16:55:01 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:55:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-aria-irc 16:55:05 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:55:06 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), spectranaut_ 16:55:10 meeting: ARIA WG 16:55:14 chair: ValerieYoung 16:55:19 agendabot, find agenda 16:55:19 spectranaut_, OK. This may take a minute... 16:55:20 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/ecffaf8b-8aa7-4acc-b238-6088a86cf12f/20231019T130000/ 16:55:20 clear agenda 16:55:20 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://tinyurl.com/mzsdx25n 16:55:20 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://tinyurl.com/23kszfj5 16:55:22 agenda+ -> WPT Open PRs https://bit.ly/ARIA-WPT 16:55:25 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 16:55:28 agenda+ -> Can we remove this standing issue: Discussion tracking for ARIA Notification proposal https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1957 16:55:31 agenda+ -> Consider allowing combobox to open menus https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2050 16:55:34 agenda+ -> Requesting changes to new implementation-blocked merging process https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2055 16:55:37 agenda+ -> Update from PR #1018 for nameFrom: heading https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1860 16:55:40 agenda+ -> associationlist and related roles have tediously long names https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1662 16:55:43 agenda+ -> describe grouping (and naming of the group) for exclusive accordions
https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/509 16:55:46 agenda+ -> "Radio" role exemption from required context https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2058 16:55:49 agenda+ -> Title should not contribute to accName for generic elements https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/506 16:55:52 agenda+ -> ARIAMixin has many integer attributes with string types and uses DOMString? incorrectly https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1110 16:56:01 agenda? 16:59:08 scotto has joined #aria 17:00:06 Francis_Storr has joined #aria 17:00:28 present+ 17:01:09 MarioBatusic has joined #aria 17:02:54 scribe: dmontalvo 17:02:57 zakim, take up next 17:02:57 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://tinyurl.com/mzsdx25n -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:02:58 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 17:03:06 present+ 17:03:28 Valerie: From James Craig about computed role 17:04:23 JC: We made a change that host language may be account for these reserved roles with the intention of allowing testing things like computed role for HTML video. It will return HTML-Video. But that oculd only bve returned by the implementation 17:04:36 ... This is for Scott or someone who can write a PR to icorporate that 17:04:55 Valerie: Is it the idea to add a computed role? 17:05:00 JC: Yes, mainly for testability 17:05:13 Scott: We already have such thing, we just don't have this example 17:05:25 JC: There is a handful of ones that don't currently fit well 17:05:52 present+ 17:05:57 Valerie: ARIA 2065 -- I think this issue should just be some more clarification on the tree item role description 17:06:34 StefanS has joined #aria 17:06:43 Matt; I think it's probably that people want to deal with specifying the level in nested nodes 17:07:26 Stephan: I don't understand the issue. You have to use the group but the group cannot change the level. If you want to change the level you'd put the level in the treeitem 17:07:56 Matt: It's not a problem, just an interesting question. I think this needs agenda. It's a big mapping issue 17:08:00 Valerie: Added agenda 17:08:11 Valerie: ARIA 1064 17:08:13 StefanS_ has joined #aria 17:08:51 JC: There is also a related one. We need role computation algorithm 17:08:57 present+ 17:09:25 ... For some rule if it does not have a name it invalidates some other rules. There are conflicting rules and it's not clear which takes precedence 17:09:32 Valerie: Sounds like a larger iwssue 17:09:57 s/iwssue/issue/ 17:10:12 Valerie: ACCName 211 17:10:45 Scott: We talked about this in the editor's meeting as well 17:11:08 Valerie: Was someone assigned specifically. to remove details? 17:11:24 Matt_King has joined #aria 17:11:40 present+ 17:11:40 Scott: This should not be in details either. The hidden part is a known issue. The unambiguity is not 17:12:08 JC: Not clear what needs to be hidden. Conflicts with our most recent discussions 17:12:27 Valerie: I'll add agenda, can't remember what the solution was 17:12:33 JC: There isn't one 17:13:16 JC: It's possible we may want to add aria-hidden project if there's not one already 17:13:23 Valerie: I hear you 17:13:33 Valerie: ACCName 210 17:13:43 s/ACCName/AccName/g 17:14:09 JC: I assigned it to myself, feel free to milestone itit 17:14:18 Valerie: AccName 209 17:14:40 ... It's failing in all implementations. All agree that the spec is ambiguous in the opposite way that I interpreted 17:14:51 Valerie: Maybe someone from AccName should read it. Bryan? 