15:00:23 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:00:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/12-hcls-irc 15:00:29 rrsagent, make logs public 15:01:22 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:02:19 Chair: David Booth 15:07:02 Topic: Turtle parser/serializer 15:08:23 tim: Next I want to work on converting strings to booleans, but need a quicker way to test. 15:11:56 dbooth: Can meet right after this call, with Deepak, to discuss. 15:12:43 ... Any other questions about what should be done? 15:14:21 eric: Root nodes in R5 are now bnodes instead of IRIs. 15:15:01 jim: I think it was because in R4 it had BASE setting. 15:17:22 dbooth: Wny would lack of explicit BASE prevent it from getting an IRI? Wouldn't a default BASE be used? 15:17:55 eric: In theory yes, but if nothing sets the default base then the code does a bnode. 15:18:55 https://hl7.org/fhir/R4/observation-example.ttl.html 15:19:24 versus this: http://build.fhir.org/observation-example.ttl.html 15:20:05 jim: https://github.com/hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core/blob/master/org.hl7.fhir.r5/src/main/java/org/hl7/fhir/r5/elementmodel/TurtleParser.java#L405 15:20:14 https://github.com/hapifhir/org.hl7.fhir.core/blob/master/org.hl7.fhir.r5/src/main/java/org/hl7/fhir/r5/elementmodel/TurtleParser.java#L320 15:22:55 dbooth: Any questions about how this should be handled? 15:23:43 jim: I have a SPARQL tool to skolemize all blank nodes into IRIs using UUIDs. 15:24:22 ... I'd like to incorporate that if we continue in this direction? 15:25:00 eric: If you can emulate Harold's SNOMED example, that would be good. I was planning on showing something like that at AMIA. 15:25:31 ... Need to have 3.5 hour video recorded by the 27th. 15:26:07 dbooth: Is it clear that we'd like to gen IRIs if we can? 15:26:17 jim: Yes, though if we skolemize it doesn't matter so much. 15:26:30 eric: These should be named nodes, because the REST API allows you to address them. 15:26:47 ... Want to encourage people to do that. 15:27:53 dbooth: Will there be an issue of where the examples are hosted vs where the base needs to be? 15:28:05 eric: No, because they're all broken already. 15:28:25 ... Would be great to fix this in the publication spec anyway, but reluctant to attack it. 15:29:43 dbooth: Should we show the BASE in the example? 15:31:29 eric: Not helpful. Base statement would have to be changed when you move the data, and a base comment would be more likely to cause confustion than help. 15:33:23 Topic: Concept IRIs 15:34:31 gaurav: CURIES have a prefix in the code. Wikidata has this same problem. 15:34:48 ... Joe Flack from TIMS contacted me. They're trying to figure out what to do. 15:36:17 ... He added a couple of proposals. 15:36:34 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/127 15:39:39 eric: Nothing says the code will be unique across all code systems. 15:40:18 gaurav: I recommend only having the code - -no prefix. 15:41:42 eric: I think stripping out the prefix effectively creates a comment field. 15:44:09 jim: If we allow CURIEs then we don't need system at all. 15:45:21 jim: Suggest we say that you can't put CURIE in a code field. You need to use only the code. 15:45:38 AGREED: you can't put CURIE in a code field. You need to use only the code. 15:45:43 rrsagent, pointer? 15:45:43 See https://www.w3.org/2023/10/12-hcls-irc#T15-45-43 15:49:33 ACTION: DBooth to create jira ticket to add this clarification to rdf.html page 15:54:19 ACTION: Eric to reach out to CSIRO group about CURIES and our FHIR RDF decision 15:55:07 gaurav: Will this affect their triples? 15:55:18 jim: Those are hard coded to use the right RDF namespace. 15:55:50 tim: Is that because someone is putting it into the system and code, but need a process to turn it into RDF links. 15:56:27 jim: Ideally there should be code that pulls the IRI stem and converts the JSON to FHIR RDF using them. 15:57:44 Topic: Jira issues 15:58:13 gaurav: Currently need to login to gitlab. But cannot edit a file. 15:58:30 ... Cannot open in web UID. 15:58:42 rob: I always do it in a local copy. 15:59:01 gaurav: I tried pushing changes, but it says I don't have permission. 15:59:40 rob: They make a new supposedly simpler procedure. Ask Jessica Bota how to do it. 16:01:45 Topic: CURIEs 16:01:55 Eric: ADHRC issue text: 16:01:56 https://hackmd.io/xLPfK2hxS3mhdIIfKQu1xA 16:02:57 gaurav: On vac end of next week for two weeks. 16:04:28 ADJOURNED 16:04:55 Present: David Booth, Gaurav Vaidya, Tim Prudhomme, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam, EricP 16:05:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/12-hcls-minutes.html dbooth