14:50:52 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:50:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/25-maturity-irc 14:50:56 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:51:27 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 14:52:06 meeting: Maturity Model 14:52:06 present+ 14:52:06 chair: Fazio 14:52:10 Agenda+ Equity Subgroup Update from Sheri 14:52:34 agenda+ New Business 14:52:49 Agenda+ GitHub Issue #140 Executive sponsor in place vs Executive leadership in place 14:52:49 /issues/140 -> #140 14:53:02 Agenda+ GitHub Issue #142 Business strategy includes accessibility as a market differentiator 14:53:03 /issues/142 -> #142 14:53:12 Agenda+ GitHub Issue #143 communities of practice. Question, communities we serve 14:53:12 /issues/143 -> #143 14:53:21 Agenda + GitHub Issue #145 Linking would make it easier to use 14:53:21 /issues/145 -> #145 14:53:33 Agenda + GitHub Issue #153 The effectiveness of knowledge/skill acquisition should be measured 14:53:33 /issues/153 -> #153 14:58:14 sheribyrne has joined #maturity 14:58:21 present_ 14:58:24 present+ 15:01:26 CharlesL has joined #maturity 15:01:33 janina has joined #maturity 15:01:36 present+ 15:01:38 nadine has joined #maturity 15:01:40 Lionel_Wolberger_ has joined #maturity 15:01:50 present+ 15:03:07 present+ 15:03:17 jkline has joined #maturity 15:03:37 +present 15:03:44 present+ 15:03:47 present+ 15:03:52 scribe+ 15:03:56 present+ 15:04:01 scribe+ 15:04:25 zakim, next item 15:04:25 agendum 1 -- Equity Subgroup Update from Sheri -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:05:34 q+ Who does equity report to? 15:05:37 sheribyrne: The Equity subgroup is looking at Equity all across W3C, not just accessibility 15:06:14 q+ 15:07:08 ... currently reporting to AGWG and there was suggestion that it report to some other group 15:08:03 janina: Historically in WAI APA is the right place, as APA is chartered for cross-organizational review 15:08:10 ... if not WAI then perhaps TAG 15:09:07 ack Fazio 15:09:13 q? 15:09:35 janina: I will bring this up at the WAI-CC 15:09:50 sheribyrne: Equity was considering a maturity model 15:09:58 ... I suggested two alternatives 15:10:17 ... 1 they provide proof points as an extension of our Maturity Model 15:10:28 q+ 15:10:28 ...2 they provide proof points that we incorporate into our model 15:10:35 ... either way, they need to define their proof points 15:10:43 ... and the group has begun that work. 15:11:12 ... One issue that Equity felt strongly about, is improving on the phrase 'proof points' 15:11:12 I don't like our jargon either 15:11:26 ... they argue that it does not translate well into other languages, as well as other objections 15:11:40 ... they propose 'evidence' perhaps as an alternative 15:12:18 ... Tzviya noted that sustainability also wants to contribute proof points (or whatever they will be called) 15:12:20 q? 15:12:50 q? 15:12:52 queue+ 15:13:31 janina: The alternatives sound good, either extension or incorporation 15:13:46 q+ 15:13:49 ... we did think this could fit under culture 15:13:51 q+ 15:13:59 ... regarding 'proof points' vs 'evidence' 15:14:12 ... evidence is a collective noun, while proof points are quite specific 15:14:29 ... will it say 'evidence points' for example? We need to consider and propose 15:14:49 Q? 15:14:52 ... Also noting, this is a positive sign 15:15:06 ack jkline 15:15:07 jkline: Agree it's a positive sign 15:15:34 ... not wedded to 'proof points'. 'Evidence points' could work as well. I am open to this change as long as we find the appropriate terminology. 15:16:09 ... I do want to ensure that we remain focused on 'support of building accessible IT and the organizational capacity and maturity within organizations' 15:16:21 ack Fazio 15:16:34 ... these concerns for equity, sustainability might divert us from that goal 15:17:07 Fazio: Sheri gave a great presentation on LLMs at M-Enabling where Equity played a big role 15:17:43 ... I have found in my sharing this model in LATAM and elsewhere, the language is found to be a bit hard to grasp 15:18:42 ack jan 15:19:12 sheribyrne: I did hear an opinion that it will be eaiser for the USA Federal Govt to adopt this, if it is one model 15:19:46 jkline: Keep the end users in mind. It is already not exactly lightweight. 