14:24:11 RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction 14:24:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/18-voiceinteraction-irc 14:24:22 meeting: Voice Interaction 14:24:25 chair: debbie 14:24:32 scribe:ddahl 14:37:11 topic: GitHub issues 14:39:22 debbie: will check on adding Noreen to GitHub repo 14:39:49 dirk: nwysel was the GitHub id 14:43:20 debbie: looks like I have permission 14:43:47 dirk: dirk and debbie should be administrators 14:44:20 ... if not, should know who to ask (Ian Jacobs) 14:46:09 dirk: issue 40 will stay open 14:47:02 dirk: progress on issue #45, proof of concept implementation 14:47:23 ...created the makefiles, main method that says hello 14:48:41 ...roles and responsibilities 14:48:48 jon: needs to finish this 14:49:39 ...will work on this in the next two days 14:50:01 dirk: should continue after we have examples 14:50:37 ...will review minutes and look for other issues, for example, userid 14:53:36 jim: is the Russian Doll principle that objects can be nested 14:53:39 ...is this well understood, do we need to reference? 14:54:00 debbie: we should reference 14:54:36 noreen: looking at notes from last week 14:54:42 s/week/call 14:56:21 topic: task force with OVON on use cases 14:57:04 jon: would there be interest and value is use case running against architecture? 14:57:31 s/architecture/OVON architecture 15:02:12 jim: append to Olga's diagram what would happen in layers and walk through use case in W3C 15:02:42 dirk: would be interested in overlap 15:03:25 jim: extend Olga's diagram to talk about what's happening behind the scenes 15:03:53 ...may affect user interface 15:04:50 debbie: not related to this group 15:05:09 jim: OVON task, for Olga and Noreen 15:05:45 ...the second task is to compare steps to our architecture 15:06:41 debbie: this might reveal gaps in architecture 15:07:10 dirk: might help to see if there are gaps 15:07:44 ...would be interested in understanding OVON and how OVON handles this use case 15:07:56 ...identify overlap 15:09:43 jim: we could join Olga's group next week 15:10:12 jon: Noreen could present Olga's work at next voice interaction meeting 15:11:15 debbie: should we invite anyone from OVON 15:12:06 dirk: can't join in two weeks because of time change 15:12:49 debbie: shift time one hour later until times are aligned for the next meeting 15:14:58 jon: we should invite Olga and Oita to our discussion 15:15:34 rrsagent, format minutes 15:15:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/18-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 15:29:01 jim: encryption of audio and encryption of whole message 15:29:25 noreen: transcript could also be encrypted 15:32:06 rrsagent, format minutes 15:32:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/18-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 15:32:15 rrsagent, make logs public 15:43:21 next time we will meet one hour later US time (because of the difference in time changes between the US and Europe) to discuss one or more OVON use cases 17:26:44 regrets: gerard 17:27:11 present: debbie, jon, jim, dirk, noreen 17:27:18 rrsagent, format minutes 17:27:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/18-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 17:37:45 ddahl has left #voiceinteraction