17:14:54 present+ 17:14:56 Bryan: Yes, I will 17:15:18 JC: Maybe the implementations are what the spec intended. If Bryan agrees we can make an editorial changes 17:15:26 Bryan: Can you clarify on the GitHub issue? 17:15:35 Valerie: I'll add a comment and I'll mention you 17:16:08 Valerie: A bunch of Core-AAM editorial issues that we don't need to discuss here. Thanks James for raising these 17:16:31 zakim, take up next 17:16:31 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://tinyurl.com/23kszfj5 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:17:27 Valerie: A new definition for focusable in ARIA. Mario added this. 17:18:13 Mario: A short entry for the concept of focusable 17:18:35 ... Just to explain what it is and with a link to the relevant HTML 17:19:15 Valerie: Do you want reviewrs, Scott? 17:19:33 Scott: I think it's probably premature, I just did the work, not ready to merge 17:19:46 JC: Feel free to add me 17:20:02 Valerie: Even so, you can review 17:20:30 Valerie: A couple of updates to Core-AAM from a new contributor 17:20:42 ... We should get reviewers 17:21:05 Valerie: Also on Core-AAM, aria-haspopup mappings. I can review, we need another person 17:21:24 Francis: I can do it 17:21:36 JC: You can add me as well 17:22:02 Daniel: I'll double check that you're on the right team Francis 17:22:12 Valerie: Core-AAM @@@ Notifications 17:22:28 JC: This has been wrong for at least three years 17:23:28 Valerie: Rahim fixed to the wrong reference from text alternative to alternative text 17:23:46 JC: Authors should not be using such definitive terms, especially in an evergreen spec 17:23:58 Matt: But the language has to be definitive at the time it's written 17:24:11 ... IF there is not mapping at the time, what would have you written? 17:24:19 JC: I'd just left it blank 17:24:39 ... Even TBD is better than no mapping 17:25:05 Matt: No mapping I think is really useful information 17:26:34 JC: I don't think Geko and Chrome engineers look atCore-AAM to figure out what APIs there are in the platform, but just to resolve ambiguities. 17:27:03 Valerie: If there is a change on the language of these specs, they are just documenting the APIs and we need to talk about that. Can you open an issue? 17:27:49 Daniel: I could take a look 17:28:04 zakim, take up next 17:28:04 agendum 3 -- -> WPT Open PRs https://bit.ly/ARIA-WPT -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:28:42 JC: Do you think it's useful to include Core-AAM manuals? 17:29:00 JC: I pulled the Core-AAM label out of this, it's only two issues without that label 17:29:11 ... IF you are able to review these two, I think these are now ready to go 17:29:56 ... This is all what remains from P1 17:30:41 zakim, take up next 17:30:41 agendum 4 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:30:57 Valerie: Anything right now? 17:31:14 ... Let's keep in mind that rest of agenda may end up as Deep Dive 17:32:02 JC: One of the tasks for next year INterop project is that we need an accessibility object associated. It may be worthy to discuss which these would be appart from the obvious ones 17:32:18 ... This could also happen offline 17:33:20 ... For example, why do you need to have a group if there is already an aria-level? Is there a stack pointer that takes care of nested levels? 17:33:28 ... Rahim and I can talk about it 17:33:37 zakim, take up next 17:33:37 agendum 5 -- -> Can we remove this standing issue: Discussion tracking for ARIA Notification proposal https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1957 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:34:14 Valerie: I wonder what next steps are for the aria-notifications proposal 17:34:57 ... We have now a dedicated git repo but I don't see what has been done 17:35:15 Scott: I'm not driving this. As it's not part or ARIA any more, I don't think there is much I can do 17:35:19 zakim, take up next 17:35:19 agendum 6 -- -> Consider allowing combobox to open menus https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2050 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:35:44 Valerie: ARIA 2050 17:36:58 Scott: Thiss has been brought up because people they have what initially aperas like a list of options. Then they perform actions like search or the like. There''s a lot going on about the OpenUI select proposal. The intent was to create a new select element. The current one has a lot of parsing issues that don''t allow for these requirements 17:37:14 ... People generally want to create menus out of selects 17:37:22 ... They don't understand why this cannot be currently done 17:38:19 ... Sometimes that gets mapped to menuitem, others to check boxes. Different ATs treat these differently 17:38:48 ... Some people I tested it with did not notice the difference but they were able to discern the options they needed to select from 17:39:09 ... Is there a reason that combo boxes don't allow for menu pop-ups? 17:39:33 Matt: I remember specific individuals that didn't like the list of pop-ups that we originally proposed in 1.1 17:39:55 ... Originally it was