25 October 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima
dape, luca_barbato

Meeting minutes



<kaz> agenda for today

Ege: Agenda is there way in advance.. please add to the list if needed

Next week

Ege: Question about next week meeting. Public holiday in Germany.
… I cannot chair

Koster: Not sure if there are enough people

Ege: <checking>
… seems enough people ... so we could have a meeting

Mizushima: Japanese holiday is later next week


<kaz> Oct-18

Ege: approved

Ongoing General Topics

Ege: For the 1.1 publication we agreed on it last week
… there are some pending PRs

PR 1903 - Delete NAMESPACES.md

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1903 - Delete NAMESPACES.md

Ege: Agreed already last week. Any objections ?
… none -> merging

PR 1904 - Copy over last changes to ontology documents

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1904 - Copy over last changes to ontology documents

Ege: replicates content to publication folder
… not really needed but for the sake of consistently we should do it
… no objections -> merging

PR 10 in WoT - Moving td 1.0 related contents to td 1.1 table

<kaz> wot-resources PR 10 - Moving td 1.0 related contents to td 1.1 table

Ege: Discussion in main call
… table with ttl. resources ... should be in 1.0 readme
… PR moves content accordingly

Ege: Kaz, can we merge it in this call?

Kaz: Good question
… personally I am okay
… I think we can merge it
… no objections -> merging

<kaz> i|wot-resources PR 10 - Moving td 1.0 related contents to td 1.1 table|

PR 1906 - TM Schema regex error

<kaz> wot-thing-description PR 1906 - TM Schema regex error #1906

Ege: Discussion issue
… late but somewhat a bug
… in TD spec we use a regex
… this regex causes problems with slashes
… e.g., in golang validators
… it fails in Rust also

Luca: Rust does not have regex ... it boils down to a different issue

Ege: according to JSON schema what we are doing is correct
… the problem is it fails in golang

Cristiano: It could be solved by finding workaround or fixing golang

Luca: We could try to setup/point to given JSON schema validator
… it should not be our job to fix implementations

<mahda-noura> +1

Luca: BTW, Rust implementation is fine
… ack luca_barbato
… we could look into libraries that work ... to have better knowledge

Ege: There is a tool that tests 1 schema across multiple implementations

<Ege> w3c/wot-thing-description#1749

<luca_barbato> bowtie-json-schema/bowtie

Cristiano: we can list supported validators and maybe mark the ones we know that have problems
… I don't think we should fix the JSON schema

Ege: I was looking for other regex
… since our regex is not perfect
… should we keep the *old* regex?
… or should we make it more correct?

Cristiano: I am in favor to be more correct

Ege: I will try to fix it
… I appreciate if someone can help with regexes
… Kaz, is this still fine to update resources that are not index.html

Kaz: Yes, we should/could maintain the resource files separately from the spec itself under /TR. That is part of the reasons we split the schema definition from the spec./

PR 1909 - Inconsistencies in wotsec ontology

<kaz> Kaz: That's also part of my reason I suggest we shift to the easier namespace definition (=/ns/wot) to make the maintenance easier, but let's see the response from PLH about that point.

wot-thing-description PR 1909 - Inconsistencies in wotsec ontology

Ege: Mahda can you explain the issue

Mahda: checked ontology file ...
… class PopSecurityScheme .. is commented out but still referenced
… it causes the ontology to link URI that do not exist
… I removed those references in the domain

Ege: For these ontology files we do not enough testing
… we can/should improve there

Ege: This PR also fixes OAuth2SecuritySchema .. missing vocabulary terms

Ege: I think Sebastian was manually generating the PNGs
… not sure what causes the issue

Mahda: in SVG not everything is considered
… for example if it is not linked/used
… the SVG lacks information
… like in the case of the proxy term

Daniel: PNGs were manually updated over the time

Mahda: The layout is also different ...now I know the reason

Ege: but content is also different .. sometimes

Ege: Will talk with Sebastian
… suggest to generate SVG again and cross-check the results
… w.r.t to PR 1909 I think we can merge
… no objections -> merging

Issue 1908

<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1908 - Inconsistencies in wotsec ontology

Ege: Can you explain the proxy issue again?

