfps, ora, AZ, tl, fsasaki, enrico, draggett, pchampin, AndyS, olaf, niklasl, gkellogg, Souri, Dominik_T, gtw, doerthe, ktk 17:08:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:08:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/26-rdf-star-minutes.html Zakim 17:08:46 I am happy to have been of service, pchampin; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:08:46 Zakim has left #rdf-star 17:08:57 zakim, bye 17:08:59 RRSAgent, bye 17:08:59 I see no action items s/[TOBE COMPLTED]/???