just edit field and list box 17:40:01 +q 17:41:08 ... There was a lot of pressure to keep the list of allowed things as small as we possibly could 17:41:12 q+ to mention this is related to the platform-specific presentation issue 17:41:28 ... I am not sure how you would express multi values in a multi value container 17:41:58 q? 17:42:02 q+ 17:42:06 ... There are a few things mixed together in this issue. IF it was just the title, that wouldn't be a problem since it would be faitly straightforward 17:42:13 https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/467 17:42:30 JC: This is related to another HTML-AAM issue 17:43:02 ... We don't actually expose the default select as list box but as a pop-up button 17:43:18 siri has joined #aria 17:43:32 ack me 17:43:32 jcraig, you wanted to mention this is related to the platform-specific presentation issue 17:43:39 ... We did not discuss this on TPAC as I was not sure how to progress on this, we can join these two issues 17:44:14 Scott: I am not particularly looking for shortcomings. People seem to like how it's done in mac OS 17:44:39 ... The platforms went different ways for the same control, interoperability is difficult 17:44:59 JC: I think we can get clsoed to a point where it's usable 17:45:22 ... Permissiveness to some degree would help ifwe want shortcomings. 17:45:23 ack scotto 17:46:07 Scott: To Matt's comments, I want to verify that what you said in the other issue is true for menuitem checkbox 17:46:35 Matt: Go to notepad andd open format and then select wordwrap 17:46:44 ... I have been noticing more inconsistency lately 17:47:17 ... If you press escape that's undo. If there is a menu that doesn't close, I am not sure if the escape undoes what I did or just closes the menu 17:47:57 JC: It is expected on the mac that it both clloses it and it cancels whatever you did in the menu. Because this is not standard in all web components, that's not consistent 17:48:17 Matt: Sometimes I don't always remember 17:48:31 JC: It is a much higher cognitive load for screen reader users 17:49:11 Mario: The menus are for use the same as Matt said. I think it's the same in all desktop applications, why should it be totally different on the Web? 17:49:43 JC: Because attention to detail is more difficult. People who use frameworks rewrite their functionality 17:49:58 Scott: Or this is a designer's decission 17:50:11 Matt: Sometimes space checks but doesn't close and then Enter checks and closes 17:50:39 Space Enter Activates menu item, causing action to be executed, e.g., bold text, change font. Escape Closes submenu. Moves focus to parent menubar item. 17:51:06 +q 17:51:08 ... I do understand from a design perspective that pressing \enter checks and closes. You could not press Enter to close because that would uncheck it 17:51:18 Scott: That's a whole other issue 17:51:41 JC: You do what you click and then it closes. That comes from the 80s or 90s 17:52:52 Scott: Do we want to allow combo boxes to open menus? Do we want to make issues related to this subtopics? 17:53:01 s/That comes from the 80s or 90s/That has been an established UI pattern since the early 1980s/ 17:53:12 Matt: Not sure if that should include multiselect menus 17:53:47 s/You do what you click and then it closes/Menus have always operated on what was clicked and then close/ 17:53:51 jamesn has joined #aria 17:53:58 Scott: That's if we can identify a goupr as being multiselectable 17:54:25 Matt: I am happy to own it and go for it as long as it is constrained to what's currently in the title 17:54:41 Valerie: I'm assigning Matt to this issue 17:54:49 Scot: I'll create a separate issue based on discussion 17:55:02 zakim, take up next 17:55:02 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, dmontalvo 17:55:16 q? 17:56:13 Matt: We should put 2024 unless theer are some implementation issues 17:56:30 ack giacomo-petri 17:56:53 https://react.fluentui.dev/?path=/docs/components-combobox--default#multiselect and https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/menubar/examples/menubar-editor/ 17:57:00 Giacommo: These complex scenarios even if we manage them in a proper way from a semantic perspective, they might be quite challenging for keyboard users to understand how to operate with the widget 17:57:45 ... You don't know if the menu is closed, if there's multiple options, etc 17:58:06 ack gia 17:58:22 Scott: There are menuitem check boxes, they have the same hints from screen readers 17:58:35 Giacommo: Semantically they are, visually they might be challenging 17:58:50 Matt: We do have keyboard guidance 17:59:36 ... The choice in the toolbar we had to go with menuitemradio. It works , but it works differently than regular radios. They don't change automatically to selected when navigating them 18:00:10 Scott: This is a broader issue. Sometimes things look differently than how they're exposed and that's OK 18:00:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:00:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/19-aria-minutes.html dmontalvo 20:34:02 Francis_Storr has joined #aria 22:26:53 Francis_Storr has joined #aria