15:20:11 ... the more it has, the more people might be reluctant to pick it up 15:20:18 sheribyrne: Note that it is modular, and people can pick up the part that they want 15:20:18 q? 15:20:32 ack sheribyrne 15:20:52 q? 15:20:54 sheribyrne: I find that 'evidence' is a non-countable noun, so it can be singular or collective 15:21:39 q? 15:21:40 q+ 15:21:43 ... in addition, we are talking about adding proof points to all dimensions 15:21:53 ack janina 15:21:58 q+ 15:22:09 janina: Is evidence sufficient? It does not quantify easily 15:22:19 sheribyrne: We can number them with unique identifiers 15:22:55 ack ja 15:23:50 regrets: Stacey 15:23:58 q? 15:24:13 Topic: General discussion of the term 'proof points' 15:24:25 janina: We need to discuss and consider the choices 15:24:46 ack ja 15:24:47 Lionel_Wolberger_: See above in the minutes for some discussion on 'evidence' vs. 'proof points' 15:25:27 ack Lionel_Wolberger_ 15:25:42 q? 15:27:39 zakim, next item 15:27:39 agendum 2 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:28:38 Sheri now in the audit committee for W3c 15:29:42 discussed how to obtain grant funding for DEI activities 15:32:17 zakim, next item 15:32:17 agendum 3 -- GitHub Issue #140 Executive sponsor in place vs Executive leadership in place -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:32:18 /issues/140 -> #140 15:32:26 GITHUB Issues 15:32:39 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/140 15:32:40 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/140 -> Issue 140 Executive sponsor in place' vs 'Executive leadership in place' (by clapierre) [Editorial] 15:32:45 Issue 140 - Exec leadershiip 15:34:28 Exec leadership vs exec sponsorship terminology...in discussion 15:36:42 Discussion on new terminology....leadership vs. champion discussion. 15:39:33 references provided on where exec sponsorship appears 15:40:44 Close issue... don't see a significant path to improve current terminology 15:41:51 Zakim, next item 15:41:51 agendum 4 -- GitHub Issue #142 Business strategy includes accessibility as a market differentiator -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:41:52 /issues/142 -> #142 15:42:06 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/142 15:42:06 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/142 -> Issue 142 'Business strategy includes accessibility as a market differentiator' (by clapierre) [Editorial] 15:47:57 Need the term "promoting" in the proof point 15:48:53 Business strategy includes promoting accessibility as a market differentiator' 15:48:59 will edit 3.7.1 Proof Points to say Business strategy includes promoting digital accessibility as market differentiator 15:49:31 Language to be revised. Issue closed. 15:50:17 zakim, next item 15:50:17 agendum 5 -- GitHub Issue #143 communities of practice. Question, communities we serve -- taken up [from Fazio] 15:50:18 /issues/143 -> #143 15:51:08 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/143 15:51:09 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/143 -> Issue 143 communities of practice. Question, communities we serve? (by clapierre) [Editorial] 15:55:03 Janina..get support from equity group on communities of practice. 15:55:56 we agree this could be clearer. 15:57:25 Janina provides wikipedia definition 15:59:40 zakim, end meeting 15:59:40 As of this point the attendees have been Fazio, sheribyrne, janina, CharlesL, present, Lionel_Wolberger_, jkline, nadine 15:59:43 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:59:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/25-maturity-minutes.html Zakim 15:59:59 I am happy to have been of service, jkline; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:59:59 Zakim has left #maturity 16:02:32 rrsagent, bye 16:02:32 I see no action items