<kaz> wot-thing-description/ontology/wotsec.ttl

Mahda: looking at "proxy" in wotsec.ttl
… it has no range therefore it cannot connect to anything
… it should be linked with security and something else.. but something else does not exist
… rest is correct.. since other security schemes are subclasses

Ege: Mahda can you provide a fix?

Mahda: SHACL file has same issue

Ege: adding a range would suffice?

Mahda: Will check with McCool

Issue 1907

<kaz> wot-thing-description Issue 1907 - Security Figure is missing proxy term

Ege: looking at issue 1907

Mahda: I think I can provide a fix
… using dataProperty instead

Binding Templates

Figure Fix

wot-binding-template PR 311 - Replace to 'Custom devices' in Figure 1

Ege: same done in Architecture
… merged PR in main call
… replacing "Philips Hue" with "Custom devices"
… for me it is fine
… no objections -> merging

Guide document

wot-binding-templates PR 298 - Add additional explanations to vocabulary creation guide

Ege: PR is still open

BACnet PRs

<kaz> wot-binding-templates PR 307 - [BACnet] Fix examples and one formulation

Ege: we still wait for feedback

Koster: I think it is straightforward enough to merge

Ege: Okay than we can merge PR 307, w3c/wot-binding-templates#307

PR 308

<Ege> wot-binding-templates PR 308 - Adding BACnet JSON Schema

Ege: as per last week discussion I removed the Data Type Mappings from the jsonschema

Koster: I'm ok with merging it

<Ege> w3c/wot-binding-templates#309

PR 309

<kaz> wot-binding-templates PR 309 - Reorganizing uri variables section

<kaz> related Issue 302 - URI Variable for BACnet

Ege: We rely on the default key to signal that if the consumer does not set a value the driver is going to use the declared default (see the examples about covIncrement)

Daniel: I'm wondering what lead to this solution

Luca: In the issue I provided the full example, it boils down to put the vocabulary terms involving the binding protocol only in the form, so consumers unaware of the binding can still safely consume the affordance as long there are forms it can consume

Luca: if there are vocabulary terms in the affordance, the strict degraded consumption rule would require to ignore completely that affordance

Koster: We need to formalise the data mapping of dataschemas and protocol side-channels

Koster: I agree we need to keep the concerns separated

Koster: For the problem at hand with the bacnet bindings, the consumer that uses the form has to be aware of the side-channel and we should not pretend the uriVariable are something they aren't

Ege: <update the issue> I'd keep it open so we can get more feedback on the issue since it is a big change from the initial proposal

TD Next

Work Items

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/planning/ThingDescription/work-items.md

Ege: this is the planning document, we need to prioritise the topics. Please only change the md

<Ege> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf#Planning_for_new_charter_workstreams_.2845_mins.29

Ege: We trasferred the content of the wiki in the md

Ege: We should not have too many work items

Ege: We have 3 categories so far: Usabilty&Design, New Features, Supporting Work Items

Luca&Ege: <shuffle items across the categories>

Mahda: About timeseries and historical data, what is the intention?

Mahda: Do we want to add additional vocabulary terms?

Ege: Maybe, depends on what we want to support, we need to be able to describe the different use-case

Mahda: We have already properties, how they need to change to fit historical data and time series?

Ege: we can go into details later on

Koster: There is a use-case to map a property and how the property change over time

Koster: And would be good to have a standardise way to describe the instant property and the property over time

<Ege> btw webthings.io has some solutions for the history of events, actions, property changes

Kaz: We can look into known solutions like ECHONET for those items

PR 1112

wot PR 1112 - Historical data workitem analysis

Ege: We can use historical_data-explainer.md as template for the other work items

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).