14:57:52 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:57:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-hcls-irc 14:57:58 rrsagent, make logs public 14:58:20 Meeting: FHIR RDF 14:58:24 Chair: David Booth 15:04:28 Topic: FHIR Turtle parser 15:04:34 tim: Coming along 15:06:54 Topic: Element definition summary flags 15:06:56 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/133 15:07:19 tim: Resource properties can be designated for inclusion in the summary of the resource, e.g., pt name. 15:07:24 ... Should it go into the ont? 15:07:47 ... Could add an annotation to the property restriction. But it makes the turtle more verbose, using OWL. 15:09:21 tim: The first way I proposed doesn't work. But the latest does. A kind of reification. 15:10:04 ... If we want to have another turtle file that has this metadata, IDK how to reference the property restrictions in another OWL file. 15:10:45 eric: One thing to check: Whether we have machinery to emit the RDF representaiton of the profiles. 15:11:01 ... In principle, the same RDF-ization rules applies to the profiles as the profile instances. 15:11:23 ... If so, then we'll already have that info in it. That might be the shortest path to a solution. 15:12:13 tim: This summary flag is actually in the profile, but I don't see the connection between the pt profile and the pt class in the ont. 15:12:29 dbooth: That sounds like an omission. 15:12:44 eric: We added fhir:link other places where we needed to connect things. 15:13:20 ... Wonder if the profile name in the RDF-ified version should be the same as the class, or link to the class somehow. 15:14:03 ... Probably no glue between the element definitions in the profile and the class constraints in the OWL class. 15:14:58 tim: Original use case is if I have a set of patients in a list, and I only want to show the summary properties. 15:15:54 ... But I think that's doable w the structure def as long as it is connected to the class. 15:16:41 ... I think a link from the profile to the class would be enough, as an alternative to annotating the properties in the class. 15:17:37 eric: Another alternative: put the annotations onto the shex representation. 15:17:47 dbooth: Feels like it should be part of the profile. 15:19:02 eric: Code in HAPI only works w the resources, pre-baked representations of the resources -- reflection-like clsses. Can't handle things that don't already have a java object. 15:19:26 tim: Makes me think in general: What is the relationship of a profile and the class? 15:19:53 ... A profile in the ont is a piece of info, but a pt class represents a pt record. 15:21:01 eric: Playground code turns FHIR JSON objects into RDF. Maybe that would be a place to start? 15:22:42 dbooth: Are we generating profiles in RDF? 15:22:48 tim: I don't see examples of element definitions. 15:23:20 ... But I see examples of structure defs that are in Turtle. 15:24:06 eric: That suggests that there's code for parsing structure defs of structure defs. 15:24:17 tim: Yes, but I don't see examples of element defs. 15:25:05 ... Actually I see some, but not Turtle versions. 15:25:31 ... Is there some part of an element def that could point to a class in the FHIR ont. 15:25:56 rob: Could put an extension in there. 15:29:26 tim: There are XML representations of the pt record and the structure def of pt. Are they different? If so, might want to connect them in XML also. 15:30:01 eric: If I have a profile of a person, structure def and instance of a person (Bob), and resource type Patient. Is that the glue you mean? 15:31:13 tim: Not an instance of a resource. In RDF we have a pt class, and an instance of a structure def that is for a pt. 15:33:20 eric: I don't think there's an analog to the pt class in JSON or XML. 15:33:55 dbooth: Agreed. 15:35:44 eric: What should we call that relationship between the structure def? 15:36:01 dbooth: It's a relationship, we could make up a name for it. 15:39:32 eric: Resource can have 4 defined-bys: structure def, shex, XML schema, JSON schema. 15:40:52 ... Then there's some other relationship that points to the OWL class. 15:41:21 eric: profile-validated-by relationship could be on the shex, XML schema or JSON schema. 15:42:09 ... PROV ont can say where this thing came from. Could point from resource node back to the structure def. 15:42:26 s/PROV/PROV prov:derived-from/ 15:43:27 tim: I've been working on a linked data browser, and I want to list patients, but only the summary properties. 15:45:03 dbooth: Propose that tim try it out, hypothesize a link. 15:45:30 ... and see how it works out. If it works out well, propose it as our solution, then we'll decide where to generate it. 15:47:16 Topic: Eric's linked data browser 15:51:38 eric: Right now only works with TriG 15:54:19 dbooth: Running all in the browser? Eric: Yes. 15:54:59 eric: CORS causes lots of errors. Works best on the same host. 15:57:16 TallTed has joined #hcls 15:57:42 eric: example: https://fdpcloud.org/clickable/client/RenderClickableLd?browse=https%3A%2F%2Ffdpcloud.org%2Fsites%2Fgithub%2FStaticFDP%2Fstatic-fdp%2FFairDataPoint.ttl 15:57:53 ... It helps find things that are broken. 15:58:54 tim: I've been working on an EHR skeleton, all client-side JS, but pulling in the entire ont and can browse all of the instances of all the example resource instances. 15:59:55 eric: Can you navigate from patient to observations? 15:59:59 tim: Yes. 16:00:52 ... THere's a typescript library if you're using the FHIR resource. But if you have a pt type, how can you iterate through them and list the properties of each type without reflection? But I can do that in RDF. 16:02:29 ADJOURNED 16:02:47 Present: Tim Pruhomme, Rob Hausam, EricP, David Booth, Gaurav Vaidya 16:03:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:03:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:03:59 ACTION: Tim to demo his browser next week 16:04:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:04:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-hcls-minutes.html dbooth