WoT Security

23 October 2023


Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Mahda_Noura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes





PR 232 - changed requirement section to analysis

McCool: proposal to change the "Requirements" section to "Analysis" section to avoid confusion


Preparation for the next Use Case call

McCool: we had discussion on use cases around Discovery
… what we can do now is creating issues on wot-use-cases repo

mn: how to identify the use cases?
… any strategy there?

McCool: had discussion on identifiers during the Use Cases call last week
… need to have some unique ID for each use case

wot-usecases PR 231 - Capture Discovery Requirements

mn: focusing on the existing ones?

McCool: in any case, we need to have some unique ID for each use case to identify all the use cases
… also should clarify which building block is related
… clear statement for the requirements, and unique ID for use cases
… now we have the section 3 as "Analysis"

WoT Security and Privacy Guidelines - 3. Analysis

WoT Use Cases Issue 229

<McCool> wot-usecases Issue 229 - Consolidate security discussion in use cases document

Kaz: The link Lagally mentioned is a bit strange and bigger than "use cases issues related to security"

McCool: Yeah, we need to think about how to deal with this

Kaz: let's put a comment about that then

McCool: ok. we're reorganizing this now..."

McCool's comment

McCool: would suggest we define categories of use cases
… and think about which use cases belong to which category

Kaz: ok
… and one specific use case could belong to multiple categories, technically

McCool: yeah

McCool: (then creates another new Issue, "Create Security Categories for Use Cases", for wot-usecases)
… (then put a list of tasks for that purpose, e.g., creating a list of categories)

wot-usecases Issue 232 - Create Security Categories for Use Cases

McCool: would like to think about some initial list of categories
… e.g., private, safety-critical, business-critical, ...

McCool's comments on the initial list of categories

Kaz: if we would like to start with those three as the starting point, maybe it would make sense to use the wide review viewpoints as well
… e.g., privacy-critical, security-critical, internationalization-critical and accessibility-critical

Descriptions for WoT Use Cases

Kaz: btw, the current WoT Use Cases document has section 2 as "Domain Specific Use Cases" and section 3 as "Use Cases for multiple domains"
… but some of the contents are not "use cases" themselves but rather "specific technology" or "technology area"
… so need refactoring of the contents too

McCool: yeah, there is some mixing up

Kaz: note there are "Accessibility" and "Security" as part of the section 3 already

Requirements section

WoT Use Cases - 4.2.6 Security

McCool: regarding the requirements for security
… should have description on the potential threats
… also the table on the threats (from the WoT Security Note)
… (adds the link from WoT Use Cases document to WoT Security document)

WoT Security and Requirements Guidelines - 3.2.5 Threats

more specifically, "WoT Interface Threat - Unauthorized WoT Interface Access"

<McCool> New Issue 233 on wot-use cases (based on today's discussion) - Template for Category/Risk org for Security Requiremens


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).