12 October 2023


David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam, Tim Prudhomme
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Turtle parser/serializer

tim: Next I want to work on converting strings to booleans, but need a quicker way to test.

dbooth: Can meet right after this call, with Deepak, to discuss.
… Any other questions about what should be done?

eric: Root nodes in R5 are now bnodes instead of IRIs.

jim: I think it was because in R4 it had BASE setting.

dbooth: Wny would lack of explicit BASE prevent it from getting an IRI? Wouldn't a default BASE be used?

eric: In theory yes, but if nothing sets the default base then the code does a bnode.


versus this: http://build.fhir.org/observation-example.ttl.html

jim: https://github.com/hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core/blob/master/org.hl7.fhir.r5/src/main/java/org/hl7/fhir/r5/elementmodel/TurtleParser.java#L405


dbooth: Any questions about how this should be handled?

jim: I have a SPARQL tool to skolemize all blank nodes into IRIs using UUIDs.
… I'd like to incorporate that if we continue in this direction?

eric: If you can emulate Harold's SNOMED example, that would be good. I was planning on showing something like that at AMIA.
… Need to have 3.5 hour video recorded by the 27th.

dbooth: Is it clear that we'd like to gen IRIs if we can?

jim: Yes, though if we skolemize it doesn't matter so much.

eric: These should be named nodes, because the REST API allows you to address them.
… Want to encourage people to do that.

dbooth: Will there be an issue of where the examples are hosted vs where the base needs to be?

eric: No, because they're all broken already.
… Would be great to fix this in the publication spec anyway, but reluctant to attack it.

dbooth: Should we show the BASE in the example?

eric: Not helpful. Base statement would have to be changed when you move the data, and a base comment would be more likely to cause confustion than help.

Concept IRIs

gaurav: CURIES have a prefix in the code. Wikidata has this same problem.
… Joe Flack from TIMS contacted me. They're trying to figure out what to do.
… He added a couple of proposals.


eric: Nothing says the code will be unique across all code systems.

gaurav: I recommend only having the code - -no prefix.

eric: I think stripping out the prefix effectively creates a comment field.

jim: If we allow CURIEs then we don't need system at all.

jim: Suggest we say that you can't put CURIE in a code field. You need to use only the code.

AGREED: you can't put CURIE in a code field. You need to use only the code.

ACTION: DBooth to create jira ticket to add this clarification to rdf.html page

ACTION: Eric to reach out to CSIRO group about CURIES and our FHIR RDF decision

gaurav: Will this affect their triples?

jim: Those are hard coded to use the right RDF namespace.

tim: Is that because someone is putting it into the system and code, but need a process to turn it into RDF links.

jim: Ideally there should be code that pulls the IRI stem and converts the JSON to FHIR RDF using them.

Jira issues

gaurav: Currently need to login to gitlab. But cannot edit a file.
… Cannot open in web UID.

rob: I always do it in a local copy.

gaurav: I tried pushing changes, but it says I don't have permission.

rob: They make a new supposedly simpler procedure. Ask Jessica Bota how to do it.


Eric: ADHRC issue text:


gaurav: On vac end of next week for two weeks.


Summary of action items

  1. DBooth to create jira ticket to add this clarification to rdf.html page
  2. Eric to reach out to CSIRO group about CURIES and our FHIR RDF decision
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: AGREED, dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim, rob, tim

All speakers: AGREED, dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim, rob, tim

Active on IRC: dbooth